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/f r| K3TP 1 « iH" •" Vards. S-jrar-olds and apv«ard. laiming. Ort. 17, 1 *"am »*MM»*» 1923—1:13—4—10;. Index. Conrae. Dist. Time. Tra.-k. Odds. Wt. St. *U Str Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. SANDY H.. ch. g. 9 107 By Harrigan — Beatrice Soule. by Peep o Day. Trainer. J. P. K. Willis. Owner. J. P. K. Willis. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 00797 Hungton 1 1:46 fast 3 109 1 1 1- Is F Kehrt 7 NewRivl. Amer.S ldier. SeaMime 00751 Hungton FC 1:16 hvy 30 109 1 4 21 2» F Kehrt 6 Tbla. B.ofPeace. T.H.Ereritt 00712 Hungton 5-S 1:07 Hhvy 16 109 3 7 61 6J F Kehrt 7 ThomasPiatt. Without. RedPep 00652 Hungton 51fl:13Vshvy 30 103 6 6 6« 6«i G Webb 6 Orphelin. I.tieLrne, BillsHope 00567 Hungton 51 f 1 :09*igood 1S-5 108 1 6 6*1 6« G VveDD 7 Melvina, Wild Deuce. Air Mail 97173 Beulah 51 f l:22%hvy 38 m8 4 6 Fell. L Lee 8 Mandy. Bee Bee, Redwood 93582 Beulah 51 f 1:13 slow 13 11016 6 7* 7»J H Clemts 8 Virge. Tea Cosy, Lucky Run 91420 Akron 61 f 1.26slop 9 108 5 5 4»1 45 E Cpenter 8 LkyPearl. Watereo. BdwjKose 01371 Akron 51 f 1 :0jfast 7 107 10 4 6*1 a 1 E CpenterlO Quota, Plaid, Memphis CHILE, b. g. 6 107 By Dick Finnell — Starland. by Star Shoot. Trainer. H. E. Brown. Owner. H. E. Brown. Breeder. Murphy and Shropshire. 00753 Hungton sj f 1 llTsfclJ 13 102 4 5 61 5* C Healy • IJt.Homper. MoveOnSeth. Futen 00728 Hungton ij f l:12hvy 11 10S :, I 54 : * C Healy « Lotto. Orphelin. Lady lone 00597 Hungton C-S l:02%fast 1 108 3 2 1* 1* C ■ Allen 7 Ixtto. Machiavelli. AmnSoldier 00565 Hungton 5-8 l:02good 21 105 5 5 5 5" S Trench. 1 8 Kirkljjdy. Brandeis. LittleBctty 00509 Hungton 5-8 l:03Sslow 15 100 4 6 6*1 8: S Trenchd S Livima. .Sq.McMtrs, Sent.Tmie 95651 Akron 61 f 1 :26Vshvy 14 11116 6 Pup. P Power 6 Incle Velo. Fehrah. JolinHoshor 94854JWhling 1 1 16 1 :52fast 17 103 1 7 7 « 710 T Thrkill 8 Rechabite. Threnody. Stage Star 93776 Toleilo Ab 3-4 l:14 ihvy 9-10 107 I 3 3* 2 S Steele 7 Zero, Briar Sweet, Star lime 93125 Toleuo 3-4 1:11 fast 16-5 108 7 7 5*1 41 S Steele 8 LlttlePr.l, C.Bncanto, LkyPearl M0LINER0. b. g. 8 112 By Tim Payne — Cloudlight. by Bright Phoebus. Trainer. D. McDermid. Owner. A. J. Molera. Breeder. A. J. Molera. 00825 llunton lmTJy l:4CSfast 8-5 107 1 2 22 22 C E Allen •. KrankFogty. Cli. leader. SeaCrt 00657 Hun ton 1 1-16 |-TfHlrTT 3-5 112 2 2 21 11 C E Allen !» Tule. Shirley lx uise. Medici 00599 Hungton 1 1:43 last 8-5 103 3 3 3« 3»t II Smith C MasonTowie. LizzieN.. Ambnce 00511 Hungton lni? iy 1 :52Vislow 21-10 106 4 4 2* 21 B Allen 5 Arragosa. Lizzie N., As ot 00060 Jefferson lm70y 1:49 mud 31-10 100 9 2 I ? R FinertylO KathleenK., l-irenal. . . Kumonin 99972 Jefferson lm70y l:44*r,fast 6-5 101 4 4 4: 3* I, Pichon 5 Harmonious, Bellini. Sister Sne 99844 Jefferson 1 1-1C 1 :52tihvy 18-5 101 2 2 21 21 L Pichon 11 Forty Two, Kumonin. Tule 99584 Jefferson lm70y 1 :4".%fast 21-5 101 1 2 31 3» L Pichon 12 ChrLeader. LgSyne. Sleiveblin 99521 Jefferson 1 1 16 ". :47ftfast 2J 100 2 6 6»1 5»! G Johnsonll Alard. Lorena I... Barrister BLUE BRUSH, br. g, 7 108 Bv Sweep— Blue Ball, by Hastings. Trainer. R. D. Carter. Mrs. M. OMahoney. Breeder. J. W. Townsend. 00795 Hungton FC 1:1:. fast 22 112 7 7 V* ." C OMney 7 Hoover. JosieM.. Sliami -kFlnwer 00716 Hungton PC 1 :17*thvy 12 110 4 6 6J 6! C OMney 7 B. Light. M.OnSth, C.T.Wthtn 00628 Hungton R f l:12,mud 41-10 110 4 4 .:» 3» C OMney 7 CrtdBoy. Barl.ight, St.Augtine 00548 Hungton 3-4 Lligood 20 119 4 4 4» 4» C OMney « NewMn. MnTowle. MsI.Hrown 00392 Mobile 61 f l:34»4hvy 11-5 116 6 4 5» 4" C OMney j Cromwell. Servitor. Horinga »0296 Mobile Ab 5-8 IsMMsVf 7-5 111 4 4 21 Is C OMney i JohnD. Col.Taylor, MyM dCarr 00206 Mobile Ab 5-8 1 :04hvy 19-5 119 5 1 1" 3 C OMney | Kuten. BethmSt.-el, PitterPatter 00155 MobilH Ab 5-8 l:03Shvy 13 115 6 5 4-1 l*| C OMahy S IlelenMajor, Horinga. TomMicks 99877 Jefferson ImTOy 1 :47=isIow 140 107 1 4 S*J11-» C OMneyl2 Greenllills, Viennese, SisterSue 99741 Jefferson 51 f 1 :09V4»low 121 107 10 12 ll-ll11 C 0Mahyl2 CeWmn. Servitor, JinieTrim 99321 Jefferson lm70y l:40Hfast 47 109 7 11 11=«]13« C OMneyll Bear Grass, tavalry, Tulaue 96891 Ygstown 3-4 1 :21**,hvy 47 111 7 3 2* 21 C OMahy S BeTrueinan. Lit. Pal. Grey Rump 96699 Y cstown 3-1 l:20-v.hvy 6 108 6 8 TS 7;i C OMney 8 Pinaquana. Decotive. Obstinate SMART GUY. b. g. 9 107 By Theo. Cook— Canny Miss, by Ogden. Trainer. B. F. McClain. Jr. Owner. B. F. McClain. Breeder. W. Garth. 00825 Hunton ImTOy U4Jt%flMt 6 105 3 4 5» 57 O Mazoue I KrkFogty, Molinero. h.Lader 00731 Hungton 1 l:51%hvy 23 ."» 103 1 1 2«k 21 O Mazou? * I-ivinia. Sea ourt. Lizzie N. 00599 Hungton 11:43 fast 5 103 6 5 51 5" O Mazoue 6 MasonTowie. LizzieN.. Molinerc 00549 Hungton 1 1 :462sgood 8-5 104 3 3 2l H O Mazoue 8 iarish. Tule. lasting Love 99693 Jefferson 11-16 1:53 mud 81 106 1 7 9" 8" W Garner 9 RunningFox. Babbling. SirBalph 99432 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:48Sfctast 109 104 8 7 9 » 9=4 O Mazoue 11 Nereid. Molinero. Ebb Tide 99200 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:48sgood 94 99 1 2 7«J 71J O Mazone 11 LdyAdry, DrnrSou. Vibrnm 98409 P Grnds 11-16 1:49 good 68 103 4 7 7»i 8*1 P Fisher 9 Repeater. Wild Bill. Marjorie C. 98159 F.Grnds 1 1-8 2:01limud 15 108 6 4 *■ 4= D Tyler 8 llalu, MissClaire, Dr.MacMillan JIMS0N. br. g. 5 107 By Jim Gaffney— Damson, by Ethelbert. Trainer. H. Cooper. Owner. H. Cooper. Breeder. 8. K. Nichols. 00823 Hungton FC112 fast 8 113 7 8 7*1 6*1 C E AllenlO Bar Light. Barberry. Widgeon 00616 P.owie ImTOy l:51*«mud 6 108 7 8 SJ G" W Munden 8 iunny Sack. Dernier Sou. ;ayly 00557 Bowie ImTOy 1:50 slow 9 111 1 3 21 In A l.acaste 7 Invictus, Du.-kling. Camouflage 00483 P.owie 11-16 1:52 fast 20 109 2 5 3* 37 A Lacaste 7 T.RolKall. ClearView. M. Magic 99324 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 48 112 2 5 6*1 a" D Conelly S Go h1 Night, Rupee, Pandosto 98982 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :49«iast 65 111 2 6 8« 6« J Thomas 12 Marjorie C Yooiioo. Quirero 98865 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:49%fast 5 109 2 4 6« 7s J Thomas 12 Swptona, Yorick. B.Fromllome 98807 P.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :49Hgood 34 106 2 3 5*1 4S1 J Thomas 12 Midinette. Ebb Tide. Cara Mia 98635 F.Grnds 1 2-16 2:02 fast 43 108 2 1 U 3 J Thomas 12 Brunell, Ramkin. Rupee 98575 F Grnds 1 1 16 1 :50%good 44 110 3 1 1J 1» J Thomas 12 Repeater, Bad Luck. Stage Star 98409 F.Grnds 11-16 1:19 good 37 108 1 4 6» 67 H Garner 9 ltep«-ater. Wild Bill. Marjorie C. TOM MICKS, ch. g. 5 108 By Stetson— Eva Tanguay. by Contestor. Trainer. M. Sanders. Owner. M. Sanders. Breeder. W. Satterly. 00771 Htn 5-8 1:04*,sl 81 113 6 4 4: 43J L Mills I MmWd lll.DrF.T ASBS lOS.ApsMoi 90 00716 Htn fcl:17*shy 15 107 3 6 5* 4»i L Mills 7 B Light IOC. MO Setl. 108. C T W ton 108* 00653 Htn fcl:16 hy 41 112 2 3 3« 4» J Dolin 6 Dkin 1 12.FunMsker 10ti.M.OnK*th 103 00462 Mob ab5-S l:04%hy 4-5 116 1115 ll:T Bonham »• Col.Taylor 1 1 1 AskJessie 1 1 1 Roundel 116 00428 Mob ab5-8 1:06 by 3 106 1 4 3» S«l 1 Momery C MissAji 101 .JohnD. 107. OutofSight 101 00361 Mil. abC-4 12T*ihy 12 116 4 4 41 3i L Neal 5 Spy Smile 1 16. T.Micks 1 10. D.Knbow 95 LADY GEORGE, b. m. 6 110 By Old Bey — Spring Frog, by Cameron. Trainer. R. L. Rites. Owner. Palmetto Stable". Breeder. W. L. Saunders. 00825 Hunton lmTiy 1 10 111 6 6"613L Banks 6 FrkFogty. Molinero. Ch. Leader 00716 Hungton FVl:17*ihvy 30 115 6 7 7*1 7»1 K Hileman 7 B.Light. M.OnSth. C.T.W thtn 00565 Hungton 5-8 1 :02good 30 108 8 8 81 8° P Powers K Kirk UtstF, Urandeis, LittleBeGy 00012 Havana 11-16 1:49 fast 10 110 2 1 11 1"" 8 Banks 9 R . h b le. Crendrll.. XTiWles 99850 Havana Im.iOy 1 :46fast 4 110 3 4 5s! 5« I Fisher 7 Flush Royal, Wida. Attractive 99716 Havana 1116 149 fast 8 110 1 2 21 ft* S Lanks 11 Utchison. II. of the Nth, Fictile GARISH, b. f. 4 110 By Gargoyle— Lynette. by Fair Play. Trainer. F. H. McDonald. Owner. F. H. McDonald. Breeder. J. L. Murphy. 00718 Dun gtsa* ImTOy US7%ftt«7 7 10T 1 4 4" 4» W Taylor I Kl Astro. Bav Dingle. Tule 00549 Hungton 1 1 :46*jgood 31-10 110 4 4 3: 21 W Taylor 8 Smart ;uy. Tule. I.a.-tinj; Love 00507 Hungton 6-8 1 :04»sslow 31-10 107 1 3 :j k W Taylor 7 RdStride. T.H.INitt. ULorslnr 00067 Havana 3-4 1:13%fast 31 10 » 7 6 b- 5s G Morton 11 Superanna, Cling gVine. SunSil t 99884 Havana 3 4 122 mud 21 103 3 7 4:J 4T1 F W "sto U 8 AiiiIiuIhu. e. It Co.vne. C.J.Cgmile 99810 Havana BJ f 1 OSfast 21 105 4 3 4« 3= G McCann 11 Lydia Dr. « . Aiiibulanee. Daltou SEA COUKT, b. g, ■ 108 By Sea King— Lady Hillington. by Garry Herrmann. Trainer, S. N. Varian. Owner. Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 00825 Htn 1-70 146HD 10 no 5 I 3" 45 L Mills S 1kKo-l.i 105. Molinero 107. CI. I-eader 105 00731 Htn ll:51%hyl9r loo 6 3 31 3 1 T Mi Elray | l.ainia 105 Smart;iiy 10,t .LizzieN. 1 10 00656 Htn 1-70 1:53 hy41-10 98 4 2 2= 31 T McKlroy 5 Arragosa 1 lO.Li/.zlcN. 107. Hunt proof 102 00466 Mob 1-702:01 hy 21 109 4 2 2» 2» C Phillips 5 Kieheli, u lOO.Purll 14. VictorM.l 14 00240 Mi, Clfl324»hy 4 ll/7 0 2 Z* 4i L Momery »i S Clayton II 1 .Driimiid KMi.Slip.Sniile lai 95678 Lat 1 3 -16 2:02%gd 1J 103 6 6«J 610 J Guy 0 Lighter 108 105 95018 Lat 1 1-16 1 :55hy 20 104 4 8 BJMffSSj Quy 8 StumpJr HKi Kiretoina 104.Es. arp ette 104 94603 DP 11-8 1.52 ft 6 110 5 2 21 ft* J Juy 7 Gem 107,Dutproof 110, Halu 115