5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-21

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5th Churchill DoVnS Scclljacl Hotel prse Inrsc 1600 3yearolds 3yearoldsand and upward Allowances Sands of Pleas 1 Mile lire tfay 19 1921 138 5 S 104 Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan47G20 47G20 4 Lady Broadcast AP 107 137J3 4 108X730 47391 5 Buddy BasilLat 108 138 4 113X745 475751 1 Itoyal JulianCD 110 138 G 113X710 113X7104C424 4C424 9 Islam LF 105 l37 i 4113X733 47430 S Agincourt Lat 98138 4 10SX733 i PP Horse Wt Rec AWtlIan 2 Ben MaclirceCD 112 13S 4 108X730 C Suitor AP 113 139 4113X730 3 Silverdale AP 109 140 4 113 723 7 Xellic LyonsM DP 90140 4 108 725 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Lady Broadcast BroadcastLast Ch f 4 by Messenger Couscous by St Bris Last work 140 12 Trainer J M Goode Owner R Caldwell Mayl730 CD 2114 sy sySepi2S29sLF 8 107 4 4 4SJ 45i JonesL = 7 ClubIIousel07Cayuga HSCampBoss 101 H Sepi2S29sLF 1J 150 ft ft6cpiU235LF 3 105 5 6 G 3 GJ ChiavtaF G GdenPncelLSKarlEitel 112Mtanarol04 S 6cpiU235LF 1 l37 ift iftSep 10 106 1 4 4 2 ChiavtaF 4 Misstep 129Karl Eitel lloMyDandy 118 S Sep 7295LF 1J 210hy 210hyAn3123LF 14 107 2 5 5 5 = PhilpotH 7 Brckvdl08Martinlquel07RyUulnl08 S An3123LF 3 lllft 13 107 5 7 G 53 PhilpotH 9 Misstep Misstepl28MyDandyllSBwnWisdomll2 S 8 112 3 4 6 3 9 ° FronkW 15 MyDandj MyDandj2nd MyDandylIOKarlEitellllEStockingsl05 S 2nd 3rd Won Start Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Last year 12 4 3 0 23900 This year 1 Buddy Basil BasilLast mCh c 4 by Basil Eris by Thunderer Last work 140 38 iJ176 Trainer J B Partridge Owner Valley Lake Stable MajlO30CD 5 l13ft 14 113 983 IS DcpcriniR3 12 IlotSliot HSClosDancc llSHerrick 113 C 12 118 4 4 4 4 HalbertF 4 Uluniu lllWindyCity HSCalfRopcr 111 A AuS2029 Haw 35 117 6 9 9 SS ShropseE 10 RofSharonll7K Eitel 122TstleFyrnll2 S A s l295Dev IJ 203ft 11 117 6 8 8 S15 FronkW 8 LadyBrdcastl07GlcnWildll7Voltr 112 j S Jun2229sLat H 230ft 68 118 6 2 31 1 DubolsD 8 CVanDusenl2CBMachrccll3Afrlcanll8 S Junl929JLat 16 104 2 B 6 6 1 DuboisD 7 DunmorellOAmstrdam 105Pphrase 110 A A2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 33 3 8 6 J27795 This year 1100 1150 Jloyal Julian JulianLast mCh h 6 by Royal H Julia X by Harrigan Last work 110 12 12Jfcj J53m Trainer t Johnson Owner W H Whitehous Jfcj 1G30 C D 1 fa 1 4Gf t 2 710 101 8 4 3 3i nusscllIC8 10 KsrStkgsmWhiskerylOSTIicXut 115 H Myl230cCD 1 l3Sft l3Sftjfot 75 IIS 4 3 1 1 McyerC C Disturb 113 Ilerrick 113 Whiscarm 113 C jfot 2295Lat 2J 413 m 125 10G 4 3 3 3 = MorsonR C BeiiMreelOORolledStockglOGFtcry 10G S eqv7295LF lJ210hy lJ210hyAiis3029LF 91 1QS 1 3 331 35J ParmleeJ 1 irackwM10SMirtininuel07Montan rol07 S Aiis3029LF 029LF Ijg 145 ft 11 115 2 4 Zl 3 J AllenCE 5 MikcIInll 112Canaan llOBlcsscfield 115 A Aug 2729 729 LF 1 l12hy 1 112 2 2 2J 1J AllenCE 5 Excalibur 110ranll5unvan 107Ilam 105 A A2ni Starts 1st 2ni 3rd Won Smarts 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn Last year 19 5 5 6 13860 Tliis year 2101 1400 1400mB Islam IslamLast mB c 4 by The Porter Dream of Allah by Colin Last work Trainer J Howard Owner J Howard Mar2 30JP 1 150 si 5 110 2 4 4 = 43 LandG1 LandG1Iie 7 LitUevp90Wdiiver9SLadyBicnvilIe91 A Mai2230 Jl Iie l5Gm G 10G 2 5 5 i 41 LandG1 LandG1Its r KKngstonelOlGalahaa 1201 Product 97 II Marl530 JP Its 153 fcm 71 101 1 5 5 5 LandG3 LandG3liV r Galahadll2ByProduct95WarIn5ligrllO 11 IVb2G30Mia liV l41Ct 35 103 5 1 I1 31 DePmaR 5 FyMaidenl03LowGearllGIlalSalle 100 C Vlx2230Mia lil50ft 20 PC 3 2 2 I3 DalntyF1 10 SndyFordll2FryMdnl04LowGear 117 S IYkl7305Mia 1 l42sy 8 103 4 2 2 2 HcbertS3 HcbertS3ll44ft 4 BaronKinglllConacherl07I5oyalSonlll II ll44ft 40 100 7 8 l Ssi HebertS11 HebertS11Starls 13 MorssJanel08SdyFrdl09CrDominoli2 S Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starta 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year3G 456 6442 This year 11 1 1 Agincourt AgincourtJjst J r O Ch f 4 by Light Brigade Eulogy by Fair Play Jjst work 140 38 3GVsm LvO Trainer E Kaiser Owner B B B 0 Hickman j2305CD 2 l12ft 4910 107 7 o SchuttcII3 9 Cavuga 113 Camp Boss 101 Morsel 101 H t2229 Iat 32 107 211 1J Schuttell 7 IdBrrbanel03DrDcclllIIelenDnl04 A OctlS29Lat 3 111 ft Cl 105 1 1 1 1 SchuttcII G Itccnic 102JWilla 105SporlingLady 100 A OcUlOLat 2 l12ft 8 100 5 1 11 4 = J SchuttcH 1 S BmgOvcr lOGJKulaman lOSWilla 102 A B p20295Lex fc 110 ft 6 101 2 2 2 2s EdwardsC 8 LadjGossip 10G ISotort 114 Old Slip 110 A BcP1429 Lex fc l13m 95 107 4 2 3J 3JJ J 1 IIorvathK 5 PafciaMarianll2nossicl01Acircma 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 14 4 1 2 5120 20 Tliis year 1 Bcil MachrCO 10 f y Fay ol ow Svcet Brier by Star Shoot ShootLast Last work 137 1 l81u9ft LvO Trainer A D Stcele Owner C C G Y Hieatt HieattApr23305Pim Apr23305Pim 1ft l59 ft 74 ICG 12 15 12llll10 EabyJ 35 KanuyFordlOGInception 114SirIIarry 112 S SAprl900Lex Aprl900Lex lic 14G ft IS 10117 8 7s 531 ChthamR1 8 TtleFyrn 105Niato 1011 PciaMarn 105 S SHot Hot 9235Lat 13 32G hy 95 123 5 3 3 31S TurkC 5The Nut 12 i Curate 12C Frisitis 12G S Jsm 229 = Lat 2J 413 m 145 100 5 1 1 ° 1 = TurkC J G KolledSkinKlOGnoyalJlianlOGFtcrylOG S SOct S3S3 Oct 329sCD 1139 ft 11 107 3 4 3s 3S3 3 J DuboisD 4 BossielOrNellicCuslis 1078phorosa 107 A ABeplS2DLex BeplS2DLex 1 l43V l43sl sl 7 102 6 6 41 3 = CarroIlWAue21235Sar CarroIlW G Bossic lOGIWhiskery lllCliancvHor 114 A Aue21235Sar lfs 202 hy 30 107 G 4 21 22 EteffenE 7 PctceWrack 12oHotToddy lOODail U5 S SWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last ycars20 1 1Suitor 11018 This year 2 2Br Suitor SuitorLast I 1 Q Q53sl Br c ty Tryster Lovs Story by Sunstar Last work 135 12 53sl Trainer P Beilly Owner E J lelimann 3fcrlGSOCD Ij l45ft 214 102 9 5 S S XealP XealPBop2029LF 10 KVrStkgsliaWlilskcrylOSIHJan 104 II Bop2029LF liV lll ft 11 HO 3 3 5 3s IlalbcrtF IlalbcrtFB G UMScking 115Miuotaur 1041Crnce 110 A B nll295LF i l12t ft 21 10S 5 5Bopi 4 31 1 IlalbcrtF IlalbcrtFBopL 10 Klingstonc 103 Alcader 105 ISoris 103 A BopL G29 G29LF LF 5 I27hy4710 106 G 4 4 i 45 HalbertF HalbertFAuR20lS5LF l G HypoIusoIOlTyphn lOOUruWisdonillS A AuR20lS5LF I l24Vft 15 110 4 7 GJ 733 JonesU S Bjrshall llOFMilivrd 103Crofton 107 A AuS17233Haw l7293Haw r W l42ft 245 109 5 1 l k 2 ° HalbertF 7 Symplioal02BrnBrutusl07MoleIAu51295Haw Synipliotal02I5rnIJrutiisl07Molcnill 101 A Au51295Haw l42 ft 2110 IOC 5 2 31 1 HalbertF 7 Islam 1031cterParIcy 109MoleIl lOaMolcIIill 101 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd W Won WLast Last year 20 6 613 1 3 GGOS This year 1 1SHvenlale SHvenlale 1 1 Q Ch c 4 y Tns Porter Margaret Ogden by Ogdcn OgdcnLast Last work 127 341154ft JJO Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean McLean3Lvl7GOCD 3Lvl7GOCD Cifl20ft 1 113 2 3 2i li LennieW S HolShot llSUncIcMattlC5CIogDa llSUncIcMattlC5CIogDaWV12305CD WV12305CD 2 l12ft 41 103 4 G 4 i 4i AmbrseE3 9 Cayuga 113 Camp Boss 101 Mori MoriApe Ape 230Uow 51 fl0flft 10 112 5 5 GJ Gi FronkW1 S Stand By 110 Genuine 112 My i iK K c30293Bow g l23iift 13c 110 5 9 93J 91 RobcrtnA 11 EskimolOSIgsPridel03SunSliadi EskimolOSIgsPridel03SunSliadiNoirO293Bow NoirO293Bow 31127sgd 1C 112 2 4 435 S i AmbrseB 14 GimKyl 115LyCapulet 107Chia 107Chiayou you G29Pim l l45ft 5 120 1 1 5s G13 AmbrseE 7 SunSliadowll4Electall5MolassJ Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starls 1st 2nd 3rd We Last year 23 7 This year 3 Jfellis Lyons LyonsLast I AO Br f 4 M by Huoa Bronzjwing by Stalwart Last work 140 12 12BopSO29CD 53m LVO Trainer W Heed Owner S H Stone BopSO29CD I 127 gd 4J 105 5 G G15 G = EdwrdsC G XlieCtislOOIdBrdbane lOSITricklOS A S = Lex l 10 141 ft ftBop 32 3 3 G G5 6 EdwardsC G KrMsIdclUMIckcyDllOPatMarian 114 A Bop 229 DP 1 l3Sft l3SftAuS923DP l3SVift75e 9G 3 7 71 711 EdwardsC 8 MickoyD102GornAul unill2Uctort 108 II AuS923DP 1 l4Ift l4IftAug2123 32 10G 1 4 3s 3J JudyJ 8 Dclitfnl lOJPoPlayllOMyGardnerlOo A Aug2123 DP 1 l41ft 115 105 G G GStarts 55 3s EdwrdsC 7 Our Pal 121 Old Boss 121 Alto 121 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052101/drf1930052101_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1930052101_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800