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HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES FOR MOM1AY APRIL. 19 PAST PERFORM AM KS WILL APPFAR 1 MONDAYS PAPER. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1925. no matter where it finished. In esses where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S0H7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 192C 00403 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. ® Superior mud rnnner. x Good mud rt;nner. :!:Fair mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: tAkron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora An Lansdowne Park LP Belmont Park BP Landtonis La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMsilboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tCoInmbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Monnt Royal MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tCouneaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire Do Pimlico Pm Dorral Do Baceland Rd Dufferin Park Du Reno R* Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fairmouct Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliff o Th tHastings Park HP Tijnana Ti Havre do Grace HO tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts UH Huntington Hu Wheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi Juarez Jz Woodbine Wo tKempton Park Ktr tYoungstown To Kenilworth Ke TDcsignates half-mile track. Havre de Grace Mile Track. First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 2 year olds. Claiming. Track record: April 25, 1925— :53— 2— 110. Todays Did. norsoAPostPns. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 00764= Post Horn. l..Mi 110 :57 110.. 730 00581 1 Gnome Se ond ML 15 110.. 725 99828- •Captain Ja. k. 19 Mi 116 :54- 5 111.720 00722 Kdith D.. 16... Mi 108 :55 115.. 715 00581 Dexter ML 18.. 114.. 710 00742 AVillie K. Ml, 6. ■ lMXTM 00764 •Kn amp Ml. 4.. 105. .710 00742 Fly Hawk ML 8 106. .705 00705 Super Ray ML 9 111.. 705 00705 Matilda B. Ml, 17. 94. 705 99090 Over Lord ML :t 114. 700 9S825 Tommy Foster ML 7 114. .700 00581 Sir Barley M. 11 Mi 115 :iofc 102.700 00785 Amy A. Ml, 14. 105. 700 Tread. 2 110 Foretop, 10 110 Torrence. 12 107 Lufisn, 13 107 Hathaway. 20... 99 Long Joe, 5 114 Second Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,200. 4-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track re.ord: April 21. 1925 — 1:11 — 4-129. 00723- Canister. I Mi 107 1:12*5 4 lll:j:735 00786 •Lcatherood. l.HG 110 1:12 5 106x730 00612- Scorcher. 4 Mi 100 1:12 4 111X725 00006 Rowlands Beipiest, 7 FG 104 LISom 4 123. .720 00670 Mark Master. 12.. 4 115*715 97344 Donges. 11 Sa 106 1:14 Vs 6 112x710 00723 »Red Pennuut. S.TD 105 1:12% 4 115.. 710 00408 Maclean. ■ IK; 113 l:12fe 5 111.. 705 00062J Harlan, 2 JP 110 1:13% 4 116X705 00765- •Dream Maker, 3Sa 117 1:12% 6 115.. 700 00765 Watts, 10 Ja 115 1:12% 4 114®70 00807 •Cas.tilla. 9 Hv 105 1:13 5 94X700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. I year-olds. Claiming. Track record: April 16, 1921— 1:05%- 3 10S. 00534 Leninos. 20 ...Mi 115 1:07% 116.. 735 00668 •Phantom Fire, I Ja 118 1:08% 105. 730 00787 »Hest Shot. 11. .Wi 100 1:07% 97x725 00532 Golden Wanderer, 9 IT 103 1:07% 107. .720 00707 Sox. 8 la 112 1:07 105*715 00534 •Special Acount. 7 Mi 110 1:06% 108.. 715 97062 •Cobra. 2 111. 107 1:08 102.. 710 00290- "Berkeley Square. 1 Mi 108 1:08% 102.710 00707 Mary grace. 13 Lu 116 1:09% 108x710 00763 lauark Ml. 14Uo 110 1:09% 110. .705 97486 Rockover M, 15 Bo 112 1:10% 101. 705 00786 Majuba. 17 ...tW 110 1:08% 107X705 98980 Palmist. 18 113.. 705 99585 *Lad Bountiful. 19 JP 92 1:06% 100.705 00532 *Meridian Hill, 4. Ja 107 1:07 94x700 00788 Brush By, 5 . Lu 116 1:08% 110. .700 00766 Cliff. 6 JP 911:07% 111. .700 00744 Stony Man ML 10 HG 101 1:09% 101.. 700 00787 *Charleie. 12. ..CI 1011:08% U1..700 00786 Highwayman, 16. Em 114 1 :08% 107 .. 700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Yarrow Brae Purse. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track re.ord: April 21. 1925 — 1:11—4 — 129. 00788 Dust Pp. 4 Mi 110 1:12% 112. .735 00763 Montferrat, I..M 116 1:14% 112.. 730 97367 War Ix rd. 2...HG 112 1:14% 112. .725 00532 Fore Star. 3...I.U 107 1:15% 105. 720 00766 La Ferte M, 6.. 101.. 71 5 00744 Punjab. 7 110. .710 00763 Trouble Maker ML ■ HG 116 1:16% 106. 706 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Dlg-wood Handicap. Purse ,000. 3 year olds and upward. Track record: Sept. 18, 1920 -1:44%— 3— 138. 00811 TIXJKLLKK, 8. Pm 102 1:47 4 126x740 00641 Forecaster, 7 ..Bo 113 1:51s 4 124.. 730 00533- War Man. 5 . .Th 109 1:47% I 105x72.-. 99120 Golden Spire. .Mi 111 1:45% 4 117x720 00670 Arbitration. 2..I.U 108 l:4S%sy 4 109x715! 00641 Prime Hamlet, 3. Wo 99 1:47% I 115x710 00098- Balboa, 4 JP 103 1:45% 4 114x705 00641 Feyson, 1 BP 10511:45% 5 108x700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 year olds ;uitl upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 18. 1920— 1:44%— 3 — 138. 00768 Jacques. 10 ...IB; 113 l:48%m 8 111.. 735 00725» Hi.koiy, 8 ....KG 10.1 1:49% 7 108x730 09720 •Ilobson. 3 Mi 92 1:48% 4 103X725 00178 Doiu.rii.i. I Mi* 99 1:4*.;. 8 87X720 00769 •Kusovia, 5 IP KM 1:47% 5 ftWXTlfi 00769 •Flint. 1 Lu 110 1:51% 7 103x710 00643 •Sam Smith. 2. Mi IINI 1:50 I 103x705 00226 Bib Gra-s. s ...KG 102 1:48 7 113x705 00643 •Ben Handly. 9 .JP 90 1:48% 3 87X705 00769 Korlorn 1M1. 11 . HG 92J1:53% 3 92.. 700 00724 •Ju»t »lare. li 3 85.. 700 00743 NO 1111:1 uioti, 4 4 103.. 700 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. .; ear olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: S*pt. 18. 1920 1 44% 3 138.1 00769- Fornovo. 6 JP 111 1 47. 8 111x735 007101 Invictus. 5 ..Mi 114 1 49% 5 100 . 7: O OO7903 Lrsy Cables. 4Mi 116 I 48% 9 MfttXHS 00768 Grand Bey. 7.HG 98 149% 3 NL.tM 00667J Body Cusrd. 9 KP 105 1 57%h 6 108-715 0OT90 Shanghai. 12 .Mi 113 1 :4S% 4 108-710 00769% Mildred Sherer. 2 IB; 90 151 3 89. .710 00768 Steven*. 11 MH 110 1 46% 5 MMxHB 00790 Mintstick. 10 ..Mi 115 1 48;. ■ 10S . 705 00640 •Muriel S., 8 ..Mi 108 1 49;, ] 90.700 00794 Zama. 3 MH 114 1 48 5 108 70O 00124 Boy Scout M, 1 ;; 92. .700