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BELMONT PARK Copyright, 1924, by Daily Racing Form Publishing: Company. HEW YORK. K. T.p FRIDAY, JURE 6, 1024.— Belmont Tark. 1% Milea. Fourteenth day. Wf«t-Chester Racine Association. Spring Meeting; of 20 day9. Weather cloudy. - Stewards of Meeting. August Belmont, R. T. Wilson and J. R. Widener. Judges, B. C. Smith h and C. Corneblsen. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, V. B. Srhauniberg. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and d weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. - ryQQRrer FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. Sept. 8, 1023— 1:35%— 3— 113. Westhampton Purse. Purse • 4 J/OOti ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Ret value to winner 00; ; second, ¥200; third, 00. - Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 - 79690 KIT wb 3 107 5 13 13* 91 61 61 1* L Fator J Lows 6 8 8 3 8-5 79641 DOLOMITE wb 3 112 9 5 5* E»* 3»* 3J 2« J Maib-n Dosoris Stable t21 41 4 7-5 7-10 0 79736 FILOMAR w 3 107 12 3 3* r* 4* 51 31 G Fielda Relair Stut StM2i 41 4 7-5 7-10 0 795S8»Gf.AI YS V. w I 87 8 7 lDHS"* 7» 4» W Harvej K Arlington 5 7 6 2 1 79641 GO*. SMITH w 3 112 1 1 1* P 1* 1* ! ■* D ConnlljT Monahan 3 18-518-57-5 7-10 0 79691 BARIOX w 3 102 11 11 91 11* 9* 41 61 J Dawson T C Sawyer 50 50 50 20 10 75808 TRAPPEAN w 3 108 12 9 4* 4* 5* 87 7 ft B Barnes I Ross 30 50 30 12 I 79691 BOWMAN w 3 112 C 4 2ft ?f 2 21 8« G Babin M Hirsch 21 16-59-5 7-101-3 "5807 LADY GAFFNEY w 4 97 2 10 101 and*10J 9* 94 H Richd.R L Gerry 30 50 20 8 4 79073 MONTMARTRE w 3 107 10 8 61 101 ll1" 1C* 10** T Burns A J Cont ;nto 20 30 30 12 6 79538WHITE ASH wb 3 107 7 6 "■* 7* fa DJ 111 C KurtserJ S Ward 30 30 20 8 4 78989 DOLLY GAFFNEY w 3 98 14 2 8* 51 8* 12* 121 G Thomn J Thompson 33 » TO 12 6 79639 THR SCHOLAR w 3 103J I 12 12= IS* 13 13= 131 E legere Mrs G A Dodth 50 50 50 20 10 75775 .11 ST ME w 3 108 4 14 14 14 14 14 14 J MerimeeMrs H L Pratt 50 50 50 20 10 tCoupled as DoForis Stable and Relair Stnd Stable entry. Time. 23%. 46%. 1:13% .1:40%. Track good. Winner— R. f. by Eseoba- Imbel. by Uncle trained by J. Iiowe; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Went to post at 2:32 At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third 1 driving. KIT was away slowly and far back for the first half, but worked his way up on the ntside and, coming fast through the stretch, raeed into the lead and was going away at the end. IMMMITK. . close up from the start, moved up resolutely when called on and outgamed FHA1MAR iu the final 1 strides. The latter slipped through next to the rail on the stretch turn and finished fast. GI..ADY8 1 V. closed a big gap. GOV. SMITH set a good pace to the last eighth and tired- BOWMAN quit. - BARION began slowly and finished fast. 8 ratched— 79135Outcross. 107; 79738 Tiday. 107; 79681 Previeux. 102; 78177 St. Gerard, 107; ; 79072 Bantam Cock, 102; 70157 Pensive, 107; Utile Theresa. 103. Overweight;* — Ttappean. 1 pound; White Ash. 5; Dolly Gaffney, 1; The Schr.lar. 3%: Just Me, 1. t — = • fTQOCTO SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 4. 1920— 1:17%— 4— 110. Ballot Purse. Purse 5 4 oOOO SI, 900. 3-year-clds and upward. Allowances. Ret value to winner 00; second, * 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S . 79763 THUNDERCLAP wb 8 120 4 4 6 4* 2» ll E Sande F.ancocas Stablet6-5 8-5 3-2 1-3 out t 79736 PLOUGH BOY W3 107 21 41 C 4a 24 H ThurberOak Ridge Stb 6 12 13 3 . 4-5 79429 S1CYSCRAPER w 5 U7 1 3 V 1ft l1 3» F CollettiGreentree Ktable 1 1 9-101-3 out , 79688 BRICK w 3 ■ S 3 2*1 21! 3J 4J J CallahnW Martin 10 15 15 4 8-5 79592 -RIGEL w 4 130 5 5* 6ft 6* 5» L Fator Ranoocas E tablets 5 8-5 3-2 1-3 out t 79072 "BONAPARTE wb 3 1 « 6 5 J* 3»* « « H ThomasRiviera Stable 30 40 40 10 4 tCoupled as Rancocns Stable entry. Time. 23%, 47%. 1:12%. 1:10%. Track good. Winner -lilt, g, try Yulcain — Bandana, by Star Shoot trained by S. C. Hildreth; bred by Messrs. Madden and Estill. Went to poat at 2:5ft. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third I driving- THUNDERCLAP, suddenly improved and on tire outside throughout, worked hia way up stead-fly and. coming fast in the final eighth, pawed the leaders and was going away iu the final drive. PLOUGH BOY, close up from the start, was shuffled back on the far turn, but closed a gap and I was running fast at the end. SKYSCRAPER set a fast pace from the start and raced RRICE into defeat, but tired near the end and pulled up lame. BRICK ran a good race, but tired from hard racing ■with SKYSCRAPER. RIGEL tired in the final sixteentli. RONAPARTK showed early aireed. Scratched — 7938»3Silk Tassel. 112; 79C88=Banter. 117; 79730 Abu Ben Ahdem, 94; 79137 Aragon, 104; 79476 Donnelly, 98: 79476 The World. 108. i •yQQETry THTRD RACE— 5-8 Mile Straight Course. Sept. 12. 1918— 60%— 2— 110. Amarylis i 4 tJrOO 4 Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index norsee AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 70734 SE V TIDE Willi 4 41 4» 1* J H BurkeT Quintan 20 20 20 4 4-5 7959W REJECTED w 115 1 S 1» 2* 2» C Lang J S Cosden 3 4 18-51-2 out 78747 SARZANA w 112 3 2 3* 3* 3i E Sande Rancocas Stable 1-2 3-5 2-5 out— 79269 CLAVICHORD wW 2 1 2* D 4* E Legere L Waterbury 5 12 12 21 3-5 79268 M»NA VANNA. w 107 5 5 556H ThomasRiviera Stable 15 30 20 8 4 Time, 1.0L Track good. Winner— Br. I, by Sea King— Glad Tidings, by Knight of tie Thistle trained by T. Quinlan; bred kr Mr. L. Garth. Went to post at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SEA TIDE began from the outside, but swerved over to the inside rail, then closed up resolutely under hard riding aud, passing the leaders, was going away at the end. REJECTED set the ■ early pare aud made a game finish, but could not withstand the rush of Ure winner. SARZANA I showed speed, but swerved over towards the inside and bothered CLAVICHORD. The latter tired after racing into the lead in the stretch. MONNA VANNA ran poorly. Scratched — 79686 Gad. 111. Overweights — Sea Tide, 3 pounds; Sarzana. L I rrOfitfi FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile! Sept. 7, 1023— 1:«%— SlooT Garden City Handicap. 4 tFOOO ,600 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,240; second, 00; third, 00. I Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 I 79€89*RU.JNHTORM wn 5 106 1 2 1» 1* 1* 1* 1» J Maiben H Waters rn 3-2 8-5 1 out— C7»477HEPHAlSTOS w 5 112 | 1 2* 2* V- 2* 21 E Sande F E Broun 3-2 2 8-5 1-3 out 79349 DUNLIN wb 4 114 2 3 3 3 I 3 J Calla.rnF. F Cooney 2 4 4 1 out Tome. 22%. 45%, 1:10%, 1:36%. 1:44. Track good. - Winner — B. g, ky Peter Pan — Bubble, by All Gold trained by J. Edwards; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 8:59i. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BRAINSTORM set a great pace and drew away info an easy lead to win in a canter. HEPHAISTOS meed in closest pursuit and moved up when called on, but did not seriously menace the winner. DUNLIN made his move on the backstretcb, but was easily held safe. Bcratclied— 79688Prince Hamlet, 10*. r7QrrC|r FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. JuBe~lo7T921— 1 :49— 5— 94%T Shoreham Purse. Purse 4 tfOOl/ ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 79761 NEQOC1ATEUR w 5 305 I 8 51 41 2* 1» 1« J Maiben C R Fleischmn 5 8 7 21 7-5 79478*MABYLD BELLE w5W 6 11 14l 8 5i 41 21 E Legere J A Coburn t4 6 41 8-5 4-6 79738 ROYAL DUCK WB T US 15 M 8* 6- 31 31 3 L McAtee Mrs A Swenke 3 31 13-56-6 3-5 79593»SUiT5RBUM wb 4 IBS 7 ftu 151 ll1 111 7" 41 W Kelly G W Coburn f4 S 41 8-5 4-5 79761 KEEN AN wb 4 108 It 5 21 21 1* 2» 51 T OHara P S P Randph 20 20 20 8 4 70984 SIR GALAD IX w 10 1041 J 14 13l 133 S1 52 6»1 G Fielda Q H D-mpsev 30 30 30 13 6 79478 = ANNIVERSARY w 7 106 S 12 121 ft? 141 Hi 71 R MthewsMrs M L Davis 20 25 25 10 5 79478SCARE CROW w 4 106 13 3 H i0» 101! 81 8l J Shanks W V Casey 20 20 20 8 4 i f 79478 OLYNTHUS wb 5 IU 16 • 7* 7* 7» S* 9ft F Reilly J Zoeller 21 4 18-57-5 7-10 71785 PRIMA DONNA wb 4 99 12 2 41 5 1 41 61 101 R Pierce Cassell Stable 30 30 20 8 4 78688 LITTLE AMMXE wb 5 103 10 7 10»*1 : 121 12» 111 W HarveyW V Seifert 10 15 12 5 2ft 79180 ANTERIOR wb I 108 1 15 Hi 1j la* 131 12» T Burns A J Contento 30 30 30 12 6 I 79180 BCOTTH CHIEF wb 6 105 11 1 6 * ri r 1101 113* G Mein R Stegmaler 20 20 15 6 3 79478 JAtNGBAR wb 5 161 3 6 3i 31 13 IU 1 U J CaUahnJ Diggins 6 10 10 4 2 797SS CORK ELM w 4 108 2 4 l1 1 * P 151 151 W Obert F William* 100 100 100 40 20 791SO*WARLIKE wb 7 104U4 13 16 P 16 16 16 F HerdezMrs R Cook 60 50 50 20 10 tCoupled as J.. A. and G. W. Coburn eutry. Time, 23%, 47. 1:12%. 1:38. 1:53. Track good. Winner — B. h, by Rabelais — Nette. by Gorgos trained by A. Gunther; bred in France by Count Nicliolay de Gheest. Went to post at. 4:25. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NEGOCIATEUR, close up from the start aud suddenly improved, to k the lead after entering the stretch and drew away into a cantering lead- MARYLAND BKLI.K began slowly, but worked her way up steadily and, finishing with a rusk, outgamed ROYAL DUCK at the end. The bitter also began slowly and closed a big gap with a rush. SUPBRBUM finished fast. KEEN AN raced CORK KLM into defeat and quit. SIR GALAHAD 1L ran well. CORK ELM set a fast early pace and quit. OLYNTHUS ran as if not interested. Scratched — 7»0123Bendita, 103; 63650 Meadoworth. 101; Cinna, 101. Overweights — Negociateur, 4 pounds; Sir Galahad II., 3%; Prima Donna, 3; Scottish Chief, 4; Warlike. 1%. rrQ£*f SIXTH RA£3o8~»Iile Straight Course. Sept. 12, 1918— 55%— 4—110. Waverly 4 itJoOvf Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtTPSt % % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 79739 MADDENSTOWN w 115 4 1 11 2» l1 H ThurberW Hogan 20 30 30 10 5 78978 ULTIMATELY w 112 8 S 21 1 2 i J Shanks J | Cosden ft 7 7 21 1 79739 EDINBURGH wb IU 7 4 4» S* 3«» C Ralls I -McNaughton 6 7 13-51 1-2 797S9 = SENNACHERIB w- 115 3 5 5ft 4» 4» L Fator K E Hitt 3-513-1011-102-5 out SPURT w 115 • 6» 5l 5* J H BurkeJ Butler J6 7 6 8-5 7-10 FUNMAKETR w IIS 5 7 7«-7» 6* L McAtee J Butlor t6 7 5 8-5 7-10 78781 FIRMAMENT w 112 1 2 8- 6* 71 C l.ang J S Cosden t* 7 7 2ft 1 CUr! R. W11528 888C KummrL Rosenberg 12 20 20 7 3 tCoupled as J. S. Cosden entry; JJ. Ilutler entry. Time, 1:00%. Track gcod. Winner — Ch.. c, by Marten —Far Up. by Fariman trained by W. Hcgan; bred in England by Messrs. Arnolds. Wient to post at 4:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third «hriTiug. MADDENSTOWN. away well, fcet a good pace from the start and, after being paced, came flist again and outfinished ULTIMATELY In the final drive- The latter raced into the lead, bnt swerved over slightly in the final eighth and tired badly at the end. EDINBURGH began slowly and raced on the outside thrcughont and finished resolutely, but tiring. SENNACHERIB began well, but was •outrun throughout. SPURT finished last. Scratched — 79739 Swope. 115.