Woodbine Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-21


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i WOODBINE TURF NOTES | TORONTO, Ont., May 20. The committee of the Canadian Associations wHI hold a meeting in the club house at Woodbine Wednesday to pass on applications for licenses from trainers and jockeys. Gene Bury has been appointed racing secretary at Dorval and Fort Erie. Among the prominent sportsmen from the United States who are here or will be here during the meeting, are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Salmon, J. H. Alexandra, J. Temple Gwath-emy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emanuel, Bayard Tuckerman, the well-known amateur rider of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Pingree, owners of the Flying Horse Farm, and Mr. and Mrs. A. JR. Lawson. David A. Boyle, son of that famous old trainer Charlie Boyle, a prominent horseman on the New York and Canadian tracks a generation ago, acted as one of the judges at Woodbine Saturday. Boyle has been succeeded as official timer on the Canadian Racing Associations tracks by Fred W. Mossop. J. P. Smith, head trainer for the Dorwood Stable, came up from New York to saddle Rubigny for the Aintree Steeplechase. D. Higgins, one of Canadas famous sportsmen as well known on the Riviera as in New York, Ontario and Quebec, came down from his home in Prescott to witness the running of the Kings Plate. G. W. "Buck" Foreman, who suffered a bruised foot when loading Vacillate at Pim-lico for his trip to Toronto, is getting along with the help of a cane. Maj. Thomas McCreery has nominated Se-wickley Stables Connelli and Humanist for the Prince of Wales Plate at Thorncliffe. The entries for this stake close Monday, and are limited to horses foaled in the British Empire. The stewards, previous to the first race Saturday, passed on the following riders: W. A. Collins. C. Hall. J. Maiben, C. Seabo, J. Blackburne, C. Jones, J. Brunner, H. Howlett, H. Little, J. McCoy, M. Mergler, J. W. Smith, S. Veitch. J. C. Bentley, Ross Duett, W. Curran, J. D. Mooney, H. Chappie and A. H. Kelly. The English jumping rider, George Duller, made a flying trip from New York accompanied by J. P. Smith, trainer of the Dor-wood Stable, to ride Rubigny in the Aintree Steeplechase. Duller finished second on Eider in the International Steeplechase at Belmont Park Friday. Duller, besides being a high class jockey, is also a licensed airplane pilot and a motorcycle racer. Jockey Leo Woodstock came up with the Dorwood Stable and will remain for the meeting.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929052101/drf1929052101_16_3
Local Identifier: drf1929052101_16_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800