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I Phil Blair i Bookmakers Take Heavy Loss TWILL 0.20, WON PROSE AND POETRY. 2.40, WON A Beal Opportunity for All Turf Followers to Win a Bank Boll Today TWO SPEEDSTERS that have been finishing at the tail end lately WILL SHOW AN ACROBATIC PERFORMANCE today by WINNING AS THEY PLEASE. PRICES WILL BE 8 OR 10 TO 1 EACH. Terms Daily CALL IN PERSON or PHONE HARRISON 8528. We will send messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 20 W. JACKSON Suite 1414 CHICAGO, ILL. FINAL WORD 50 Cents Daily Parlay on All Stands FAIR GROUNDS Bill-18-ii. MIAMI Jame-6-13. T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting ; fflr DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY-W3 The two horses you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: BAG O ROSES. i,-, . . . : z. zi,in, . .-.LOST FLYING DON t , . .: , .LOST WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY DAY. Everybody positively re ceives the same two horses the very same day "they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. j iar-BIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY-1KJ ...Subscribe Today Receive These Two Good Things Subscribe! Subscribe! -Jpgi We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-t6wn subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-town-clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the parlay by fast wire. No waiting. J T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. X f AM IV IV IV Fridays Kelly Releases: HIALEAH F-8-17-2-21, FAIR GROUNDS E-2-14-4-14. I USE CARD FOR WEEK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 OFFER EXTENDED SWr INTRODUCTORY OFFER-BS KELLY KODE KARDS will be priced at EACH, and every : card will be good for one week. However, as an introduction to new clients and a good will offer to old friends, Billy Kelly . will sell Kelly Kode Kards for a limited time for each. Persons wisning to take advantage of offer may send subscription to cover as many weeks in advance as they desire and cards will be mailed to them at the price regardless of advance in price in the meantime. Kelly Kode Kards Are Not for Sale by Newsdealers or Agents Mail Orders to WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO AN HONEST, CLEAN-CUT, S QUAKE-SHOO TING OFFER! pOp 17 f The New Salary System really wins. It i-1-" costs you nothing. Also free, "Triple Stop-Loss Caution." Both mean full pockets for you. See larger ad in this paper. RITEWAY PUBLISHING CO., 433 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. MASTER CLOCKER NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FRIDAYS FREE CODES: HIALEAH: Durikirk-Hedge-Lease-Parch-Niche. FAIR GROUNDS: Dayton-Jewel-Pinch-Human-Niche. CLOCKERS REVIEW Todays Free Code: FAIR GROUNDS Pink-15-35. TODAYS BRADY SPECIAL: MIAMI Rice-6-17. CROMWELL TODAYS TWO FItEB CODES: FAIR GROUNDS SIow-2-4. .FAIR GROUNDS Blinker-12-15. Todays Reynolds Special: MIAMI Troy-82-83. THE THUNDERBOLT Todays Free Code: HIAXEAH Col-C0-14-75-62. Todays Editors Code: HIAXEAH Frank-70 -77-9-33. Todays Editors Code Parlay: FAIR GROUNDS Club-6-39-17-40. HIALEAH Shoe-56-4-21-80. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents CRUCIAL TEST Regren Fair Grounds Tip .3.00, WON PROSE AND POETRY McCarty Fair Grounds Tip. 12.40, WON Winners at prices are always to be found among the selections of Daily TelegrapH handicappers PROSE AND POETRY was another successful Weekly Winner forecast, 1 Fridays if Free Codes i FAIR GROUNDS: John-1 9-26-22. HIALEAH PARK: Chas.-7-12-9. 1 TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT 1 CHICAGO, ILL per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Ml Mafl 3 WOW! "ANOTHER SMASHING CLEANUP" Yesterdays Parlay: 9" ARRAY ....... .17.40, WON OPEN HEARTH. 1.20, WON - riw , ?0U fd n2tS!l yrS,eJf 3 SB-R$ on above ParIay you should stop plaving the races. Tuesdays Parlay on-Paid Better Than 40-l-You Positively Cannot Lose with Such Information" Get Todays Parlay and Be Convinced Terms Stt voUrCgCAf PLAYJRS f T M? 0FFICE R NE ARBORN 0of.n players, rush your and you will receive fast service. JEFF GRAY, 189 N. Clark St., Room 203, Chicago, HI. WINNING OVER 5 DAILY! NO CHARGE FOR NEW SALARY SYSTEM! Average daily profit is well over 25, as shown by the play filed each noon with the Racing Form. Rush your name and address for FREE copy of this clever System that really wins. Amazing new angle. All plays to win only; at or away from track. Three to five horses daily; never more than one in same race. Small or large capital. With the System youll receive a FREE copy of the sensational "TRIPLE STOP-LOSS CAUTION." Send no money, but write at once. There IS a way to win. RITEWAY PUBLISHING CO. 433 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. HEW SYSTEM M 5 PER WEEK net profit on 81 flat bets. Will send it to you for free trial. Pay iater if satisfied. - CHICAGO SYSTEM EXCHANGE P. O. Box 466 Dept. 55 Chicago, Hliaok SUPREME FLASH TODAYS FREE CODE: MIAMI Jan.-18-26-6-9. Advertise in Daily Racing Form .Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Expert CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY; FAIR GROUNDS Seven-49-11. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: FAIR GROUNDS Four-13-37. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JANUARY 30 f WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE" Chance of a Lifetimel I will put you next to a little racingsecretthat will place you above want as long as you live wnte- T SECOR Box B Auroralllinoif