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| j I ! ! HARVEY AMES, Inc BAKU BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. NEW VOItK CITY | WON ! ! | The last "HARVEY TRANSACTION," and the only horse advised, won easily. There are "DAYS AND DAYS," as was proved again in this instance. "Harvey Transaction" Monday Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. After the sixth race was official at Havre de Grace Friday, a victory at good odds was assured us for Monday. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 i | 1 I j , i WIN 00 PAY US 0 We get real information, because we bet plenty for the people we get it from. Ojr own dockers are out at 4:00 oclock every morning to clock those early morning soeret works to make sure. We have a complete organization, and certainly can produce the winners. Our connections will not permit us to play at ths track, so we shall ask you not to. Xhero will be plenty of good things going at the Columbus meeting. As soon as we win 00 for you. by playing a win parlay each day on ths two horses we wira you at 8:00 a. m. every miming, will you pay us 950 ! We wired our clients last week: MONDAY: SKA MOSS 0.30. Won IIIIHI .o $ s.TO. Won TUESDAY: I.IKl TENANT FAltltKLI $ 9.s0, Won LOTTO 0.00, Won WEDNESDAY: I, Mill: S.60. Won KXTKV DRY .«0, 2nd THURSDAY: BILLY M VNN 0.4?, Won MEW Nil $ S.20. Won FRIDAY: ■ VHK.I. C .70, Won XIOSTLK $ 7.90, Won SATURDAY: |. N« NYXE 0.20, Won H V It LW11 4.00, Won We invite you to join us if you arc willing to give a long established concern a square deal. We don*t want any excuse-makers, as we have met them before. To prove you mvn business, wire us to defray expanses, and wo will wire you our parlay every day until you win 00. SERVICE IMMEDIATELY— IF IN CITY. CALL GIBRALTAR PUB. CO. 90 West Mta St.. Room 80S. Now Yoik City