untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-09

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I RACING HISTORY - MUCH HAS BEEN SAID IN] ; THE PUBLIC PRESS ABOUT OUR SUCCESS DELIVERING Qmnen TO THE RACING PUBLIC | .-. --------- -- BP» You Get Yours0 ~M YESTERDAYS PARLAY: RED WHISK, $ 5.22, WON DRASTIC DELIGHT, 0.72, WON If you missed this parlay esterday you have no ene but yourself to blame as we begged everyone in this ad yesterday that we "KNEW SOMETHING." 34 WON LAST WEEK WITH BET Week after week has been a Big Winning week for my large army of followers. Let us show you that there is such a thing as ; "WINNING" INFORMATION. A weeks trial will convince you of this — LETS GO. JWrWhat Would You Give for *W Sp- 00- "Win Parlay "1 SWf Today? ~W We know two horses today that come HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by connections, and TODAY IS THE DAY— Nuff sed. REMEMBER, YOUVE TRIED THE REST— BT NOW GET THE BEST **■ 1 IT Terms, a Day "TP8 mr CHICAGO PLAYERS. "NOTICE" "*■ Tf you cant come to our office, phone RANDOLPH i 8781-8701 and we will send you our parlay in sealed 1 envelope with messenger. OUT-OF TOWN PLAYERS, teleeraph and we will wire you. MAXIM and GAY 64 W. Randolph St.. Suite 1010 Chicago. III. I . I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932060901/drf1932060901_23_4
Local Identifier: drf1932060901_23_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800