untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-21


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JOCKEY J I Johnny Merimee 1 ™J W¥T RF fm tAAc DAILY ONE HORSE DAILY T* I l# I"* I ™" ™" * YESTERDAYS RELEASE LOST From the Stables and the Paddock No excuse is offered for yesterdays defeat, as clients can see | that yesterdays release was well meant, and they are expected to Published Weekly Sold on all Newsstands— Price, accept the good with the bad. yesterdays parlay : Merimee Release Today JS3L. fHS w" Todays horse comes from one for whom I formerly rode, and he TODAY ! TODAY ! tells me that no mistakes will be made. I know that thev have been . They are s°ins to cut ,oose two * the b€st things of the meeting today. This pariay • I should pay limit odds. Under no consideration should you fail to get in on this. Every Carefully Concealing the true Condition Of this horse, and We eXDeCt a I Possible angle has been taken care of and they should be an easy win. If in the city, * ■ calL Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by telegraph. limit price. Dont fail to get this big release. yesterdays free code: City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your remit-: Cf*ofton 0 AW I1 ¥ T Ull tance by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. WMf %p%J.%JYJ9 TODAYS FREE CODE: JOHNNY MERIMEE Washington— Maine-Cut-Has. AND ITS GOING TO BE ANOTHER WINNER. DONT MISS IT 180 West Washington Street, Suite 1000 Chicago, III. | TURF SFCRFTS Office open 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 506 South Wabash Ave., Suite 310 Chicago, III. ESTABLISHED IN 1914— STILL IN THE BAKE PLACE - Edw. V. Christian £ AND Y"« ugi*»ic«d under the laws or THE c.ty ok new tork AMERICAS DADDY OF PAST AND PRESENT TURFMEN POSITIVELY HO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHEH Hill M THIS LINE * Wi. « l«*e. prices Hg „r small, my two horse, are advertised in tbl. publication every day. TERMS— DAILY OLD MAN GOING WILD— CLIENTS GET RICH Strictly and Only Two Horses Each Day w flw-il C7 fiA X/»-« Sweeping the West with the inoi-t sensational information ever released. The two horses I advertise I *€% J M %jKM.ClKMKcLm vn* a %D 0 %KjJm W lrM dally in this newspaper are positively the only horses I release and are filed four boars before post — * . * time. Western subscribers receive the advertised parlay one hour after their money arrives by fast M riy. afl* F* *5 »f" *%H. T j-*.-m-m. iwsb telegrams. Not one minutes delay. No waiting. No excuses. AJM HJM % nQtt3/a ▼▼ CJJj YESTERDAYS STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED TO ALL MY CLIENTS: LA GOLONDRINA. another two-year-old winner. Are you Wise? WEDNESDAYS BUDDIES TWO WINNERS: ««. RUTH mtrr,. GOLD -v 0.68, « ~« ww, Won GLEB ,192S- Wo» associate .m, v« BLANC SEING 9.08, Won continue to get plenty ■V DO YOT/R BOOKIES OWE TOTS ANYTHING. -»fj OLEE WEDNE8DAYS ST,UCTLTfA»°wLTW0Mnil;FE«*RTKfInSED " EVBKTB0.PJ:,0 ""*« ta tb~e •«■*■ *re eto«ta« °P: «»««■. 0nl°- Mi8SO0ri. Tennessee. Indiana, will *+ W1E1S 119.TB, Won MODERATION 4.38, » Won Kentucky and Michigan. TUESDAYS STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HOUSES RELEASED TO EVERYBODY- HOfiANS 11AKCE 926.64, Won GOTHAM 1.40, Won ajfj?"at ■■■ The above horses wore positively the only horses relented to any subscribers and were filed several *J*- r___x/_M t-VtlM JEffrrfSsiSftffo YI7¥andT f atours before post time. £ ilfifflHCT LJJCULljJ III/ I l«l I TODAY— 0 TO PROBABLE LIMIT WIN PARLAY— TODAY N°W / 11111 If 111 • Both hordes starting fod:i_ have been specially prepared jnst for these two. particular races. Both TODAY AmisBmOH ff 4?*"- ••C TIWS ||]| • hon-te will have two crark riders up. and the money has been cart fully placed away from the track to VL/MT n— r*f . dr tfS_J JSPl. aMSr ■■/ I s**nre very tii jr odds. Never before in my career was I sun r than todays two horses will win ss IB TtleSliSfx Hlf W I easily as their riders se fit. lie sure and go the very limit on todays releases and play both horses B pfiaJjfesB yandJ2pikin~ ~ aj* WW III In a win parlay, to win only. TOMORROW B - KSWKaKr *■■ • Western subscribers, jro to your nearest Western Onion or Tostal Telegraph office and wire $." for KtSSWHl J www. m todays strictly and only two -horse parlay. Be sure to play both horses in a win pariay, to win only. AND Bgi*F|j3rii f~v tMrMM. ■Ml ■ EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN MONDAY I-P*SBBr! ft 111 • 132 Nassau Street Suites 216-17-18 New York. N. Y. mas OFFICE OPEN FROM • A. M. TO 6 P. H. DAILY TERMS— ONLY 15 AND NOTHING ELSE BUT NAME AND ADDRESS = VF- ADVANCE INFORMATION -« awra*K"-X C -m tm _■ a_ ___-_ O. K. now In for Saturdays Pay Day Donble and Mondays Break Book Double. We are betting gj m ■ | ■ M| | VA I Plonty. My buddies say sure winners. Go the 1*1 diii If rniiniiiikf! andy WffiRR9nU| m 1X1 J HI M9 K TJ 6 Varick Street, Suite 1001 New York City Bi I | CwSlnV II 1 I I Ssl B Hi fl p s-— A11 those wishing to communicate by mail, address It to my manager, Mr. Ward, at abovs ■■iinpgLiiiiiiijiai nriTiBuiNiinn n PUBLISHED WEEKLY A COPY MM I II II HfAl J I I M ll H ~ L LandVBJ !■ [ § I mM/ III %J Mmwk SCOTLAND .16, .36, 2nd | ■■ K ll T W AT AI W congo m. ?..7!?.?ZZm. wo. */• Illi If 1 1 1 IX lJUlllJ 1 I BSDAY S FKEB CODK: TBSTKRDATS FREE CODS: ■"" "SztZiiiZ;ZiZMMWm daily-strictly two horses-»5 daily r i r .i BID CHARLTON 9.34, Woi PUCC OnH sHsOOlhsOVC Strictly Two Horses Each Day Beleased to Each and Every One of Onr Subscribers SATURDAYS PKEE CODE £ UO«3 Ullil 1 vCtlilvI V **** tw« borses are advertised in this publication win or lore. Honest, legitimate turf Information. SIXTY $ 6 39, Won YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO DORSES: lt s copy of LIBERTY TURF GUIDB and yon, "mMa BBKK 5.00, Won tflPassalong, 6.16, Won0 ™ For cipher code, see pare 2 LIBERTY TURF «11I»E and you will be plajing a real long shot TODAYS FREE CODE: f-i ~-~ TIM • /fk g fC 117 rz "*" "-r DAILLWAYSWINNER r*** "lUlO, $ U.OLj W Oil f—lj «* — » •• • *+-+** *■ •» ■- •• yesterday s parlay: fuU **"*" ot m »nI°«»*«i- We Advertise Our Horses Every Day— Win or Lose "pi TOO AMT pp ATHERS " 00 SPECIAL Honesty Is the best policy. That has been, and always will be. oar motto. 1 1 flfl W w* h*Te rone to * tremendoU8 «spens« in retting SUP* BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY FRIDAY -8 «plO.UU, WOII word on this big special today and Its «p to yon ADVERTISED PARLAY WIRED ALL CLIENTS PROMPTLY Y¥l»,fl».Tl~,rs r A lavlr* to get It. Subscribe today. Dont miss this big parlay. Two real good things. Both horses should wis DllNlNLK UAINClli ea*"7 "Dd m biB odd" SPECIAL OFFER- 0.98, Won l«„ S WIRE *5 IMMEDIATELY FOR TODAYS PARLAY ~»| to .1, tho, .» subscribe for six »— WEDNESDAYS PARLAY ° this publication for |5 we will give free six J* »m JJ* on y. r»a* «« Ket In on todays parUy. Cash a big bet oa these two horses. Jo tho % MODERATION iU.Z*. Won consecutive 1929.sh00 Specials. Subscribe at once. HONK ONEILL % 8.1S, Woi B*"* ADVANCE INFORMATION— BIG PARLAY SATURDAY AT WASHINGTON ~9| BOGANs s anct.T7. .fT.wgi, w.. DODDS TURF WEEKLY CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS! MONDAYS PARLAY: 31 E. CONGRESS ST. Suite 310 CHICAGO, ILL. Dont bo to the race track today unless you receive our big parlay at Washington Park. Tww «OTTA CONOW ..».e8. Woi prohable winner«- ============— — — — =— =—=— jean dksaihi e .m, wo. — TERMS— DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY DONT MISS TODAYS LIMIT PARLAY C _ _ __ Qk«.A* T.,«.«T 1X7.1,1., _ . len Olieet 1 Urt Weekly , Wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Our New lork office open from t a. m. to 5 p. «. Our wur connections connections advise aawse ..« ns tliat mat rne the two i«o horses norses * m Telegrams sent early each morning, that go in our parlay today should win easily AMERICAS GREATEST TURF WEEKLY JTVyuLtTeaii. Wre ,5 for ,h" P"u ■*■ - «■ ■— Band. -:- Price, si per Copy lTHIS IS A LEGITIMATE AND REPUTABLE TURF AGENCY-** l inrnru T-nni- r itrr- TODAYS FREE CODE: Dul7 registered nnder the laws of the State of New York. County of New Xork. LlbLK I Y TURF UUIUL latonia— Joe-c-9. Earis Building. Room 316 YKsiKUDAY s frbe code: B. HEWITT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor. New York Citv •tad St. and Broadway New York City BI.AfNC SKINtJ *19.»8, Won * _ == YESTERDAYS PARLAY: » KISS AND KEATHEHS fli.OO, Won MASTER V L O V K E R MINO i D.:i2, W on - -»»-- . ,*.*„*.*, *.. m~.~ MSSa££2JSE»*-+ vn™%S™ tle Pklt SUBSCRIBE FOR MONTHLY FORM BOOK AND INSURE DELIVERY MOMEWOOD— DunJurk Pttaxd Pmch Mount Nicho. «« Court SL, HoomlbOS Brookljo, N. Y. ---~~— . ,_ , , , , J _, J m -j- J - - rr-.-rrJjJ_

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062101/drf1929062101_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062101_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800