untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-05-21


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3E1 HMACTINH - JOCKEY * I The p-rro Ring w« i "Ifl furf " Weekly terms— daily one horse daily «M 5S *J — — — - 1 ■■ NOT SOLD ON NEWSSTANDS Sold On All Newsstands — Price, a Copy YESTERDAYS RELEASE LOST HERE IS ANOTHER PROBABLE "LONG SHOT WINNER" FOR YOU No excuse is made for yesterdays defeat, as a glance at the chart tells the story. «8SSi ANOTHER RING RELEASE TODAY i And what a price we should get on this "special." If I were to tell you what I know about this particular race. I am sure you would go out of your way to get a wager on this good thing, for I know We want clients to pay no attention to the past performances of this horse, Although his last few races have not been to the mark, this horse will undoubtedly and hare the assurance that you are taking no risk. If you are wise and can see this golden opportunity, up Bh°w a sudden improvement and win all the He has been kept under cover you wont wait, but rush to your nearest newsdealer and buy a copy of Jockey Martines Turf Weekly. way. and then send it in "good and strong" to WIN ONLY, and then rest easy. waiting for a proper spot, and today is the day they will turn him loose. By all mean* get thb «Iea«L yesterdays codk MM City clients, call. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union Fair Rosalind, 1.46, Won " - ■ .■.■ the ring _" 123 West Madison Street, Suite 920 Chicago, III. On past performances or dope this horse looked like a stiff, but just the same, my advice A. was to t ™ go the "LIMIT" to WIN ONLY. Now you know for a fact if horses were to run the way they look — — mmm •n a newspaper or on dope there would be no bookmakers, but horses dont run that way and, in order mmmm for you to WIN, you must get the right stuff, and I sure have it. — Eskimo ~r. :::: .t:b. m.*,. w0„ n nru/lTT 0 C AMC Fridays Code ITorse: Thursdays Code Horse: 1 fl M* m III iT B IH Zurich 3.86, Won Stars and Stripes. . .6.06, Won j% llJLi if 11 1 Ut UV/llLf A WINNER A DAY, AND MAKE THE LAYER PAY DA|LY_sTRICTLY TW0 HORSE- DAILY mgKT*- 1 9 CTD A Ifl-IT COOP WTNNFRI *3nH!!! Strictly Two Horse* Each Day Released to Each and Every One of Our Subscriber* iffy **« ■* * JVWJIViJl ■ M. VV/JL/Ji TT llilll-iliJ ■Ww These two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information. _. ,_ - — _ - ......._ Aurora information exclusively. Subscribe. KNOW THE REASON WHY? DO YOU yesterdays strictly two horses: JOCKEY MARTINEZ is an old time saddle star, who knows the game. You. too. can profit by his JENNY DEAIM . . .2S, *00, 2nd •jKperience. Go to any newsdealer, buy your copy of the new issue just out. Kuow the joy of being f f? KTIVT T CC D I 4. % winner each and every day. %JiLt aN IN X J/ dlx. • .••••••-••••••••••••••••••••• LiOSl ONLY A BONA FIDE JOCKEY CAN DO THAT We Advertise Our Horses Every Day— Win or Lose _ __ . _ _ 1 . . - . - . — m Honesty is the best policy. That has been, and always will be. our motto. JOCKEY MARTINEZ, who has put thousands of his friends in. the _r_ BIG wr..Tr,Tr MONEY, can do *._ the same tot you. jockey martinez is right on the grounds getting these winners for his followers. i»W" Wire Immediately for Todays Parlay at Aurora "ffi I can sent you my turf weekly in a plain sealed envelope for sir consecutive weeks for . By so Remember, folks, that we release strictly two horses. mm xou wil, receive, absolutely free. NQ pART|AL|TY_NO DISCRIMINATION £ H w€. r.r. 11 My ~lv r*. jf r r.C I A I gj Two horses released today. Advertised parlay wired out-of-town clients immediately. WHICH GO THIS WEEK CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS! One goes today for the BIG RING and should win at better than 10 to 1. I am confident this Dont go to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Aurora. Two real good thing* horse cant miss. The other two go the latter part of this week, as I have two select spots in view, today. where all angles will be fully protected. This information is free to all my subscribers. If you were TCDMC *C rtiii v CTDIPTI V TAlf UrtDCCC A HAV to pay 00 for each one of these jockey specials you would not be paying any too much, for I am I trxlVIO-O UnlLT— O I rlv/ I L. T I KYU nUKOCO M UMT that these horses will be long shot winners, and a winner is worth any price to the right Confident Wlre via Western Union or Posta, Teiegraph. Our New York office open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. people. If you want to win yourself plenty this week, wire Jj immediately or call at the office and Telegrams sent early each morning receive, absolutely FREE, the three jockey specials and six weeks issues of my turf weekly. ■»"™» « * LEGITIMATE AND REPUTABLE TURF ACENCY-W JOCKEY MARTINEZ TURF WEEKLY _ . . .. -. Duly registered under the laws of the State of New York, County of New York. 70 Court Street Brooklyn, N. Y. B HEwn-T and S0NSf 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City * The Racing * Commissioner PUBLISHED WEEKLY— Al ALL STANDS YESTERDAYS PRIVATE CODE: FAIR ROSALIND.... 1. 46, Won TODAYS PRIVATE CODE: CHURCHILL— Flush-4-9. FOR THESE PRIVATE CODES, SEE PAGE 6. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: ALEX WOODLIFFE. 3.60, Won FRY MAI DEN. 1. 94, .24, 2nd SATURDAYS PARLAY: TADDYWAWA 1.82, Won ESKIMO 2.26, Won FRIDAYS PARLAY: CECELIA GROB 5.34, Won SANDY HATCH $ 8.24, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: KIT CARSON 0.96, Won CHIP 4.38, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: SECRECY 3.26, Won FRET WELL 8.48, Won TODAY— 00 to WIN PARLAY We have the official word from connections that both horses have been entered in select spots. Never have two horses had such a preparation as these two. Good boys will do the riding, and if you want to hit your layer for plenty today, here is your opportunity. When you subscribe to this service you know you are setting the best. Dont wait for results. Act now. Wire three dollars for this parlay. TODAYS FREE CODE: AURORA— Red-6-1-1 -6. YESTERDAYS 1929.sh,000 POOL SPECIAL: FRANK HAWLEY . . .1.38, Won SATURDAYS ,000 POOL SPECIAL: MAC FOGLE 7.24, Won FRIDAYS $.-..000 POOL SPECIAL: THEO. ROCHESTER 7.16, Won THURSDAYS .,000 POOL SPECIAL: GALLANT KNIGHT 1.36, Won Special Offer for Limited Time Only To all clients subscribing for six 6 weeks issues of The Racing Commissioner at the special terms of 0 will receive six 6 of our ,000 Pool Specials absolutely free. COMMISSION PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway New York CItj HarVey Ames, Inc. 1674 BROADWAY, CORNER 52ND ST. NEW YORK, N. Y. WON ODDS— 2 TO 1 Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, won easily at excellent odds. A horse that has been in preparation for some time starts today, and will constitute the HarVey Transaction Today Subscription, 00, in advance, by Telegraph or in Person. After the result of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" was official yesterday, this office was advised over the long distance telephone that todays "Harvey Transaction" should be considered an investment. Past performances should be ignored, as they mean very little and we expect to make every post a winning post today. Early subscription is strongly advised. Telephone Numbers: Columbus 2415, 2422, 2428, 6760, 0995 ■HHHBBH WEEKLY RACING GUIDE BILLY G aifyCode WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY 1CPI I Y*S NOW ON SALE *»»■ * * ** 4 TWO GREAT FREE INFORMA- CODE BOOK NO. 404 tion services CABMACS CODE HORSES KELLYS CODE FOR TUESDAY: A|wayg w|nnM on . F|at p|fty G-56-45-33-5. CARMACS RELEASE FOR TOBSDAY: MONDAYS KELLY CODE HORSE: BELMONT— Seven-49-26. STAMPDALE WON .88, *. code BHy iS8ue of May ■ A new book with new code published ever t armacs MONDAY release: Thursday. Price, one dollar. |/|| VIDA 23-20, WON Sold by your dealer, or direct from FIVE OUT OF THE LAST SIX HAVE WON. Fi I XT II ne Horse ■ Day Selected oy America! Oreateat W*1I* ilbm Burke Kelly ~ »tvn j ww i_ i_ i_ 24 EAST CONGRESS STREET ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: CHICAGO. ILL. CHURCHILL— One-24-37. For Code Buy Issue of May 18 SBHKmBBBflflH ~ Weekly Racing Guide 606 WABASH AVE. CHICAGO. ILL. ========== Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Daily l Dorse Wir 2nd Saturday. Mail or win? . for On Sale at All Newsstands 0 wires. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Til. Price, Twenty-fire Cents.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929052101/drf1929052101_18_1
Local Identifier: drf1929052101_18_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800