Riverside Park, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-28

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RIVERSIDE PARK KANSAS CITY, Mo., Monday, June 27, 1932. Riverside Park 5-8 mile. Thirty-second day. Riverside Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 38 days. Waggoner Jarvis Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, J. F. Gallagher. Judges, P. Clark and E. K. Thorton. Starter, A. McKnight. Racing Secretary, W. P. Kyne. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15 p. m.. ryOfCi FIRST RACE Riverside Course f 210 feet more than 3-4 mile. June-Z7-3Z-R.P purse 00. 3.year-o1ds. Maidens. Fillies. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming price, 00. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 72044 Bright Flower 112 1 KellyJR 1460-100 72044 Miss Morgold 112 21 GoodrichE 320-100 71298 Tapawingo 112 3s TaylorW 1340-100 71590 Thrushway 112 4 DyerJ 980-100 72003 Scampering 112 5" BurneyD 1760-100 72003 Cloibelle 112 6! HartC 580-100 72044 Unravel 112 7" WallisV 2460-100 72044 Kittys Gem 112 8i NealD 280-100 71730 Miss Monroe 112 9 MattB 590-100 71774 Drastic Ann 112 10 JohnsonR 2860-100 time, 1:22. Track good. donations paid Bright Flower, 1.20 straight, 4.60 place, .20 show; Miss Morgold, .40 place, .20 show; Tapawingo, .80 show. Equivalent booking Bright Flower, 1460 to 100 straight, 630 to 100 place, 260 to 100 show; Miss Morgold, 120 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Tapawingo, 190 to 100 show. Winner E. E. Thompsons b. f, by Panic Spear-iana, by Assagai trained by L. O. Cassity ; bred by Mr. W. O. Briggs. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post 2:25J. At post minute. Start poor and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. Scratched 72003Queens Regret, 112; 72092Med-dlesome Miss, 112; 72197 Doreen Princess, 112; 71918 Silver Flash, 112. rJAGK SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. ,jv5 Purse 00. 4-year-olds and up-June-Z7-3Z-R.P ward CoIts Horses. and GeId. ings. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming price, 00. Eq.Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 71814JThe Moon 107 Is MattB 250-100 71814 Wildolive 109 2 DyerJ 540-100 71962:Pridie 107 3" BeckA 280-100 72002 Platinum 111 4 NealD 2960-100 719113Kit Carson 110 5" GoodrichE 440-100 72046 Bachelor Prince 110 63 WallisV 1640100 71536 Little Cook 109 7 HoleckoS 3240 100 72002 Verdant Son 112 81 HartC 1280-100 65484Aalii 104 94 SielaffM 1310-100 49810 Friendlike 114 10 French J 8760-100 Time, 1:10J. Track good. donations paid The Moon, .00 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Wildolive, .00 place, .00 show; Pridie, .00 show. Equivalent booking The Moon, 250 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Wildolive, 200 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Pridie, 50 to. 100 show. Winner B. W. Sharps blk. h, 5, by Hildur The Widow Moon, by Stalwart trained by B. W. Sharp; bred by Mr. R. P. Marshall. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post 2:52J. At post 1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 71911 Laftar, 104; 65128 Forbidden, 104; 65448 Ephesian, 107; 72002 Jove, 109. Overweight Platinum, 2 pounds; Kit Carson, 1; Bachelor Prince, 1; Verdant Son, 3; Friondlike, 5. Corrected weight Wildolive, 109; Kit Carson, 109; Bachelor Prince, 109; Verdant Son, 109. rTOJQft THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00- 2-year-olds. Colts I -yrJrJh june7-dZ-R.P and gedings- claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Claiming price, ,100; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 72371Kinncar 109 1 MattB 90-100 71965 Savoyard 110 24 WallisV 1660100 72243JCol. Cloister 112 3 DyerJ 210-100 72431 Angon Ward 110 44 ZucchiniR 800-100 72375sElko 104 5 SielaffM 1860 100 72371JHallock 103 61 TerllezkiT 2960-100 72371 Tamarack 108 7 HoleckoS 1620-100 Time, 1:10. Track good. donations paid Kinncar, .80 straight, .00 place, .60 show; Savoyard, 2.40 place, .40 show; Col. Cloister, .80 show. Equivalent booking Kinnear, 90 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Savoyard, 520 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Col. Cloister, 40 to 100 show. Winner- E. O. OConnells b. g, by Luminist Christina, by Glasgerion trained by W. See; bred by Mr. E. O. OConnell. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,100. Went to post 3:19. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 72431 Candy King, 105; 72375 Cut Price, 105; 72375 Johnny Shaw, 112; 72371 Lanty Boy, 108; 72431 Troford, 106. Overweight Elko, 1 pound. Corrected weight Kinnear, 109; Tamarack, 108. rJAQlT FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse v?PD I 00. 3-year-olds and upward. June-27-32-R.P Claiming. Net value to winner S350; second, 00; third, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 72096Thelma L. 110 1 BeckA 1210-100 723723Donald 105 21 SielaffM 1240-100 72376Anne Arundel 113 3 MattB 50-100 72197Lady De Ver 112 4rt HartC 1860-100 72144Joan K. Ill 5s DyerJ 540-100 72372 Moderator 111 68 DayK 6480-100 69430 Miss Upset 105 7s TaylorW 3240 100 72335 Laura Neglcy 108 8 HoleckoS 1820-100 Time, 1:29. Track good. donations paid Thelma L., 6.20 straight, ,.40 place, .40 show; Donald, 2.40 place, .60 show; Anne Arundel, .40 show. Equivalent booking Thelma L., 1210 to 100 straight, 370 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Donald, 520 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Anne Arundel, 20 to 100 show. Winner E. D. Slavins ch. m, 5, by High Noon Cheapside, by The Finn trained by E. D. Slavin; bred by Mr. S. B. Mason. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,000. Went to post 3:46. At post 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 722853Finnath, 109; 720493Bal Ele, 97; 72372Jola Shot, 108; 72330 Emma Lou, 108; 72241 Dental Cream, 102; 72372 Gussie Pool, 105. Overweight Lady De Ver, 5 pounds ; Moderator, 1 ; Miss Upset, 5. Corrected weight Joan K., Ill; Moderator, 110; Laura Negley, 108. FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 MiIes-Purse "JiplVj 00. 4-year-olds and upward. June-27-32-R.P Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 4 pounds. w Eq. Odd Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straighk 72378Twty Five Sixtyl06 l5i BeckA 460 72377 Now Mama 108 24 TerhuneG 630 10D 72145 Gormond 110 3 WallisV 440-100 72377 Wild Laurel 114 4" NealD 640-100 72334Drastic Celt 108 5 MattB 290 100 723363Cry Baby 112 61 HartC 690-100 72097 Colonel Campus 110 7s DyerJ 540-100 71818Corral Boss 105 8 SielaffM 600-100 Time, 1:57. Track good. donations paid Twenty Five Sixty, 1.20 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Now Mama, .40 place, .20 show; Gormond, .80 show. Equivalent booking Twenty Five Sixty, 460 to 100 straight, 160 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Now Mama, 220 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Gormond, 90 to 100 show. Winner F. F. Burrels b. m, 5, by Sand Mole-Brown Bess, by Blitzen trained by E. Dickson; bred by Mr. H. P. Gardner. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post 4:13. At post J minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 723343San Clemente. 109; 72288Roy-al Yeoman, 113; 72377 Prate, 105; 72334 Big Gun, 111; 72288 Esther Weidel, 100; 723742Major W., 102. Overweight Cry Baby, 3 pounds. Corrected weight Now Mama, 108; Wild Laurel, 114; Cry Baby, 109. SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Horse. Wt. Jockey. Straight. Place. Show. KELSO 1 114 Dyer 2.20 .40 .00 DRASTIC WATER ...107 Matt - 4.00 3.20 BEGGAR LADY 104 Sielaff 4.20 Time, 1:47. Track good. Off 4:41. Also ran-Chas. Clarke, Miss Susan, Kranz Baby, Bob Bates, Marble Illusion. " SEVENTH RACE RIVERSIDE 1 1-16 Miles v Horse Win Place Show First ...... en sHia-aa sks.sh Second . ...H Third E DE0EI Final Time: REMUSI Off Time: EMeJEVz ENTERED FOR RACE: 1 SHIFT 6 PRIVATELY 11 BRUNS 2 MARGT BUCHANAN 7 BLUE CANOPY 12 THISTLE SPRAY 3 FOOLSCAP 8 BROWNIE SMILE 13 SUNNY CORN 4 FLYING TORCH 9 RED BANNER 14 MY IDEAL 5 ENTHUSIASTIC 10 MY COMPANION SCRATCHED Foolscap, Flying Torch, Enthusiastic, Privately. EIGHTH RACE RIVERSIDE 1 1-16 Miles Horse Win place Show First.. m .EIE1 SBa-SH SBSSHi Second El HSHG1 Third EI KH3E1 Final Time: U:0DE3 Off Time: EM3E12 ENTERED FOR RACE: 1 BEARING 6 PUNKIE 11 NO EXCUSE 2 BROAD A. 7 BEHAVE CASH 12 OBLIGE 3 FORECASTER 8 GEORGE K. 13 BROWN HILLS 4 HELEN F. 9 TROMPE 14 CLAUDE C. 5 MARION BARTON 10 RADIO SERVICE SCRATCHED No Excuse. Broad A.. Helen F Marion Barton. Punkie. fJenree IC

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932062801/drf1932062801_14_3
Local Identifier: drf1932062801_14_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800