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JOCKEY MORAN UNDER BAN SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 10. Willie Moran, star apprentice development of the Agua Caliente meeting, cannot ride again until his contract employer, C. B. Irwin, sees fit. Some time ago Mrs. Moran, mother of the boy, pisputed the contract claim of C. B. Irwin to the boys papers. This was thoroughly gone over by Agua Caliente stewards, who decided in favor of Irwin. The contract has three years to run. The following notice was posted on the Tanforan bulletin board today: "Jockey William Moran having left his contract employor, C. B. Irwin, horsemen are warned not to harbor him. Signed Joseph A. Murphy, Presiding Steward." Irwin was offered 5,000 for Moran during the Agua Caliente meeting. The portly Cheyenne turfman declares Moran was well treated by him and he knows of no good reason why the boy should not be riding for him at the present time.