Daily Racing Form Charts: Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-18


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! GAILX" RACIISTO FORM Sggfgf" CHARTS .*fegg!| HAVRE DE GRACE J Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. I HAVRE DE GRACE MD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 17. 1926 1 Mile. Fourth day. Harford April ultural and Breeders" Association. Spring meeting cf U day*. Weather clear. * Stewards. H. IV Conkling. B. Waters and O. Brown. Jr. Judges. II. J. Morris, Josep.i McLennan 1 ■ nd J IV Turner Starter. J. Milton. Racing Secretary. Joseph Mclennan. , Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. ] .".0 p. m. YV indicates whip. S spurs. R blinkers. Fig uies in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track recoid. ape of horse and J weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. I rtfiQtflT FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1925— 1:11--*— 129. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and J WO" # upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 .. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 00743 KIUKLAXI w :: 106 I 9 P* P P U O Fields HO Bedwell SlIS * O0743 I.D RTIMORK U wb 5 118 1 7 2"k M l»k 2* J McTagt S Louis 1,IK - 90753 ITKMIKST W I 106 2 1 8 5"* P P 1 Callahn Roacom Manor Stable h.JO-tu-i I 99429 KINDRED wb 6 107 G 4 P V* P» 14 R Thpson C A Coyle Alll - «0i II CI.ANCK w I 109 S 5 75 6 6»k 51 D Frogtte Mrs A It Lawson .",£. t 00708 iMCSKALLONGE wB S 120 IS I 10lSh 7"- 6" P Hstings Mra J Rowan ,22 00720-POOR SPORT wb 6 110 i:; 1 11» 1R 12- 7»k ] Maiben Flamingo 1-arm Stable •■J-J" , |H4| 8PBABO wb :: 108 I 12 !» 9 91 Sa J Leyland P A Simmons ll-»-l"o 00743 IR CHS WEI.T-.Swii 8 110 12 14 12= 12- 10= 91 P Madeira W S Murray I «I07I9*POLK ST R w 4 10.. 10 13 14» 13»M3- 10= W Mun.len V Richardson 1 l0639»oHLiyrK wb 3 9r, 5 6 l» 1« P 111 O Brown C H Pierce T 99841 KINGSCLERE wb 6 111 4 8 6-1 10J 111 12= E Roehm C Graffagim 4.4o-iw 97437 YMI w I 102 7 10 Bj 71 S» l.V. H Thomas J IT Stotler |974.Y8|CAST11.I.A wb 5 108 11 2 13»14«14141 J Tamaro HE Moore 1 i O07O6"TRHMPH wb 6 113 14 15 15 ■ ■ 15 W McDott W C Trover _44o-iuo HtataH field. Time. :23«i. :49. 1:15«». Track fast. - "__ S2 mutuels paid Foreland BB.PJ straight. 2.90 place. .60 show: Lord Baltimore II., *».30 olace, M show; Temtiest. .20 show. /v„ . _ - - Equivalent booking odds Foreland. 1050 to 100 straight. MS U 100 pace. 280 to 100 show. Lord Baltimore II.. 365 to 100 place. MB to 100 show; Tempest. 100 to 100 show. . Winner Cli. c. by Foreground— Myrtle Marion, by Woolsthorpe trained by n. O. Redwell: bred Dy Mr. II. G. Redwellt. . . . .... Went to post at 2:34. At post ■ minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the sain.- FORELAND was saved close up until in the home stretch, where lie came fast and got up In the last Hftj var.ls to win drawing clear. LORD BAI.TIMORF. II. ran well. l "t was swervmg to th- outside iii the stretch and was driving to the limit at the end to outfinish TEMILSI 1 he latter betas sl..«lv. but gained st.-adilv and finished fast after making a wide turn into the home stretch KINDRED was a forward ■ontender until in the- last eighth, then tired. MlSKAI.LONGh began well on the outside, but immediately dropped back. OBLIQUE showed the most speed to the home stretch Scratched NISI I.iason. 11C; 97".44 Donges. 118; C0710=lernier Son, 110; 90808 Martial Wand. 101: MSB «;olden Wanderer. 100. Overweights Spearo. ] pounds: Kingsclere. 1: Ysmi, 1. _____ AACAC SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 16. 1921— 1:05V5— 3— 108. Aero Handicap. Purse WOUO ,500. 3-year-olds. Not value to winner ,000; second. 00; third. 50; fourth. 0. |,„Iov Horses AWtlISt 4 _. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. "dds Strt 00668 TiiVI.AND w 108 I G 1*1 4 2- H W Harvey It O Egan 5S"S 97491 TP FITC w 103 I I 2 31 I P W Mun.len H P Whitney KA.-lOO 00740 CH*OC"ATE SOLDM «M 4 2 11 21 3- :M F Colletti Sagamore Stablo i2"!2 MM HVEY STEDMAN WB 101 8 8 7 7 H 4= II Howard Mrs W J Howard iMf- 00 0076«VDR1A wn 106 7 3 8 8 C P J Maiben W J Salmon ..0-00 00744 CFNTRIFrr. I. wb 114 2 7 5h C"* 7" Gh P Walls Flamingo Farm Sta-Ie 44o-lU" 00584 I.OMRARDO wb 105 3 1 4" Si S P| C Ralls ¥ M Kellcy "VZ] MwM*DlXZT BLONDE *M 1 4 P 1" H 0 Fields Sunnyland Stable ...in-100 Time. :23s. :48. l9tS%. Track fast. mutuels pad T.-yland. Jt.20 straight, .tK place, .40 show; Traffic, Kll.M place. J..-0 slii.w; ho - date s.,ldier. $«.W show. F.quivalent b.H.king odds Toyland. 1300 to 100 straight. BM to 100 place. 1.0 to 100 show: Traffic. 47.-. to 100 place 2 :0 to 100 show; Chocolate Siddier. 230 to 100 show. Winner- Ck ■ by Peter Pan Lucrative, bv Mordant trained by S. Judge; bred by Himyar Sttldi Went 1.. pm4 at 3:13. At post !t minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the BMW TOYIAND. shuffled back at the start, gradually improved his position and. coming fast thr.mirh the stretch, beaded the tiring TKAFFlt and won drawing clear in the last twenty yards. TltFKI sln.wed the m st «arlv lf«c4, but was much used in racing DUST BLONDS and CHOCOLATE HOLDIBB into defeat and tired. IIAKVEV STKOMAN closed a big gap. AORIA dropped back in the .arly running 1MZ7.Y BLONDS raced into Hie lead and was eased up in the stretch when she tired, t KNTKIFItiAI. was on the inside all the way, but was outpaced. Scratched 00744-Rock Man. 120. AAQAO THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1926—1:11—4—129. Eclipse Purse. Purse ,500. JUoUJ 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V. Str Fin Jockeys Owners rijuiv. Odds Strt 0tl74G»sK Tt»K NORRISwb I 112 4 2 P| P l2 P G Fields II G Bedwell 35-100 MHMM BACKBONK w 4 118 I 4 3 3- 33 2J L McAtee H P Whitney 103-100 00740 -f. IHKIi A. w 4 10G I 3 iiik 2nk 2i 3l V Stott J W Adams 1850-100 00740 TOPBOOT ws 6 102 1 G 51 4= 4= 4l J Chalmrs F Keone 1065-100 MMtl OBNL TH ATCIIERw I 118 I 1 4 5= P 5» I. Schaefer Nevada Stock larm Sta 1110-100 00"4fi i;Y COMET w 5 106 6 5 6 6 G 6 D Frogtte Beacom Manor Stable 5220-100 Time. :23V :47%. 1:13*5- Track fast. *2 mutuels paid -Senator Norris. .70 straight. .50 place. .20 show; Backbone, .30 place, Jl show: J Fred A.. .20 chow. BapHalMt l»ooking odds S nator Norris. 35 to 100 straight. 2.5 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Backbone 11.1 to 100 place. CO to 100 sh w : J. Fred A.. CO to 100 show. Winner— Br. h. by udgel- "j plier Code, by Disguise trained by H. ;. Redwell: bred by Mr. IT. 6. B.-dwell i Went to post at 3:.10. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving SK.NATOIt NORRIS set a fast pace from the start and raced under restraint to the three-eighths ix.st where he began drawing away. BACKBONE saved ground when" pussibe and outgamed .1 IlJKlP A. in the stretch drive. The latler was a forward .tintender all the way. TOPBOOT i-ioved c|i on the outsid- .vliile rounding the far turn, but dro| |»ed back when entering the home stretch, then ■ .in. if hi at the end. CBNBBAL TIIATt HER finished gamely. -v/vq-| £ FOURTH RACE — 4 1-2 Fuilngr. April 25. 1925— :53 — 2—116. Fourteenth Running JfJQAvF ABEBDFFN STAKES. S10 000 Added. 2-veaT-clds. Allowances. Net value to winner. 1,050; second. ,000: third. ,000; fourth 00. Index Baraca AWtlISt t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 0078.1.C1.IH STEXK 1M 11 3 11 1= J Chalmrs .T P Jones ttll5-100 i MTtt " I RFIi ROCKBT 122 15 3 21 ".- 2- W Smith Pastime Stable 1760-100 OOCtiG P CANALS H9 18 6 5 4»k 31 G Fields A P Canale 53910-100 D4JONU8 H3 M 4 1" 21 4- I McTagt .1 A Buchanan 735-100 994.12 THE HEATHEN 116 I 8 P 5t 5» V Stott C S Pierce S 00722-I.EST ntlKND 11. 2 J 5 4J 61 6" D Fiogtto A F Rinehart t725-100 i 00744 il.ANIH.ORI IMH 7 8»k fa 71 I» YValls .1 KL Ross 2475-100 00.1iti i Pol. ANTE 122 1". I ! » 8 81 I. Schaefer Nevada Stock Farm Sta t 007C4 i RE TRICE NOVI.S 11 6 ■ 71 91 91 E Rarnes P H Faulconer ft i 997*"J |.M Mil OP ORLEANS 112 fill 111 W1 10= J Maiben W J Salmon 5545-100 O0.130MV ITCHERY U3 V U 12 12 111 L McAtee H P Whitney . 1 405 -100 M7St* BOBBY JONRS Bl 7 1". 131 IT 12s C Rot.son Capital Stable t »1HTraT MctlEE 116 8 10 10i lid 13! F Colletti Sagamote Stablo 4235-100 . lOOCCO .MINIATOR 122 17 14 151 14" 14 C Turner H P Whitney t 00477 JIM ROW 116 14 16 17=17115- F Smith S Ross t 99897rSlN LYNN 116 4 15 14" 154 161 B Ambise W S Kilmer t , 99028 IATI "XANT 116 1117 16 16 17= R Carter H K Rliss 41750 100 TRITON 116 5 20 13 1! 1 18 1 Fisher Mrs W M Jeffords t 00742 MASTER WILLIAM LS J Is ISJIS1 19= J Butwell A J Jad.k t 994.12 TXM1AMI TRAIL IM 12 tl ■ M 20 J Callairn Rea. om Manor Stable t tilutuel field. 1 ouplcd as II P. Whitney entry: |A. P. lanale and C. S. Pierce entry; UJ. P. Jones and P. II Faulconer ent ry. Time. :23. :47S. :54*i. Track fast. , uiutiiils paid- J. IV Jones and P. II. Faulconer entry. .30 straight. :iO pace. $.!.:» show: Red K.» ket. 1. .VI place. MLW show: A. P. anale and C S. Pierce entry. 7. M show. Hi|tiiralent tKMiking odds .1. P. Jones and P. II. Faulconer entry. 11.1 to 100 straight. 11.1 to 100 1 pla.-c. 05 t.. ! !-!io ; Red Bucket, 475 to 1O0 place. 31.1 to 100 show: A. P. Canale and C. S. Pierce rwtry 7t;5 t.. mni show Winner Rr. f. by Meridian Stake and Cap. by Kllisdale trained by J. P. Man; bred by estate of M. I ew la .arthc Went to |H.st at 4:1!. At |iOst 11 minutes. Start good and slow. W. n easily, -econd and third driving CI. I It STFAK U-gan well and helped force a fast pace to the stretch turn, where she raced into tie- lead and kept drawing uwai tlir.nih the last eighth. BSD BOCKBT ian I go -d race and OHM | w„l | fee -irit.li urn. A. P. CANALS headed DIGXC8 in the last eigiilh and oatgaiiied her in the i f nal dri.. Taw lalfr. a fast iK-ginner. showed the wnxl s|s-.-d. but tired. TUB IIKATHF.N hud to! I , *..rk 1 1 • -~ «ay thnnmli iii the early running ami ran a go d race. REST PBIBND was off well. LAND i LdRl as shuffled lia. k in the l.rst sixteenth There was ■ lot of crowding ill the first eighth and; j Pdl.AVIi:. SI N I ANN. TAMIAM1 TRAIL and TRITON were all crowded directly after the start. .s, r.H, lied I olli. Joe. 1 10. j //n-| -g FIFTH RACE— 1 Mil- end .0 Yards. April 25. 1925 — 1:42 4 112. Everglades Purse.! f VfO JL M. v ■ *° r*ln i.-r.jTH. .-.nl upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,500: second. ! 00. third. 50. fourth 0. • Index Horses . AWtlISt, .. •, Str Fin Joe: cys Owners K«|tiiv. Odds Strt 0074.1 i TIHiKI.I.KIt wn I IS ;: 5 5 5 3i 2 1 W Smith IT G Re.lw-11 | _i O074C -li;i.i: FOOT » » 11J t I ."J P* P 1" P « Tunie, J E Crilfith ., -100 illOliaiolIKHMW w 7 102 5 4 4» 4i4 4« 3n «• palU |« M K.ll- l-.65-lOO «»074»; l.ol NtiEll WB • MI I I V P 2 1.1 MeT»C*l J I. Rurtts. bell .,.5 loO O07C1 REMSTOM-: ■■ •■ : ■" •: •• i«| I" l •"• ■ R"ma»« ammtmm stable ;.tpi-ioo Time. :2Z. :47S. 1:11%. I4t%. 144 ». Track fast.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041801/drf1926041801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1926041801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800