Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1928-05-03


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3 BEULAH PARK COLUMBUS. OHIO. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. 192S .— Beulah Turk 1-2 Mile. Tenth day. Beulah Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weatiier clear. Stewards. J. T. Ireland. J. A. Murphy and II. D. Shepherd. Judges, W. R. Norvell and C. Stands. •Starter, L. Dean. Racing Secretary, W. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-nres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track re-ord, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance. Afhrfk FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Carrie Moore. April 23. 1923— 1C5.-.— 7— 104. Purse £i~3kJr 4 J 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winder .5: second, 5; third, 0. " Index Horses AWtlT St + ]j Sir tin Jo keys Owners . Equiv. Book. Strt 23886 LAIE M. W 8 114 2 1 l1 1= 1= l1 D Burney K S Cleveland 140-100 23916BEST FRIEND wb 4 110 7 4 21 2= 23 23 E Shpslie J J McAulilfe 290-100 23912 = *IMA FOX wb 6 104 5 8 81 SI 41 31 J M Dale G Stewart 460-100 1MM FALLEN LEAF w 4 106 10 7 4"* 41 31 41 L Aron R F CoffMCC 1570-100 23885 = • ISOSCELES w 9 106 3 5 71 71 51 P T Malley Thistledown Stable 3020-100 2388C*CIXCH w 4 104 8 6 3»k 3" 6= 61 J OMalley E W Moore 1310-100 23887* WAR BOY" w 5 103 4 10 10 10 71 71 C Cotton J G Greeson 6680-100 20592 COLONEL WINN vv 9 109 9 9 93 93 9i 8= D Hardv W J Whnlen 2460-100 2059 1R DAL S ROYAL v.B 7 108 6 2 61 5 Si 95 P Cogan EAS.hwert 1310-100 18509 = ADORABLE vv 6 109 1 3 5"* 6h 10 10 J D Smith AY F Uvster 10180-100 Time. 1:093-. Track fast. CERTIFICTS PAID- ,-EQTJIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, LAFE M .80 .60 .60 14C— 100 80— 1C0 30—10O B*.ST FRIEND 4.40 3.20- 12C— 100 60—100 IMA FOX 2.60 30—100 Winner — B. h, by John A. Scott — Pearl Mosher. by Uncle Henry trained by W. Martin; bred by Mr. M. A. Mosher. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:16. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. LAFE M. showed the most speed throughout and won under restraint. BEST FRIEND raced close I up. but could never get to the winner. IMA FOX dosed up fast and gamely on |ka aatsMa tNrough the I last quarter and outfinished FALLEN LEAF. The latter was crowded back when LAIL M. crossed over I iu front at the start. ISOSCELES was going well at the end. CINCH tired. Scratched— 2;;4;9-.Iibe. 115; SMOBDaea 1L, 110: 23043 Bud-Bud. 108; .;04j May Bruen, 101. Overweights — Ima Fox, 3 pounds; Isosceles, 3; Colonel Winu, 1; Adorable, 3. Corrected weight — Cinch, 10-1. == ==» Q/IAfJI SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Fellow Me. Aug. 15. 1927—1:13—6—107. Purse 00. 4- I 4he!~S:y 4 A year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third, 0. Beaea Horses AWtlTSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 23886*K1N FOLKS w 5 1C5 9 3 1= 1= V l" Q Seabo B Shepp 170-100 23096*LORD DARXLEY wn 6 102 7 4 3J ? !* 21 J OMalley Mrs B Mock 1600-100 23889*CYCLAMEN w 4 ICO 6 2 4i 3= 3= 3- W Bonner J T and W S Buckley 810-100 18751 = *AUSTRALETTE w 5 100 1 1 5;i 4 4 4h EShpshe T T Mott C10-100 155:23 WAPITI w 10 107 2 9 81 71 7« 5" K McCray S Goibet 3140-100 23913 SPORTING LIFE w 4 105 3 7 7= 6= 61 61 W Tribner F J Bovle 850-100 23833 COBHAM w 7 107 4 6 6i 51 5» 76 D Fowler Mrs L Carey 360-100 , 238331;I.AH COCHRAN WlW I I 9 9 8= 81 B Ray G D Ray 1280-100 20036 FREEMASON w 6 M 8 5 21 8i 9 9 C Hooper C A Davis 2700-100 Time, 1:16%. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICTS PAID-, ,-EQTJIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS-, KIN FOLKS .40 .00 .40 170—100 100—100 70—100 IOED DARNLEY 14.40 6.00 620—100 150—100 CYCLAMEN 5.20 160—100 Wh.her — I., in. by The Manager — Dube ToValon. by Marcl.mont II. trained by R. Shepp; bred by Mr. Civile Van DvaCB. Winner entered to be claimed for . V/ENT TO POST— 2:45. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. KIN VOLES raced into a good lead, but was tiring rapidly at the end and ha*d ridden to retain her slight advantage. LORD DAR.M.EY raced forwardly throughout and was wearing the winner down. CYCLAMEN held the others safe after racing prominently to the stretch. AUSTRALETTE finished la I close quarters next to the inner rail. WAPITI finished fast. FREEMASON bolted to the extreme out- side wiiile rounding the first turn. COBHAM ran poorly. Scratched— 22537 Dr. John Kenney, 112; 23913:Corenne, 107; 23325 Grierson, 112; 2388C High Art, 100: 23!i4;: Shining Light. 112. - J Overweight — Beulah Cochran. 1 pound. 9/IA79 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Carrie Moore. April 23, 1923— 1:05%— 7— 104. Pursa Ivl « 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third. 0. Index Horses AWtffM % % Str Fit Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt tl293*VASQUEZ w 6 105 10 4 31 2 I1 l5 W Bonner W Hoist 8470-100 «3913*»1S ZAT SO w 4 103 5 6 6« 53 31 21 J M Pale C Vail 190-100 23469»DESP1TE w 4 102 8 2 2 lh 2h 31 ■ Shpshe R Robertson - Ml HO 23945 OMBRAGE ws 7 111 2 3 1" 3 4l 41 J D Smith J MeOtmw iSfe; " 280-100 23887 SPONTANEOUS w 7 105 1 1 6"k 6 1 7* 5» D Burnev E Schleigel 340-100 23912 DR. BARNES ws 4 107 4 10 10= 9= S» 6h G C.leason Mrs Q Norris 5900-100 19804 PUEBLO wb 11 104 3 5 4 J 41 5» 71 O Seabo C Stukcy 3180-100 2391.VJIMMY FINN w 4 108 7 8 71 7"" 6»k Sl K Gleed L Clous 1370-100 198003SCAEE "ROW w 8 105 6 9 8J 82 93 9* F Munoz Mis M L Kearns 6460-100 199471*JOHN JOSEni w 9 99 9 7 9nk10 10 10 B Coltoff Franklin Stable 6900-100 Time. 1:09%. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICTS PAID-, ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, VASQUEZ 71.40 5.20 3.40 8470—100 3160—100 570—100 IS ZAT SO 3.80 3.20 90—100 60—100 DESPITE 5.00 150—100 Winner — B. h, by War Fame— Hoop Skirt, by Sunstar trained by A. T. Cragin; bred by Mr. A. King Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:15. AT POST— 1 minute. start eood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. VASQl EZ steadily improved bis position while racing on the outside -if the leaders and. taking the lead, won going away. IS ZAT SO raced gamely through the final quarter and outfinished the tiring DESPITE. The latter had no mishaps and tired in the final drive. OMBRAGE showed the most early-speed, but tired. SPONTANEOUS was shuffled back in the first quarter. Scratched— 230123Barberry, 113: 18429 Ferroquet, 113; 23887 Air Mail, 100; 23889 Boaz, 104. Overweight— Scare Crow. 1 pound. O A |n|r70— FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Carrie Moore. April" 23719231:05%— 7— 104. Purse +d~x:9 4 «3 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Boo*. Strt 23990= »THE FRCII GIRI.wb 103 4 3 1* lJ 1= li J OMalley K M Eittle 190-103 23914*FLORIDA CASTLE W 101 7 5 4" 31 - 31 21 J M Dale H G Smith 1300-100 Kt— » »8UCRQgE w 103 5 4 21 21 21 31 E Shpshe Mrs A G Dunlap 280-100 23376 PHI DELTA w 109 1 2 6» 4= 4! 42 W Tribner J T Ireland 740-100 23834 GRAD w 110 8 6 5» 5= H J D Smith A Hill 690-100 •BUTE AGATE wb 100 2 7 10 6= 63 62 W Bonner G S Ball 1260-100 IMMLADT JILL wb 101 3 1 7J 7s 72 73 K Gleed W F Ellis 1300-100 23858*L1TTLE MARTHA w 98 6 10 8J 9» 81 8= G Seabo W Luft 1860-100 2327.5 MAZIE G. w 98 10 8 3» 81 9J 93 G Wilams F H Carpenter 3780-100 23858*AETLLA wb 106 9 9 H 10 10 10 B Ray G D Ray 5920-100 Time. 1:09%. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICTS PAID -EQUTVALNT BOOKING ODDS- THE FRENCH GIRL .80 .00 .60 190—100 100—100 30—100 FLORIDA CASTLE 11.00 4.80 450—100 140—100 SUCRGSE 3.00 50—100 Winner-IS. f. by Pataud— French Lick, by Luke M.I.uke trained by H. B. Pieratt; bred by Mr. E. It. Little. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:45. AT POST— 1 minute-Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. THE FRENCH GIRL ra-ed into the lead at once and easily kept it to the end. FLORID V CASTLE raced up into third place midway of the back stretch and outfinished SUCROSE in the final drive. The latter tired in the last sixteenth. PHI DELTA saved ground on the first turn and finished well. MAZIE S. ran out on the first turn. flilMihli IWII IVnnyrile. MS; 239003Elander. 10.": 23942 Claprock, 110: 23140 Lady in Blue. 108. Overweights — Florida Castle, 1 pound: Phi Delta. 1: Lady Jule, 3: Arvilla, 3. Oy| fk fjFA T_FIFTH~RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Dandybrush. Aug. 6Tl927lT46— 6—104. Desh-Al£vl 4 TE ler-Wallick Hotel Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 25: second. 75: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 23734 SHASTA LAD wr. 4 111 1 1 1= li 1* li li H Hay B Haughton 190-100 23781 -SMACKER w 5 104 5 5 51 5 4nk 3» 21 E Shpshe Aldrich Sc Winans 570-100 CS3BM SERGEANT SETHw 4 107 4 2 21 2- 2 24 33 C Hooper G W Ogle 610-100 23914 OVERDRAFT wb .". 93 6 4 3» 4 5 1 4= 4J P Silas L Gallo 1220-100 23944 UNCERTAIN w 7 109 8 6 6= 63 63 5"k 5"k J D Smith C R Campbell 650-100 23944 OTTO BERZ w 3 94 2 8 8 73 75 61 63 G Seabo I J Collins 1220-100 23941 SILVER SONG wlW 3 3 4U1 31 7 7 D Burnev Mrs C Garrigan 420-100 23800 BARTHELMESS w 5 95 7 7 71 8 8 P.up. N Coltoff Franklin Stable 2900-100 Time. 1:48. Track fast. - CERTIFICTS PAID-, ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-. SHASTA LAD .83 .60 .80 190—100 130—100 90—100 SMACKER 5.00 3.80 150—100 90—100 SERGEANT CETH 4.00 100—100 Winner — 1!. g, by Harinoniquc — Lady Alice, by Assagai trained by B. Haughton; bred by Mr. II. D. Brown I. WENT TO POST— 4:15. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SHASTA LAD slowed the most speed throughout and won easing up. SMACKER moved up fast af.T rounding the far turn and. coming gamely through the stretch, ontfinished SERGEANT BETH. The latter raced forwardly all the way, but tired. OVERDRAFT ran well. SILVER SONG raced well for three-quarters. Overweights — Uncertain. 4 pounds: Otto P.erz. 1: Silver Song. 2: Barthelmess, 1. 2LeV7I?H SIXTbTrACE— 3-4 Mile. Follow Me, Aug. 15, 1927—1:13—6—107. Purse 00. 4-year-4dL~rt:y 4 «3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % 12 Str Fin lo-keys Owners Equiv. _ Book. Str t 23916 Jr FINI AV w 8 96 6 2 I1 1- li 1- E Shpshe 1 W Fritz 140-100 23861 SUNY DIVIDENDwb I 106 4 4 53 3» 21 2= C Hooper W O Flowers 290-100 23916 FORETELL w 5 106 1 1 2» 2?. 31 3* L Aron R F Coppage 1840-100 2348G DEVIL GIRL w 7 107 9 8 8 6» 5nk 4»k D Fowler E J Goodman 3990-100 18752 = *OSMAN w 4 98 3 3 4h 41 41 51 W Kempf C H Morrison 1610-100 MM1*R08E STARK w 4 93 5 6 61 71 6J ,- A Tiner P Angelino 4460-100 23885 •BON8KT w 5 109 2 I 3" 5i 73 73 J Pevic Mrs C Middleton 2780-100 23!86FOURT,N SIXTYw 4 109 10 7 7» 8 8 8 T Mallev Booker and Clark 840-100 20494*MY DESTINY w 6 101 7 Fell at start. C Cotton A J Pershall 3720-100 238C1*NAYAR1T w 7 100 8 Fell at start. G Seabo J Switcher 550-100 Time. 1:15%. Track fast. r- CERTIFICTS PAID-, EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-. FINDAY .80 .80 .60 140—100 40—100 30—100 SUNNY DIVIDEND 3.40 2.60 70—100 30—100 FORETELL 9. CO 350—100 Winner— It. m. by Dick Finnell — Comet o Day. by Tcep o Day trained by G. W. Fritz; bred by Messrs. t arrii -k A Ward. Winner entered to be claimed for ,850. WENT TO POST— 4:47. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won easily: second and tl ird driving. FINDAY raced into a char early lead and held it to the end. SUNNY DIVIDEND gained steadily after going a half and easily took second place in the stretch. FORETELL had no mishaps, but tired in the last eighth. DEVIL GIRL closed a big gap and finished fast. OSMAN was in close quarters much of the race. MY DESTINY bumped into NAYARIT :;t the start and both fell. scratched— 23!li Panorcl, 104; SttM Post Mistress, 105; 20028 Sunday Clothes, 107; 20924 Zonite. 105. Overweights — Sunny Dividend. 2 pounds: Devil Girl. 3: Bonsky, 1: My Destiny, 2. 9 4sl7ft SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Ombrage. May 5. 1926— 1:48%— 5— 111. Purse 00. JU--andy 4 D 4-year-o!ds r.nd upward. Net VP.lee to winner 15: second, 15: third. 0. Index Ilois-s A Wt ID St , £ •% Str Kin .lockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 238fil SCOTI/D FEVERwn 5 1M 3 1 1- D 1 1- I11. J M Dalo J Miller 120-100 23993 LE VOTANT wb I 110 7 4 3= 3= 2»1 2= Vh A Tincr Mrs J Burks 220-100 SSMlSEA FAIRY w I 103 6 5 5 41 41 3"k 31 E Shpshe G W Fritz 1990-100 23994 *THE COMPETRw 7 102 8 7 8 5h 63 4- 4-1 N Coltoff Franklin Stable 1400-100 23992*rOQUINA w 6 10S 4 3 41 6ii.r»i 53 53 J OMalley O E Davison 1410-100 2399 1 CLASS MAID w I 103 2 8 7i 71 7h 6= 6* L Aron R F Coppage 860-100 24028MLLINOIS KING w 7 101 1 6 6» 8 8 7= 73 C Cotton J F Boon 2160-100 23993 TCRNBERRY w 7 107 5 I PI 2"* 31 8 8 C Ksland Thistledown Stable 1450-100 Tim?. 1:50%. Track fast. CERTIFICTS IAID- -EQTJIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- SCOTIAND FORZVER .40 .80 .80 120—100 40—100 40—100 LE VOYANT 2.80 2.60 40—100 30—100 SEA FAIRY 4 20 110—100 Win;ier — Ch. h, by Hoilister — Fortuna IL. by Ncgofol trained by J. Miller; bred by Mr. A. King Ifaet .mber. Winner entered to be claimed for ,700. WENT TO FOST— 5:15. OFF AT ONCE. Stait good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SCOTLAND FOREVER raced into a long early had and held it to the finish. LE VOYANT WM hard ridden, but could never reach tho winner. SEA FAIRY finished resol it.-ly on the outsid." and out.ann d THE COMPETITOR The D.tter moved up fast when commencing the last quarter. COQU1NA retired early. TIRNI.ERRY ;ult ladly in the last quarter. Overweights — Illinois King. 4 pounds: Turnberry, 1.

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