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4th Churchill Downs Cherolicc Eoad Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Allowances Ktiddy Light June 2 1923 59 58 Mile 2 112 Ind PP Horse Wt llec llec4731S 4731S S Spanish Play Play4GS32 4GS32 9 Tack 43S13 13 Shining 47574 0 Itunning GirlCD 119 102 10247G7G3 47G7G3 5 Liberty Ace 47G1S 10 Gun FircMCD 10S 102 4742G2 2 Mark Anthony M Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 47G18 11 Josephine DM CD 10G 102 107 695 695Nancy Nancy Jane 112 G90 G9047GG7 47GG7 12 Cousin Jo M 107 C90 1 Arundel 110 1 3 Boosters Twist 110 4 Battle Sweep 110 Grecntree Stable entry Tack Shining The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race RaceSpanish Spanish Play 1 1 P B c 2 by Spanish Prince II Anna Horton by Wrack WrackLast Last work 140 38 38m Trainer H D Simpson Owner H D Simpson Majl4303CD 4J f 564 m 7lollG 1 1 I1 I4 LandoltC1 8 EycWIiitcllGPortcodinellGGnwaldllG M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1 0 0 900 900Tacit Tacit 11 1 Cp Z y Pcnnant Bridlewise by Tracery TraceryLast Last work 137 12 48 ft J L O Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentree Stable Stablejpr2330 jpr2330 = Lex 4J f 56 ft 29ldllS 2 2 23 11 MoonyJD 12 Harry Kulms 114Afrost 109 Fudge 114 C Fetxl930FG g 33 ft 72 US G 12 121S12 LeonardR1 12 Prcc dAmourllSBrcttllSDMorris 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 1 0 0 C50 C50Shilling Shilling 1 1 f Br c 2 ky Pcter Pan Resplendent by Voter VoterLast Last work 140 38 387im LJO Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentree Stable StableMac Mac 330FG g 34ft 49 117 3 G G8 G9 SmithD 11 Pce dAmrll7LraNIeyll4Schooncrll7 S FtiSSSOFtr g 36m 39 118 S 2 1 lh SmithD1 12 Mardie 115 PeaceJimniy 118 Zinn 118 M FtUnSOFG g 36V gd 24 118 9 G Gi 7cil LeonardR3 12 LraXcgleyll5JoanneEl 18 Schooner 121 A FtKlOSO G g 33ft 52 118 4 3 3 3 ° SmithD 8 BillMorris 124 Zinn 118 Allegretto 118 A n3130FG g 36 gd 22 11811 G52 75J SmithD 12 Farr 118 Salisbury 118 Jimmie L 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5 1 0 1 825 Running Girl GirlLast mCh f by Messsnger By Play by Luke McLuke Last work 134 12 Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean MvlG30 = CD g l01 ft 4 55J 7 MeyerC1 12 BcttyDerrll9PpleLadyll9MthaJesll4 S JlajlO30CD 45 f 54ft 14 116 6 2 21 lh MeyerC11 13 Bagiel HGBtyBelle llCCazanova 11C M Arn2230HdG 4J f 5lft 33 109 11 G 5 1 532 HuffN 15 Abduction 119MissCanopy lOOZebra 100 C rrlS30HdG 4J f 57 m 13 111 10 10 1110111J FronkW19 12 AbductionllOJBroadAlOlBlackLulalOG 0 starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 0 900 900Liberty Liberty Ace 11 B Cf 2l ly Busy American Our B tsy t y Huon HuonLast Last work 140 38 3Gm Trainer C H Ferguson Owner A Ferguson Majl330CD 4 f 53m 225116 3 2 2 = 33 PichonL4 12 IlryKubnsll2FlygClierokeelOSFge 108 O May 3305Lex 4J f 54ft 18 118 2 5 5 1 4 JonesL1 G Donleon llSDcemster lllBacklos 118 S SMaj Maj 130Lex 4J f 55 ft 195 114 3 2 21 2 PichonL1 G naryKubnslli GoodJestll2 Suddenl09 O Apt21304Lex 4J f 55ft 91 112 1 1 11 I2 PichonL1 7 JavWkerll2MIcFlutell2DiekWeI 115 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 4 1 1 1 95u 95uGull Gull Fire 110 Cht c 2 M y CamPfire Munition by McGee McGeeLast Last work 128 12 50Vft JLV Trainer R Goose Owner M May MayD D H l01ft 39 108 1 2 43J 46i YeltonR 7 BkCometllSBillMorris llSGunfire 108 A MajlO30CD 4J f 54ft 23 106 1 3 34 5 J YeltonR5 11 BlaekComet lC9BillMorris HSCIiub 10G A Feb22301Mia g 35 ft 30 11614 7i 711 MurrayT9 9 SunMaskll2Snap 112RegularFeller 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 3Mark Mark Anthony 110 c 2 M y r Jo n Johnson Kar ° y Theo Cook CookLast Last work 138 58 l07m V Trainer A D Steele Owner C C G Y Hieatt Hieatti i 4J f 55ft 3 11G 2 1 2h 21 CheatmR3 9 UprightllGTlieWidowerllGPcodine 11G A May 230Lex 4Jf 54ft 13 116 7 4 31 3 i CheathmR7 7 Leros 110 Tlie Wampus 110 Blast 11G M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2011 250 250Josephine Josephine J 1 07 B f 2 by HarPenden Gulf G5rl y The Porter PorterLast Last Avork 134 12 zul m J Trainer B T Watts Owner Mrs E Denemark DenemarkJIajl7304CD JIajl7304CD g l01ft GO 106 7 7 7 2 71 MeyerC 7 BaekLogll5BkCometll5BillMorris 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1KilUCy KilUCy JailC 119 BrigadeJLJL h 2 y Peer Quince Falco by Light Brigade JLJL JLJLJ J Trainer C Howard Owner A J Stallings StallingsM M jl230CD 45 f 3414ft 91 109 9 8 S16 9 = GarnerW8 9 BettyDerrllOPpleLdylOSMyCobb 11C A ila30FG g 36sl S5 113 1 1 I1 SmithD2 8 JoanneE115IIeadFirst 113BroadA 115 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonv Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx WonxThis This year 2 1 0 0 5 750 750CoilSill CoilSill Jo 107 k f 2 M fcy Stimulus Gentle Julia by Ballot BallotLast Last work 137 5S 101 4 ft Trainer W Eeed Owner C Nuckols JIayl930CD 41 t 56 m 10 1131011 9 7 LcnnicW 11 MnJneslloTransgrsnl GrevKtyllS M starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Ariindel Ariindel 110 Bl c 2 M ty Pennant Kima by Ben Brush BrushJLLV JLLV Trainer D E Stewart Owner J N Camden Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Booster Twist 110 Bl s 2 by My Flay Iittlc DiPPer y Astronomer Last work 140 12 55m J L U Trainer W Lewis Owner W F Axton Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Battle Sweep i l B c 2 M by Sweep Ypres II by The White Knight 1JU Trainer J Strickland Owner H W Miller Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd