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— Entries and Past Performances COLUMBUS MONDAY, APRIL 19 WEATHER CLOlDYl TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9MN7 TS FIIIST INDEX OF 1926. 00403 IS FIUST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 1:15. ® Superior mud runner. x Oood mud runner. :;:Fair mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations ore used to designnte tracks at which time records in entries vcre made: t Akron Ak TKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park la? Aurora Au Lansdovvre Park.... LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Ln Blue Grass BO Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBiooklyn Park Br fMarlboro Kb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tCclumhus Co Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NT tConneaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix . . . .?n Devon sh re De Pimlico Fm Dorval Do Raceland Rd tDufferin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SI. Fair Grounds FO Saratoga and* Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie _..FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe To tHastings PaTk HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimonicm Tin Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hr United Hunts TJH Huntington Hn tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi Juarez Jz Woodbine Wo Kemp ton Park KP tToungstown To Kenil worth Ke tDcsignatcs half-mile track. Beulah Park Half Mile. First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23, 1923 -1 :0;"»-i— 7— 104. Todays Ind. Horse.VIostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 00126 Liborio. | .. .MH 10611 :07 5 111. .72.". 00500 Black Top. 2..Hu 111 1:08 8 107x720 97287 John Hoshor, 6Hv 113 1:09V. 7 107®71." 00614 Bill Shaffer. 4M1I 99 1:06-, 4 107.. 710 00815 P. Moody, 3...Hv 110 1:07V, S 111X703 95836 Oavalier, 1 .. .MH 112 1:08, 10 107.700 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 1926.sh00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23, 1923 1 :05 Vi —7 -104. 96901 Uncle Yelo, 4.De 109 1:10% 8 107 x72a 95138 Virge, 3 nvl10 1:00!4 12 10.V 720 00815 Mandy. 2 Hv 98 1:10 4 100X71.7 00357 Miss Emersou. » . TO 109 1 :0S. B 10.7X710 97256 Yaneo. 1 Rd 108 1:00% 8 107. .OS 00461 Orenade M. ollv 113 1:08% ."■ 107. TOO Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23. 1923- 140% — I— 101. 00057 Kve Fox. 4 II v 110 1:00% 9 MOXTO 00140 Royal Dick. C Mil 110 140% 8 107x7-0 95429 British Liner. 7. 8 107..71T. 00628 Oneida. 5 To M0 140% B 10.7x710 00644 War Oarden. 3Hv 110 1:06% 10 107®70.7 00815- May Prosper. 1 Of 112 l:0S%s 0 10". • Too 96759 "Mupi, 2 C 102/700 Fourth Rac— 5-8 Mile. Iurse $.VX. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 17, 1925— 1:01-2 10.7. 00410- •MRU HcGOM, 8 Ilv 108 1 :03"u: 4 102 x 73.7 00627 »Lafe M., 0 TD 112 l:00fe 6 113x725 00647 Havana Klectrie. 9 Hu 110 1:00% • 1MXTM 89892 Albert L.. 4 K 10!»v715 9215- County Times, 10 4 113x710 00814- Big Sapp. 2 I! 11 5XT10 95139 John Joseph, 7... 7 106. .705 00814 Dr. Sisk. 3 DP 90 1 01% 4 109 v 705 00337 »Roek Bottom. 11. 6 110 700 96309 Dorothy Ryan, 5. 5 104. 700 93856 Roma, 1 io 105 1:02% C 105. 700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Turse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Auif. 7. 1924— 1:13— 3- 109. 00490" Gentry, 5 Hv 99 1:13% 107.725 00401 : Al Kripp. 1 ...Ti 100 1:13% 10SX720 00499 Candy Jar. 8 ...IP 15 1:15% 100x715 00175 Little Manager, ti JP 104 1:15-. 106. 710 00399 Private Seth, 7Au 110 1:13% 112x705 00623 Aristotle, 4 ...Hw 103 1:10% 101. 705 008171 *Traproe. .". ...Ti 105 1:13., 101x700 00552 Casus Belli M. 2 Mi 115 1:15% 101Y700 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 7, 1924 1:13—3-109. 00345- Star of Kve, O.Hv 110 1:12% 7 98x725 00449 Variation. 1 ...Hv 116 1:13 5 109x720 00360 Lure of Cold, 5TD Ml 1:12% 4 103x715 00218- IMmon, 4 Ti 97 1:11% 4 110x710 00207* Hole Card. 3 ..IV 110 1:12% 4 110x710 99976 Elizabeth K.. 8JP 97 1:13% 4 108x705 00429 Cornflower. 2...JP 113 1 :14% 5 101x700 99133 Delia Robbia, 7Hv 101 1:13% 4 10i • TOO Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. 28. 1925— 1:56— 5—1 M%. 00814 Gus R.. C JP 110 1:54 4 108.723 00819 Son of 103 1:54% 4 102. 720 00819 Spirea. 2 Mil 103 1:52% 5 KM..TM 00426 Metson. 1 5 105 710 00819- Belario. 3 MH 102 1:53 10 JT TOT. 00719 Gen. tadorna. 5.. 9 106x700 00816 The Colonel, 4... f. 109 ■ 700