untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-21


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NDEN WINNING THF COFFROTH HANDICAPS ON CAB1ARIS WORTH 70700 ° ° THAT SAME YEAR I WOfS IN PURSES 5 DAILY TAVO HORSES DAILY 55 DAILY DAILYYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS PARLAY PARLAYRUANE RUANE 456 302 2ND 2NDTETRA TETRA GLASS 856 336 3RD 3RDMONDAYS MONDAYS PARLAY PARLAYEMPHATIC EMPHATIC 2334 WON SUNVIR 1755 WON WONAND AND A LIMIT WIN PARLAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ANOTHER DOUBLEHEADER TODAY = 9d 9dOne One is an old horse that lias been given the freshening prep down at Uennings away from all dockers so as to pot a limit price today lie is quoted by layers who are not as wise as they look at 301 overnight Can you beat it They got an idea that he is a stiff but je Gods what a surprise they will get getThe The other half of the parlay is a maiden whose latest races have been below his true form This maiden has worked threeeighths in 3l flat for todays race in view The jockey has been instructed to leave the gate on top and stay there never to take up ignore the bat and give this fellow his head WIRE 55 FOR TODAY BY WESTERN UNION OR POSTAL TELEGRAPH JOCKEY WILLIAM MUNDEN SUITE 1805 66 COURT STREET BROOKLYN N Y

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052101/drf1930052101_23_2
Local Identifier: drf1930052101_23_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800