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BUSY AT LOUISVILLE; « . Training Activities Accelerated at; Both Downs and Douglas Park. ♦ Stables of J. E. Madden and J. E. Widener to Be Shipped to Belmont Park Tuesday. ♦ LOlISVILLE, Ky.. April 17.— Training operations at both local tracks this morning | were conducted under ideal weather conditions and over courses that were fast. Kentucky l erby candidates were out in large numbers and these monopolized the attention of the big crowd of rail birds at both tracks. 1 ".ant on. which Alex Gordon is preparing for the Proakness and Derby gave a rare exhibition of speed and supplied the outstanding Derby work at Douglas Tark, when he rattled off a half mile in :47, the fastest i time for the distance hung up this spring. I The colt was accompanied in his work by Cartoonist, a stable companion, but the older horse was outdistanced all the way. Panton pulled up in excellent condition and Gordon expressed nimself as being well pleased with ! the work. On Monday the eolt will be , given the last trial on the local track when j lie will l»e asked to step a mile in fast time, j Tuesday together with the other horses being j handled by Gordon, Banton will be put aboard the cars and shipped to Belmont Iark. Malcolm B. Jr., and Take A Chance, again j woiked together at Douglas Park, the pair, went out and running close together rattled off a half mile in 48% and three-quarters in 1 :17. At Churchill Downs Don Johnson sent W. H. Whitehouses Derby hope Kric for a gallop at one mile. The colt was accompanied in the first three-quarters of the journey by the i tables Oaks filly Susan Bebecca. The pair j ran the half in CMf and the three-quarters in 1 :17%, the filly then retired, and Kric j finish out the mile cantering in 1 :49. Rhinook j and Royal Omar were worked at a half mile ] preparatory to a more ambitious move Sunday. The pair went out and rattled off the j quarter in 24%. half mile in 51%. Nocturnal! galloped three-eighths in 36%, and was pulled up the half mile in 51 %. Fred Musantes Derby colt Marengo was sent three-eighths which lie covered in :36. KINO XADI WORKS WELL. King Nadi again demonstrated his fitness when he rattled off a mile in 1:45%, going the half in :51% and the three-quarters in I 1:11 Kid Boots and I.ord Meise, from the Aud-ley Farm Stale, went three-quarters in 1:17% and their stablcmates Superfrank and Kinnster went out and ran the distance in a fraction slower time. John K. Madden was a visitor at Churchill Downs this morning to make arrangements fur the transfer of his horses to Belmont Iark next Tuesday. The two-year-olds in particular performed well in their trials. They were sent three-eighths in :?and. Rocky LOJM, Maddcns Kentucky Derby eligible, was also brought out and worked a mile in 1:45%. lie went the half in :. %. three-quarters in 1:17%. Mr. Madden is well pleased by the manner in which his big band of young horses has been going along under the direction of William Walker, and believes they will be ready to sport the OOlOfS in the early part of the Metropolitan racing season. He will have forty horses to .ship east next Tuesday, and Kocky l ane will be included in the number. Should this colt hliow to advantage in his early three-year-old racing he will be brought back to start in the Derby. SPECIAL TRAIN GOING EAST. The extensive J. K. Widener stable, in charge of G. H. Keene. will also be sent to Belmont Iark Tuesday, together with the Mable of Basil Herz. The Madden. Widener and Her/ staliles will require eight express can, and as they are leaving at the same t in.»*. it is likely they will have a special tr.iin. Haste. Profiteer and Soeialist, the Widener staples Derby eligihles. will be included in Hi. shipment to the Kast. Hast, and Profiteer will in all probability be returned here to start in the Derby. Jockey Karl Sande, who has been here for some time helping in tie work of galloping the Widener horses, will depart with trainer Keene. The Widener sable lost one of its most valuable two-year-olds when Mafeking. a brown colt by Spun Kop — Boyal Pearl, wliich Mr. Widener imported from Kngland, broke a leg and had to be i. st roved. Hanley Webb arrived this morning from New Orleans with a couple of horses "apt. C. B. Bunbury arrived from New Orleom with three unnamed two year-olds.