Stables Filling Up Fast: Horses Arriving Daily for Meeting Beginning May 25 at Bainbridge Park Course., Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-21


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STABLES FILLING UP FAST Horses Arriving Daily for Meeting Beginning May 25 at Bainbridge Park Course. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 20.— Horsemen desirous of racing their charges at Bainbridge Park, Cleveland, Ohio, had better not delay their shipments to that point, as the stalls are rapidly filling and there will probably be a scarcity of stalls. While there are 1,000 stalls, there have been more than 1,400 applications for stable room at the Cleveland course. One of the latest to ask for stall room, it was learned here today, is W. R. Coe of New York. It is said Benny Creech, who now trains the Coe horses and who himself raced a small but select string here at the last meeting with much success, will soon weed out his stable and send many of the best horses in the Coe stable to race at Bainbridge Park. Reservations have been made for fifteen of the Coe horses, which are expected to arrive shortly. The many improvements at Bainbridge Park are being completed rapidly and everything will be in good shape for the opening day. May 25. Already many horses are on the grounds and more are unloading hourly from all parts of the country. Joseph Cattaranich, general manager, arrived from Montreal yesterday and immediately assumed his official duties. Julius Reeder, racing secretary, was another arrival, and he, too, will get into harness tomorrow and whip things into shape for the meeting. Charles Wilson, paddock judge, has been here for several days getting acquainted with the newcomers in Ohio racing. Mr. Wilson acted as paddock judge here last season and later went to Miami to act in the same position. Charlie Waite, inventor of the new stall starting gate, was another arrival, detraining from New York. The Waite stall starting gars is not new to the Bainbridge racegoers, as the same gate was used very successfully during the racing season here last year. Mr. Waite reports his stall starting gate will be used at Aqueduct. Jamaica, and possibly Empire City. The Waite gate is one of the most practical invented to date and has been in use at Bainbridge, Jefferson Park and Havre de Grace. Track superintendent W. M. Faber is busy greeting the new arrivals and has his track in tip-top shape for fast workouts.

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Local Identifier: drf1929052101_20_2
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