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S Key: B Breezing. D Driving. E Easily. H Handily. O All out. TJ Eased up. 100 AURORA. III., April 10. Todays training gallops included the following: AURORA. AVeather clear ; track fast 3-8 MILE. Clem :39andb Keeper :38 h 83 Faddy :43b Tamina :404b Knockabout. . :3S li 1-2 MILE. 84 Bumpsie .Ray :54b S; Mat Mahoney :57andb 5-8 MILE. 71AVentz .l:09b NEAV YORK, N. Y., April 10. Todays training gallops included the following: BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track good 3-8 MILE. 95 Balmoral :37b 97 Nile Maiden. :39.b 95 Bagatelle :37b 97 Scots Grey.. :39b 97 Caesarion ... :39b 97 Sweep Out... :3S b 97 Caruso 39b 97 Taos :30andb 97 Moinc - :3Ub 93 Tripping Toe. :38 b 1-2 MILE. 91 Aldershot ... :49 h 97 Hand to Hand :49h 94 Blimp :49 b 97 Lamp Black. . :49h 94 Captain Hook :53 b 97 Lativich :48li 91 Deploy :40 h 95 Osmand :405li 94 Flying Start. :49 b 94 Sortie :53 b 97 Gipsy King.. :483h 94 Xylophone .. :49 h 95 Gasp :53 b 94 Xcnofol :49 h 5-8 MILE. Alchemist ...1:07 b 95 Dunlins Son.l:03b 95 Barn Dance.. l:03?sU 90 Epigram ....1:04 b Camp Meade.l:03 h 95 Tidy Miss l:03h 3-4 MILE. 95 Draconis ...,l:18b 97 Red Rag 1:22 b 95 Dr. Freeland.l:15 h 95 Snowf lake ...1:15 b Gold Brook. .l:17h 94 Trapmar ....l:17b 98Misnot l:17h The Boss l:17b 98 Quarter Deck.l:17li 7-8 MILE. 95 Blk Diamondl:2Sh 95 Swinfield ...l:2Sb Dr. Freeland and Snowflake went evenly. I AQUEDUCT. AVeather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. GlAttamart :40 b My Till :3Svib Dunlins Elk. :J0 b 97 Sara Burdon. :3S b 97 Fis Seymour :39 b . 1-2 MILE. Boom :51 b 98 Fatigue :50 b 98 Cooing :49h 98 Gay Colors... :52 b Drawing Brd :52 b 98 Mortal :53 b 98 Bleu :52 b 98 On Tap :49 h 9S Flying Max.. :52 b 98 AVc Dun It... :52 b 5-8 MILE. 98Pcto 1:0G b 98 Sir RuIey....l:0G b 98 Morton 1:01 b Stotis 1:05 b 3-4 MILE. Bobbles 1:1a b 98 Lillian M l:18h CI Bob Shannon. 1:18 b 98 Maybe 1:20 b 98 Collington ..1:19 b Sea Craft 1:17 b 9SSt. Henell 1:19 b Rex Mcore... 1:20 b 9S Infinitus ....1:20 b 9S AVrattler ,. . . .1:19 b 7-8 MILE. The AVorker.l:40 b 1 MILE. Frisius l:44b 98 Jn Cavanaghl:49 b 9S Flying Gal... l:4Sb 9S Sepoy 1:49 b Gallant Fox.l:44h 9S AAood God. .. .1:40 b Gallant Fox and Frisius went together. Bobbles and AVrattler worked evenly. Cooing and On Tap showed speed. BOAVIE, Md., April 10. Todays training gallops included the following: BOAVIE. AVeather clear; track fast 3-8 MILE. 85 Apostle :39 h 9S Ima Queen.. :37h Audax :3Gh 98 Ned O. . :39b 9SArcturus :37 h 14 Old Moon :40 b 8G Donie :37h 55 Prince Toy.. :37h 80 Dtor Rankin :3Sb 94 Paul Bunyan. :37h 98 Equation :39?b 98 Politen :39 b 99 Frank Fullen :37 h 90 Stand By :3S b 52 Fenlight .... :39 h 98 Squabbler ... :3Gt31i 9C Fasciste ..... :37 b 95 Thymon . . . . :39 h 98 Frumper .... :3Gti 95 Traitor :37h 90 Genuine .... :37 h 95 Valley :3Gh 37 Hush Money. :37h 1-2 MILE. 95 Bond Slave... :53 h 92 One Grand... :50h 99 Cudgeller ... :52 h Panda :49h Ear Full :49h 9S Sambo G :52 h Fireside :49h Marcheur ... :50b 92 Herb Ashby. . :52 li 71 AVatkinson . . :53 b 5-8 MILE. 95 Ann C l:03h 55 Patti Louise. l:04h Celeritas ....1:01 h Particular ...1:02 h Eleusagon ...l:02h 98 Sporting Fooll:01 h 97 Hypnotism ..1:07 b 98 Yeggman ...1:03t31i 94 Jimmy Moranl:01h 3-4 MILE. S9 Cloudy 1:17 li 94 Propus 1:24 b 95 Glidelia 1:20 li 94 Rockdor 1:22 b 8S Kitty Marie. l:177ih 9S Siielboe l:22b 9S Maestro l:17h 99 The Freshmaul;23 b Ping Coates.. l:17h 93 Zida 1:20 h 7-8 MILE. 98 Kingbird ....l:31h 93 Star o Morn. 1:32 h 98 Partake l:31h 1 MILE. 98 Dr. Bidencopel:54 b 92 Prince Bulbo.l:47 h 99 Gadalong ....1:48 b 97 Naylor l:47b 91 Hey l:5Gb 97 Turquoise ...1:48 b 94 Paavo 1:55 b 99 AVhilenway .1:42 h AVhileaway did the best trial of the morning. WHEELING, AV. Aa., April 10. Todays training gallops were as follows: AVIIEELING. AVeather clear; track good 1-4 MILE. 99 Favorit II... :28 b 99 Miss Ramsey :2G b 99 Jean :2G b 77 Sewing Hour. :28 b 3-8 MILE. Rattle :44 b 8G Mter Hligan :45 b Keith :45 b 84 Portsur :44 b 53 Lord Marmion :41 b 1-2 MILE. Blue Agate.. :57 h 99 Roughneck .. :5G b Deviner :54 h C9 Spectre :5G b Easy Money.. :5G b Sniper :5G li Gideon :5G h 70 Stage Struck. :5G h 98 Piute :55 h Two Bills.... :5G b Marie Stevens :54 h Timekeeper . :55 b Panorel :58 b 5- 8 MILE. Metco Jones.l:13 b 87 AVood River. .1:09 li 3-4 KILE. 20 Betsy Jayne. 1:27 b 81 Sawdust ....1:2;- Pat 0Connorl:25 b . 1 MILE. 84 Edward Grayl:55 b SAN BRUNO, Calif., April 10. Todays training gallops included the following: TANFORAN. AVeather cloudy ; track fast 3-8 MILE. GO Best Bet :37b G7 Kcrnvillo ... :37b 90 Del Borgia... :38 b 94 Nifty :38b Flying Ate. .. :37 b 81 Sequoia Park. :37aib 81 House Girl... :39b 1-2 MILE. 98 Baptiste :53 b 97 Sir Argo :50andc S5 Backbone ... :49h 6- 8 MILE. SO Mary Bcverlyl:03V5h 97 Starference .1:04 b 3-4 MILE. 93 Little Captalnl:22 b 99 Shasta BullctlCUh .1 MILE. 9G Gold Rush... .1:42 d