Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1928-06-09

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V — — v Key: B— Breezing. D— Driving. E— Easily. 11— Handily. O— All oot. C— Eased ■». 159 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, 111.. June 8.— Todays gallups wore as follows : ARLINGTON PARK. Weather cloudy ; track slow — 3-8 MILE. 156 Bird wood ... :39 b 181 La Morte :39%b lSlCkailMaa ... :39%b HO Mint Toddy.. :41%b 154 Crl Pennant. :40 h 131 Mino :3s b 151 Clce Le Bus :41%b 154 Miss Fire... :41--b 119 Flat Iron :3S b 147 Sentry Lass.. :41%b 150 Far Away... :3-.b 150 Sir John K... :38 b 184 Heal Soit :41%1 154 Sankari :40 li 150 Hand Or :49 d 130 Tea of Dawn :41 b 158 Uonevco :3 I. Time Out :40 b 1-2 MILE 154 Brunswick .. :53 b 154 Miss Rosedalc :52 b 152 By CuU.tsoii :51%b 15! Morocco :50 b 143 Dancing :51 b 150 Mary O :50 b 112 Deerfi-.dd ... :54 b 151 Nora D :53%b 147 Cupisirann .. :".7-r.b 140 Nancy Seth.. :40%b 137 Baa B nham. :38%b Prince Ial . . . :54 b 154 Florida Gold. :"2 ;.-.b 154 Riirik :50 b 154 Golden Glint. :51%b 137 Royal Ruby., :5s ] h l..l Jibbons :50 b 151 Sir Barry.... :49bb 152 Geo. Oroom.. :51r-b 149 Sandwith .. :54 b 154 Haymaker .. :48%b 154 Windy City.. :52 b 5-8 MILE. 134 Bossie 1:03 h Bed Face 1:07 ..b 154 Helen E 1:07 b 154 Shasta Pear. 1 :1 1 -.h Hot Shot 1:09 b 155 War Sight.. .1 : l74.-.b 125 Jr.p Lac 1:07 %b 155 War Rose 1:07 !bb 156 Lawley 1:05 u 3-4 MILE. 155 Bun l:2 c-. ]:,l Mike Hall. ..1:21 b 154 Mop Dp l:21%b 155 Sun God II...l:21%h 7-8 MILE. 139 Lady Pridgel:34 b 1 MILE. 155 Barber ,Tohn.l:53%b 151 Memory l:51%b 151 Jack Higginsl:53 h 1 1-8 MILES. 144 Misstep 2:01-r.h 11-4 MILES. 157 Toro 2:19 f.b Lawley and Dan Burnham had their last work before the Derby. Toro, Misstep and Jack Higgins worked between races Thursday. War Sight and War Kosc worked together. Rurik showed early speed, but tired near the end. Sankari and Crystal Pennant were well in hand during their trial. Sir Harry went nicely all the way. COLLINSVILLE, 111.. June 8.— Todays training gallops consisted of the following: FAIBMOLXT PARK. Weather cloudy ; track muddy — 3-8 MILE. 137 Black Agate.. :3: b 148 Paige :40%h 154 Coal Black... :38 b 154 Rival :40Kb 153 Forenoon :41%b 154 Starbcck :.!9 I. 152 Fair Justice.. -.43 b 149 The Cocoon... :.".S%h 154 Harpoon :4!%:i 149 Twinkling ... :40 h 350 Mac Fogle.... :3S%h 1-2 MILE. 145 Aviator :55%b 138 Chancellor ... 54 %b 157 Be Still :51%h 152 Iolygamia . . . :50 h 152 Bobashela ... :52--l. 5-8 MILE. 156 Elias O l:08".-.h 150 Liza Wason..l:12 h 154 Fair Lark 1:11 h 154 Ocean Currentl :07 . b 146 Happy Bob...l:00%h 150 Priccmaker ..l:10%h 3-4 MILE. Dream Life. .1 :27--.l 149 Lord Valentel :2.1" ,b 155 Idle Th— filial Tljj.ll 110 Sea Rocket... l:27%b 1 MILE. 152 Alimrnk 1:51 b 155 OTurk l:48%h 151 McTinkle l:54%b 149 Sly Polly 1:54 b There was nothing worth commenting upon. OTTAWA, Ont., June 8. — Todays training gallops were as follows : COWXAVGWI PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. Lockerbie . . . :39 e 158 Teluride :38 h 123 Plaat Smiles :38 h 1-2 MILE. Civility :50%h 144 Peter Whiffle :B1 d 158 Darko :51%d 132 Shasta King. . :51 d 157 Hesper :53 e 131 Scat :04 e Mkr ofTrble :31 d 3-4 MILE. 151 Iuget Sound. .1:20 k 329 Sun Dance. ..1:19 d I MILE. 134 Forecast II... 1:50 e 1 14 Kg ofFortunel :47 h LATONIA, Ky., June 8. — Todays training gallops were as follows : LATONIA. Weather rainy ; track heavy — o_g MTT.E 157 Algol :3X%b 149 Queen Clara. :41%b« Captain Hi.. :80%b 149 Queen Whims :39 b 156 Current :39%b 157 Revolver :41-.lj 155 Don Diego... :3S:;.-,b 157 Reproduce .. :38%b 155 Energy :40 b 153 Sunny Cloud. :38 ,b • ireat Pegner :41%b 140 Santorio :39 b 156 Helens Babe :41%b 147 Sifting Sand. :39%b 157 Keith :40 b 149 Swt Geuvve :39 b 149 My Way :88%b 149 Tuberose :39;,! 150 Iiccadiily . . . :40 h 157 Two Bills :39%h 154 Pceman Day :37%h Weiser :39 h 157 Tolly Bnside :3»%1: 157 Winifred :41%b 1-2 MILE. 152 Big Sandy... :50 b 187 Nymph King. :55%b 149 Border Chief. :52%b 144 1urple Light. :54%b Bather :52%h 157 Bondelle :53%b 157 Olenno 51-1 149 Smoldering . :32 b 125 Gideon :55%b Sign Off :5S%b 153 Lee :56 b 151 San laaa. ... :501.-.l 114 Mayer Wker :5".%b 157 Tempest :53-:,li 150 Mam Emelie :56 b 149 Two Pats :55%b 155 Naisnapur . . :54 b 157 Violet Betty. :5o b 5-8 MILE. 154 Miss Smartyl:10 I. 138 Retort 1 :05%b 351 Macks Baby.l:09%b 137 siampd.-.Ie ..1:08%b 131 FaaOosta l:OS:,li 157 Vase l:09%b 157 Bainfail 1:00% b 2-4 MILE. 156 Elizabeth ...1:23 h 153 Kissin Kin...1:26%h 155 Fort N .Mnpl; .1:20 1. 1 12 Penumbra ...1:25%b 180 Great Spot. .1:20 b Sam Mengel.l:23 b Fast trials were impossible over the heavy Latonia course. NEW YORK, N. Y., June f— The following raining gallops were noted over the local courses : BELMONT PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 198 Argus :s7-. 144 Xaaehaa :3714 AageUaa ::«-., Pinafore 35% 157 Baddjr Bauer.. ::i5-. 134 Suafire :37% Bagpiper :3i% 133 Simba :34% 144 Bay Beauty... ::!5.-, 154 scalawag 36 147 Black Beetle.. :35% 40 Saxaa :36 157 Blue larkipar. :;:. ISOStonaCax 3514 ■■•" -r. 135 Sarmaticus ... :36 157 Caricature ... :."4 .-, 1 33 Top; er 36 153 Irish Holiday.. :37% 153 TosMbOSt :36 147 Jean Valjeaa.. :38% Tounare :3C% 132Kler :::7--.-. 133 Tritaa :36% 157 I. ady li... t. .. . :.•«;-., 138 T I ran :37% 155 Noble Chars*.. :.:oi/5 I33Za*M :34% 151 Kaaaak :57 1-2 MILE. 154 Altimeter :52 154 Fire Line :49% Acnic :47% 157 Gay Lothario.. :49 Attitude :50% 14C Iaffrid :49% 157 I.argillo :4s 150 I.iv • dak :49 ISSBreara Wisdom :489J Ms Widworthy :52 155 Brown Elf :4.v-„ 1". t M. a v Musk. . . :53 15.SBal:oma :49 08 Sh-rwood :52 154 Carloman :53 154 So Long 51% Colol Daughter :52 Sin ;4g 130 Faux Pas :j j--. 137 Virmar :51% 149 Fan. y Star.... :50 - 5-3 MILE. 150 Abiugton 1:01 130 Marine Comps.l:02 157 Bob Kiernan.. .1 :03% 134 Peter Simple. .1 :01 % 150 Braatstar 1:03% 133 BasaBac 1.05% 129 Chester 1:05 135 Saraaea 101% 157 Flyacross 1-88% 1. "5 Shrew 1 05% ISOGreea Fire 1 :05 138 Ship raster. . .1 :03 lSOHypaotiqa ...1:05 155 Ttiskegee 1:02% 188 If hit Lindy . . . .1 :05--. 155 Twink 1 02% 3-4 MILE. 157 Ariel 1:15 150 Hogarty 1:18 153 Admirals Lsiel :17% 133 Highness 1:18 153 Beauregard ...1:18% 155 Ilogans Alley. 1:18% 143 Candy 1ig 1:14% 130 Jacqueminot ..1:16% 152 banco Shot... 1:19 149 I.eonardeau ...1:18% 152 Crystal Dominol 19 Me Own 1:18 157 Dust Broom. ..1:17 158 Panther 1:18 157 Baric 1:15 lSOPrapaa 1:19 150Kditb Cavcll...l :17 154 Prettiest 1:19% 132 Eidcrbard 1:16% 151 San ford 1:16% 155 Folamik- 1:18 l"". SI- am Line. .1:16% 1 2 Fasehing 1:11% 153 To I: io 118 152 Green Flower..! :18 154 Tim Mara 1:20 130 Glade 1:18% 133 Vcaacr 117% High Field 1:18 155 Westmount ...1:18 133 Horicoa 1:18% 7-3 I*ILE. 150 Bead A: .:,t. ..1 :2B 1 MFLE. 158 Black Maria . .1 :3S :0 151 Kentn-ky 1:42% 138 Bois do Bose. .1:44% 152 Low G -ar 1 44 154 Caadj Hag 1:44% 143 afaetttraai . . .1 :45 157 tire;. Lag 1:45 1 55 Iolvi rates 1 42% 145 Jolly Boger. . .1 :4i 152 Scapa Flow...! 44% AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fas! — 3-8 MILE. 153 E-tclle Marie :37 d 150 Priceman ... :36%d 135 Play Days... :38%k 130 PrcaM :.:ia 39 h 150 Io Blo Gold :30".,d 153 s:r aghcart . 41 h 12 MILE. 137 Billy Long Jr. ,:a ,| HOT. IJolI Call. :52 h 149 Great Hopes. :53 d 5-8 MILE. 138 Distraction .1 07-.-. !i 138 Santn.i k 1:06 h 156 Fire Opal l:03%d 157 Swing Higb..l:08%d 124 Bepartreaa ..1:03 i 3-4 MILE. Compiler 1:20 b 130 Louise l:27%h Greco .» 1:20 b 7-8 MILE. 155 Artilleryman l:32%b 157 G. Ind Stift.l:36 b KIBaaty 130 fc 158 J n s. Mo-iyi :i5%h 15". False lride. .1 :32%h 15". Sally s Hour.l 31 h 1 MILE. 157 Dolan 1:45 k 152 T.aroek 147 h 1 1-8 MILES. 157 St. Henel...l:59 h JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 150 Adjutant ... :37 h 15-1 Manehu :39 h 157 Blk FottoiM. ;88 b 157 Mr. Kirkuood :36%h 157 Bright Steel. :30-.,h Ml -tapi-a ... :3C%h " 154 Donnelly :3S b 154 Neon Joy :37%h 15-1 King Lohr... :37%h 157 Paavo :37%b 138 King Jimmy. :37 b 147 Romp :37%b 157 Love Girl :40 b 150 Rapid Mcttie :36 4 158 Lester W ;; I 1-2 MILE. 15C Ederle :49 h 150 Saratoga :49 d 137 LAiac :50 k 138 Sirdar :4» d 157 Negopoli :54"..b 151 War Buddy.. :51 b 5-8 MILE. 155 Peter Peter. .l:01-b 157 Sport 1.03%h 3-4 MILE. 158 Anthony 1:lC.--h 157 Lord Broom. 1 :15%d 157 tiadalong ...1:17 1 157 Kan n I M nr ...1.15%h 154 II iga Marie. l :19--.I. 137 Saceboyi ..1:11 h 1 MILE. 155 L. o* Gowrie.l:18 b 155 Last Prince. .1:50 h Sport was .not fully extende I, iadalong and Sageboys went easily together. Lass o Gov.rie had an easy trial. Lamoneur and Lord Broom were on even terms.

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