untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-02-18


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mf What Would YOU I HV Like to Know? m W MATTER what fact regarding racing you wish to know, the, j t axr answer can be found in The American Racing Manual I QUICKLY EFFICIENTLY POSITIVELY j Nearly One Thousand Easily Understood by J j Pages a Novice j r j The American Racing Manual has Even a person with limited practical S grown with the interest in Racing the experience and knowledge may quickly i y I world over. Facts pertaining to the absorb all the interesting data included j j Turf in foreign countries are included in this book on Racing so simple and I in this years edition, as well as all easy to understand; prepared by men lfM""lMlll5? : ! details in connection with American who KNOW racing and understand The American v J Racing, including tabulations. what the public wants to know. I Racing Manual a " .-. " . j 1932j MAIL THIS ORDER BLANK TODAY Enclosed find $ Prifr .fcchjFw ftHhMg i for which send me a copy of the AMERICAN RACING .mpssy MANUAL FOR 1932 in PAPER, .50 SPECIAL, .00 DE LUXE, .50 , Please specify kind of binding desired j Paper BinlS... Wm .60 NAME j o. i omucmumom Special Binding.... 3.00 , Be tuxo Binding.. 3.60 STREET AND NO ........ P. O. AND STATE LaMWMMj 1 Please print name and address plainly . " k ; 1 ..1 - - . .... -" : r

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932021801/drf1932021801_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1932021801_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800