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Entries and Past Performances BELMONT PARK SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Wi: ll.KAR; TRACK good. | I The figures under the heading "Rec. in the entries belcw shew the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1922, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76160 IS FIHST IXDEX OF 1924! 796S6 IS FIRST H f UMBER OF JUNE. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. -nhicago time. 1:30. C?S"pcriur mud run.ier. xi;o mI mini runner. :|:Fuir iiiuil iiin.ici. M klaidens. *Apprcutic« nlliiuaiice. M.linliers. The following abbreviations are used to lesiRiiate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aurora Au Jefferson Park JP Aqueduct Aq Kenilwerth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Ln Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL M*rlhoro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Woodbine Wo Duf f erin Du Omaha Om Empire Em Pimlico Pm Fair Grounds FG Reno Re Fort Erie FE Saratoga Sa Hamilton Hm Tanforan Ta Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffe Th Hawthorne Hw Tijuana ... • Ti Havana H» Toledo To Huntington Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica J a First Raco — 1 Mile. Domino Purse. Purse ,000. I year olds and upward. Aliowan.-i-s Track record: Sept. 3. 1923 — IJM 3 113.1 Todays Ind. IIor«e. Wt. Roe. A.Wt 79805= Roland I1H.1B T.9391 Pep to Peep ..BP 115 1 :39% .! |1S..TJ»I 79G383 Prime Hamlet HP 99 1:38% I 112x71.". *.9691J Ipsal lM» BP 115 1:39% I Mt. .715 I T97641 Prime Minster... 4 105 715, 79736 Abu Ren Ahdem BP MB 1:39 Vs 3 112 715 19531 Long Point Ml BP 115 1 :39% I 105. 715 I 79476 Siiucar 3- 112. 7 10 .9S91 Sl.cpy H-ad M HP US 1:4* 3 MB. 710 79738 Tida.v M ...HP 95 1:41 "4 3100.705 19308 Orm.svale 3 112 705 19738 Siilmtban IM HP 98 1:40 3 105 70 19691 ttHiiipeo Ml HP 115 1:404 3 105. 700 19372 Hun* star iMi ... 4 110 70 19738 Maxle BP 105 1:40 3 112. .700 19765 Henry M. Diets FG 104 1:40 3 112x700 79S91 Moms Boy Ml BP 115 1:40% 3 105X700 Second Race — About 2 12 Miles. Ninth Running Meadowbrook Steeplechase Handicap. .:KX Ai!dd. 4 -year olds and upward. 79638* IdJamaak 7 149x700 19638 Dan IV 0 103.695 79C38 Diiettiste 12 145x695 19388 I.Hullaeye 7 160 695 79589s lljudiui : 8 1:15x690 ;9762 Vox Populi II.... 8 136.. 79589 •Courteous 9 135 690 79833J Dec s:ve 9 1:19x685 Third Race — and 1-2 Fnrlongs. Twelfth Running Keene Memorial Stakes. ,500 Aildil. 2 veir-olds. Allowances Track record: May 2M. 1923 1:04% 3-111 I 79690 Remiuder Ja 112 1:07% 1M..TM 797661 IVdagosue Ja 109 1:06% 115x715 79786! Senalidi 115x740 79766 Faddist Ja 116 1:06 115x740 79766 Clomlland 115x735 79807 Highbinder Ja 114 1 :07% 115.730 79588 Master Cruoip .. 115x725 79590 Laplander VI .. 112X725 Fourth Race — 1 3-8 Miles. Fifty-Sixth Running Belmont Stakes. 0,000 inaranteed. 3-year-olds. Track record: June 12, 1920 2:14:, I 126. 79179 SAMARITAN 126.. SOO 79343 Molest 126 .785 79591 Sheridan 128. .780 79343 Beau Hutler 126. 78t ■79763 Aga Khau I3SX1M 7S640 Mad Play 12S..775 7f« 8SJ Sen Pal 126. .770 79688 Klondyke 126. .700 79591 Mr. Mutt 12K. .750 1S591 Thorndalc BtXlBl Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Northport Pursi- Purse ,009. I year olds ami upward. Claiming. iTrH,-k record: Oct. 16. 190H 1:22 5 -MB. 79738 bAladdiu 4 10SX750 ■78541 Calgula HP 105 1:21% I lMXMS 79127 Kver Hold 5 116 740 72484 William Tell . A.i 109 1:27 4 IDS. .735 70346 IKoseate II 4 117.. 735 7S200: Barfe Pond HP 109 1:25% I 100x735 l79761 IjIIv | 115x740 78985 •Belle Artiste .Bo 98 129%m 3 102 741 79427» Helpnriaonia .. i 100 127 4 112x135 79765 - »Anne 3 91 735 79641 Washington ...I Iff 1 25% 5 127-7:15 79765 •Esi-oha dOro .HP 97*1:26 3 102x730 7S619 Simoon .... 4 117.. 730 79765 Delysia 3 105 . . 730 79641 *Cano BP 112 1:26: 3 105 730 7D737 Yankee lrincess B« 111 1:29% 3 105 730 79306 Orm-sval- BP lOS 1:26% I 107 730 79176 Sum-ar : 115..7-J5 7SS47 Sioop 4 114..7-J.-, 79C89 Bagataaw :; MS. .713 73839 •Idlidd.n Jewel Bo 106 1 28 S 108x725 79536 •bDonges Sa MB 1:25% 4 108X725 74680 *Mare. Uine |M 3 91; 720 79310 Corn Produ.tsM | 112. 720 79095 1 nday 13th ..Bo 108 l:29 im 3 110. 715 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile Straight Course. Sun Maiden Purse Puree ,00O. 2 year -olds. Maiden fillies. Track record: Sept. 12. 1918 55% 2 110. 7S636 Chrysalis BP 105 :58% 112. 725 79307- Uucens Token HP 112 1 01 112. 730 79686 Mad.nue l.cach HP 1071 59% 112. .715 79637 Blue riy HP 107 1:01% 112. .715 79387= Cam-tcr 112. 715 7S739 Profit BP 112 1:01% 112.715 79539 Imagination ..BP11I l:02%m 112x715 79642 Equable BP 107 1:03% 112.710 79348 iraguesc ||J 71, 78787 Julie 112. 700 79766 Royal Cirl BP 107 l:03%sy 1M..MB 79479 iertrude 1 112. .700 79387 Tax F.xempt .... . 11 2. 700 Ultra Dry 112 112..... Brown Hetty .... 112 600 Flying Comet .... 112....