7th Woodbine, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-21

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7th Woodbine jrnyflowcr Plate 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward 1 Mile cw 3IanlsIlire y 2 1923 188 3 103 Ind PP Horse Wt Hec AWtnin AWtnin47110s 47110s 4 Aziz M 3 100X723 100X723475G03 475G03 3 Spearhead AAdb 107 141 3 IOC 720 7204C9S2 4C9S2 1 Suttees MAqu 107 l43h 3 102 715 71547C253 47C253 7 Ichitaro AVdb 112 14215 5 110 710 47379 0 Dance MLrl 110 1425 4 110 703 Ind PP Horse Wt Uec AWtHnn 2 Proniandale 4 120 700 8 Leadgold Aur 107 l4G7 m 3 103X093 5 Honest loy M 3 93 090 9 UtiR Smaslier SmaslierM M Trl 108 141 3 103 C90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racins record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race J J2z 2z 1 CC M by Trojan Accara by Accountant AccountantLast Last work 121 3S 3Cft LvU Trainer L Campbell Owner G L Stryher StryherVV VV 2303Pim f 14G ft 21 101 G 2 2 = J 23i HaincsR4 7 Colossal HOurkPrlela llOFairBctlilll n Arr SOPim 3 l13ft 10 113 S S 7 ° i 711 EabyJ1 12 Timon llSYkeeDoodIellSSunFalconll8 M MApr Apr 7304Bow g l2S1 hy3910 100 2 2 2J 2 ° HebertS5 5 Macil 108 Water Lad 111 Keydet 111 n Kotll29JPim ll l43ft 21 106 1 2 24 2s TJobcrtnA 1010 BreezinsTlmi 115Porpliyryll5 Titus 118 A Nox 729 = Pim 3 l14ft 17 107 5 1 lh Si KobertnA 3 G Macil 115 Fallacious 107 Gay Past 115 A Not 2r9Pim 2113 ° sl 7 114 2 9 7si 75i IlainesU = 11 Easter 114 Fallacious 114 Mucker 117 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 05 3 J 1050 This year 30 2 0 COO COOSnearllCld SnearllCld 1 H ch c 3 ty FJtzwilliam Muttikins by Star Shoot Shoottest test work 132 Ira l41ft V ° Trainer G T Strate Owner Tcdluc Stable StableHaylG30Bel HaylG30Bel 1 142 m 4i 100 4 4 4s 4fnRoscG 4 BudBrooml21QterDckll2KaiFeiig 110 II IIMay May 9303Jam = i12ft 20 112 5 5 55J 5 ° 1 LyonsD 5 Labor 118CrazyCoot 125QuickStcp 11C U U6cjx2G295AAdb 6cjx2G295AAdb 1 l40iift 11 107 11 6 3i 2i KsingerC 11 SwtSentimt lOGJolIyPal 10CFairOrbl03 S 8en2129eWdb 3 l15 ft 2310 115 7 4 31 lh ColtilettiF Jll KinRsuayI24AymdllGParEsccrnce 112 S ScplO293Bel 2wclllgd 30 117 5 S S102 RobtsnA 12 Polygamousll7GlantFoxl20Stantonll5 A fPlacccl third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 1 3 0 5370 This year 2 0 0 1 100 100SllftCCS SllftCCS I AO Ch gr 3 M by Star Master Bendita by Ormondale Ormondaleroof roof work ill 1 ° riOd LV J Trainer W J Norton Owner Eastland Farms Stable I l4G ft 12 115 4 3 4s t FisherRJ10 10 Flaming 115 Dunnellen 113 Gowan 115 A 2 l14ft 12 116 4 3 G3J 7 BakerF 12 Lindy 118 Talky 112 BobShannon 112 C Arc2230cJam 2 115 si G 115 4 3 4 = 1 3 BakcrF 11 QckStep 115DiinelIen 115I5igSpringll5 C 1 142 hy Ge 107 3 4 45 5i BakcrF1 9 TfWrit rll7JnCavgli 117Spnfft 102 C Jun21295Aqu l01ft 10 122 3 9 9JIO10 GarnerW 15 Best Man 122 Cymbal 122 Taos 122 M S295Aqu g 59ft 30 US 2 12 9 i 93 GarnerAV 17 AVrcstlerllSFrumperllSDescrtLiglit 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 4 4Icllilaro This year 4 0 0 1 100 Icllilaro 1 1 1Last B h 5 by Knights Differ Ruth Maxim by Golden Maxim Last work 13G 12 33sl LJ Trainsr J Givens Owner J C Fletcher May 1730 AVdb 1 l57ift 4710e 133 Z 3 3 = i 33 FodenN1 18 Aymond 117 AAliale Oil 117 Vestin 127 S My25295Wdb 1 140 ft 10 112 G G G G11 GwynneJ 7 YgKitty 121MrGaicty 114Attack 117 S Miy2229 AAdb 1 l42ft 195 113 4 4 4 J 5 GwynneJ 11 FireBrigadel22AAdsweptllOSnelboc 111 A MaylS29Wdb l l57ft 16e 132 1 1 1s 2i GwynneJ IS Shorelint 117 Lindsay 107 Aesti 11 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon AAonLast Last year 3 0 1 0 2500 This year 1 0 0 1 1000 1000JailCe JailCe 1 1 n Br f 4 M by lieht Brigade lady Tarantella by Plaudit PlauditLast Last work 139 12 50ift JV Trainer J S McDonald Owner Ascot Stable WaylO303Pim l 140 ft SI 110 10 10 10 = 101 BejshakJ1 10 Laurie llOKcaltor 107JaneIlliart 108 C Kb 299 = Bow 1 l49ft 104 3 1 11s lli RomanoT 313 DnSliow ilGPatOCnorll2IIhI1layerll2 C KotG29 = Bow 1fg l50ft 4110 109 2 3 3 = i 33i BarnesE C Legend 109 Spurn 112 AAee Baloo 109 M Kor2295Bow lfg l47ft 95 100 4 S S S CannonAV 8 Cliatovcr 103ClearSky 114LovGear 108 A Kon 9293Pim 2113ft 98 105 7 7 75 71 SchenkA 4 7 Donnay 108 Cbianti 108 SuuBroom 103 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AYon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year C 0 0 1 100 This year 1 Promnndale PromnndaleLast i n B c 4 by Grand Parade Lass o the Glen by Cylgad Last work 140 38 391iy 1 v Trainer E J Salt Owner Seagram Stable StableMay May GSOPim l l44ft 57 119 7 7 7 = 8 G30 MannF3 7 ArmagdonlOGHotToddyl21Sirmer 119 A AApnSOSOPim ApnSOSOPim 1TO 143 ft 15 113 5 5 5 5 = = MannF = 5 StoMorn 113Sunvir 113SIiipmaster 113 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AYon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVon This year 2 2Leadgold Leadgold 10 Ch C 3 y Transmute Wickerwork by Sea King KingLast Last work 137 1m l53gd Jv J Trainer C Wells Owner W Hussell HussellMayigSO MayigSO AA db 1 5 l53sy 25 107 9 8 9 = 5 93 RussollF 9 Dolan 108 Fire Girl 991 Fair Gold 108 C Oct31293Aur 2 IclDVim 9i IDS 10 G 5J 33i CrchfldC C12 TitleOakllGCabildo llOStarMistress 110 C Oct2929 Aur 1 l43 m 75 107 7 G 4 1 51 CritchfdC 7 StarMistress 103Cabildo llOTheone 107 C OcL2429Aur 3 l17m 12f 109 11 10 7 3 4 CritchrdC 12 StarMistrsl09HoberlaL103NaZdar 108 C 0 L21293Aur 5J f lOGft 12 109J G G 4 1 41 LeylandJ 3 S FloONl 113RobrtaLM01PtsyLewisl03 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Last year 21 105 1085 This year 1 1JlOliest JlOliest BOV QC B c 3 M by Glimmer Lavana by Dick Welles WellesLast Last work 133 1 l8202ft t tj Trainer W r0x Owner T M Glassco GlasscoBen2729AAdb Ben2729AAdb 5J f lOSV gd 92 105 G S 12 = 12c BairdS 12 FlReservell2LadySetbll4PsyLewisl09 C CADg3129BB ADg3129BB 51 f lOSft 42 107 2 12 1216121S MundenW = 12 TlirowBackl07BlueQuartzlOOAirportll4 M MAoB2429 AoB2429 = Dor 5J f 111 hy 25 107 10 7 9 9 = MundenW 10 Moselle S lOOIncubite 98FJorazetta 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Last year 3 Bag1 Smasher Br c 3 M by Colin The Baggage by Lough Foyle Apr2130HdG l 146 ft 33 107 1 3 4J 5si McCoyJ3 8 MasterStarl07BakedApplel08Calomel09 C CAprlSSOIIdG AprlSSOIIdG 10 152 m 22 llOi 4 5 12122 FronUAV9 13 BkdAple lOOBroker 107FairFolly 103 C COct2329Lrl Oct2329Lrl 2 llCisl 5 112 3 7 7 J S J FerminA 12 JovlFrrlllBrtrJnsnlllBveKnitlll C COctlS29Lrl OctlS29Lrl 1 l42VSft 91 IDS 5 4 43 4 = RobtsnA 11 PgCtesl03CIiatrAnnel05ColCrupll3 C OcLl429Lrl 3 113 ft 125 114 5 11 ll ll12IS = 12IS WkmanR 12 Cheng Tu 105 AVig 107 Associate 103 C CBep2129HdG Bep2129HdG 5Jfl07 ft 6f 114 14 15 15 15J14 J14 HuffN 13 PnenBdll3AlwnDlylllStTuscanl05 C CIPlaced IPlaced third through disqualification Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AAon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 0 1 1 5 350 This year 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052101/drf1930052101_17_1
Local Identifier: drf1930052101_17_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800