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oth r airmOlint Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming 3fy Dandy Mile Sept 7 1928 111 3 108 108JTOTE JTOTE Claiming price 51250 if for 1000 allowed 4 pounds Weight 118 pounds Ronwinners since 3Iay 9 allowed 3 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc Rcc47GSO 47GSO 12nenry Sommcrs C 110X725 47G80 9Gaineswood Bev 107 11 5 110X720 47577 103Iat Hunter Tij 111 112 5 100X715 47550 8 Son Ami Mia 107 113 7 110X710 4G929 lFlalierty Bbg 112 114 6 100X705 47G85 4Lounger FP 103 114 9 113X700 47685 3Luck 1ieceBbg 101 114 4 10GXC95 Wt Rec AWtHan 3G784 11 Saar 4GOG7 2 Scotland Girl FP IOC 113 5 10GG90 40174 5 Parnell S lllXOJO lllXOJO47CSO 47CSO C CoI FallonIIav 105 113 5 100 090 47478 7Golden Orient OrientM M FP 112 118 3 C 100 GOO 43378 13Sifting SandOma 100 l17s 4 100 090 Tlie past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs UiaTIme Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Glass of Unce UnceHenry Henry Sonimers 110 ch e G y CaddySerenat by P 8 Last work 134 58 l03ft JJL Trainer W P Games Owner Murdock McQuillan McQuillanMajl930FP Majl930FP g l18V6hy 2S 110 G 3 21 2i DayNV 12 Emplmticl03Griff W 115Imperator 115 C MijlGSOFP 3 l14V ft 35 112 12 11 lO lO19 DayW 12 MyBeautyllOFallinLcafll5Kglaukll2 C OctlS29 FP 3 l13ft 24 107 11 6 811 8 HornF Jll KgllalmalOuLckjSvvplOlCashllaylOO C OcLl729FP 3 l13Vft 10 104 11 9 91 75i CimerakG 12 LkyDrift lOGKgllalma 110OurBdyll2 0 OcLl2297FP 3 ll7hy 1910 110 1 C 7 J G5 RootT 12 JackUp 100 Waponoca 111 Mcdius 110 C Oct 729 FP 3 l14V gd 23 106 10 9 75i 5 MuloneyJ 12 FfteMnlllBocartoneliriArrogant 100 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 700 This year 2 0 1 0 100 100B Gninestvood GninestvoodLast B g 6 by Chicle Paloma by Golden Sun Last work 137 12 Trainer M Sanders Owner V B Campbell 3tajl9305FP l19V61iy 8 115 7 3 21 33 EdwardsC5 10 Broomoney 110 Cuevas 110 Fasciste 115 C 3Ltt27305StJ 1 147 ft 8 113 4 2 53i 7l ° FerminA 10 Laurie 108 Spurrier 110 Clarlficr 108 C Mit2430St 3 1 l57sl 12 111 4 4 4 G10 FerminA1 9 Pnrolell Ill Margate 100 Fire On 110 0 Macl530StJ 3 llGm 29 118 1 4 25 2 RoseM 11 Dovagcrll3MsOninell3JnyCpbelI 114 C CMaellSOStJ MaellSOStJ l56ft 40 111 1 G 7 80 BryantD 9 Rockhawkll2Cfldential 10GSunspecl02 C CMac Mac 230Hav 1 l45 4ft 75 107 2 1 I1 1 = LoganL = 12 My Word 112 Non Stop 107 Cano 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 512 3655 This year 12 113 1060 1060Mat Mat Hunter 1 CharityJLVL 0 Ch h 5l ty Chatterton Charity Bell by Luck and Charity JLVL Trainer E E Watson Owner G E Pruett PruettHajlG30FP HajlG30FP 3 l15 ft 30 112 10 7 4H 4 = FelixC 12 TheMoonl01CingLadyl07KatArmsll2 0 0Apc2430TLex Apc2430TLex 1 l45ft 47 112 11 8 7 7 FelixC 12 UnlonW103StMT wsll2SueBaker 107 0 0Aptl930JLex Aptl930JLex IVff l47ft 78 107 7 8 7 7 = FelixC S Bogan il5LnPlaut llSHmKelly 113 0 0Mar29307AC Mar29307AC 1 l2Gft 15 121 4 5 48i 5 ParmleeJi 10 HowdLeellCnedlMumelOOIToldYou 110 C Det2029IJP 1 146 ft 85 118 2 10 11I 11 = KnlghtM S12 Kmplette lOlPCallioun 116SunBaby 103 C Dec1229JP 2110 gd 14 115 9 8 Gl 41 KnightM J12 OrestesII113Chaitairclieel08Boffan 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 30 6 0 1 3885 This year 4 4Cnn Cnn m I 1 1 f Bt 7 by Chateau Lafite SaVonnieres by Alcantara IL ILjst l10Vihy ± 1U Trainer ° C Keamy ° wner ° m jst rk 14058 Marlu 30F P 2 luylt 20f 110 5 C 41 5s GarrityP 12 OssielllOOFlfgFlrclOSBtyBrong 104 C C2t 2t 2trl4 rl4 SOFp nl14 215 115 5 5 5 = GrJ GoodrichE 12 ArrogntlluPMentSeth 115KgBnk 115 C CArnM ArnM osBeu 3114 ft 4i HO 6 5 4 3J YerratA 8 Vacation HSPeralta 109 MyUeauly 104 C CA A SOSBCU liis 2310 1155 2 2h 2 YerratA 7 APCanale 103Spectre HOTrappy 1000 1000A A WRPii l lWcd 44 101 1 22 2 5 YerratA S Corbeau 107 Vacation 108 Pacheco 107 H i FT T T t r n = JT t 3id Ts Flacrt mu 106 LJ S rc rcW W ° st nta r OWhe 21l7 ft ifl HG 3 3 Sl 3 BuckleyR 10 ClayPignllCneighShotlllLowerFivellC C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 133 1125 This year 11 002 5 100 j I I Lounger 1 1 Q B S 9 by Sweep Sweet Marjorie by Goldfinch GoldfinchLast Last work 131 58 l03ft J Trainer L Kindle Owner W M Cain MajUSOvFP 3 l19J hyl710 110 4 1010UO PeggC1 10 Brmoney llOCuevas HOGaineswood 115 0 0JIaylSSOFP JIaylSSOFP 3113 ft 3710 111 3 3 410 511 PeggC 7 NichelsonlllBagabaldll3SwccpNet 99 O OM M jl2S05FP 3 115 ft 25 112 2 1 11 1 1 PcggC 8 Orestes II 112 Gideon 112 Focus 112 O OJunG295FP JunG295FP 1 143 ft 4 111 1 8 8s 8 TrimbleL 8 SportDrss97SpanshAsterl08Isoard 110 O Jun2029FP l l45ft 3910 107 3 S 61 5l KnlglUM 7 OurPal lOSFkFuln llSNyllhymes 108 O Junl729FP 1 lil tt 3710 109 2 2 21 2 = KnlghtM 7 SpanishAsterl03EpbesianllGClarificrl07 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 0 2 0 463 This year 3 1 0 0 650 650LllClt LllClt Piece 1 Cfi B S 4 by Rouleau Bit o Luck by Star Shoot ShootL L V U Trainer W Mitchell Owner J H Edwards EdwardsMajrUSOFP MajrUSOFP 3 Il9 hy 51 110 S 9 Si 8 = MeyersME 10 Brmoney llOCuevas HOGalneswood 115 0 Majl530 FP 3 113 ft 12 101 7 4 3 410 CimerakG1 7 NichelsonlllItagabaldll3SweepNet 99 0 Octl729 FP 1 l15J ft 5 107 7 2 2 5 CramerR 8 StarPrincel07WiIlBank 112PtLoma 115 0 Octl2295FP 1fe l53hy 23 102 8 1 21 21 CramerR 10 ZelmaONeal lOGPonimol lOOBryndrlOO O Oct 5295FP 1J l54hy 32 10310 6 7 ST EdwardsC 10 Md o t Sfm 94ClaudcC103Punkie 111 O Scpll29 DP ll47hy 81 106 3 5 3 3T EdwardsC 7 Sharon 118 Valence 112 Head Cover 115 O Sep 329 DP 1139 ft 17 102 8 9 9 9i SavageJ 9 Yargce 108 Marabou 108 Miracle 108 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 15 221 1533 This year 2 2Saar Saar Blk g 8 by Light Brigade Lorraine by Ben Brush BrushLast Last work 134 4119ft LJLJL Trainer J Phillips Owner Hasan Phillips Jan 1295FP l lff ff r52m 25 110 8 5 C l G10 GonzlesII 8 Linger 114JennyUean 107WarGrail 990 Ma2929FP ll45ft 12f 11512 8 741 6 GonzlesII 12 Coy 110 Glee 105 Fore Star 110 O Hv2329 FP 1J l 6ft 27 110 3 6 G 7 = GonzalesG 8 MascaralOOAlabaBndl07FHawley 115 0 30277 FP 1 116 l47ft 4310 113 1 4 73 7 D Smith 8 Ponlmoi llSBettySmlth 103IluthGold 108 29920 FP llSl53ft 91 109 G 4 C i 7 D Smith 12 Dante 109 Talequa 110 Warfield 104 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won oti i t w Last yeari 3 3Scotland Scotland Girl 1 ToneyJLUO f Br m 5 by Lucky Hour Bit o Glory by Black Toney JLUO Trainer F C Travis Owner S S Friedlein Mac SO Iav 3 114 ft 85 10G 5 3 43 5 J LoganL 8 ShtaBellelOGCharbuellOSLkyDrift 100 0 0Man Man 830 = IIav 3 l145ft 4 102 2 8 5J 2i Lorigjs 9 Crittall 107SliortyO HOJnnyAgee 107 O OFt Ft 2G303Hav 3 Ii5sd 5 107 10 G 4 4l SnldcrA 10 ShastaBelle 99 PatsyH 08 Drifter 104 O OrcU17303Hay rcU17303Hay 3 l19Vtn 2J 105 7 G G ° S BryantDi 9 Wega 105 Vandion 111 JoanShirley 98 O OJin2430IIav Jin2430IIav 3 l14ft 1 107 3 1 1 1 1 TonrowR1 8 ClodomirII107OurBuddyl07Hoatzin 107 C CJinlO30 JinlO30 = Hav 3 l13ft 3 101 G 5 2nk 2 ° EdwardsC1 8 Malcolm 114CuevdsllOBillIeMarch 104 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts n 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 22 This year 6 Parnell mB g 8 by Polroma Mazonia by Mazagan 1 JL JL Trainer E C Sutton Owner J J Mason Mason3tirlG306Hav 3tirlG306Hav lfs l59ft 8 106 2 G 7 2 7 NashE = 11 NuckolsBoyllOMainshcetlOlOurJoanlOl O O3Iitll30iHa 3Iitll30iHa l le e l46 ft 5 111 3 2 2 = 21 NashE5 8 Bumpkin 109Abington 112CrossAVd ia4 O OM M c 530 = Ha 1 l46ft 12 107 3 1 1 11 NashE 9 CrossWordl07MainshcetllOFinnster 107 0 0Fcb2S305Ha Fcb2S305Ha 1J l52ft 8 107 5 7 8 S RileyG = 8 DonbleDarellONkolsBoyllOEdKeesell3 O r1530Ha li l51ft G 107 7 9 9 9 = AustinM 10 BtsyJaynel02CrsWordl02Abingtonl04 0 Fdx 430Ha 1J11 ft 3 1051 1 1 1J RileyG 7 Corposant 103 Try Again 100 Prig 110 O OJin28307Ha Jin28307Ha 1 147 ft 12 113 7 7 4s 35S SeaboG 8 DeroadalOSBrownCbicflOSCorapller 103 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 2 0 1050 This year 13 2 3 2 2090 2090Col Col Fallon 1 0 fi 3 B 5 by Colonel Vennle Martha Fallen by McGee Last work 130 581OGift L O Trainer T F Bornman Owner Miss M Kelly Mat1930FP 3 l18hy 12 110 8 4 G 71S MeyersMEi 12 Emphatiel03HySomers 110GriffW115 0 MajlG30FP 3 l15 ft 18f 112 9 G 5 1 5 GrossE 12 TIieMoonl01CmsLadyl07KatArmsll2 O 3I 2730StJ 5J f l09V ft Cf 113 2 1 in 1 BrjantD 12 PlUvere HSSyHatch HSRrBrm 95 0 Mar20COStJ 3 llCft 7 115 2 4 45 4T GuerraJ 8 MissOnine lOVera C103Honeyfish 112 0 Marl830 = StJ 3 l15ft 39 109 2 4 Gl 5 BryantD 8 Voyage lOCNevermore lllMIssOninel09 O Mac 430 = Hav 3 114 ft 21 113 G 4 5i 8 RoseM 12 FrLegn 1138shMk lluCdldolizr 113 O llac 130Hav 3 113 ft 8 105 4 2 2J 2 BryantD = 8 HastyGIrl 10SCIiesterlOSLkyDrift 103 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 0 0 2 100 This year 19 223 1745 1745Golden Golden Orient 1 fi Ch g G M by Golden Maxim YahyYip by Chop Suey 3r rl330 FP 3 114 ft 24f 112 2 11 1212 = KernW 12 TheShwOffl07nighwayl07PatsyH 102 O 32SOma 5Xfl09m G 112 2 3 4 4 ColvinA 4 A canTderlOOMissDp u99SpgUyl04 A 222S50ma 3117 m 8 100 4 4 4 4 = = ColvinA 4 PateGdll2GisterII10GLnaMalia 107 O JuLl427IRac 3 l14ft 2 112 3 3 G G ScobleE 9 JollyBoy llOOneWay 110 DarFur 110 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 1Sifting1 Sifting1 Sand 1 Ofi B 4 by Sand Mole Carmen Peter Ouince OuinceLast Last work 133 1m l45V4ft 1 Trainer B Scoville Owner Scoville Stable Octl929FF 1 l43hft 13 100 3 2 31 93 CramerR 11 CoIleQueen 103 HighLife 111 Piute 109 0 Dctl729 FP 1 l45ft 17 101 1 3 3J 471 CimerakG 8 StarPrincel07WiIlBank 112PtLoma 115 O OctlaSgFP 3 l14ft 23f 101J 4 lu rider NJcholsJ 12 BrkAHcelOlIfcvSweeplOJKamuela 102 0 OcLll29FP 3 llGm 151 107 4 5 7 S3 NicholsJ M2 ShortyO lllNIieBallot 102Chiclero 105 O SoplS29Beu 5Jfl09Bd 8 107 5 J GoodrhE 10 AdorablelOOOntGirkloriUolylnnoctlOO O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonI Last year 13 1 1 0 750