Daily Racing Form Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-06

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I" " - -j: r ;i JEFFERSON PARK NEW ORLEANS, LA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1932 Jefferson Park 1 mile. Thirty-fifth day. Jefferson Parish Fair Association. Winter meeting of 51 days. Waite Stall Gate used. Woather threatening. Stewards, T. C. Bradley and J. T. Ireland. Judges, J. G. Reedcr, C. Abbo and R. A. Leigh. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, J. G. Rceder. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horso, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM CHARTS 52 J Positions in Race and ; . - Z. lengths Ahead of ...... a go g o g "B Nest Following Horse . . ,g 0 a I S 0 5 fl " 2 o o B .2 66727HICKEY wsb 4 110 5 3 24 24 2 23 11 LewisM G Martin 910 100 If? IK A FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Tangara, Dec. 12, 19251:1153115. Purse 00. 3-year- 1 c 99 id 0,ds and uPward- Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; jan.-o--J.P fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 pounds. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Vt, Ys Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 66492THE OKAH wb 6 110. 13 331615 l6 LewisM Mrs S Murray 100-100 67529 SWEEP PAST wb 4 108 2 12 12 12 83 2" CooperRG Miss B Hart 1250-100. 67312 LORD VALENTINE w 10 111 12 7 6" 34 21 3" SylvesterJ H McDaniel 1270-100 67556 FINNATH wb 6 111 7 2 Zh 6l 5s 42 PrgrassA Mrs H G Knott 5930-100 67503 GRAPHITE w 3 105 11 8 21 2h 3 54 ArnoldG S W Labrot 1610-100 67217 KNEE GLADER w 5 106 10 9 71 5" 6 6" RileyHR G R Allen 2650-100 67501RUNMAID w 6 105 8 6 51 41 4" 7" TinkerH G W Atkinson 3970 -100 67410;PARTICIPATE wb 7 106 5 1 11 Hi 10 83 RoussellV J J McGovern 290-100 67303BRIMSEY w 4 111 9 10 103 81 9" 93 HerndezJ Mrs E M Oster 2930-100 67592 WILDOLIVE vb5111 6 5 41 41 7s 10s RobleH A L Harder 1610-100 67502 OUTCRY wb 4 111 4 4 83 10s 12 ll1! HardyL Mrs H Kiser 2730-100 67089 WOLFY w 8 111 3 11 9" 7" lli 12 KellumJ C S Stubbs 6260-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:15. Track sloppy. ,2 CERTIFICATES PATD , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS THE OKAH $ 4.00 $ 3.20 $ 2.60 100100 60100 30100 SWEEP PAST 6.40 3.60 220100 80100 LORD VALENTINE 4.20 110100 Winner Ch. h, by The Porter Nantokah, by Ultimus trained by J. B. Theall; bred by Mr. E. B. McLean. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 2:03. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. THE OKAH, much the best and suited by the going, raced into decisive command with a rush and, taken tinder restraint on the turn, maintained jgood speed thereafter and had something left. SWEEP PAST began slowly and trailed far out of it until reaching the closing quarter, where she closed with a rush. LORD VALENTINE, close up from the start, hold on well. FINNATH showed a fair performance. GRAPHITE showed speed, but tired in the stretch. RUNMAID had no mishaps. PARTICIPATE began fast, dropped far out of it after an eighth and was badly outrun. Scratched 67473 Petabit, 106; 67444 Charbuel, 106; 67394 Pessimistic, 111; 470053Chatterway, 108; 67596 Watchful, 106; 61607 Half Day, 108; 67317 Newburgcr, 98; 67475 General Costa, 101. Overweight Graphite, 2 pounds; Runmaid, 4. V Corrected weight Graphite, 103. frrerer SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Tangara, Dec. 12, 1925 1:11 3 115. Purse 00. 3-3 4 lPcPt year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; Jan.-5-32-J.P fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 pounds. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Y Ys Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 67388JVLADIMIR wb 5 113 1 6 21 2i l1 l1 TinkerH E B Shipp 60-100 61749 RED VEST wb 3 105210 5 U li 2 25 McCoyJ E J OConnell 1240-100 67528 TUFINUF wb 4 114 12 1 3i 34 34 33 AllenC Lyda Mae Stock Farm Sta 1890-100 67529HALLIARD wb 4 106 4 12 8i 7" 5i 4i LewisM J P Le Grand 1280-100 67199 GAMBOL wb 5 106 11 2 4l 41 6i 51 RobleH Superior Stable 2430-100 67529MARJORY NELL w 4 111 7 3 51 5" 4" 6" SylvesterJ R OConnor 470-100 67447 EUGENE OSULLIVNwb 5 111 8 "4 73 84 7 78 RileyHR Mrs C R Allen 2930-100 67194 TOP CLOUD- wb 7 111 2 7 ll1 93 93 83 MayT Mrs J J McClymon 2730-100 67344 FRENCH LAD wb 13 103 6 8 63 64 8 9 ElstonG C D Ponamsky 2250-100 67369 SHAKITUP wb 7 112 5 9 93 102 103 101 WimmerM B B Bond 12260-100 66134LYNN BARKLEY wb 6 112i 3 11 12 11 11s ll10 MyresB J H Downing 14170-100 67693 SISTER RUBY wb6 106 9 10 10" 12 12 12 CooperRG G M Burton 11540-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:16. Track sloppy. -52 CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , VLADIMIR $ 3.20 $ 3.20 $ 2.80 60100 60100 40100 RED VEST 4.80 4.00 140100 100100 TUFINUF 5.40 170100 Winner B. g, by Stefan the Groat Espoir Dore, by St. Amant trained by E. B. Shipp; bred by Mr. J. N. Camden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 2:32. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. VLADIMIR, away fast and daringly handled while in close quarters going into the turn, worked his way through on the inside under severe pressure entering the stretch and, drawing clear, withstood RED VEST. The latter raced into the lead with a big loss of ground, appeared to swerve repeatedly on the turn and held on well while racing wide in the stretch. TUFINUF, a factor throughout, bore out on the turn and fired in the final eighth. HALLIARD showed a fair performance under an energetic ride. GAMBOL showed speed, swerved under pressure and quit in the stretch. MARJORY NELL labored in the going and was unable to get up. Scratched 674732Princoss Peroxide, 108; 67529 Polvlith, 106; 675292Gallopette, 106; 67444 Marge Collins, 106; 671372 Yarrow, 106; 67239 Ruth M., 98; 67389 Prince Pat, 111; 67261Itso, 113. Overweight Red Vest, 4Jt pounds; Tufinuf, 1; Shakitup, 1; Lynn Barkley, 4g: ftfihfi THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Sea Rocket, Dec. 26, 1927 1:44 4 109. Melvin Ott O 4 OtPO Purse. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; Jan.-5-32-J.P second, 31.50; third, 1; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Yx Ys Str Fin Jockeys Owners Biuiv. Odds Strt 67558DURVA w 4 104 1 2 21 li 14 l3 l3 ElstonG Lone Star Stable 130-100 67558BLACK PATRICIA w 6 103 4 4 4 Zl 2s 22 2 LewisM F Sansone 600-100 67594CHIP w6 108 5 5 5" 4i 3" 38 3" TinkerH E B Carpenter 470-100 67556THOMAS SETH v5 107 2 3 31 5s 5s 4 45 HerndezJ Nugent Bros 990-100 67450SUN THORN wb 4 109 3 1 l3 21 4ll 54 53 RoussellV Mrs W L Brodie 540-100 67415ESSARE wb 6 113 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 RobinsonW R P Watts 590-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:16, 1:43. 1:49. Track sloppy. -S2 CERTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DURVA $ 4.60 $ 3.00 $ 2.60 130100 50100 30100 BLACK PATRICIA 4.60 3.60 130100 80100 CHIP 3.00 50100 Winner B. f, by Durbar II. Neva S., by Astronomer trained by J. B. Theall; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:59. AT POST H minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. DURVA, best and quick to start, saved much ground on the first turn, disposed of SUN THORN quickly near the final half-mile post and, going resolutely thereafter, was not threatened by BLACK PATRICIA. The latter lost ground and was unable to reach the winner when hard urged in the final three-eighths. CHIP began slowly, saved ground on the second turn, but swerved out in the stretch and closed resolutely. THOMAS SETH was done after racing five-eighths. SUN THORN showed speed for half a mile. ESSARE refused to extend himself and was far back all the way. Scratched 67478Anne Arundel, 104; 67472 Klingstone, 107; 67555 Delmonico, 111; 67318Hold Hard, 112; 67505 Bide a Wee, 108; 67415 Blue Law, 111; 66395 Pollywog, 104; 67477 Sign Off, 109; 67199 Belen, 106; 67597 Kellys Pride, 102; 67594 Sun Friar, 108; 66416 Lady Bienville, 106; 66147 Ceylon Prince, 108. dr7Kr7 FOURTH RACE 1-4 Mile. No track record. Daily Racing Form Purse. Purse 00. V 4 2-year-olds. Special weights. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; Jan.-5-32-J.P fourtn 525. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt TIVERTON 115 12 7 53 l" RoseM WCGoodloe 920-100 BOSTON WATERS 118 6 2 2h 21 AndersonA Young Bros 1400-100 STEEL 118 4 6 31 3 MeyerC S W Labrot 900-100 CLOISTERS DREAM 115. 7 1 4k 44 DickeyA Jones Stock Farm Stablt 540-100 LADY TRUST 1151112 8" 5" RileyHR E H Vordenberg 1640-100 CHANTESUTA 115 9 9 61! 6" SmithJ Gallaher and Combi 250-100 FIGURISTE 115 13 1" 7 BurkeJH W H Hosea 890-100 BELLO SONO 115 2 8 "12 8 SylvesterJ Mrs J Nigro 1730-100 THE HUB 11510 5 101 9 ArnoldG Blue Dot Stabl 2830-100 RIGAUD 118 3 10 91 104 MayT J Cattarinich 1420-100 TROFORD 118 8 11 ll1 111 QnbushQ W Troeger 2680-100 FOUNTAIN 115 5 4 73 12 PoolE R C Thatcher 790-100 Time, :24J. Track sloppy. : - - CERTIFICATES PAID, . ., OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TIVERTON 0.40 0.20 $ 3.60 . 920100 410100 80100 BOSTON WATERS 14.00 7.40 600100 270100 STEEL , 3.80, . . ;v 90100 Winner Ch. f, by Whiskaway Alinka, by Sea Sick trained -by A. Pelleteri; bred by Mr. W. C. Goodloe. ,7 WENT TO POST 3:26. AT POST 3 minutes. ... , , Start fair out of chute. Won driving; second and third the same. " , . TIVERTON: began slowly Jrom the extreme outside and, settling into a good stride after going a sixteenth, closed fast and got up to win in the final strides. BOSTON WATERS met interference shortly after the start, wore down FIGURISTE and, but for swerving sharply to the inside, might have outlasted tha winner. STEEL showed speed and held on well. CLOISTERS DREAM showed speed, but could not reach the leaders and tired. LADY TRUST began slowly. CHANTESUTA was forced back in the first sixteenth. FIGURISTE showed speed, then tired. RIGAUD began in a tangle and had little chance. Scratched Major Gomez, 118; Baffling Plum, 118; Justice Logan, 118; Madame B. C, 115; La Junta, 115; Sammytuck, 118; Regren, 118. tiTtiK Q FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Original fifth race declared off ; eighth raco run as fifth. Tan- 4 DOO gara, Dec. 12, 19251:113115. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upvard. Claiming. Jan.-5-32-J.P Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 2 pounds. Index Horses EqtA AVtPPSt Yi. Vi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 67592 BLACK DARLING wb 6 113 11 1 1 l3 P Ti DyerP E D Slavin 2520-100 662083BAG O ROSES w 3 96 9 4 64 41! 2 28 MartinTP Mrs J Dreyer 920-100 67592TIN HAT w 8 106 1 3 53 7 51 31 ElstonG Wallin and Barker 740-100 67591 BECKY E. w 3 103 10 6 4" 2i 33 41 PichonL King Bruce Stable 990-100 675563FLORENCE DOLAN wb 6 113 2 7 74 8 61 53 MajesticJ S Adams 250-100 67409WORM GLOW w 3 94 6 5 2k 53 74 61 GoverW Graceland Stock Farm Sta 10960-100 67299 ROCK REEF vv 4 111 7 ,2 31 31 41 71 BattistaJ Mrs J H ODonnell 2780-100 67558 MONKS FOX wb 3 100 8 9 88 62 83 83 LewisM K Pitt 320-100 65758:JOAN G. w 4 102 4 8 9 9s 9s 93 HerndezJ Scoville Stable 1240-100 67414HELEN DEAN wb 6 103 5 11 11 11 10 10" EllswrthJ Kelly and Dean 490-100 54610 METEO JONES w 8 116 3 10 10s 103 11 11 CoIvinA P Dwyer . 13350-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:1 6J. Track sloppy. ,- CERTIFICATES "PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , BLACK DARLING 2.40 8.00 0.80 2520100 800100 440100 BAG 0 ROSES - 7.60 4.60 280100 130100 TIN HAT 4.00 100100 Winner B. g, by Bad Lands Mein Schatz, by Rey del Sierras trained by E. D. Slavin; bred by Mr. J. C. McKay. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:53. AT POST minute. Start good for all but Helen Dean out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BLACK DARLING showed her best form, raced into a long lead while saving ground on the turn and, tiring in the closing eighth, managed to hold BAG O ROSES safe. The latter improved her position with a rush on the stretch turn, continued gamely and was fast wearing down the winner. TIN HAT began fast,-but was unable to keep up after a quarter, then saved ground and closed resolutely. BECKY E., a strong factor throughout, bore out when tiring. FLORENCE DOLAN, away slowly, could not get up. MONKS FOX was outrun. JOAN G. showed little. HELEN DEAN was practically left at the post. Scratched 675562Purple Robe, 101; 64700 Delma Dunn, 108; 67475 King Commander, 108; 67343 Bay-amo, 108; 664123Andora, 108; 67412 Quick Sale, 103; 67533 Eleanora M., 108; 67591 Nell Kuhlman, 98; 67591 Big Blue, 101. Overweight Becky E., 5 pounds; Worm Glow, 1; Joan G., 1; Meteo Jones, 5. Corrected weight Joan G., .101. ftThQ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Sea Rocket, Dec. 23, 1927 1:38 4 105. Purse 00. 3-c year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. - Jan.-5-32-J.P Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners . Biuiv. Odds STt 67239 SANDWRACK wb112 4 4 4 3 2s Is PlMcCoyJ CJanuska . 470-100 67409DONNELLA w 108 6 3 l1 14 1" 23 23 GarnerW R A Fairbairn 390-100 675272GAY PRINCE w 112 8 2 23 22 35 3 3 RichardA F T Miller 1420-100 67504 SKIDMORE w 105 9 5 5" 44 4 44 42 ArnoldG S W Labrot 740-100 67340 MAKANDA wb 111 2 6 63 53 51 51 54 MeyerC Gallaher and Combj 1620-100 67390CRESCENT CITY w 106 5 9 83 9 63 63 68 LewisM G R Allen 790-100 66863 JIMMY SUTRO w 110 3 8 71 81 71 7s 7J GrecoA L Sindler 240-100 66324 LOYAL LOUIE w 112 7 7 9 71 82 8l 8 RoseM A Pelleteri 6380-100 67503MAGNA MATER w 104 1 1 31 61 9 9 9 BattistaJ O Viau 790 100 Time, :24, :49, 1:16, 1:44. Track sloppy. ri CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SANDWRACK 1.40 $ 5.20 $ 3.40 470100 160100 70100 DONNELLA 3.80 3.40 90100 70100 GAY PRINCE 3.20 60100 Winner B. g, by Wrack Sandwich, by Huon trained by F. P. Letellier; bred by Mr. C. A. Stone, Winner entered to be claimed for 2,500. WENT TO POST 4:151. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine Won easily; second and third driving. SANDWRACK, racing in his best form and under restraint for half a mile, easily worked his way into the lead and, increasing his advantage, won easily. DONNELLA met interference early, saved ground on the first turn and, while no match for the winner, held on gamely. GAY PRINCE swerved across sharply going to tha first turn, showed speed, but tired thereafter. SKIDMORE had no mishaps. MAKANDA was in close quarters in the early stages. CRESCENT CITY was outrun. MAGNA MATER began fast, but raced wide on the first turn and, dropping far out of it, was not hard urged in the closing three-eighths. Scratched 67474 Peal, 106; 66363 The Whig, 112; 67474 Beaver, 110; 675912Efjaybe, 103. Overweight Gay Prince, 1 pound; Jimmy Sutro, 1; Magna Mater, 2. , Corrected weight Slddmore, 105. fiTfaffc SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Sea Rocket, Dec. 26, 1927 1:44 4 109. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; Jan.-5-32-J.P tnird 50 ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,250. Index norses EqtA WtPPSt Y Ys Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 67450DRYDOCK w 4 105 3 7 73 6" 31 24 l1 ElstonG Fitzgerald and OKeefe 360-100 67300MUNIOR C. wn 6 108 7 4 2 23 1" l 24 RoussellV C R Miller 490-100 67532PRINCESS DARE w 5 103 9 6 6s T 6 33 34 HerndezJ Mrs B Hernandez 1270-100 67477 SUPER TOY wb 5 105 4 9 84 83 74 61 44 McCoyJ Mrs W R Hoffman 1620-100 673413RAFFLER CON wb4102 81010 10 10 83 53 LewisM C Norris 800-100 674502SHONNA w 4 105 10 5 33 33 43 5" 64 BattistaJ L Fischer 540-100 675 333AURICA wb 5 108 1 1 4 41 5" 73 7 RileyHR F Wright 1010-100 67502 UNDERDUN wb 4 102 6 8 51 5 83 8" 8" CanfieldL Miss A Nelson ; 600-100 67110 SOUTHLAND BOY w7110 5 3 94 9" g-lO 91 MeyerC F P Letellier 1730-100 673732BELEVEITORNOT wb 4 105 2 2 14 l1 24 41 10 ThomasH J D Hoffman 1120-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:16, 1:43, 1:51. Track sloppy. , CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , DRYDOCK -. .20 .20 $ 3.60 360100 160100 80100 JUNIOR C. 5.40 3.40 170100 70100 PRINCESS DARE 5.20 160100 Winner B. g, by Volta -Princess Ileana, by Runnymede trained by F. E. Fitzgerald; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 4:42J. AT POST 2J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. DRYDOCK, much the best, moved up fast and, drawing into a long lead, was taken in hand in the closing fifty yards. JUNIOR C. forced the pace, held the lead briefly and outlasted the others. PRINCESS DARE saved much ground. SUPER TOY made up ground. RAFFLER CON began slowly. SHONNA showed speed, but bore out badly in the stretch. UNDERDUN quit. BELEVEITORNOT was through after showing speed for three-quarters. Scratched 67314 Sydka, 97; 67341 Intruder, 97; 67532 Evelyn L., 105; 658843The Duke, 107; 67477 Punkie, 108; 67529 Normahal, 100; 67532 Blushing Maiden, 103; 67449 Broad Axe, 110; 66137 Mad A., 100; 675323Miss Mac, 100. Corrected weight Southland Boy, 110. dr7ylfi1A EIGHTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Tangara, Dec. 12, 1925 1:11 3 115. Purse 00. VJ 4 and 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Run as fifth raco in place of original race, Jan.-5-32-J.P declared off. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS JEFFERSON PARK Tuesday Five Races, 25.60; Seven Races, 88.00.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932010601/drf1932010601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1932010601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800