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FAMOUS TURF BUREAU g 0.00 FOR SIX WINNING PARLAYS g ALL CLIENTS MUST RECHVE SIX WIN PARLAYS FOE THEIE TEN DOLLARS— NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE WHATSOEVER. STRICTLY TWO HOESES EACH DAY TO ALL CLIENTS. WHETHER IN THE CITY OR OUT OF TOWN. WE HAVE OPENED A CHICAGO OFFICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF WESTEEN SUBSCRIBERS. YE8TERDAYS PARLAY: FORELAND 3.00, Won GOLDEN BILLOWS 1.10, Won gg50-1 WIN PARLAY MONDAY-f| RELEASED TO EVEETBODY UPON RECEIPT OF SUBSCRIPTION Our connections advise a limit play on Mondays two horses — parlay to WIN ONLY. All plans and details have teen covered. No fnnds were spared in overcoming all possible obstacles. Barring accidents both horses should gallop home to easy victories. No waiting, no delay. Parlay released to everybody immediately upon receipt of 0. Out of town as well as city clients receive the advertised two horse parlay immediately. We have a special department to handle out of town subscribers so that there is not one minutes delay in sending telegrams. Advertised horses released to everybody. FBIDAY S PARLAY: TRIE BOY «.:•, Won CLVH STEAK * 9.«0, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: MOXTFERttAT 3.20, Won BEATRICE NOTES 9.20, Won VTEDNESD AY S PARLAY " LANDLORD 1.90, Won JOHNNY CAMPBELL $ 8.29, Won TTJJlcD AYS PARTWAY * LIEl TENANT FARRELL..$ 9.S0, Won DRUMBEAT $ $.40, Won MONDAYS PARLAY: GREEN BLAZES 5.90, Won MUSKALLONGE $ 7.30, Won Getaway Special at Tijuana today Sunday — long shot — 15-1 — released free to all those subscribing today. Office open Sunday, 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. NOTICE! NOTICE! — Why send your money thousands of miles away and, after waiting weeks for service, receive odds-on favorites when you can subscribe to our Chicago office and receive prompt and courteous service ? Chicago clients, call in person. If out of town, remit 0.00 via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive six winning parlays. Chicago office open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. FAMOUS TURF BUREAU ROOM 412. ASHLAND BLOCK. CORNER CLARK AND RANDOLPH STREETS, CHICAGO, ILL. Offices in New York and Baltimore ■*■ Sold at All Newsstands ■£■ MONDAYS |500 FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE— March-9-4-3-24 Remember. LAST MONDAYS $£00 ••• FREE CODE: MUSKALLONGE .30, Won Just another occasion for Supreme followers to enjoy the fruits of another victory Monday. These 00 *** Free Codes are the last word in racing information, handed to you on a silver platter. So. by all means, get issue No. 26 to decipher the above sure thing, if there was ever one. Below is a list of winners in last weeks issue for all turf weeklies to shoot at: MODO 4.40 MISS ROSEDALE 2.00 JIMBON 9.50 HENCE 2.20 SPANISH STAR 9.40 BILLY MANN. . .0.40 POPPINA 7.80 DANCING FOOL .0.20 FULL MOON 6.80 EAGER 0.60 DR. TUBES 4.80 And a batch of others too numerous to mention. Are you following our system horses on the bottom of page 8 as per instructions? If not, you are losing a bankroll every week. This information alone is worth just one hundred times the price of this booklet. Do not fail to get Mondays Super Daily Wire. This horse goes in the seventh race at Havre de Grace and should never leave the result in doubt. Here is one of the ripest things of the mooting. MONDAY S DAILY WIRES: MONDAYS ONE DOLLAR DAILY WIRES HAVE A PARLAY THAT OUR MARYLAND CLOCKER ADVISES SHOULD WIN AND WIN TO A CERTAINTY. When parlayed, should be at least 40-1. Under no circumstances miss these and daily wires. These wires are obtainable at all newsstands as far west as Buffalo and south to Washington, D. C, also at Dunns Newsstand at Detroit. To all Supreme followers not within this terri-- tory who desire this service, wire direct to our New York office. Termr — for six days service for our wires. Terms — 0 for six days service for our wires. Combined service: For both and daily wires, terms — 2 for six days service. SUPREME PUB. CO.. 799 Broadway, New York City LEXINGTON RACES OPENING DAY. APRIL 24TH COL.J.J.SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER Thirty years experience as docker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS You will find me to be just ten years ahead of the present-day people in my line. Rush your subscription. Dont fail to send your address. From me you get track conditions and no scratched horses, but fit horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. PHOENIX HOTEL LEXINGTON, KY. The System Player Monthly In the APRIL issue THE MASTODON POSITIVE PICKER HAS A METHOD THAT DIGS THEM UP. Try it against time, weight, high index or the ordinary dope. This magazine is sold in St. Louis by the Laaer News Co. Others can get their copy direct, .00 by mail from J. MONTAGUE 194 Grant Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. Havre de Grace Monday AN UNUSUAL PROPOSITION Horse released Saturday lost, making Maryland record three winners out of four advised. Sportsmen, wire name and complete address. joe Mccarty saratoga springs, n. y. DAILY RACING GUIDE HAS THE WINNERS I . Gallops Parlays FREE mail Doc McMahon — Helene Hackworth — 326 Parlay Paid .. 3.1 5- , Won Miss Omond— The Gaff— 327 Parlay Paid. .0.90-, Won Rajah Lags 322 Parlay Paid. 8.05-, Won Clermont Jr. — Meddling Seth — 329 Parlay Paid . . 5.00- , Won Were all given Gallops Weekly readers. SPECIAL Subscription Off er To all who send by next Saturday April 24th, for six weeks subscription to Gallops Weekly and Parlay Page, we will send by mail. ABSOLUTELY FREE, TWO SPECIAL Mail Parlays One for April 26th and one for May 1st. These will be sent in plain, sealed envelopes, first-class mail. Just send and say. "For your special subscription offer," and you will receive GALLOPS WEEKLY and PARLAY i PAGE with instructions for six weeks and also the TWO SPECIAL PARLAYS BY MAIL. Send today. Dont miss these special mail parlays. You can send either by mail or wire, but BE SURE AND SEND YOUR ADDRESS. pAI I OPC 219 S. Dearborn St. Vk.MLiLiVSr O CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dont get stung. Positively nothing of ours sold by agents. FREE! "THE SECRET OF BEATING THE RACES." a 16-page booklet of real inside information, by a retired turf speculator. No charge. Simply mail this ad and 4c postage to J. K. Willis, Box 1066, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You Can Beat the Races Write TODAY for a copy of "How to Pick the Horse That Carries the Cash. It tells you all about the game and explains the New Superior Method of Handicapping, a thirty-two page book, which will show you how to pick winners with surprising regularity. Write for it today. SUPERIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY Munsey Building Washington, D. C. Long Shot Goes Next Saturday at Havre de Grace and should win easily at good odds. Subscribe to the LONG SHOT SHEET for one month, price .00. and we will wire you the name of this horse absolutely free. We prepay all telegrams. THE DEAN PRINTING CO. 1004-06 Hillen Street Baltimore, Md. VOLUME II. OF ANNUAL RACING FORM for 1925 NOW ON SALE PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y 320 EAST 3RD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO 60 RICHMOND STREET, EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 306-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA 2011 MIAMI COURT, N. W. • - MIAMI, FLA. I COL THOMPSON "RECOGNIZED Authority on the Turf* 8 W. TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY 0 DAILY— "TWO HORSES DAILY"— 00 WEEKLY LOOK ! LOOK ! LOOK ! and erax°- f" *he benefit of SMALL PLATERS who cannot afford to pay me my daily fee. and for people who doubt, skeptics who must be shown as to my ability of PRODUCING, I will reduce my terms for this week, and offer them the following PROPOSITION: 0 — Special Reduced Terms, April 19-26 — 0 I FOR TWENTY-FIVE DAYS SERVICE— TWO HORSES DAILY STOP! LOOK! READ! SPECIAL PROPOSITION! At the expiration of twenty-five days service you must receive fifteen win parlays out of each twenty-five, each paying 30-1 or better for your money. Flaying daily win parlays, you should win at least - J ,000.00 I .Prin1" ££?in8 00° tw0 th,onfand "o"*". y« « must remit to me the balance of my subscription, 90, or your service will be stopped immediately. mltSS" wm.tbe wired »i«rht bofor° th » *. ™ Western Union or Postal Telegraph night letter. No waiting: immediate service. NOTICE— CLIENTS ON BOOKS K.,-?".**® "2*-""" Moa*my- AVTil 12. owing to Col. Thompsons absence from office, he «?Jf — KlZ* * ™ , J1" ""us stronger connections. Thousands of dollars have been spent .»•* fT information, and. according to Col. Thompsons message on long distance phone, release information this week that will startle THE TURF WORM due *- ***-" »«■-■ ■"" «*•»*• * *» °*low my one release last week, and only one, Green Blazes . . . .5.90, Won Muskallonge $ 7.30, Won _, MY PAST RECORD IS AS FOLLOWS: Boon Companion. 5.30, Won Hayward 9.70, Won Nabisco 8.60, Won Escarpolette 7.60, Won Highbinder 3.90, Won Coronation 9.70, Won Agnes Call 8.00, Won Black Mask 5.80, Won Duckling 5.80, Won Pay man 4.70, Won Maddenstown .. .1.50, Won Maclean 2.10, Won Do not miss Mondays two horses, which have been speciaUy prepared for my celebration. " on* of town Wlr« you subscription of ten dollars for twenty-five days service, via-western Union or Postal Telegraph, with agreement that you will remit the balance of my terms. Address all communications to: COL. THOMPSON 8 WEST TWENTY -SIXTH STREET, NEW YORK CITY UNIVERSAL SERVICE ,764.15 AT THE END OF SIX DAYS! ! That was what an investment of a 0.00 straight parlay brought to partleipants of THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE for the past week, as listed below: SA TURD A Y * Foreland 3.00, Won Golden Billows 1.10, Won FRIDAY: Club Steak $ 9.60, Won Mabel C 8.70, Won THURSDAY: Montferrat 3.20, Won Billy Mann 0.40, Won WEDNESDAY * Clique 8.60, Won Noah $ 6.10, Won TUESDAY: Camouflage Disqalified 6.20 Red Rocket $ 8.10, Won MONDAY: Green Blazes 5.90, Won Sea Moss 0.30, Won PAY US AT THE END OF THE WEEK We are sending this wire service to all our subscribers on a profit-sharing and co-operative basis, due to the fact that we have encountered difficulty LAYING OFF OUR HOT STUFF when th» LAYERS knew the source. As we realise that the individual can place a small play for himself without any trouble at different points in the United States, this exclusive information is yours, subject to the following conditions: Place a small parlay for us on the information we send you, and at the end of six days remit by telegraph, the sum of 00.00 out of your winnings. Wire us at once .00, in order to defray expenses and service will start immediately. Those who do not remit at the end of six days will not receive any further service, and will he dropped from our wire list. City clients, call. THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE 690 8th Ave., Between 43rd and 44th Sts., Room 601, New York City CITY CLIENTS, CALL FROM 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M. D. C. NEWS SERVICE Suite 1003, Vermont Building Washington, D. C. NO MYSTERY HORSES OR SIMILAR NONSENSE THE RIGHT HORSE THE RIGHT DAY 5.00 Weekly Information — Not Guesswork 1 or 2 Horses Daily SEA MOSS 0.30, Won LANDLORD 1.90, Won Released to all clients and filed with this paper. Subscribe now. Telegraph or money order. All wires prepaid. City clients, call. Toyland 5.20, Won This was the only one I gave yesterday. WIRE KY SHARE. ANOTHER GOES MONDAY. I give only one a day and a good one. Last week I gave Mabel C, 8.70, won; Montferrat, 3.20, won; Blue Will, lost; Lieutenant Farrell, .80, won: Zeod. 4.20, won; Johnny Campbell, 4.70, won. I have given honest service for fifteen years. My terms are: Wire to help with expenses and wire winnings of after horse wins. No other terms accepted. LONG SHOT MONDAY WIRE AT ONCE E. FLETCHER Jamaica, Nov York, N. Y. Weekly Racing Guide A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN, SELECTIONS, CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS. TIMELY PICTURES, DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race follower*. ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY: TIJUANA— Jockey -Saddle -Whip. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 25 Cents a Copy DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. PUBLISHERS 1*7 East 32nd Street New York, 2L X*