6th Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-21

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fitfl Relmont 3rau course Damsel Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds Tillies Allowances Xusaknn Sept 13 1929 110 4 Mile 126 Ind Uorse Wt Rec AWtllan AWtllan47G01 47G01 Black Mammy Jam 103 113 117 725 47534 = Enid Sar 113 113 110X720 110X720UG70S UG70S Irish Polly Bow 111 112 114X715 114X7154722G 4722G Hilaria Jam 105 112 110 710 43493 Ma Belle 110 705 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47501 Escutcheon M Jam 120 114S 105 700 47014 Sim Blow Pirn 110 11G 114 G95 47145 Sara Burdon Mia 10G 112 110XG95 47559 Spellbound M 105 090 47302 Melodious MJam 120 110 105 G90 G90St St Joan 105 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout anc Iacinjj record Date Crs DIsTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts PPStsBlack Best Company Class of Race RacemBlk Black Mammy 117 mBlk Blk f 3 by Black Se SeLast Servant Hyperbole by Jack Atkin Last work 140 3S 375liy 1 1 Trainer J Hastings Owner Ramapo Stable arl7SOBel 1 110 si 12 114 11 8 7 S10 BarrettW3 12 SE Snowflake llGDustemall 112Fliirsy 114 S ay 230 Jam 2 113 ft G 10S 5 4 3 = 1 2 BarrettW2 7 Mi Mordine 121 Keep On 105 Infinitus 113 A Apr2S30Jam 2 l12ft G 111 2 2 2 3 BarrcttW 10 III Hilaria 105Chalice 109Vlencienues 111 A KorSO29Bow 1fg 145V4 15 109 5 S 12 il305 WallsP 15 Sn Snowflakcl03StStimtll4PrkyPIayl08 S 529 Bow 2 l12ft ll20e 113 4 3 2 21 WallsP 8 Cu CurtseylOSWildWatrslOSBanrBrltl04 A 529 Pirn 2 l14gd 4 115 2 1 1 ° 1J WallsP no Su SunFalcon 118 Sistony 118 Ellice 118 S Oct C Emp 5J f 106 ft 41e 113 5 3 2 I1 WallsP 8 PC PCt PoIygainsll9Snowflakell2FirstIdyll2 A t starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 10 422 GGOS This year 3 0 1 1 3U mCh f 3 by Rockministcr Torque by Collar Last work 128 0 58 l03ft a von u Trainer R A AJIajlSSOBel Smith Owner Audley Farm Stable JIajlSSOBel ll39m 12 101 3 2 23 2 RenickS1 3 Sun Edwin 119 Lativich 119 A Maj 330Pim l ° 145 ft 61 113 10 7 7 = 6 MannJ 10 FlimsyllS HerGracellS SnowfIakeI21 S Arr2930 Pim 2 l13V ft 14 109 2 7 C 44 MannJ1 7 HerGrace lllStPrisca 109pnciana 109 A Ar = 2230 HdG gi13V ft 4110 111 5 6 5eJ 4 1 MannJ 9 Finita 109 Flossine 111 Panda 114 A Art 530Bow g 127 ft 3Je 104 2 7 6s 42 RenickS5 8 Btlcshipll4MrDesmondll2Frumperl04 S OcL26293Lrl 2 lK ti 4110 103 1 3 31 23 FieldsG FieldsGOctl695Lrl 8 lago 111 Mint Olga 110 Calome 111 A Octl695Lrl 1 l43sl 2710 106 5 6 6 6 FieldsG C Mad Kiss 107 Sydney 113 Partisan 107 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wcn Last year 17 142 2225 This year 5 0 1 0 500 Irish Polly 1 A B f 3 to Polymelian Irish Sweep by Sweep SweepLast Last work 140 38 38hy LL t Trainer P M Burch Owner Dixiana DixianaArrlS30IIdG ArrlS30IIdG 5J f lOSm 1710 113 1 1 1J 1 = 1 ColletUP S BtyBeau 113RCSter HOPnciana 113 A Art 430 Bow oi f lOSgd2310 111 1 1 1J 3 ShanksJ G Zublena lOSBettyBeau 107KodRack 111 A JoT920Bow 2 lll ft 1710 111 5 1 1 2i LeischnR 8 FirstLadylllMadllattie lloCurtscy 113 A Nosl9294Bow 5J f litany 13 10G 4 1 lnk lh LeischnR 14 Mild 107 Rueful 114 First Lady 114 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wou Last year 2 110 5 1175 This year 2 101 1000 Ililaria IlilariaLast mCh f 3 by Polymslian Many Smiles by Harmonicon Last work 139 12 47sy Trainer B Creech Owner W R Coe MIJ G30Jam 2 lllft S 100 7 2 G i 7 SchcnkA 7 JdgeSchillingl20Lace 114Justinian 104 S SApr2S30Jam Apr2S30Jam 2 l12 ft 15 105 3 1 1 1 SchenkA 10 Chalicel09IUkMmy lllValcicnnes 111 A AJun229Aqu Jun229Aqu 4J f 52ft 6 110 4 4 3 4H InzeloneJ 13 Mabla 114BettyI5eau 113StageWait 113 A AJun Jun 62D5Bel 4Jfwc 52ft 31e 115 2 1 4i 431 InzeloneJ 12 PyWalkrll5TripgToell5BrbnMdll5 A AJan Jan 4293Bel 4Jfwc 52J ft 133e 114 8 1 1 GfiSchenkA 13 Keep On 114 Conclave 119 Adequate 119 S SMaj3029 Maj3029 Bel g we 59ft 12 112 8 3 3l 7 SchenkA 13 BlkMajtyll3CrkBgadel23Fr mpcrllu S StDisqualified tDisqualified Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year C 0 8 1 5 100 This year 2 1 0 0 700 700H H l Belle 1 1 fl 3 by Black Toney Lucrative by Mordant MordantLast Last work 139 34 l17sy J L U Trainer W J Speirs Owner Middleburg Stable StableOct2129cEnip Oct2129cEnip g 101 gd 7 US 8 3 11 I1 GarnerM 12 Hand to IIandll8Ladalall8Brooksiell8 It OcUG29Jam g l01n 7 112 G 5 5s 710 GarnerM 15 St Marco 115Science 112Spantaft 112 A Dctl223Jam SJ f 107 ft 5 119 8 2 21 3l KsingerC 14 Exempr 122Hd to Hand 119Spanttll9 A Bn21295Aqu g 5Sft 8 107 6 G 4 45 KsingerC 7 LostAgncsll9MadIIattiellOBobbes 108 A Enl7295Aqu 100 ft 165 115 7 4 G5i GJ GarnerM 15 MadKiss 115 Mombasa 115 Trysail 115 M Bfpl3295Bel SJfwc 105 ft 6 117 5 2 2h 2 GarnerM 1C Chalice 117 Oonagh 117 Trysail 117 A 5p 229JBel SJfwc I05l4ft 6 11510 6 5 1 551 GarnerM 17 BelicvcSallyll3Mombasall5Trysail 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 121 1200 1200Escutcheon Escutcheon 1 0 Bl f 3 M by Sir GallaUad in Affection by Isidor IsidorLast Last work 140 38 31hy LUO Trainer G M Odom Owner Marshall Field FieldMajl430 Majl430 = Jam 2 l13 ft 6 117 7 6 43J 5 J ThurberH8 12 Awakel22MricsDear 117RylLight 122 jl jlMay May 830 = Jam 2 l13Hft 8 120 1 5 4 J 35 Thurberll 13 KcepOn 120 MemsDcar 120 Trysail 120 A AOcL29 OcL29 Emp 5Jfl06ft 3 118 2 2 5 J G2 McAteeL 13 Ild to Hndll8Misnotll8SaraBrdnll8 M MAnelO29Sar AnelO29Sar 5J f l07sl 31 113 13 13 11 12 McAteeL 14 Suuburnll3FirePlayll3BrkSIammy 113 A AAug Aug 529 Sar BJ f l07sl 15 11311 8 S 6s McAteeL 13 FortunateYouthllSDeployllSRazzle 118 A AAng Ang l29 Sar 5J f 107 ft 30 113 6 3 5 7 ThurberH 19 Powerless 118 Dunrock 118 Taos 118 A AJunlS29Aqu JunlS29Aqu 4jj f 54ft 15 1051010 8 911 ThurberH 17 TrippgToe 115IIerGrace lluRueful 115 A AJunrSAqu JunrSAqu 4J f 54ft 30 U3 II 1C S 8J ThurberH 13 FlossinclloStageWait llaHerGrace 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year a This year 2 0 0 1 100 100Sllll Sllll BlOW 111 B f 3 ty Sun Briar Windy Way by Junior JuniorLast Last Avork 140 12 iDO liy JLT Trainer W Irvine Owner W S Kilmer KilmerArr2930Pim Arr2930Pim 2 l13ft 14 110 5 6 7l ° 7IC ColtilettiF 7 HerGrace lllStPrisca 109Pnciana 109 A ABcp Bcp 529Bel 2 we 111 ft 15e 115 2 8 75i 85i KenndyE 10 Dtemall lloMkyCld HOBelveSly 113 S SSep Sep 329Bel Sjfwc 106 ft 41 111 1 1 1i 1s KennOyE 14 Grcyola 1101ampBlacklOSBide aWcel2 C CAus27S33Sar Aus27S33Sar 5J f l06ft 4 111 1 1 2h 3i ColtilettiF 10 ShadyLady lOSCurtsey 103Mombasa 111 S SJul3129 Jul3129 Sar 5J f l05ft loe 11513 Pulled upLegereE 14 Flying Gal 111 Conclave 115 Erin 119 S SJuL1729 JuL1729 AP 5JflOG ft 7e 11313 9 9 9 J LegereE IS Capture 117MaYerkes 117ThtleAnn 124 S SJon2129 Jon2129 Was g 100 ft 61 108 5 3 31 2t McDottL 8 Morsel 117CapturelOSBachlorSkiprlll A AKaj2S23Bel Kaj2S23Bel 4 fwc 52ft 95 110 5 1 21 2tJLegereL 9 Sladllattie 114Snooze 114StPrisca 114 A AUaj Uaj 2529 Bel 4Jfwc C3ft 7 115 G 1 2 2 LegereE 17 Lady Buyer HSPeace llSChrysalid 115 A AtPlaced tPlaced first through disqualification disqualificationStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won ri Starts 1st 2nd o 3rd o Won Last year 8 2 2 1 2200 This year 1 1SiUil SiUil Blirdoil 110 3 f 3 ty 8P ° rtinS Blood Nellie Morse by Luke McLuko McLukoLast Last work 140 38 3Shy JLU Trainer J Byer Owner M Polikoff PolikoffMay May 330 = Jam 2 l13ft 13 103 9 8 S53 G21 WallN 10 ClciiPIay 112 Holiday lllBestMan 12 C CAiK2430Jam AiK2430Jam 2 1M ft 10 112 4 5 4 1 45J EllisG1 7 Okaybee 122 KeepOn 108 Allege 112 A Ar r ilO30Mia 1 l39V ft 10 107 7 6 713 7 RoseG1 7 Partisan 114Tasmanll2SndFiddlcr 112 A AJ J n27303Mia 2 l12ft 1710 10G 4 3 33 4J RoscG1 G WestParkl09BubMcFdlllWlIdDse 104 A AOct3129eEmp Oct3129eEmp 5J f lllm 21 115 9 5 21 1 WallN MO Rasselas 118 Scot Free 118 Science 115 A AOcL2929Emp OcL2929Emp Ei f l06ft 8 118 9 G Il 3J MaibenJ 13 Hd to HndllSMisnot HSBobblcs 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Wonr r C 1 0 2 S 000 This year 4 4Spellbound Spellbound 1 YCT B f 3 M by Chicle Bewitch by Peter PeterLast Last work 115 34 l15ft JVJU Trainer T W Murphy Owner Greentree Stable StableMajlG303Bel MajlG303Bel 2mcl29m 10 11310 G 7s 711 EabyJ3 12 Aldershot 118 Milkman 118 Xcnofol 118 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 1Melodious Melodious 10 B f 3 M by Cudgel Lilt by Spanish Prince II IILast Last work 137 58 l07hy JUU Trainer R Walden Owner N I Asiel AsielMay May SSOJam 3 l13Uft 40 120 G G C82 7 SteffenE13 13 KeepOnl20MemsDearl20Esccheon 120 A Oct 3295Jam EJ f 109 m lOe 119 G 6 S 2 8 SteffenE 8 WhiteFavorll9Science 119Spantaf t 119 M Bcn2129Aqu g 5Sft 30 107 o 7 7 7 5 FatorL 7 LostAenesll9MadIIattiellOBobbles 108 A Eqxl32S = BeI EJfwc 105 ft 50 117 13 13 1314 SteffenE 1C Chalice 117 Ma Belle 117 Oonagh 117 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last WonLast year 3 This year 1 1St St Joan 1 fir LVt Trainer F Stacey Owner Anthracite Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052101/drf1930052101_18_4
Local Identifier: drf1930052101_18_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800