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workouts! Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, ail out; u, eased up. ....... .-- ...-- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1- 28 Cold Artist. :39b 2-2 Mdc Bagley :38 h 2- 1 Gunny Sack. :40 b 2-2 May Bagley. :38 h 1-29 La Compere. :374,h 2-2 Newburger . :39 b Lady Girl... :39h 2-1 Trotwood .. :38 h 1- 30 Lady Couvin :39 b One-Half Mile. 2- 2 Bunyora ... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-2 Mry Bidwill.l:06 b 1-31 Pollys Folly.l:04b Three-Quarters Mile 1- 30Brinkley ...l:25b 1-22 Wasteful ...1:19 h 2- 1 Vole 1:29 b One Mile. 1-23 Aregal 1:5075b 2-1 Garden Soat.l:46d 1- 23Cone Ann.. 1:48 b 1-24 Vagabond ..l:48h Nothing worthy of comment. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather rainy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 1 Bally Gran.. :37h 2-1 Mai San.... :33 h 2-1 Bolinty .... :37h 1-2 Sistony .... :42 b- Feliciana ... :37h 1-27 Steel . :37h 1-28 Flaunt :36 d One-Half Mile. 1- 23 Aqua Vitae. . :50 h 1-23 Pursuit .... :50 h 2- 2 Burnt Brown :52 h 1-22 Pietro :50h 1-28 Beauty Bde :50h 1-14 Quick Sale. . :54b 1-29 Claret :51h 2-1 Rubberneck :55 b 1-2 Chutney ... :52h 2-1 Rivet :53h 1-28 Donna Mine. :52 h 1-28 Rusty :4975b 1-28 Doctor Hpy :50d 2-2 Spsh Play.. :53ysb 1- 29 Glastonbury. :54 b 2-2 Skidmore .. :54b 2- 1 Lady Oldham :53 h 2-2 Thomas Soth :52h 2-2 Metallurgist :53h 2-2 The Alderan :54 h 2-1 Pss Julep.. :56b Five-Eighths Mile. 9-30 Bocaratone .1:07 b 1-30 Saintly Sue.l:05h 1- 31 Bide a Wee.l:02h 2-1 Sea Siren... 1:04 h 2- 1 Begal Tiger.l:05h 2-1 Tweenie ....l:05h 1-26 Escoba Landl:05d 2-2 Thundertone 1:05 h l-30Mter McGeel:03h 2-1 Volta Maid. l:07b 1- 31 Master Ogdnl:05h 1-20 Vnia Weidel l:03d 2- 1 Pcess A. O.l:06h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-3 Bay Bloom.. 1:19 b 1-26 Jne Wachs.l:18h 2-2 Bill Looney.l:21b 1-31 K. Russell. .l:1743b 1-30 Duanic . . . .l:20h l-19.Merry Fox. .l:16h l-29Drury 1:22 b 1-31 Matinee Girl l:17h l-22Elsicn Brucel:23 b 1-30 Nola l:23b 1- 30 Grand Princel:20 b 1-31 Red Vest. ..l:18h 2- 1 Gadstick ...1:19 b 1-30 Sis Esther. .l:194ib Hiram Davisl:19 b 2-1 Village Vampl:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-2 My Hobby. .l:31b One Mile. l-23Adsum 1:46 h 1-29 Lady Sweet. l:45h 1- 27 Biful Doll. ,l:4.7h 1-24 Paldomar . . .l:51b 2- 1 Chilhoma . . .l:46h 1-23 Lieut. Rusl l:45h 1-29 Distant Dm.l:51b 2-2 Playtime ...l:45b 1-30 Devon l:46h 1-30 Sancroft ...l:51b 1- 17 Fill In l:44h 2-2 Trudgeon ..1:45 h A light rain, not enough to affect the track, fell most of the morning. TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 1 Douffle Irish :38h 2-2 High Player. :39 h 1- 27 Golden Hue. :38 h 2-2 Kavanaugh . :37h One-Half Mile. 2- 1 Fnces St. L. :52 h 2-3 Ignite :54 h 2-1 Fox Squirrl. :50h 1-30 Jge Caverly. :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-2 Hay time ....1:04 h 2-2 P. in Reviewl:04 h 2-3 Joycelyn V..l:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 30 Jimmic C....l:18h One and One-Quarter Miles. 2- 2 Light Nun... 2:17 h HIAIiEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-1 Bob Coffage :38h 2-2 Maemere ... :37 h 1-24 Coots :36h 2-2 Malpeco ... :37h 1-28 Comradeship :37 h- 1-28 Okapi :37h 1- 31 Caporal H. . :38 h 1-19 Phtom Rock :36 h 2- 1 Chatford .. :37 h 2-1 Prepare .... :35h 1-28 D. of Mugh :37 h 2-3 Polygamous :37h 1-31 Deemster .. :38 h 2-3 Quillan :36 h 1- 30 Ever Faithfl :36 h 1-30 Rubridge . . :36 h Flying Fool. :35h 9-11 Swt Tidings :38h 2- 2 Fredrick ... :37 h 1-29 Star RoyaL. :37h 1-27 Gan Lee.... :35h 2-3 Show Down. :36h l-20Gibbys Cce :38 h 1-24 Salisbury .. :34h 1-22 Helios :37 h 1-31 The Gen.... :39 b 1- 24 Jack Howe.. :36h 2-2 Teach Me... :37 h Lucille K... :38h 1-30 Thais :36 h 2- 1 Last Attempt :35h 1-28 The Heathen :37 h 2-2 Le Condor.. :36h 1-27 Wave Top.. :36h 2-1 Miss Tulsa.. :36 h 1-29 Weatherproof :36 h One-Half Mile. 2-1 Afro Amcan :48h l-25uMiss Runanl :51 h 1-28 Benzol :51h 2-1 Muff :50h 1-31 Bacciocco . . :51 h 1-26 Nealon Kay. :49h 1-30 Bozo :50h 2-2 Nose Gay... :51h l-13Brimwood .. :51 h 1-19 Oaten :52 b l-22CabiIdo .... :51 h 2-1 Play Furious :49h 1- 30 Jane Mc... :51 h 1-18 Pop Gaffney. :49h 2- 2 Kerry Green :47h 2-2 Raccoon ... :48h 2-2 Knowlton .. :48h 2-3 Short Story. :48h 1-30 Lullaby II.. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. l-23Cathine Foxl:03 h 1-26 Hieover ...1:05 h 1- 31Flossinc ....1:04 h 1-30 Mareve ....l:02h 2- 1 Fabricate ..l:02h 2-3 Parties ,...lMh Three-Quarters Mile. 2-1 Ciosity Shopl:16h 2-1 Native Wit.l:16h 1- 30 Cock Robin. l:16h 2-1 Norwalk ...l:17h 2- 2 Exhilarate ,.l:154ih 2-2 Rey del Ntel:16h 2-1 Even Up...l:164ih 2-2 Siwanoy ...l:16h 1-20 Essie l:164ih 2-2 Tiger Princel:16 h 1-30 Marplot ..-..1:18 h 2-2 Tom Mac...ld6h 1- 16Mardo l:18h Seven-Eighths Mile. 2- 2 Black Ftherl:29h 1-29 Tombcreau .1:33 h One Mile. 2-1 Blue Arab.. 1:42 h 1-29 Mcry Maid.l:40h 1- 30 Chatoochee 1:45 h 1-25 Monranaro .l:40h 2- 2 June Moon. .l:44h 1-12 Poach Roso.l:46h 2-1 Kingrow ...1:47 h 2-1 Rosevolt ...1:43 h , 2-2 Lady Brcastl:38 h 2-2 Slambang ..1:44 h 1-29 My Sis...,.l:43h HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 1-30 Baigneuse ... :25 2-2 Martha D. ... :23 1-23 Brave Knight :24 1-25 Marsala :26 1- 27Edeyess :25 1-31 Thunderhead :24 2- 3 Eloise :24 l-23 Thunder Speed 26 1-13 Fair Glow ... :23 1-20 Translucent . 26 1-21 Fair Jean.... :23 Three-Eighths Mile. . 1-30 Black Vim... :38 1-18 Kecwatin .... :35 1-16 Captain J. S.. :36 1-29 Lady Moon... :35 1- 30 Dr. Bidencope :37 1-31 Ruby Dear. . . :3675 2- 2 Damocles ... :38 h 1-31 Sun Glass II.. :37 2-3 Doctor Wilson :43 2-2 Sister Lillie... :39 1-9 Darkayress . . :38 1-26 Swarm :37?s 9-9 Extreme .... :41 1-28 Try Some :38 1-26 Host :37 1-19 Winnie Jo.... :43 1-29 June Bride... :41 One-Half Mile. l-31Achtoi Lass.. :52 2-3 Little Gyp.... :49 1- 9 Excavation .. :55- 1-31 Nostaw :54 2- 2 Friendly Ways :53 1-30 Ranch Lass.. :4b 2-2 Infinitive ... :52 12-29 Thistle Billie. :53 1-31 Lightfoot Don :49 2-3 Water Fowl. . :50 Five-Eighths Mile. 1-24 Bachclr Pncel:03 1-25 Old Tuck....l:U4 1-28 Golden Piay.l:05 1-30 Pomfrct 1:02 l-12 Jodhpur 1:02VS 1-30 Timekeeper ..1:03 1- 31 Magic Carpet. 1:04 1-9 Thunwin ....1:04 2- 2 Maximum ...1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-31 Brown Mole.. 1:22 1-28 Mry Windsorl:21 1-29 Early Amerinl:18 1-31 Master Durbarl:20 1-25 Elizabeth ....1:23 1-28 Nevermore ..1:19 1-30 F. E. Comptnl:16 1-31 Royal Sable. .1:21 1-30 Liberty Ace.. 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. i 1-21 Dental Creaml:35 1-29 Pantagruel . .1:26 l-28Pncess Zelda.158 2-2 Regusted ....1:30 One Mile. 1-31 Common Goldl:47 1-31 Dictate 1:44 AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 1-31 Annette .... :37e 1-27 Lord Algy. . . :40 b 12-10 Bud Broom. :40 b 1-30 Lol ........ :38 b l-29 Bagge Maid :36h 1-20 Mullah .... :37e 8-8 Black Velvet :36h Mutau :36h Bonhonest.. :36h 1-31 Meadow Boy :35h l-3lBonsilla .... :35h 1-28 Marvina ... :37b l-30Cabozo :37e 1-30 Montferrat. . :36h 1-27 Clarabel A. . . :40 e 2-3 Malover .... :36h l-26Carilina .... :37e 1-30 Montferrat. . :36h 1-16 Cf Engineer :37b 1-31 Memorl Day :37b 1-26 Dacito :38 b 1-20 Mdm Queen :37h 1-9 Dell Dale... :37b 2-1 Panky :37e 1-20 Eva B....... :33 b 1-21 Poor Pan... :36 h 1-29 Emery :37e 1-26 Pkt Change :38 b 1-29 Genl Hebert :38 b 1-19 Pe?gy J :35h 1-26 Golden M... :38V5h 1-25 Released ... :38 b 1-22 Idalouise ... :38 b 1-23 Runanwin .. :39 b I- 25 Joe Flores... :39 b 1-21 Snorky :37e 1-30 Joe Macaw.. :37 h 140 Shotzie .... :37b One-Half Mile. 1-22 Ayo Ready.. :52 b 1-21 Mucker .... :50 e 1- 3lBafflorette.. :49h 1-23 Neckpiece .. :50 h 2- 1 Boocap .... :50 h 1-30 Old Times.. :49h 12-19 Corsage .... :50 e 1-17 Rol Doulton :49h l-12Desjardines.. :49h 2-3 Susu :49 h 1-25 Don Jr :51 b 1-12 Shorty O.... :49 h 1-17 Happy Felw :50 h 1-13 Swansea . . . :52 b 1-22 Johnny Agee :49 h 1-17 Scimitar ... :51b 1-26 Jane Macaw :50 e 1-31 Trinket :52b Mangr Seth :53 b 12-19 T.ry OMaly :52 b l-25Maryetta ... :50h 2-2 Wilw Brblo :50e 1-18 Muskogee .. :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 1-14 Choice Callerl:02h 2-1 Mnys Wthl:034ih 1-30 Cash Play. .1:04 e 1-31 M. F. Plate. 1:04 e II- 9 Clear Star. .1:06 b O My l:06e 1-30 Cordon Blou.l:04 b Phar Lap... 1:08 b 1-29 Duke Pohl... 1:07 b 1-23 Prancg Stepl:06 b 1-24 Desert Swp.l:03h 1-28 Rockhawk . .l:064ib 1- 31 Foolhardy ..l:04e 1-24 Sir Satin. . ..l:02h 2- 3 Front Man.. 1:04 e 1-28 Sedgie 1:04 b 12-27 Kg at Armsl:09 b 1-20 Tie Kirnan.l:02h 2-3 Lakeland ...1:03 e 1-29 Title Oak... 1:04 e 1-llMoane Kealal:03V5h 1-23 Umpire 1:07 b 1-27 Miss Asama.l:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 27 Adelaide N..l:18h 1-27 Sen tor Sethl:17h 2- 1 Bonaire ....1:22 b 1-30 Sir Argo....l:17h l-27Chiclero ...l:17h 1-30 Spanish Jackl:19 b 1- 31Captn Dgrl:1645h 1-25 Texas Lghnl:19 e 2- 1 Daily News.l:16h 1-27 Voltear ....1:20 b 1-27 Garnish ....l:15o 1-26 Vesgtn Kgl:18h 1- 29Hehukai ...l:19e 1-26 Wdn Soldrl:19 b 12-12 Jge Murphyl:15o 1-26 Willies Md.l:22 b 2- 1 Laddie 1:19 h 12-17 Wizardry ...l:18h 1-29 Sure Hills... 1:19 h One Mile. l-30Durango ...1:42 h 1-30 Santerno ...l:44h 1-29 Marine 1:45t51i 1-31 T. Cyrenian.l:44h l-27Poitou l:44d