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ISt RACE 5"8 Mlle# 2-j ear-old*. Maiming;. June 13, 1908 59 4-5 2 ndex Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St ?i Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MARY DEAR, blk. f. 3 104 By Moss Fox— Dispatch, by Blarney or Sweeper. Trainer. G. Land. Owner, E C. Walker. Breeder. C. B. Head. 79706 Connght 5-8 LOlVtfast 17-10 105J J 2 1« 2» P Walla fl Kirkfield, Elm. Trigger 796..0 Connght 6-8 1:01 %fast 3* lOS 3 2 4 6"i F Lee 8 S.toWin. Clear View. Traymore •Jo,;! ronnSht 5-8 l:01%fast 4J 107J 1 2 2s 3l J Owens 6 SuretoWln, ClearView, FieryFMlt 7914o Woodne 5-8 1:03%slow 14-6 104 1 1 1*4HP Walls 6 Parm. Belle, HelenBu.-k, Crinkla 2?5:? I-e*ffton 4J f 55 fast 12-5 113 2 1 1J 2» H Stutts 10 MyDestiny, H.andludd. Frcross ZJI,, lexgton 4* f 55 fast 17-5 104 1 1 1 J Is H Stutts 10 My Destiny. Subtle, Vain Ellie la*.Z L*xton 1"2 51%mud 9J 109 3 2 U 2s H Stutts 12 SamMeugel, MyDestiny, Deemr 4,«,« I-ex-gton 1-2 61%hvy 17-10 110 3 2 3J 41 L McDottl2 Lit. Jimmy, S. Mengel. ,,;!„ -lefferson 12 51%hvy 13 10 116 4 1 2s 3SJ H Stutts 14 Neat Girl, My Biddy. Founross 77779 Jefferson 1-2 48%fast 41 112 2 1 U 1 H Stutts 14 Little Jiuimy. Channel. Lotto SPA£ISH NAKZ- br- f- 8 112 By Spanish Prince II.— Namesake, by Ogden. Trainer, S. M. Henderson. Owner, Audley Farm Statle. Breeders. U. and B. B. Jones. 79699 Thncliffe 5-8 1:01%fast 16-5 102 1 4 21 1"« L Lang 8 Effort, Battleman, Master Blue 2„„„ w°0dne 5-S 1:03 mud 12 114 7 8 7s 63 P Walls 8 Sure to Win. Mn Magic, B.Ges 79231 Woodne 5-8 l:01%fast 3 100 3 5 6 1J J McTagt i Mit. Sea Fairy. Prince ofPower roi? £Grnds 3* f 42%fast 4 108 1 ll 2J H Stutta 12 Neat Girl, Help. Black Dinah LIZ. FGrnds 31 f 42 fast 12 115 6 4s 3« H Stutts 13 Geor.Rose. Nightshade, MillieG. 77147 F.Grnds 31 f 41%faat 40 109 4 7s 7" H Stutts 8 Evelyn, Barney Google, Wheaton TRIGGER, br. f, 2 M 103 By Hourless— Quickfire. by Flint Rock. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder. W. J. Salmon. 79706 Connght 6-8 l:01%fast 4 99 5 5 4t 4s F Lee 6 Kirkfield. Mary Dear. Elm 78946 Pimlico 5-8 l:03%slop 16-5 M 4 5 41 4-J S Wliams 7 ParmacheeBe. Crinkle. Hidalgo -0,0 Pimllco 4i f 56%slop 9 107 8 6 . 4- k 5»J B Mrinelli 9 Pachene.B.-Ile. LenaWd, Crkle %Ji S"?HS? 44 f 55fast 51 991 2 12 9j 8,r[ F Hstingsll Wnhu, Lena Wood. Starmatia lor 5 deGce 4* f 54%gcod 29-10 UJ 5 9 6 7SJ B MrinelH13 Crimp. Shanghai. Perm ee Belle 785a - H deGce 4i f 5.%slop 16 1001 3 5 41 3s W Milner 14 IVrmtWave. Do orBie. Crinkle -atnli J leGC3 1-3 43%fact 41 111 3 7 i| 7"! B Mrine!lil3 WilburC. Whhd. Westor. Crimp ;;f?J Bowie 1-2 49 fast 9 115 4 2 2J J« B Mrinelll 8 BerccHr, Cath. Dougs, FrhLy ,B£df Eowio 1-2 50 slow 8f 113 1 C 6- 5IS V Lee 8 Bother. Todltenesor. BniceUrar PARMACHENEE BELLE, b. f. 2 117 By Troutbeck-Lucy Jackson, by Rock View. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder T Piatt IV!5,0* U?nn"?ht *S1:fl1*fast 6-5 107 2 6 5 4»1 E Scobie 8 S.toWin. Clear View. Traymore III.* Woodne 5-8 1:03%slow 4-5 107 3 2 PHI Scobie 6 Helen Buck. Crinkle, Mary Dear 78946 Pimlico 5-8 l:u.*-*slop 1 109 2 11* ll E Scobie 7 Crinkle. Hidalgo. Trigger Hill 1lmco 4i f 56%slop 17-5 112 1 1 ll Is E Scobie 9 I.enaWood. Crinkle. GaffneyLasa ialj £"] UZ? KM™ 29-10 "1 5 5» 4s J Wallace 8 Bother. Nightshade. Arbitration Jfo?J i ce 4i -H l u*B°oA 3» 110 * 3 3 3j L Lang 13 Crimp. Shanghai, Kumonin 783 m Bowie 1-2 49 fast 12 1C5 1 6 6* 3s J Dawson 8 BillWinfrey, Foyle, Boiler STrBTJLE. b. f. 2 105 By Huon— Niobe. by Uncle. ,n«i. !3er J J Du«an- Owner, C. B. Shafer. Breeder. H. P. Headley. JSZlZ *Hlzhts I"2 • fast 31 112 7 5 6 5=1 G Wiams 9 Kosman. Hone.t.Moe. I.enaWood ino22 w ,g?ts ]"2 47Sood 11-10 112 3 1 Is Is F Sharpe 9 May Baxter, DulcvLou. Annall. l«:ll MHghts 1-2 47%fast 18-5 112 6 6 4» 3i D McAufe 9 LittleGipsv. MayBxt.r, Kosman Zololr "HtS M 49«f,good 13-5 107 8 8 6 4 A Roach IS Sanlsabel, BillvWeli-h. Hon Mose IS5" lex ,ffton *h f 55Vandfast 41-10 111 3 1 ll 1 E Martin 10 Red Setli. Slipaway. Bad Luck -oiro ijex,ton 4* f 54fast 21-10 107 2 7 4" 4« E Martin 12 Bclpre. Badl.u.k. Capt-S-luieller o!, Bton 4i f 55 fas;; 2i "° 6 3 2 3s E Martir. 10 MarvDear. MyDestiny. V-.inKllie Ltn-l ljCX%ton *i f B8 hvy 13-10 109 1 1 1 2 E Martin I Frightful. Kourcross, C.Schnelr «86 2 Lex gton 1-2 51%mud 15 108 6 9 ll 10= E Martin 12 SmMengel, MyDear, MyDestiny REVOLT, br. f 2 M 105 By Essoba— Antipathy, by Ornament. ™,i.Trmer W Booth 0wner. J- F- Flannigan. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 79740 Conn ght 5-8 1:01 mud 44 106 5 I 3« 3» A Ralston I MoonMagic. ClearView. B ofArts 8525 H.deGce 4 f 55%slop I2-5f 11111 11 10* 10* H HolmesH Perm. Wave. Do or Die. Trigger BATTLEMAN, b. c, 2 M 100 By Cudgel— Necken, by Sir Archibald. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, J. W. Bean. Breeder, J. W. Bean. 79699 Thncliffe 6-8 l:01%fast 6 110 3 1 1" 3i J Wallace S Span. Name, Kffort. MasterBlue 79540 Thncliffe 4 f 55%fast 16 110 .» 3 3 3« J AVallace 7 Karla Baby. Kffort. Padlock 79433 Ihcliffe 41 f 55%sIow 20 116 6 5 4- VI D Stirling 8 Sea Fairv, Effort. Royal Pearl 8511 H.deGce 4f :53%good 100 116 6 8 6" 7:J F Lee 9 Cloudland, Topnite. Karla Baby .8401 H.dtGce 1-2 48%fa t 49 118 9 9 9s SJ J H Burkell Edisto. Early Baby. Cloudland