Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-02-12

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WORKOUTS andandand ?wP I Date at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time 1 Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up. i .THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-18 As Fair..... :45 b 1-17 Mrge Collins :38h 1- 30 Don Benito.. :37h 2-7 Pollys Folly :37h 2- 6. Kelso .. :37 h 2-6 Sweep Past. :36d 2-8. Melody Qun :37 h One-Half Mile. .2-6. Henado . . . . :50 h 2-8 Patrick .... :49h 2-6 Itso :49h 2-2 Sunview ... :56 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-8 Bby Powers.l:12 b 2-8 Newburger .lK2d 2-7 Brinkley ...l!05h 2-8 Round Up.,l:02d 2-7 Jargon 1:04 d 2-10 Sun Thorn. .lK2d 2-7 Lou Anger. .l:02d 2-8 Tarpon ....1K5 h Three-Quarters Mile 2-2 Dusky Boy..l:16d 2-8 Sprig 1:17 h 2-7 Prate 1:28 b 2-7 Yachtsman .1:21 h 2-5 Ry Laycockl:16h One Mile. 2-4 Constcc Annl:46b 2-9 Don T 1:43 d 1- 24 Bashful Beaul:53 h 2-7 Generola ...l:44h 2- 8 Dixie Dan. .1:43 d 2-10 Yarrow ....l:44d One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-6 Big Gun. . . .2:04h 2-10 Trotwood . .l:57h Sweep Past showed speed under a drive. Patrick did a nice speed trial. Sun Thorn and Newburger went together. Lou Anger and Round Up went together under a drive. Dusky Boy was doing his best. Rosemary Laycock was under a pull. Dixie Dan and Don T. went together under a drive. Yarrow was all out Generola did a splendid mile eased up the last quarter. Trotwood did his work handily. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Angkar .... :35d Marsteller . :37h Bali :37h 1-25 Modem Ace. :40 b 2-9 Beggar Lady :36d 1-25 Nituma .... :37h 2-9 Booby Bird.. :37h 1-30 Promotion . :40 b 2-9 Cloido :38h 2-6 Prince Macw :36d 1- 28 Cp Douglas :40 b 1-21 Peace Lady. . :36d 2- 4 Chilhoma .. :38 h 2-8 Royal Riot.. :38h Conquest ... :36h 2-6 Stimulator . :36d 2-9 Comr Keny :37d 1-26 Tommy .... :40b Dimon :37h 2-9 Twistd Thds :36h 2-7 Disturb .... :38h 2-8 The First.. :38 h Escoba Frce :37h 2-9 Vanity Case. :39b. 2-1 Ed Lark. . . . :37h 1-31 Venetian Girl :36h 2-8 Flh of Light :37h 1-20 Wise Seller. :40d 1- 31 Gay Lassie. . :38h 2-7 Wingover . . :36h 2- 6 Indian B6y.. :36h 2-8 Well Behavd :37h Just Umber. :37 h 2-7 Wise Money :38h 1- 18 Kenny Boy. . :38h 2-10 Zella K :37h 2- 8 My My Jane :37h One-Half Mile. 1-3 Donnella .. :54 b 2-8 Lucky Tom.. :50 b 1- 20 Finland :54 b 2-7 Prince Reno. :54 b 2- 8 Gloria Sharpe :51 h 2-7 Strathcona . :51h 2-6 Kleys Pride :49 d 2-9 Thundertone :49h 2-1 Laughg Boy :52h 2-2 The Whig.. :49h 2-8 Lena M..... :53 b 2-2 Weideleen... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-8 Brd Walker 1:08 h 2-9 Metalurgist l:05h 2-8-atg KnightlK8 b 2-1 Sazerac ....l:03h 2-9 Docr Happyl:05h 2-8 Prce Plato. 1:04 h 2-6 Goln Light l:03h 2-8 Prince Tomyl:04 h 2-8 Hyman ....l:03h 2-8 Twill l:02h 2-8 Ly Mesger l:04h 2-8 Underdun . ,lK4h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-7 Array 1:18 h 1-30 Habanero ..l:16h 2-6 Belen l:17h 2-8 Jack B l:16h 2-4 Beauty Pridel:18h 2-3 Pagan Laddiel:16d 2-2 Dizzy l:18h 2-8 Sam Cole. .. .l:23h Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-5 Ety Twenty 1:31 h 1-29 Northpton l:33h 2-7 Nervator . .l:34h 2:10 Stone Martinl:33h One Mile. 2-7 Best Ace...l:46h 2-6 Delco Del... 1:52 b 2-8 Bunthorne ..l:45h 2-5 Hss Choicel:51h 1- 31 Cres. City l:46h 2-5 My Toots. .l:45h 2- 5 Curtsey ....l:45h 2-8 Prince Ascot.l:44 d 2-6 Dick Porterl:46h One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-9 Seths Ballot2:02 h A heavy fog again enveloped the track during the early hours. AGUA CALIENTE. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 2-8 AlexrPtages :40 b 1-22 Miss Swmore :40 b 1- 30 Ah Deghah . . :37h 2-7 Meadow Boy :36h 2- 5 AdiosAmigo. :38 h 1-13 Red Lady... :39b 2-7 Bonsilla :36h 2-1 Silver Man.. :36 h 1- 24 Bright Sun.. :38e 2-7 Squak :38e 2- 9 Chf Almgren :36h Shortage . . . :37h 2-8 Clarabel A... :39 b 2-7 Skipsea .... :40b 2-6 Idalouise ... :38b 2-6 Tre Sorella.. :38b 2-7 Love Crown. :36o One-Half Mile. 1- 2 Chico Largo. :52 b 2-8 Moane Keala :50 h 2- 6 Domint Star :53b 2-1 Napos :52b 2-7 Dell Dale.... :53 b 1-30 Old Kickapoo :52b 2-4 Daily News.. :49h 2-7 Royl Yeomn :54 b 1- 26 John Bane.. :54 b 1-31 Viover :53b 2- 4 Jane Macaw. :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-9 Cabezo l:01h 2-6 Navy Girl. . .l:06h 2-4 Durango ....1:03 h 2-4 Sir Satin. .. .1:03 h 2-7 Foolhardy ...l:07e 1-29 Yogano l:05e 1-25 Harshaw ...1:06 e Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 27 Ahpet l:17h 2-8 Ervast l:20b 2- 6 Beth Hogan..l:21e 1-14 Long Run.. ,l:21h 2-7 Dr. Freelandl:16h 2-6 Pandosto ..1:21 b 2-4 Desert Sweepl-4 b 2-6 Tom. Kirnanl:25 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-9 Altmark ...1:32 h 2-9 Whip. Crkrl:32 h One Mile. 2-6 Garnish ....l:48e 2-5 Rapida ....l:48h TROPICAL PARK. Weather foggy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-8 Loyal Comn :38h 2-9 Mont Jule.. :39 h 2-9 Light Nun.. :38 h 2-8 Ragstar .... :38h One-Half Mile. 2-3 Moine :53 h 2-8 Ptte Pangle :54 h 2-9 Maunaolu . . :50 h 2-8 Pcess Italia. :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-9 High Player.l:03h 2-8 Winnie C... 1:04 h 1 2-9 Sir AIwgtonl:03h Thre-Quarters Mile. 2-8 Anne G l:19h 2-9 Fqrs Pride.l:20h 2-9 Francock ...1:20 h 2-9 Gd Humor.l:21 h HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 2-3 Aliens :36h 2-5 Jillion ..... :37h 2-6 Anty Wayne :36h 1:25 Jungle Boy. . :36h 2-5 Bub McFard :37 b 1-22 Lawyer .... :39 h 2-9 Bracer :36h 2-9 tanson .... :37h 2-9 Bad Times.. :36h 2-3 Meek :36h 2-4 Bob Coffage. :37h 2-1 Mike Carey. :35h 2-4 Blk Feather :37 h 2-1 M. Marytime :37h 2-3 Calf Roper.. :36h 2-6 Marplot .... :37 h 2-9 Coots :36h 2-2 Old Reb :36h 2-9 Dornoch ... :37 h 24 Okapi :36 h 1- 13 Dark Colleen :36 h 1-24 Paprice .... :36h 2- 9 Dark Love.. :35h 2-4 Star Royal.. :37h Fortnight .. :37h Sandboot ... :39 h Foul Tip.... :36h 1-12 Star Crest.. :36h Fretwork ... :36 h 2-6 Try Stick... :37h Gertie R. ... :38 h 2-4 The Gen.... :35h Gden Planet :37h 1-30 Tom :36h 2-10 Garlic :37h Wanderoo .. :36 h One-Half Mile. 2-9 Battling On. :50h 2-6 Negopoli ... :50 h 1- 30 Big Spring.. :48h 2-8 Outpost -.51 h 2- 6 Don Tasker.. :53 h 2-9 Pnell Bound :49h 1- 24 French Lass. :49 h 2-4 Prepare :5lh 2- 9 Fredrick ... :48 h 2-8 Red Face... :49h 2-5 Felaxe :52 h 2-9 Strt Singer. :52 h 2-3 Herkimer .. :51 h 2-8 Scot Free... :49 h 2-8 Haramzada . :52 h 1-26 Sideshow ... :54 h 2-9 Kingrow ... :50h 1-26 Span. Flirt.. :48h 2-10 Lapidary ... :50h 1-25 St. Carl.... :52 h 12-21 Listng Ears :49 h 12-16 Timour :51 h 1- 29 Loyal Pncess :49 b 2-6 Thais :47h 2- 5 McTinkle ... :49h 1-29 Zegora :49h 12-27 Mortime .... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-2 Bay Angon. .1:07 h 1-26 Nonana ....1:04 h 2-1 Inferno Lad.lKKh 2-8 Playfole ....1:04 h 2-8 Jaipur l:07h 1-28 Polish Princel:04h 2-9 Lullaby II. .l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-3 Craigco ....l:16h 2-8 Newgro ....1:19 h 2-3 Cathop ....l:16h 2-9 Polygamize .1:18 h 2-9 Comradeship 1:19 h 2-4 Raccoon ...1:18 h 2-6 Dunrode ...1:18 h 2-5 Show Down. 1:17 h 12-28 Miss Chilla..l:15 h 2-6 Stbd Light.l:17h 2-6 Nardo 1:18 h 2-9 Scotch Gold.l:22 h One Mile. 1-28 Bo Ballot... 1:44 h 1-29 Evening ....l:42h 1- 30 Chas. Clarkel:51 h 2-9 Heroville ...1:44 h 2- 9 Coady 1:45 h HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 2-9 Algol -25 2-9 Ima Highone. :26 2-7 Clearance ... :24 2-8 Lexington Girl :28 1- 31 Decorous .... 27 12-29 Ly Calistoga :26 2- 2 Edie Lehmn -25 2-7 M. Steinhaus. :24 Fern Ormont. 24 2-10 One Alone... :26 2-8 Hickey :26 1-31 Sandals -25 Three-Eighths Mile. 2-8 Blk and Blue :42 2-9 My Madam... :41 2-9 Blue Pencil. . :37 2-8 Patcia Marian :39 2-7 Carideo :35 2-9 Pandis :38 1- 30Diodoro ..... :38 2-9 Ravine ..i.i. :37 2- 6 Gully Jumper. :42 12-30 Rock Candy. . :39 Hippa Agatha. :36 2-3 Roger :38 2-9 Hold :37 1-29 Sorry :36 2-8 Lerack :35 2-8 Thun. Nymph :36 One-Half Mile. 2-7 Brown Mole.. :52 2-8 Jane Ellen... :50 2-5 Best Maifou.. :54 2-2 Ltle Coventry :51 2-8 Capts Dgter -.50 2-9 Little Wind.. :54 1- 30 Doc :52 2-9 Master Stroke :56 2- 7 Donday :50 2-6 Popcorn :52 2-9 Excursion ... :51 2-3 Step Sis :49 2-2 First Mission. :51 2-8 Shield :49 2-3 Gradiset :49 2-9 Thunderhead . :54 Five-Eighths Mile. 1- 21 Atlas 1:11 2-6 Friendly Waysl:10 2- 9 Broken Soundl:07 2-9 Gay Party... 1:06 2-5 Chfs Trbdrl:07 2-8 Plain Ben.... 1:12 2-6 Carloman ...1K3 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-6 Gun Man.... 1:17 2-9 Play Choice. .1:19 1- 29Hogans Dncel:18 2-4 Regusted ...1:16 2- 9 Lady McNeill. 1:20 2-5 Rough Rider. .1:16 2-9 Lancer 1:15 2-7 Sniper 1:19 2-9 Nostaw 1-22 2-7 Thistle Dee. .1:21 1- 30 Peach Basketl:18 One Mile. 2- 6 Blackstrap ..1:45 2-9 Mastr Drbarl:46 2-6 Isostasy 1:47 One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-4 Common Goldl:58

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