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| JOCKEYS AT HOMEWOOD j THREATENED IN LETTERS j i HOMEWOOD, 111., June 7.— A sweeping search for the sender or senders of intimi- , dating, if not threatening letters, received , by jockeys James McCoy, Robert Jones and j James Smith, all riding at Washington Park, was under way Tuesday. Search for the j cranks or hoodlums responsible for the letters was inaugurated by Lieut. Edward Kelly, head of the Washington Park police and in spreading a wide net, Lieutenant Kelly had the full cooperation and assist- j ance of the police heads of Chicago, Chi- , cago Heights and other cities and towns in , northern Illinois. j Jones, last of the trio of star riders to receive a threatening letter, was warned of - violence if he did not arrange to pay ,000 , in a communication received Tuesday. Mc- j Coy and Smith received letters several days . ago, it was said. In the message received by ] McCoy he was charged with having "broken up" a betting coup and warned that the only i way he could escape harm would be to win j with a certain horse the next time out. After discussing the crank or gangster . epistles with Lieutenant Kelly and presiding , steward Chas. F. Price, Col. M. J. Winn, managing director of Washington Park, said "Lieutenant Kelly and the police of cities and communities in northern Illinois have • full backing of the Washington Park Jockey * Club in their intensive search to run down | the authors of the threatening letters." , *