Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-28

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HAMILTON HAMILTON, ONT., MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1932. Hamilton 1 1-16 miles, 68 feet. Second day. Hamilton Jockey Club. First summer meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Steward Representing the Canadian Racing Associations, D. S. Gillies. Stewards of Meeting, Col. Gordon J. Henderson, J. P. Turner and D. S. Gillies. Judges, J. A. Thompson and D. Boyle. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 5 8 MiIe- Little Nephew, June 25, 1913 :59 3 108. Purse 00. 2-i .. u year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner S600; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. June-isM-riam Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 50 to ,250. Index Horses EqtA WtFP.St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 71148 HAPPY ANNE wll5 11 PI1 l1 l1 RileyG S W Labrot 2071-100 71801SEEMEGO w 114 3 2 2 21 2s 21 LangC W Garth 205100 71759 SLAPSTICK w 115 7 6 5 41 3 3s BarnesE C V Whitney 225-100 71759 LACQUER w 106 9 4 61 61 61 41 MagnerW W L Brodie 3090 100 71725 GAMMA DELTA w ill 10 5 41 5 4" 53 RallsC H T Archibald 4320-100 71068 NEMERC w 108 6 8 7 T 7s 6" ArnoldG R Cremen 2280-100 71904FAIR MOLE wb 110 8 3 31 3k 51 7 QnbushG S F Murphy 6955 100 71801 LEZEV w 104 2 9 8i 8 88 8" PhillipsC R Pending 21485-100 JEALOUSY w 106 410 9 9 9 9 ClancyM C Frosch 16580-100 72136:BALD CREST w 108 5 7 Lost rider. MozerR Erindale Stable 1495-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:00. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . HAPPY ANNE $ 6.15 $ 3.35 $ 2.25 207J 100 671100 12J 100 SEEMEGO 3.00 2.20 50100 10100 SLAPSTICK 2.30 15100 Winner Br. f, by Happy Time Annie Kendal, by Tredennis trained by W. Irvine; bred by Mr. S. W. Labrot. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:"?. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HAPPY ANNE moved clear in the first eighth, saved ground and held on gamely to outlast SEEMEGO. The latter, closest to the winner throughout, challenged gamely on the stretch turn, but was not good enough. SLAPSTICK, hard ridden, went to the outside and closed resolutely. LACQUER came through on the inside entering the stretch. GAMMA DELTA had no excuses. NEMERC was outrun. FAIR MOLE quit fast after half a mile. BALD CREST stumbled and unseated his rider shortly after the start. Scratched 72112 Swagger Stick, 115; 72136Donald Lad, 107; 72136 Toy Town, 112; 72364 Dark War, 112; 72415 Keltwick, 103. 7QA.r7t SECOND RACE 4 1-2 Furlongs. Mary Scribe, June 19, 1912 :54 2 110. Bronte V Purse. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Foaled in Canada. Special weights. Net June-27-3Z-Ham vaue to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 718975LADY WORTHMORE w 112 7 3 2 23 ll SchaeferL W H Wright 1021-100 72364 OLD FASHIONED w 111 9 4 1 11 21 MadeleyF J C Fletcher 3025-100 JUNIAM w ill 8 6 5" 3rt 3" OMalleyJ R H New . 935-100 ROMARIE wll2 410 6s 41 4 MannF R S McLaughlin 475-100 71113 TANNIA 7 will 5 2 31 5s 5k FischerA Thorncliffo Stable 500-100 71946 PHAR CREST wb 114 2 9 8i 61 64 LennieJ J P White 2270-100 70971 SUGAR JAR w 111 10 5 4i 7" 7 LegereE Seagram Stable 1605-100 71758 BABE GAIETY will 11 9l 9 8" LongoJ T M.Glassco 12025-100 71281 BY THE SEA w 111 3 8 10 10 9l AimersA Thorncliffe Stable 71113 JEANVILLE w ill 6 7 7" 8 10 RileyG H C Hatch , 2485-100 fCoupled as Thorncliffe Stable entry. Time, :23, :48, :54. Track fast. 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY WORTHMORE $ 4.05 $ 3.50 $ 2.90 102 100 75100 45100 OLD FASHIONED 17.20 8.45 760100 3224100 JUNIAM 5.25 1624 100 Winner B. f, by Worthmore :Jean Crest, by Sobieski trained by W. J. Donohue; bred by Mr. W. H. Wright. WENT TO POST 3:07. AT POST 2J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LADY WORTHMORE raced close to OLD FASHIONED and, straightened out in the stretch, finished gamely to wear down the pacemaker in the closing sixteenth. OLD FASHIONED, haTd ridden to take the lead and. kept under hard urging, held on gamely. JUNIAM forced the pace throughout. ROMARIE finished well. TANNIA saved ground. PHAR CREST could not get up. SUGAR JAR showed brief early speed. Scratched 71897 Spot Crest, 111; 71366 Our Sonny, 111; 72415 Mestallup, 111. Overweight Lady Worthmore, 1 pound; Romarie, 1. fyOyO THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Jouett, July 30, 19231:456104. Purse 00. 3-4 dri: 4 d year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, June-27-32-Ham 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,750; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72420ON LEAVE wb 3 110 12 12 12 7" 6h l2 l3 WhitkcrR Mrs M Eckman," 2271-100 72326 ARUNDEL w 4 113 4 4 41 6 51 41 21 MattioliJ L Haymaker 1635-100 72194 DIODORO wb 5 109 2 2 31 31 31 34 33 DupuyM A E Brown 1850-100 71806 STRONGHEART wb 7 111 5 6 5" 7 61 41 OMalleyJ Mrs H Pyne 445-100 71993 HOBNOB w 3.110 3 3 21 21 1 2 5" LegereE Seagram Stable 550100 71903 REDIVIVUS w 4 109 6 5 5 41 41 5 61 MadeleyF G W Campbell 615-100 72134 FLO ONEILL w 5 107 9 9 10" 12 12 91 7" BarnesE W I Newmarsh 1130-100 71903 HOLD . w 5 109 1 1 l" l" 2" 7" 81 RoseF Sunnyside Stable 930-100 71728 PLAYABIT w 5 109 8 8 8h ll1 10" 81 91 BurnsT G Price . 71948 REFINER w 5 111 7 7 71 9h 91 10" 10s AimersT Thorncliffe Stable 2725-100 72420 SPECTACULAR w 7 107 11 11 91 81 8" ll1 ll2 RileyG H Neusteter 2730-100 71764GOLD MINT w 8 104 10 10 ll1 101 ll1 12 12 ClancyM Mrs R Pollard tMutuel field. Time, :24, :49, 1:14, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . ON LEAVE $ 6.55 $ 3.60 $ 3.30 2274100 80100 65100 ARUNDEL 11.80 7.60 490100 280100 DIODORO 11.40 470100 Winner Ch. g, by War Star Liberty Girl, by Neil Gow trained by C. Bunte; bred by Mr. W. McK. Hones. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 3:43. AT POST 3 minutes, j Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. ON LEAVE worked his way into contention rapidly and, wearing down the leaders entering the stretch, drew away under pressure. ARUNDEL, shuffled back on the first turn, responded to punishment and closed gamely. DIODORO, a factor throughout, continued gamely in the stretch. STRONGHEART raced evenly. HOBNOB raced HOLD into defeat, but tired. REDIVIVUS tired. FLO ONEILL had a rough race. PLAYABIT showed flashes of speed. GOLD MINT raced in dull fashion. Scratched 72192 Tryon, 109; 72280 Tricky Colonel, 109; 72232 Frigid Frosty, 96. Overweight On Leave, 1 pound; Refiner, 1. ffy AJ7 FOURTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Fair Jack, July 1, 19311:184112. Purse 00. 4 andAiik A O 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0: pe-27-32-Ham fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71112SPEY CREST wb 102 2 6 50k 21 11 1 OsborneH W H Wright 1921-100 71325SEA WORTHY wb 112 12 1 2" l2 24 24 ArnoldG Geneseo Stable 340-100 718C0 LARRY DAMM w 1131 8 4 6h. 5h 31 3" LangC Wm Garth 1200 100 72424MAGICAL IMAGE w 115 6 9 91 71 51 4i FisherRJ T W Harrison 695-10U 72328DONYA wb 110 711 10s 92 72 51 MattioliJ A C Bostwick 370-100 72365 IPSARA wb 110 10 2 1" 6s 4" 61 DupuyM A E Brown 7445-100 72276 RAYSOL w 105 3 10 11 104 9 73 FischerA Thorncliffe Stable 6130-100 72365 SINGLE HOPE w 112 15 4 4" 81 8 DougrtyF C C Smithson fH05 100 65978 WARRAGE wb 112 4 12 12 ll6 11" 9" WhitkerR Mrs M Eckman 9350 100 71906 SABOYON wsb 112 11 3 33 31 61 101 QnbushG Mrs S F Murphy 3120-100-72370 IRISH FUSILIER w 112 9 7 7"! SllO" ll30 RileyG H C Hatch 72232BLUE RAIDER wb 100 5 8 8 12 12 12 ArnoldW J Judge tMutuel field. " Time, :23, :48, 1:13, 1:20. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , SPEY CREST $ 5.85 $ 3.30 $ 3.00 192J 100 65100 50100 SEAWORTHY 4.75 3.75 1374100 874100 LARRY DAMM 6.30 215100 Winner B. c, by Spey Pearl Jean Crest, by Sobieski trained by W. J. Donohue; bred by Mr. W. H. Wright . Winner entered to be claimed for 2,000. ! WENT TO POST 4:16. AT POST H minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SPEY REST, rated close to the leaders from the start, gained fast when shaken up, displaced SEAWORTHY near the end and drew away thereafter. SEAWORTHY raced IPSARA and SABOYON into early defeat, drew clear on the turn, but could not stay with the winner. LARRY DAMM worked his way up I gradually and closed gamely. MAGICAL IMAGE closed a gig gap in the late sta ges. DONYA began slowly. I IPSARA showed good speed for five-eighths. SABOYON quit badly. ; Scratched-Candy Pot, 105; 71947 Uprise, 112; 70517 Single C, 115; 71804 Fair Judge, 115. Overweight Spey Crest, 2 pounds; Larry Damm, 1. WAV A. FIFTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Fair Jack, July 1, 19311:184112. Purse 00. 1 4 6A.4 tc 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, !June-27-32-Ham 0 ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, allowed 3 pounds; ,000, 6 i pounds. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 71115 MONEL w3107 2 3 l1 l1 1 l3 CanfieldL S W Labrot 62971100 71804HAPPEN wb 3 107 3 5 51 6i 41 21 DougrtyF Mrs G Fox 705-100 72139DONNY JOHNNY w 4 113 7 4 61 5i 5 3 WellsL H A Coulson 815 100 71993GU1DE RIGHT wb 5 107 9 8 T 73 73 4" ClancyM Mrs R Pollard 2905 100 71845 AT SUNRISE w 3 107 5 6 31 4" 3" 51 ArnoldG Geneseo Stable 815-100 71991 SOLACE wb 7 118 6 1 4" 3" 61 63 LegereE Seagram Stable 225 100 71949JHEY THERE wb 3 112 4 2 23 23 21 7 BarnesE C V Whitney 235 100 -71993 GENERAL LEJEUNE wb 3 106 1 9 9 9 9 81 PhillipsC C C Smithson 2555 100 178976 LIVE ON w 4 115 8 7 81 8 8l 9 FisherRJ Mrs J Badame 6810-100 I Time, :23, :47, 1:12, 1:18. Track fast. . 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MONEL 27.95 7.20 8.65 S297J 100 2260100 8321 10t HAPPEN 7.00 4.70 250100 135100 DONNY JOHNNY 10.15 4074100 Winner Ch. f, by Sir Greysteel La Muiron, by Durbar U. trained by W. Irvine; bred by Mr. S. W Labrot. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:46. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. MONEL sprinted into a good lead after an eighth, saved ground and was never menaced. HAPPEN dropped back after the first eighth, came through on the inside entering the stretch and closed fast DONNY JOHNNY, forced to race on the outside from the start, finished gamely. GUIDE RIGHT, slow tt get going, finished resolutely. AT SUNRISE was used up following the leaders. SOLACE was hard riddeft all the way. HEY THERE quit badly. , Scratched 721392Fair Jack, 115. Overweight Donny Johnny, 1 pound. WAK SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Jouett, July 30, 19231:456 104. Purse 00. 3 4 drm: 4 tf year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0 f June-27-32-Ham fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,750; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 ttf ,000. j Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquIt. Odds Stri 71627 PRINCELY ATNTIONwb 7 113 3 1 4" 31 51 34 1 LegereE G Thompson 210-100 72072 MY SIS w 6 109 11 4 1 l1 VI 11 21 DougrtyF J P Musgrave 1630-100 71805 THE TOUT w 5 113 8 6 5 4 31 2 33 LangC T L Evans 2030-100 71805lWATERGAP w 6 114 12 10 ll1 111 93 7" 4" DupuyM E L Snyder 165-10Q 71848 MONOCLE wb 4 109 1 11 lOHO 103 6 53 FischerA J Farrell Jr 605-100 72196VISIONARY HOUR w 3 100 5 3 T 61 61 41 61 ArnoldW D G McGregor f620-10Q 72237 SUNCHEN w 7 111 6 5 24 21 21 5" 7" PeakeH Power City Stable 7120-100 71510 CRESCENT CITY w 3 110 9 9 92 5" 41 82 8h HalbertF W A Whiteside 10080-100 71849 BOLD BENDIGO w 4 111 7 12 12 12 12 101 91! AimersT J McElroy 7120-100 71899 DUNRODE wb 3 103 4 8 and 81 8l 91 101! PhillipsC R Pending 4410-100 71898JBURLAP w 6 114 2 2 31! 71 7" ll2 ll1 BattistaJ C Bunte f, 71990 LOMMERN w 6 109 10 7 6h 9,111 12 12 BurnsT E Glass jj tMutuel field. Time, :23$, :48, 1:14, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. ,52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS m PRINCELY ATTENTION $ 6.20 .65 $ 4.20 210100 824100 110100 MY SIS 10.30 8.25 415100 3124 1001 THE TOUT 8.05 3024 10u Winner- B. g, by Prince Galahad Attention, by Rising Glass trained by J. C. Kirkpatrick; bred irjj England by Sir G. Renwick. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 5:21. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PRINCELY ATTENTION fell back on the far turn and, hard urged, came again to wear down the leaderSi and was up to win in the final seventy yards. MY SIS took an easy lead and held on resolutely when chal$ lenged. THE TOUT, fractious at the post, raced close up and held on well. WATERGAP, .taken wide until entering the stretch, came gamely at the end. MONOCLE closed a big gap. SUNCHEN quit, as did, CRESCENT CITY. Scratched 719942Indian Dance; 108; 72420 Tinge, 109. . Overweight Sunchen, 2 pounds. I VAHtX SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles turf course. Citizen, June 27, 1921 1:44 3 101.! 4 4 O Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winnec June-27-32-Ham 0n; seCond, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,700; if for less, t pound allowed for each 00 to ,200. . Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 72236 DUCHESS OF YORK w 9 113 3 4 5l 51 31 2" 11 MarshW A Bennie 765-100j 72326 MARIE GAIETY wb 7 110 5 6 6s 6s 4"k 31 2" MozerR Erindale Stable 905-100 71948 KIRKLAND POST w 4 105 7 5 l4 la Is 11 31 OsborneH W H Wright 4910-100 72279 OIL RITE w 4 111 2 2 42 41 68 5l 4 AimersT Thorncliffe Stable 4145-100 71902PAR EXCELLENCE w 5 107 4 3 2 21 21 42 5" OMalleyJ R H New 1085-100 71763MR. GAIETY . w 8 115 1 1 7 7 7 63 6 PhillipsC Mrs E Glassco 60-100 71988MASTER BOBBIE w 6 112 6 7 3" 3" 5" 7 7 MannF R W R Cowie 465-100. Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:41, 1:47. Track fast. r MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS N DUCHESS OF YORK 7.30 $ 7.35 $ 4.50 765100 2674100 125 100 MARIE GAIETY 6.30 5.70 215100 185100 KIRKLAND POST 7.65 282J 10Ct Winner B. m, by Yorkshire Lad Lady Kilmarnock, by Kilmarnock trained by F. Gilpin; bred by MfV C. Yeandle. Winner entered to be claimed for ,700. WENT TO POST 6:01$. AT POST 1 minute. J Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DUCHESS OF YORK, shaken up in the closing half mile, finished resolutely and was up to win iij the final sixteenth. MARIE GAIETY, on the outside from the start, closed gamely. KIRKLAND POS"$ took the early lead and finished well, but swerved to the outside entering the stretch. OIL RITE showed good performance. PAR EXCELLENCE tired. MR. GAIETY was taken far out of it and was not perj severed with at any stage. Scratched 723663Brave Alonzo, 107; 71951 Granite Rock, 107. i Overweight Oil Rite, 1 pound. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT HAMILTON Ont. Monday 3 Races, 04.85; 5 Races, 47.45; 7 Races, 36.90

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932062801/drf1932062801_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1932062801_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800