Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-18


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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON MONDAY, APRIL 19 •Wr.ATIIKU CUEARt TRACK FAST. The fipures under the heading "Rec." in the below show the best time of each haCM at the distance since January 1. 1925. no n-.atter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbieviations show track con- ! ditions. 9«0«i7 IS FIItST INDEX OF 192B. 00103 IS MUST DTMEX OF APRIL Kactag sturl- at 2 30 p. m. lii-ago time. l;30i. ® Superior mud runner. x Hood mod runner. ::Fair mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations nre used to designate tracks at whu-li time record-; hhown in entries were made : tAkron Ak +King Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora Au -Lansdowne Park... LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu" Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo long Branch LB Brighouso Park Bs Maple Heights MH Brooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs. ...CD Miiimi ...Mi tColumbns Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mcunt Royal MR Conr.aught Park CP +N:ag tra Falls ...NE ; tConneaut Lake CL Omiha Om Dace Fark DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhotnix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorval Do Raceland Rd Dufferir. Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL I Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Eairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD , Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Th ; +:iastngs Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace... HG tTiir.onium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts CII Huntington Hu tWh"eling Wli Jamaica J.i tWillows Park ... WP Jcfforson Park JP Windsor Wi Juarez Jz Woodbine Wo ♦ Keir.pton Park Kir tYoungstown Yo Kenilworth Ke -1. fcignufi-s half-mile track. Huntington Mile Track. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Pursi .OO | year-olds and upvi::rd. Mai«l« ns. AI]o«ainev. ■ Tra k record : Aiif. 13, 1924—1:00-2—117.1 Toil ays Ind. Horse. Wt.Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. 006803 Ueneral S.tli. 4T.1 110 1:044. I 105 ■ 72". 00792- lie. Horn. C . . Ilu 10! 1 M% B11S..7M 00794s Noko. 1 Hit 113 1:03. 4 109:;:715 00300 Coizeko Izirra. 2 JP 110 1:02. .3 99. 710 00628 P.illj Don. 8 3 101 . .710 00680 of Newkirk. t I 109 70". 00544 In:|Nii:il. 5 . ...Hu 109. 1 0.". -. I 101.. 705 : OOT70 Five Marks. 3..Hu 10! 1 Ms 4 109 . 700 00680 ialu-liu. 10 6 1 ! 7K Clar i:. - Thomas. 7 3 10". Too Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Iiitm- 00. I .war -olds and tipwaid. Ilaiinitig. Track re. -onl : April 26. MSI 1:05 -. :. 109 I OOTTOi •Satan... 6 ...Mil 111 1 :07 ;. 9 107-72" 00774- Orpbelin. 11 JP 104 1:0s*:. 4 112x730 00714 Black Art. 7. Mil 1 10 1 :06-. B 110-71.". 00794- Helen M:.j..r.l3Hu Ml 1 M ■.-. 7 100-710 00731 Soam-o. 1 Hu 102 1 .1 1 IMS. .710 J 96658 Bantam. 2 I 112X709 00751 Without. 4 ....nv 112 1:12 6 10SX70". ! 94299 kentiirkv Rose, 5 TD 9511:07 * 110x70.-. 00821 Hughii . 3 DP 109 1:08 £ 6 108x70j C0774 . T. Worthing- J I ton. S Au 10S ISMV * 10SX701 00795 Red pep M. 9. 4 106..700J 00752 •OHNM, 10 ..Ha 109 LOS1.-. 6 101X700 00752 Vodka. 12 Hv 110 1:074-, 11106x700 00794 Wild Deuce. 14. Hv 107 l:07=i 7 108.. 700 | Third Race — 5-8 Mile. rnrse $.Vhi. ,f year-olds and upwanl. Olaiminu. Track record: Aug. 15. 1924 — 1:00—2 — 117. 00753; Move On Seth.7Hu 105 1:03% ■ 102 ■ 72." , 00773- Little Petty. 4TD 107 l:01*f. 4 104.. 720 1 00772" Romping Uid.-lHu 101 1 :06*r,h 4 111X715 00796 Thomas Piatt. 2Ilu 104 1 :07*t,h 4 107x710 1 09823 Charles Whitney.. 1 DP 110 1:00% 6 111X7051 00568 Menage. 6 Au 108 1:03% 5 101t7O5J , j 00772 First Light. 8... 4 109x700 1 ; 93397 Countess Claridge, ] 5 " 4 109. .700 I I Fourth Race— Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. ."-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. ! ■ Track record: April 7, 1926 — 1:12 — 5—111.1 I 00773 HARRY P.. l.Hu 109 l:14%s 9 110x7X5 I ! 00598 Bonnie Lizzie. 5Hu 111 1:12 5 108x725 1 i 00717- •Old Top. 4 Hu 10.8 l:16»i 6 105x720 j 00772* Kirk Lady, 2..Hu 104 1:U%0 6 106.. 715 ] C0771- lr K. T. Adams. « 4 101:!-710 I 00754 Fun Maker. ::.Hu 10S l:14«i 4 106. .705 j I 00344 Fear. 7 5 104x700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. j Purse 00. li ear-olds aud upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 13, 1923 I :38 — 4-103. 007751 GCMtwMy, 7 5 10SX725 007 49:* ReipieKt Ml. 11. 4 108. .720 ! 00797 American Koidjpp. 6 TD 1M l:4»%a 9 108 715 00566 Foster Kmbry, 1. 10 108x710 00797 Hindoostau. 5 Om 113 1:43 10 112x705 C0751 Ila. of Peace. 10 9 108x705 C0732 *Cli stunt Cirl. 12 dm 106 1 :43% I 107. .705 00797 New Rival. 8. Om 113 1:43% 5 1 1 2 . . 70". 00825 FrunK Foarty, 3 B 1MX?K 00629 I.oi ust l.eaes. 2 IP 101 l:44i 9 106 • 700 00C81 M. Marclimont. 4 Om 114 1:43 -s 18 108. . 74K | 00751 «T 11 F.xcrittiMi. 9 4 107 700 00794 Hialeali Ml. 13. 3 100..7H 00727 Koseberry iM.14 4 MB. .TM I Sixth Rac* — 1 Mile an;! 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 17. 19-3— 1:43 — 4 107.1 007541 Dnk.doni. 3 ...FP 104 1 :52h 4 115.. 72.". 00656. •Arragosa. 4 ...Hu 107 1:46% 6 112 720 I 00796 Air Mail. 8 FP 95 1 :51 V,s 3 95x715 09730 Tan.pci. 6 R«l 10,3 1:45 7 Illy 710 ! 0O823 •Uiinia. 1 S MSXTCS 0M27 Battle Shot. 2Hw 97 1:45 5 HM ■ MB I 00686 gnavi-r. 7 ....F ; 103 L471-. BMBXMol 00772 •Aunt Ijiura, 5 .. 3 MXMol ; Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pi. -sc 00. .t.iear-olds and upuurd. Claiming.] I Track record: Oct. 17. 1923 1:43 4 107.1 00197 *Sand.v II.. 2 ! 107. .725 1 I 00753 • lnlc. 4 6 107- 720* 00825 Mo! ncro. it ...CI 97 1:44% B 111x713 1 00795 Pine Brush 7 JP IM 1.51 7 MBxTM 00825 Smart iu 3 FC 107 1:47% 9 107x710 00823 •Jimson. 6 FC 114 1 :53h 5 107x705 00771 I. .in Micks. 1 • 5 108-705 00825 * Ceorge. 5 Hv la". 1 45 6 110 7HI 00718 .arisli. I . . ..Hu 107 2 Kill 4 110-7IHI 00825 Sea Court. 10. FG 108 1:47% 8 108 • 7H I

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