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l.i DA PC **-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and uiiward. Claiming. July 2, 1923 • I SI liMUu 1:11 3 lOO. lodes Conn* Dlst Time Tek Odds Wt St *A Btr Fin Jockeys Started Ordei of Finish DUST FLOWER, ch. f. 4 99 By Peter Quince — Stick Pin, by McGee, Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner. J. C. Milam. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 79722 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 21 95 4 5 31 31* R Wiams 7 Certain, Clyn. Climax 78725 Lexgton 3-4 l:13Vfcgood 33 108 2 3 5» 5«1 J Pevic 6 I,Tveen, Ten Lee, AliceBliieGwn i 73728 Lexgton 3-4 l:12Hfast 12 97 4 4 4* : ! I Parke 6 R.onTirne, Mar.May. Frec.Lula 73682 Lexglon 3-4 1:12%fast 20 107 9 9 101 10= M Garner 12 Dr.Hickman, Translate, LilyM. 72762 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%good 20 112 5 7 7 7" M Garner 7 Avisack. Fair Phantom. Possible • 72669 Saratoga 3-4 1 :llHfa?t 15 109 3 6 7* 67J C Lang: • Gosluiwk, Wellfinder, Deadlock 72506 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll%fast 20 118 3 4 4J 6" M Gamer 6 MissStar, Sally sAUey, Possible ■ TEN SIXTY, ch. f, 4 99 By Trap Bock — Princess Cop, by Caughnawaga. Trainer, S. Cbenault. Owner, H. P. Gardner. Breeder. H. P. Gardner. 79756 Latonia 3-4 PlChvy 3-4 97 4 3 3* 21 R Wiams 6 Marionette, Brunswick, rompous 5 79530 Chimhill 7-8 l:28 *hvy 5 93 I 1 11 23 C Griffin 7 Llewellyn, Modna, Pequot 75513 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 31 100 1 1 41 43j D Jones 5 Isosceles, Elias O.. Miss Meise 75417 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :46%good 14 99 1 1 2" 4- D Jonts 8 GreatLnck. MissMeise, Mis. Mar; 75188 latonia 1 1-16 1 :497cii:ud 4 100 2 3 34 3* D Jones 6 Cntried. Tony Beau, Queenlligu , 74774 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :46**.fast 13-10 95 3 4 4* 4s D Jones 6 WhoK.Me, R.Time, G Billows 74692 Latonia lmOy l:43*ifast 3 94 2 4 2* 21 D Jones 11 Normal, Widgeon. Isoscles RUBY, b. m, 7 100 By Golden Maxim — Kiya, hy Sempronius, Trainer. J. TJmensetter. Owner. J. Umeusetter. Breeder. J. TJmensetter. 79531 Chuichill 3-4 1:17 hvy 4 106 6 4 3* 3 11 Long • TheRnt. Sdalvvd, Com.McMkn , 79423 Chun hill 1 l:42»»,mud 8 109 1 3 41 6" H Long 6 Napoo, S.oflleasure. Macbeth 79169 Oiurchill 1-4 1:16 slop 51 108 1 5 21 4« H Long 8 Winding Through, Sequel, Ruby . 78971 Churchill 3-4 1 :13.K od 19-10 106 5 5 Bl 57i I Long 8 Brunswick. Sequel. Widgeon 78944 Churchill 1 1:42 hvy 8 103 3 2 2J 3« H Long 8 Pequot, Allie Ochs, Escarpolette „ 78897 Churchill 7-8 1 -Tniud 5 107 1 1 21 21 11 LonR 11 Ouesed.i. Kunquoi. WlioKnowsMe . 77932 Jefferson 1-4 l:15%hvy 4 no 6 4 51 5* B F.reninglO Vacuum, Simplicity, lady Rose , RAPID DAY, ch. g. 8 108 By Rapid Water — Sweet Day. by Peep oDay. Trainer. R. McGarrey, Owner, K. McGarrey. Breeder. F. D. Knight. 79635 Chun hill 3-4 1 12fast 15 111 7 7 32 2* H Stutts 7 Brunswick. FltingOn, BonaVera , 79298 hunhill M 112%fast 5 110 12 I 64 KJ D Merglerl.". .lakiellay, RoyalPalm. Ixmghoat t 79133 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 8 110 3 2 3« 3« D Mergler 7 Modna, W.KwsMe. BtherJohn , 78797 Lexgton 3-4 l:13?ifast f 113 1 3 1» 1J H Stutts 12 My Valet. Ninirod. Miss Rosedaie , 77801 Jefferson 3-4 114 4fast 20 101 10 3 61 10* L Pichon 11 I*tdy Kose, Ixmgboat. Julia M. 77627 FGrmis 3-4 1 :14K »d 3 106 5 2 lj 2J H Stutts 11 PoorSport, Stamp, Dorothy Ryan „ 77517 FGrnds 3-4 l:14*4fast 16-5 106 7 4 andJ 4J G W Croll 13 BkerBrn, Sis.Josclla, PalmetU w. 77276 F.GrnUs 3-4 10 104 2 2 24 6 G W Crollll Simplicity. MidnHKoilies, JouJou 1 ARARAT, br. g. 6 108 By Broomstick — Dovelet, by Peter Pan. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 71683 lltTTTfn 3 4 1:10Va*t 11-5 100 1 4 3J ."J I Tarke 8 LaslOne, ln iuisition, WhiteRtar r j 71286 Iitonia 3-4 111%fast 5 105 2 2 2* 2" I Tarke 7 Sveliince, 1 Buckner, Wh.Star r ! 71063 latonia 3-4 1 llfast 37-5 107 2 11 |sa I Parke 11 White Stur, Pegnsus. Westwood I 70912 latonia 3-4 1:18 mud 7 109 3 2 3* 5»J I Parke 6 P.ettyBeall, K.Williams. Fitzrue 7*739 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 7 100 3 2 2* 2* I Parke 9 SvePrince, O..G::rden, M.Blosm l INQUISITION, blk. m. 5 107 By Wrack— Cowl, by Disguise. Trainer, A. Merger. Owner, J. Allgyer. Breeder, E. F. Simms. 74635 Latonia 3 4 1.12%fast Bl 101 4 Fell. B Harvey 8 Certain, B. of Eliztown, Metric c 74316 Latonia 3-4 l:ll?sfast 6 10S 3 3 6" 7»J B Harvey 12 Pegasus, Certain, Translate 71683 Latonia 3-4 110%fast 4 100 2 2 21 2» J Heupel 8 Last One, Ararat, White Star 71168 Latonia l-4 1:llHfast BJ 104 5 3 3J 3 B Harvey 12 Dr. Hickman. Lugs, Be Good 70162 Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast 9 105 2 2 14 V B Harvey 12 B.ofEliztn. R.onTirne, Caligula l C6614 Latonia 3-4 111%fast 8 100 5 5 71 7* L McDott 9 Q Caid-n. MakeCp. White Star f •6516 Latoiiia 3-4 l:12%faat 7 109 6 1 1« 1* F Smith, 12 Aisya, Lugs, Suluniamkr J I j I I . , , ROMPING HOME. ch. o, 4 100 By Disguise— Bold Girl, hy Ogden. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, Greentrce Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 76680 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%mud 15 98 4 3 3* 3«i F Thdykell Doc. Glenn, Felicitons, F. Deen 76557 FGrnds 3-4 l:13%fast 15 109 11 11 11 11 * J Thomas 13 TimesUp. CoralReef. I torGlenn 76324 Jefferson 5Jfl:09%hvy 8 100 6 7 6J 6*1 J Thomas 8 RoyalDick, BegPardon, Antonia 76248 Jefferson 3-4 1:19 hvy 10 112 3 1 5» 5* J Corcoran 9 Miss Em, Glenconoko. Antonia 75401 Pimlico 3-4 l:14/fegood 11-10 96 7 7 11J l-"e F Thdykel5 Whalebone, Bucado, are Free 75012 laurel 3-4 l:14%mud 16 95 5 5 8 8° F Thdyke 8 LadyBoss, HiddenJewel. Raffles 74941 Laurel 3-4 1:14slop 22 107 2 2 2J 7 B MarielU 9 H. Jewel, Eicuse Me, Dr.C.WelW 74821 laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 19 103 3 4 6* 6*J J Corcoran 8 Lady Boss, Pietrus, J.F.OHan 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 15 109 5 4 5" t J Corcoran 7 May Blossom. Hid. Jewel. Apex 73527 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 12 104J 9 8 "i 6*1 L McAtee 11 Tietrus. Orcus, Prince Regent R0LDG0LD, ch. f, 4 95 By Mentor — Rustle, by Russell. Trainer. J. H. Moody. Owner. T. E. Mueller. Bred by estate of 0. F. Steifel. 79527 Churchill 1 l:41*shvy 29 105 C 5 3l 3,s J WTood 8 Quotation, War Prize. JackFrost 79380 Cliurchill 7-Sl:25fast 27 105i 5 8 8 812 A Pickens 8 NtyNisba, Bob.Shea, J.Q.Kelly 79257 Churchill 1 1:40 good 29 105 6 3 61 6* A Pickens 12 Modna, Westwood. Widgeon 79133 Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 33 105 6 6 «* 61* A Yerrat 7 Modna , W.KnwsMe. Rapid Day 79063 Churchill 1 l:39%fast 15 112 2 6 61 410 A Yerrat 8 Logs, Oo I* I-a. Breechloader 78974 Churchill 3-4 l:12sgood 72 103 6 5 6 410 A Yerrat 7 Buster. JohnFinn. BoysBeveMe 73724 Lcxgton 3-4 1:13 fast 68 107 2 11 91 71* A Yerrat 12 MayBodine, Sistrlosella. Orloa PLEASURE, ch, f, 4 107 By Manager Waite— Delight, hy The Manager. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner. T. C. McDowell. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 70388 Churchill 3-4 l:14%hvy 9 88 3 3 6 61» I Parke 6 M. Blossom, J B.Brown, Wh Star 70241 Chun hill 3-4 l:ll%fast 29 101 2 2 2 57J I Parke I Indian Trail. Revenge. Donges 63067 latonia 6-8 1:01 fast 33-10 112 2 11 ll J Howard 12 S.Ducrow, M.P.Gardr, Lily M. 62784 Latonia 5J f l:08%fast 10 112 2 6 4| 4* E Martin 8 A.BlueGown. Begum, Play. Miss 62238 Churchill o-8 l:01tfast S7 112 6 3 3»* 31 J H BurkatO Man. Maid, Tokihime. Fernandoj POMPOUS, b. g, 4 105 By Chicle— Pageant, by Delhi. Trainer. L. L. Mason. Owner, H. T. Batchler. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 79756 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 15 108 6 6 5* 4" E Martin 6 Marionette, Ten Sixty. Bswick 72845 Columbs 6* f 1 :24Vbslow S-2 97 1*J F Horn 7 F.Cracker. Glenn. Co theRoost 72688 Columbs 6Jf 1:29 slow ir-10 107 1« E Martin 7 Full o Fun. Royal.Maid. Scissors 72257 Map.Hts 1 l:4:;,hvy 10 108 2 5 6* 67J E Martin 8 Zapatos, P. Express, K.Cpeuter 72136 Mnp.llts 7-8 1 :25%fast 11-10 106 11 7 7J 5CJ E Martin 12 First Pullet. Antilles. OvwtHaj 66626 I atonia 3-4 1:14 fast 18-5 101 9 6 5* 3 H Stutts 13 Kinsman. TenrSeth. I. G.Brown 66549 Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 31 107 8 4 2* 11 J Corcoranli Waywasiamo, Bedazzle. G.Shav JOHN H0SH0R, b. g. 6 105 By Light o m Life— Imprint, by Knight of tbe Trainer, F. Brooks. Owner, T. V. Mountjoy. Thistle. Breeder. G. Gray. 79386 Cliurchill 1 1:39 fast 71 115 6 6 7 7s* M Garner 7 Lugs, War Prize, Privilege 79175 Chun hill 1 1-16 l:49%slop 6 114 4 4 6* 5" J Pevic ft Pequot. Quesadj. Blanche Mac 79038 Churchill 1 l:39%good 14-5 110 3 4 3* 3» J Pevic 6 AuntieMay. Mist Mary. M.Crel 78803 Lcxgton 1 1-8 1:53 fast 8 110 1 1 ff 2* J Pevic 7 Begonia, Huonec, Quesad: 78754 Lcxgton 1 1-16 l:47%fast 12 109 1 1 2= 2« W Fronk 6 Neddam, Escirpolette. Kinburn 78608 Lexgton 3-4 1:17 hvy 23 112 5 6 6 61 E Pool 6 BnllotBruMi. t;iyn. Bullet Proef 77452 F.Gr*nds 3-4 l:15%hvy 15 105 4 9 11" IS9 J Heupel 13 Colonel Winn, M. Into-h, Stamp SAEAH, b. e, 4 M 112 By Dr. Leggo — Princess Alma, by Solitaire II. Trainer, J. Loftus. Owner, Oak Ridge Stable. Breeder. A. B. Spreckels. 71235 Aqueduct 1 1 :44-S*lop 4 110 9 13 13 l"41 C Robsonl3 SprdLagle, Highlland, Cooncan 71167 Aqueduct 61 f 1 :19%fast 12 110 10 5 P 91S C Robsonl5 Skyscraper. RosaYeta. H. Hand 06410 Empire Ab 3-4 l:ll%good 13-5 112 4 4 31 4* C Robson 7 Good Night, Purity, Fnllnn 66274 Empire H f 1 :07-5fast 4 114 4 4 3= 2l C Robson 9 B. and Gold, St. Maris. It. Bottom 66193 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 5 114 6 5 5l 3«1 C RobsonlO Mutiny. Mazeppa. Good Night 66091 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 good 31 115 3 1 11 21 C Robson 0 Satellite, SpreadEugle, Majority