Arlington Park, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-28

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j ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES I ARLINGTON PARK TUESDAY, JUNE 28 1 HT Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 83 W Starts from Balir Stall Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: i WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST Bacing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago daylight saving time 1st Arlington purse ,200. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 34 Mile Epithet, July 25, 1931 1 :10y5 3 112. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. 3-year-olds, 114 pounds; older, 120 pounds. Index Post v-Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.VVt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price j 72301 7 Tombcr-au .Hia 116 1:11 5 120X 2500 71091 9 Scotland Blues. 71828 2Hot Shot..A.P 115 1:11 6 115X 2500 A.C 110 1:14 3 109X 2500 72216 3 Grand Prince.. 72303 10 Flag Time. A.C 110 1:11 5 120.. 2500 CD 122 1:12 6 120X 2500 72113 llSuitor ....Tan 111 l:14s 6 115X 2500 72301s 5Best Man.. A.P 110 1:10 5 115X 2500 72301 13Tufinuf ...Aur 117 1:13 4 115X 2500 72113 6Flying Chero- 72348 14Beekeeper Bbg 109 1:13 5 115X 2500 kec Hia 110 1:12 4 115X 2500 72385 15 Ilium ....Was 110 1:12 4 120X 2500 713523 12 Fiddler .. .CD 112 1:12 5 120X 2500 71750 16Semoster ..Lrl 109 1:13 3 109X 2500 71507 Ballot.. 72307 17 Log rVerity J 109 117 3 109 - 2500 Lat 110 1:14 3 104X 2500 72385 4Don Romiro... Ha v 108 1:13 5 120X 2500 Trp 106 1:12 3 109.. 2500 55400 19 Qderic ....Hia 105 1:13 4 120X 2500 72346 8Nieht Vintage. 72344 20French Honey. Bow 109 l:13s 3 109X 2500 Was 100 1:12 3 104.. 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets J. won la.- start: figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. Scratches are shown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cra. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Beat Company Tonibereau V 190 B s S by 0,y,ne,1,u, Dustpan n., by Sweeper. Work June 21 7-8 129ft -- Trainer, E. Hay ward. Owner, Peconie Stable. Jua23-32Was 2 1:13 ft 8-5 115 1111 1 ChiavettaF3 2500 12 Vormajoll5,BestManll5,MurkyCrd 105 May23-32Was gl:13 ft 18-5 118 1 2 2s 34 ChiavettaF1 2500 12 Easter Time 110,Fervor 118,Totem 118 Mayl4 32C.D 2 1:12 ft 21 122 3 1 14 1 ChiavettaF3 2500 12 Valdostal22,Par.Bound 122,Smear 120 May 7-32C.D 2 1:12 ft 23-10 115 3 1 1 14 ChiavtaF 2000 8 BestManllS.UleMattllS.Bderdash 110 Apr30 32.0 2 1:17 hy23-10 120 1 1 1 34 ChiavettaF 2500 7 LlyEbonyll5,Gr.Princel20,Bonnet 108 Macl9-32F.G 3 1:13 ft 11 123 7 2 21 34 FinnertyR" 2750 12 Fiddlcrlig.GtinEventfO.JneysEnd 114 Marl5 32F.G 3 1:13 ft 5 117 1 1 21 4i FinnertyR1 3000 6 Burgooll2,B.Tyronell3,GettinEven 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 13 14 3 $ 1,850 1932 record. .17 6 4 5 ,175 Hot SllOt X 11""" 3- JT. 6, by Trytter Select Shot, by Star Shoot. Work: June 16 5-8. .. .1:03ft Trainer, C. E, Davison. Owner. C. E. Daviaoa. Jun.ll-32Was 3 1:12 ft 12 110 6 2 2 6s ArcaroE" 3000 12 Sobiehal08,JessicCarey 105,Predictllli Mayl8 324Aur 3 1:12 ft 7 110 1 2 21 54 ArcaroE1 2800 8 WarSaintUS.BleDayllO.OrHarbor 104 MaylO 32sAur 5i f 1:06 ft 71 116 4 3 4 64 CunhamL AUw 7 Sup,eSveetl06,Port,teaul08,Bl.Day 108 May 2-324Aur 3 1:13 ft 22 104 3 2 2 5s ArcaroE Hdcp 8 Burn,gUpl06,Fort.Youthl09.P,m,teau94 Aprl6 324Tan sc 1:09 ft 110 112" 3 ArcaroE4 Cl-Allw 7 Portcodine HO.FlagTime 114,Listo 115 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .32 4 5 4 $ 6,875 1932 record. .10 0 0 1 $ 225 Grand PrillCe X IPO B. , 6, by Baby Grand Slim Princess, by Sempronlus. Work- June 23 1-2 46ft Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, Shandon Farm Stable. JunSlWas 1 1:37 "ft 6 118 4 2 24 34 JonesR 3500 12 Totemll8,UprightllO,Unencumbed 110 Jual4-323Was 1" 1:46 sy 6 121 1 2 14 21 JonesR" 3000 8 MtieFlynnllS.GdPrinccm.Inhtor 113 Jun. 4-32,Was 31:14 si 14 118 5 4 64 34 GarnerW 4000 11 Ptcodinclll.PortteaulB.Comet 113 fPlaced second through disqualification. Mr28-32Was 11:25 ft 4-5 115 1 1 11 1 GarnorW11 2500 12 MasrAcellO,Essentl 108,Balddashll0 May23-32Was 21:13 ft 23-10 118 6 4 4 4 71 GarnerW1 250012 EasterTimellO.Fervor 118,TobereauLl8 Mayl4-32C.D 3 1:12 ft 5 122 3 2 1" 1" GarnerW9 2500 11 Predictll3,EasterTimell3,D.Morris 120 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .24 4 4 9 $ 5,350 1932 record.. 13 6 5 1 ,300 Best Man X 11" 3Ul " 6" by Mad Hatter Bridesmaja by Chicle. Work- June 27 3-4. .l:16sl Trainer, B. A. Jones. Owner. H. H. Woolf. Jun23-32Was 2 1:13 ft 16-5 115 4 2 2 33 SchutteH8 2500 12 TbereaullS.VrmajollS.MkyCIoud 105 Junl8-32Was 2 1:15 si 6-5 115 4 11" 24 AllenCE6 2500 10 FlygCherokeell5,Nacho 103,Suitor 110 Jun. 3 32Was 2 1:16 hy 18-5 110 3 1 l1 34 NeelJ3 2500 12 Plumagel05,Panchioll5.W.Adcate 109 M.,17-324C.D 3 1:13 ft 29-10 115 6 6 64 6s AllenCE1 2500 Smearll5,BirdayGiftll5,DorisJean 112 Mayl4-323CD 3 1:12 ft 21 120 1 4 44 64 AllenCE1 2500 11 Gr.Princel22,Predictll3,EasfrTime 113 May 7-32C.D 3 1:12 ft 4-5 115 5 2 2 24 AllenCE 2000 8 TobereaullS.UleMattllS.BderdashllO May 3-32C.D 2 1:13 ft 11-5 115 10 5 54 24 AllenCE 2000 12 SisAgnesllO.TnLimit rO.Hamilton 115 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.-, 1931 record. .12 4 4 2 $ 5,466 1932 reccrd. .12 0 3 2 $ 700 Fljfag Clierokee X 1 1 "" B. e, 4. by Cherokee Flying Ida, by Dodge. Work: June 103-8.... :36ft u Trainer. S. W. Ward. Owner, J. L. and V. K. Dodge. Jual8-32Was 3 1:15 si 8 115 1 2 2J 14 FronkW1 2500 10 Best Man 115, Nacho 103, Suitor 110 May28-32Was 1 1:25 ft 19 115 11 11 105 7" FronkW 250012 GrdPrcellS.MasrAcellO.Essential 108 MayWCD 6i f 1:21 ft 8 115 1 7 74 44 FronkW1 1500 9 Elkhartl08,A.Furstl08,PerftModel 110 Mayll-32C.D 1 1:53 ft 71 115 1 5 6s 7" FronkW 1500 8 Co,stockeryll7,J,ysEndll2,Dix.Lad 115 May 6-32C.D lj 1:47 ft 51 113 14 5 5s FronkW1 1500 7 Deemstrll3,B. ofLiliesl08,Recede 109 Apr30-32C.D lAl:51hy 51 113 9 6 71 510 FronkW" 1500 9 Stop Gap HO.JourneysEnd 105,Roy 115 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . . Starts, 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn 1931 record.. 27 5 2 8 $ 5,527 1932 record.. 6 1 0 0 $ 775 Fiddler X 1 90 Ch. h, 6, by Wlldair Sweet Lady, by Bock View. Work: June 201-2.. :50ft Trainer. A. Pelleteri. Owner, A. Pelleteri. Juo25-32Was 1:25 ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 2500 11 G.ofRosesl00,Tdtonel03,D.Rmiro 102 Jun. l-32JWas 2 1:12 ft 16-5 114 4 3 3 3s MeadeD 3000 9 BIackCometll3,GayPast 116,Rusty llo May25-32lWas 2 1:12 ft 12-5 116 6 4 34 3 MeadeD8 3000 8 BkCometlll.BackLogllS.FhHney 100 May 6 325Pim 2 1:12 ft 15 122 5 4 4 4s MeadeD4 . 400011 Sgt.DonsonllMnubis 100,Mexico 108 Apr28-324HdG 2 1:13 ft 31-10 116 3 3 3 21 MeadeD3 4000 6 Voltg,nl06,Sgt.Don,sonll6,M.Car,rll3 Apr20-323HdG 3 1:13 ft 6 118 2 4 41 11 MeadeD4 3800 7 BkTyronellS.VacilltelHDleHart 118 Aprl6-32HdG 3 1:14 ft 41 117 8 5 3 34 Smith J1 4000 12 Voltagn .Reg.BadnllO.DbleHrtir? . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. -Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . 1931 record. .24 5 5 5 $ 6,600 1932 record .,.18 4 4 5 ,625 YerJty Ballot X 104. Ch. f, 3, by Ballot Verity, by Ivan the Terrible. Work: June 273-8 :40sl J Trainer, F. A. Tansor. Owner, 1. A. Seregni. Jun.l7-32Was li 1:52 ft 105 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 1500 12 A.OrmtlOS.H.ScarmllM.Perfecn 110 Jun. 3-32Was 3 1:16 hy 61 98 5 8 7" 5" SaundersW 2500 10 Salisbury HO.Tony Joe 115,Lanier 110 May 7-324Aur 3 1:17 si 8 99 5 2 24 1 KingC1 2500 6 NsPridel07,O.Harborl07,CsChal,erl05 Mv 4-32Aur 3 1:20 hy31-10 101 2 2 3 1 KingC 1800 8 Imeldal03.DarkAyrlll,GudeReade 100 Feh24-32!F.G 1 1:47 ft 17 1091 7 7 6" 510 PoolE4 2500 7 Habanerol07,Beaverlll,L.Mryman 108 Feb20-32F.G 1A 1:48 gd37-10 109 7 6 84 79 McCoyJ 150010 N.Kuhlmanl08i,Makandal01,Orloff 101 Feb.ll-323F.G 1 1:48 ft 21-5 108 6 5 5 4s RileyHR 2500 9 OrGriefKB.AndoralOS.MissN.Clan 100 Placed second through disqualification , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 2 3 1 $ 2,036 1932 record. .10 3 11 ,775 BOD Romiro 1 OQ Blk B S by PaKan Fan Honna Roma, by Light Brigade. Work: June 253-4 1:19ft -L"- Trainer, J. H. Ebelhardt. Owner, Kceneland Stud Stable. Jua25-32Was 1 1:25 ft 14-5 102 6 2 23 31 WrightW4 2500 11 G.ofRoseslOO.TdertonelOSiMorsnf 112 Jua 9-32Vas 1 1:26 ft 11-5 110 9 3 2 24 LewisM 2500 12 W.AdvotelOS.SirSatinlOS.WthgtonllO Mayl2-32Pim 3 1:17 h41-10 116 2 1 2 4 McAuliffeD8 3000 12 HagerstnlOS.PtabitlOg.Wthingtn 110 AprlSBow I10 1:50 si 5 105 4 2 44 44 LewisM 3250 8 Gl.Marisl02,GalCourt HO.WlyLad 110 Apc 8-32Bow 3 1:12 ft 11-5 113 3 5 4 4 LewisM 4000 8 WiseCntll5,Reg.3dun 114,GayPtyllC Ape 5-32sBov 3 1:13 ft 2 115 5 3 3! I3 LewisM 3250 12 Vishnu 117. Common 115, Predict 117 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 7 1 0 5 $ 3,170 1932 record., 10 3 .1 2 ,625 Right Vintage X 1 OQ B. c, 3, by Nightwing -Vint Daphne, by Trojan. Work: June 18 lm.l:50sv Trainer. R. Jackson. Owner. Mrs. E. Jackson. Juo24.324Vas 1" 1:42 ft 16f 10610 8 10" 10" GloriosoV7 2500 10 UprightllO,Mar.Flynnll7,Tr.Judge 111 Jun. 7-3235 3 1:18hy 17 107 8 4 34 59 GloriosoV10 250012 Altm,rkl06,Bcnefit HO.JnePackard 104 Apcl9-32"HdG l 1:47 ft 16 109 2 9 914 9" GloriosoV3 325010 BwayLtsllO,DonTkerl05,BgRam 112 Nov27-314Bow 1 1:45 si 19-5 111 1 1 24 24 GilbertJ 3500 12 TripIeThreat 106,Meal08,Sandwrackll6 Nov20-31sBow 2 1:13 si 6 109 3 3 34 V GilbertJ 2500 12 StuartlM.WiseSellerlM.PtomRock 109 Novl4-31Pim 1A 1:46 ft 6! 103 1 1 P 1 NertneyW4 3000 9 G,ICourtl05,Habaneroll6,N.Edition 100 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 20 4 4 3 $ 4,525 1932 record.. 3 Scotland Bines X 1 OQ Ch f 3 by Caotain Alcock Blue Paradise, by Helmet. J- Vt7 Trainer, C. F. Davis. Owner, L. Grana. May22-32SD.M 5 f 1:08 ft 102 Lost rider. OrecchiaJ 8 V.CroftonlOO.BdMcGee 109,Sedreg 105 , MiVlf!Jar , JSft 10312 7 7,1 69 OrecchiaJ13 1000 12 Duplicityl07.DtStarl07,S.Princess 106 I iS311 1A 1: II 1 10L 107, 0rccchia", 1200 11 Cap.Danger 112,Timbusl07.RaAvis 102 1 Apt28-32Tan sc 1:12 ft 101 4 2 4i 44 OrecchiaJ1 1000 12 Wirtl09,DomtStarl09,VeraCrofton 101 ; 1931 record. .24 2 8 2 $ 2,000 1932 record. . 8 i j , I 1 ; Flag Time 190 r High M"-" Kte, by Saia. Work- June 273-8 -37sl Trainer. E. X. Fitzgerald. Owser. Korthway Stable. Jua23-32sVVas 2 1:12 ft 3-2 115 1 4 23 34 WoolfG 2500 12 SisAgnes HO.Sarazenll.llO.Mucker 115 May23 323Was 3 1:12 ft 17-5 118 3 3 3 5 SmithD 2500 12 Sobiehal07,BlkComet 118,Semester 105 andIayl4 324Tan 31:13 ft 117 2 11 13 FischerA 3000 8 Mild 110, Liolele 114, Ante Bellum 123 MayllTan 2 1:13 ft 111 3 2 31 34 JonesR 3000 9 AnteBellum 115, Liolele 108. Mild 109 Apr27-32sTan 3 1:13 ft 111 6 2 2 14 ArnoldL 3500 8 AeBellumll4,Sh.Bulletl07,Mucker 108 Aprl6 324Tan sc 1:09 ft 114 4 4 31 2 MoranW3 3900 7 Portcodine HO.Hot Shot 112,Usto 115 Apr 7-324Tan sc 1-10 ft 118 3 2 l 3 WoolfG v Cl Alhv 6 Gol.Statel06,GoLPrincell8.HtShot 118 Starts. 1t. 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .17 3 2 7 $ 4,025 1932 record. . 8 2 2 3 ,675 Suitor X 1 1 K Br. h, 6, by Tryster love Btory, by Bunstar. Work: June 22 lm. .l:43ft -1 Trainer. A. A. Baroni. Owner. A. A. Baroni. Jual8-32Was 2 1:15 si 24-5 110 3 6 419 4? WrightW 2500 10 Fly.Cherokcell5,BestManll5,Nacho 103 Junl6-32JVVas 3 1:14 gd 61 111 3 6 7i 8 WrightW 2500 12 RungWaterll6,Benefit 109,Fireflash 99 May 6-32Tan sc ldl ft 110 4 4 4 11 WrightW 1500 6 ChmgHmell5,T.Dago 115,Winslowll5 Apt25 32sTan 3 1-J4 ft 115 3 3 34 10 MaibenJ" 1800 12 CaliG.113,LadyVaVal08.DonAlvaro 113 Aprig Tan sc 1:10 ft 116 4 3 4 51 LongdnJ 1750 12 ShastaBullet 114.SunB. 104.CanG. Ill Aprl4 32Tan 2 1:13 ft 116 4 2 3 5" LongdnJ 2000 9 A.Blumll3,K.atArmsl08,Sh.Bullet 110 Apc6-32Tan 11:45 ft 108 7 7 711 8 RenoT 2500 8 Panda 103, Dacite 111, Foolhardy 108 Starts. tst 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .36 7 2 8 $ 7,969 1932 record. . 8 1 0 0 $ 525 Tnfinnf X lit B. g, 4, by Rugby RuBebb, by Rannynaede. Work- June 12 3-8 :39ft Trainer. J. Bainton. Owner. Lyda Mae 8tock Farm Stable. Jua23-32Was 2 1:13 "ft 41f 115- 5 7 10 12" GevingL 2500 12 Tmbercaull5,Vermajoll5,BestMan 115 Jual6-323Was 2 li4 gd 41 116 4 2 2 9 KnightM 2500 12 RungWaterll6,Benefit 109,Fireflash 99 Jun. 3 32Was 3 1:16 hy 19f 110 5 5 4 6s WrightW1 2500 12 Plumage 105,Panchio 115,BeslMan 110 Alay28-32Was g 1:25 ft 48 110 2 5 44 54 NeelJ" 2500 12 GrdPrcell5,MasrAcell0,Essential 108 May21-32Aur 21:14 ft 14 1152 2 11 lk NeelJ 1000 12 Bclevnotl20,A.Sorel 115,RanyBawl20 Mayl7-323Aur 2 1:13 ft 71 117 3 5 6 61 RichardA 1000 12 AndWdalOS.NoelsDrslOO.ThsSethllg r- Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. .22 1 2 2 $ 1,575 1932 record. .14 2 0 2 ,175 Beekeeper X 11 Ch. g, 0, by Star Master Honey Pot, by Sir Martin. Work- June 20 lm l-45ft Trainer, H. Weiss. Owner, L. Rosenberg. Jua24-32cWas 1and 1:53 ft" 30f 110 3 1 54 74 ArcaroE1 1500 12 SrMash HO.Luchon 112,SanPresto 115 JunlO 32Was ru 1:43 ft 61f 109 9 3 84 9" BazerW 150012 PanchiollO.PrDixonllO.Unc.Henry 110 May30 32Was U 1:53 ft 17f 105 2 4 8 10 NeelJ 1500 12 SouthSeasll5,PunishmntllO,Chum 115 Mayl9 32Spt 11:50 ft 71 110 69 PrivettW 1200 10 Greenwa!dl06,Oslo 106.S.Charmer 115 Mayl6 32Spt 1" 1:49 ft 9 115 9U ReevesR 800 10 U.CharlcyllS.L.CtogallAdlorT. 115 Mayl3-328Spt 1 10 ft 8 117 2 5 5 5 LandoltC" 1000 9 DrkAbbot 113, Yarrow 108, Skibo 113 Starts. 1st 2nd. 8rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record. .14 0 0 3 $ 90 1932 rt I. .10 1 1 0 $ 540 Ililim X 1 90 Br "y Bucnan Iracedes, by Tracery. Work- June 21 7-8 " 1 -30ft " --A"k Trainer. A. H. Sacre. Owner. Sophia Lee Stable. JunJ25-32Was 1 1:25 ft 17-5 115 8.9 9" 93 LewisM5 2500 11 G.ofRosesl00,Tdtonel03,D.Rmiro 102 JuL13-31"A.P U 1-6 gd27-10 113 6 4 4" 6" DePesoG 4000 6 Mthpiecell3,M.PowerllO,Robrack 111 JuL 4-31A.P 1 1:51 ft 71 107 3 3 21 21 WhitkerF" 4200 8 HisLast lOl.Totem 105,DarkEntry 112 Jua29 31A.P 1 1:38 ft 8 107 3 1 2" 41 ArnoldG 5000 9 Suitor 106. Lahor 116, Try It 105 Jua26-31sVVas 1 1:38 ft 61 112 2 5 54 341 EllisG 4500 7 Sister Zoe 111, Nostaw 118, Suitor 113 Jun.20-313Was 2 1:11 ft 91 HO 12 8 64 54 EllisG9 6000 12 BestMan 112, Cheers 112, Fiddler 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record. .19 1 4 4 $ 2,275 1932 record .. 1 Semester X 1 OQ B g 3 ty Sir Barton"-1?earl Mesta, by Wrack. Work: June 213-4 1:15ft " Trainer. B. B. Rice. Owner. P. N. Kjle. Jun. 9-32Was 1 13 ft 19-5 11011 3 3s 45 ArcaroE 1500 12 BdWalkrl06,LtAtmptllO,Geo.Jr. 110 Jun. 7-32sWas 2 1:18 hy 7 107 1 5 6 613 ArcaroE1 200012 Altm,rkl06,Benefit HO.JnePackard 104 May23-323Vas 2 1:12 ft 12 10511 8 5" 3s NeelJ3 2500 12 Sobiehal07.BrkComet H8.Unencd 110 MlSpt 6 f 1:21 ft 81 109 2 HarrisonM Hdcp 6 H.Workll2,P.Folly 109,JimOrmont 109 Mayl8 32Spt 1 1:46 ft 31 105 lu PrivettW 1500 7 EvelincF.lOg.Hamzadalll.CdHead 111 Mayl6 323Spt a 1 1:00 ft 9-5 113 1 McLarenJ 1200 10 GcorgeK. 101,JaIpur 106,BafngBill 106 Miyl2-32Spt 1TO 1:49 gd 61 106 l1 PrivettW 1000 7 H.ScarmlOS.ByProdtlOS.Stanova 113 -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 9 12 1 $ 1,600 1932 record.. 12 5 12 ,190 Loyal Companion 1 OQ Ch. t, 3 M, by Bachelor Bird My Best Girl, by Pagan Pan. Work- June 14 lm l-45ft " Trainer. J. Hizar. Owner, Chappell Bros. Juo23-32Was 1 1:52 ft 38f 107 9 12 12" 1230 TildenR 1500 12 Peace Lady 106, Draha 111, Niato 109 May20 323Aur 3 1:14 ft 29f 107 7 10 10 10 MontgyR 1000 12 BayRose 105,Normahal 108,Amour 108 Mayl4 323Aur 1and 1:48 ft 47-10f 96 1 9 123 12" MontgyR1 1000 12 yttleTootsl01,Duncsl01,MnPhase 106 May 9-323Aur 21:15 ft 39 109 9 8 91104 KingC 1200 12 Anne L. 115,Monde 115,GonLight 109 Mac23 323St.J 2 1:16 sy 3-2f 10210 13 13" 13 GilbertJ 1000 14 ChsCamillegg.HmScum H3.Baal 106 Mar 3 32Trp 2 1:12 ft 151 97 5 13 131 1338 MontgyR 1500 13 L,yLegsl07,DunnelIenll7,D,c,gBoy 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 record.. 6 La Goloildrina X 190 B. m. , by Flying Ebony Axalea, by Peep o Day. Work- June 195-8 104sl Trainer. A. C. Niehans. Owner, A. C. Niehaus. JuiL25-32Was 1 1:25 "ft 11 105 1 4 73 ll4 NeelJ10 2500 11 G.ofRoscslOO.TdtonclOS.D.Rmiro 102 May2132;Spt 6 i 1:22 ft 18-5 105 2 SylviaE 1000 10 ShastaLadll5.Cloido 109.RedGrangell5 Mayl7-32eSpt 6l f 1:22 ft 31 109 34 CheathamR .1000 9 B.Supinet 97,Kelso 114,J.Bartlett 105 Mayl4 32JSpt 6i 1 122 ft 10 110 l1 CheatmR 100010 5086116 106,50 106,50113 May 7-323Spt a jj lfl4 si 9 110 7TaylorW 1000 9 Monnie HO.TakeOH 120,MyBeauty 111 Mar29 32JSt.J 21:15 ft 34 111 4 6 64 9 CorbettC 1000 13 A.Epinardl06.Wtherpr,ni2.Bogan 111 Mar2132St.J 5J f 1K7 ft 6f 110 9 10 10 10 CorbettC 1000 13 Coots 114, Marabou 114, Valley 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 record. .19 2 1 3 $ 1,330 OderiC X 1 90 Br. r, 4, by Hand Hole Termila, by Jack Atkin. J.LjJ Trainer, C. D. Pryor. Owner, A. L. Trough. Oct27-314Lrl 1A 1:47 ft 24f 108 10 10 106 10s! SniderA11 2000 12 Arras 113, Dawdle lOO.AHColumbia 106 Oct22.31JLrl Ijg 1:47 ft 123 113 12 9 84 8s SniderA10 2000 12 Bubola 110, Trice 108. Sun Thorn 108 Au5lO-31"Tdn 1 1:46 sy 12 109 7 3 3 44 ArnoldG 1400 10 Highl,dFl,gl06,E.Full 105,PcsDare 104 JuL29-314Tdn 1" 1:42 ft 55 103 4 7 6 54 PrgrassA 1500 11 Burnam 104, Tack 113, Peggy J. 99 JuL18-314Tdn l40 1:45 gd 12f 101 6 1 21 34 PrgrassA 150012 A.Agentl.FrDawnlOO.A.Blanton 112 JuL8-318A.P 11:38 ft 136 105 3 2 4 ll,s MoranW10 2000 14 DisDamelOO.SwpPast lOO.O.Doctor 106 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931n.ord..l9 1 0 3 $ 750 French Honey 1 fA Cn- f. 8, by Epinard Honey Pot, by Sir Martin. Work: June 211-2.. :48ft yj Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Andley Farm 8table. Jua24-32JWas 2 1:11 ft 17 100 7 5 54 54 FischerHL 3000 10 DisJeanllLit.AmicalOS.PssIvre 107 Junll-32Was 2 1:12 ft 6 98 8 5 4 55 FscherHL 3000 12 Sobiehal08,JessieCarey lOb.Predictlllt lun. 2 323Was 2 1:15 rf 4 99 3 4 3 34 FischerHL 3500 7 VtaMdlOO.MksFirstlOS.J.Primse 107 May25 32Was 2 1:12 ft 15 100 5 3 44 44 FischerHL 3500 8 BrkComt lll.BckLog 118,Fiddler 116 Oct3031Lat 2 14 gd 2.111 1 1 21 21 PoolE0 4500 12 Minton 112, Carideo 112. Slash 112 Oct23 31sLat 2 1 3 ft 2 115 4 3 2 21 CallahanC1 Allw 7 FullUp 115,RoseTwig 115,A.Ormont 115 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won 8rnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. .16 2 4 3 $ 3,200 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 100 2nd Arlington Purse $,200. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Bar Hunter Sy2 Furlong Juy 18 1930 1 :05 2 112. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 tn ,500, Weight., 120 pounds. Non-winners of two races since March 30 allowed 3 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim" No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AceToday Pries 72213 10Gloritone .Was 113 1:06 112.. 3500 7 Prince Dunroyal 72073 13PolyPhote .... 105.. 3000 M 109 2500 72071 19LuciIIe K 101X 2500 72073 8 Mr. Swift M 111!! 2750 72171 20 Lillian Z.. Was 110 1:07 109.. 2500 72030 9 Stately Lady 72071 18 Mr. Joe 113X 3000 M 10GX 2500 72243 17Salinas 104. . 2500 72386 11 Black Sambo 72171 1 Prince Macaw M . . . .Was 110 1K8 109.. 2500 M.... Was 110 1:10 109.. 2500 12 Concisus M. 113.. 3000 719333 2 Veruzza 106X 2500 72302 14 Hour Zev M 71832 3 Lerack ...Was 119 1. -08 117.. 3500 Was 108 1:07 115.. 3250 71789 4Free Advice 723433 15 Bianoz M... M 104.. 2500 Was 116 1:06 113.. 3000 70309 5 Jimanec 117. . 3500 16 Double Deck 6 Tom Jack Jr. M 109. . 2500 M 109.. 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Falr mud runner. xGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets . won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Ols. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockej P.P.Cl.Pcs.Sts. Best Company Gloritone 119 Br f 2 by The Porter Blow and Easy, by Colin. Work: June 15 5-8. ,l:09m L-L1 Trainer. F. Fuerst. Owner, Mrs. M. B. Frice. Jua21-325Was 5 f 1:06 ft 11-5 113 5 7 5i 1 CorbettC5 3500 12 MissMclodyl05,AtTopsl05,Tiverton 107 Jun.l7-32Was J 1:00 ft 27-10 109 7 6 54 2" CorbettC 4000 12 Mr. Joe 108,Sun Gros HO.Snorky 112 Jun.7 325Was 1 1:04 hy 91 112 2 5 5 4 SmithJ3 500012 MissBrirtll2,Br.Parkll5,St.Chrisr 116 May30 32Was 1 1:00 ft 9-5 110 8 4 44 2tt AmbroseE 5000 12 St.ChrisherllS.LlyHillsHE.Snorky 113 Mayl9-324C.D 1 1:00 ft 17-10 115 7 2 21 24 AmbroseE 5000 10 LiqueurllS.ChuckB.llS.BnWaters 113, Mayl3-323C.D 1 1 dD0 ft 11-5 112 7 2 1 l4 AmbroseE .Allw 9 St.JsicallWhirlingll.LVmeGry 112 Marl6-32JF.G :35 ft 31-10 11610 7 84 84 BurkcJH 3000 12 M.Carefull22,HaroldJr.lll,Almadelel09 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 record.. 11 3 3 0 ,300 Polypliote 1 Ch f 2 by Eolymolian Sun Maiden, by Sundridee. Work: June 61-2.. -50sv -"-" Trainer. C. E. Davison. Owner, C. E. Davison. Junl7-32JWas 1 1:00 ft 1 107 1 2 2 54 JonesR3 4000 12 B,sOrph,nl04,St.Chris,rll5,Daudetlll-j Junl3-325Was g :59 ft 12-5 107 5 3 2 3 KnappL Allw 12 Esseff 109,Levaal HO.Le Bruyere 115 Jun. 9-323Was 1 :59 ft 41 1111 1 1 ll 2 WoolfG1 AUw 12 NitumallGdScoutllSptanLdy 109 Jun. 1-32Was g 1:00 ft 6e 115 2 3 1 1 WooHG Maid 12 Mintogeell5,Primute 115,Os.Prccss 115 Mayl6-32Bel 4 wc :53 ft 20e 103 6 6 74 61 KnappL11 2500 20 ChfDauntlOS.AdorrdllO.GnWords 105 Mayl3 32Bel 4iwc 2,gd 20 10411 5 7 913 KnappL1 5000 16 BrkParkll6,Algeriall3,Fl,borough 116 May 9-32Jam g 1:01 m 6e 114 7 Pulled up. EnsorL" 4500 12 ViaAppialM.FlsePietylM.GrsTradelM , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1932 mord... 7 1 1 1 J 975 IiUCille K. X 1 01 B f 2 by Whiskalong Grief, by Polymelian. Work: June 21 5-8; .. .1:05ft J-UJ. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner, fl. M. Woolf. JmXIandfXias 1 1:00 ft 19-10 109 6 1 2 6s. AHenCE 4000 12 Mr.Joe 108,GIoritone 109,Sun Gros 110 Apr27-324HdG 4 f :55 ft 91 119 6 6 9i 13TI AHenCE14 Stks lb Cattail 117,Paint Box 117,Cruising 117 Apd8 32HdG 4i f 34 ft 1 119 3 2 ?i 24 AHenCE9 Allw 12 Snaplockll2.S,g,lHill 118,T.Daggersll2 Mac 6 32Hav i :51 hy 7-5 121 2 1 2" Is AHenCE Stks 4 OliveSabath 118,Lerack 121. Spero 115 Febl3 32Hia g :34 ft 8-5 125 1 14 1 AHenCE Allw 14 Lcvaal 125. Okapi 125, Maeantic 115 Feb. 6-32Hia 2 f 29 ft 17-10 124 1 14 11 AHenCE Allw 13 Okapi 122, Shavings 114. Helios 122 Jaa28-32lHia i 22 ft 7-5 114 1 1 1 AHenCE1 4000 14 Meanyll3.DuskvDamollO.Dark War 110 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 10 5 3 0 ,990 Lillian Z. 1 OQ Ch 2 by Pennant Marino, by Verdun. Work: June 181-2 :55sv Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner. M. B. Cohn. Juo23-322Was 5 f 1:06 ft 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 8 5000 12 O.Hillsidelll.Polygenyl08,BxPark 116 Jua20-325Was 5 f 1:07 ft 49-10 110 2 1 1 ll LeylandJ 2500 12 Stimoway HO.Hopuiikit 113,Voltina 110 Jun. 2 32Was 1:02 gd21-10 116 10 8 6 710 LeylandJ 2250 12 MissMelodyll0.VoItinal09,NextCaII 112 Mayl9 32Aur g 1:01 ft 2 110 5 1 1 1" LeylandJ 2400 12 B,nieCapl04.J.Macawl04,LveApple 115 Mayl3 32Aur 1 1:01 ft 6 111 7 1 1 1 LeylandJ" 1300 12 PrcipalityllO.FrdJohnllS.Uphval 102 M8 32St.J i :49 ft 29f 109 6 4 2 2 LeylandJ 150012 Sgt Hill llO.SocialBeelOl.GdnHuelOa Madl32,TrP i :48 ft 7Jf 116 8 8 7U 8" ElstonH" Maid 12 Go,nPrVessll6,ToyT,nlland,LraClay 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 10 3 10 ,975 Mr. Joe X 1 1 Q B. c, 2, by. Pot au Feu Acushla III., by Pits Herbert. Work: June 24 5-8. .l-04ft Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, C. C. Van Meter. JuaUWas g 1:00 ft 6 108 8 4 31 lk McCoyJ 4000 12 Gloritone 109,SunGros llO.Snorky 112 Jual3-32Was 1 1:00 ft 31 115 4 1 1 2 JonesR4 Maid 12 Daudet 115.HourZev 115. Glynson 115 Jun. l-325Was 1:01 ft 39-10 110 7 2 11 2"k FisherH" 2000 12 RedRW110,HopuIikitll2,Veruzza 109 May27-32Was g 1:04 hy 9 115 4 3 3 2 FisherH Maid 12 Sil.Shot 115,Interpreterll5,Fly.FIeetll5 . -Starts. 1st. .2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. . 4 1 3 0 $ 1,200 Salinas 1 04. B, f. 2, by Easter Bells Kinau, by Rodgers. J-Vx Trainer. W. B. Finnegan. Owner, Mrs. A. Compton. Jua21-323R.P 5 f 1:09 gd 6-5 105 14 MattB 2000 8 CoI.Clsterl01,DixieBinder96,HalIock 96 Jun.l5-323R.P :47 ft 24-5 108 431 GroosP Hdcp 4 SinggRivr93,HighShot 94,ArIeenC. 103 May30-325R.P :49 sy 14-5 118 44 HeadrickR Allw 7 AileenC. 118,Dimockl21,BelIeDelit 110 Apt 6 32Tan i :49 ft 114 4 2 2 14 MaibenJ Md-Cl 12 Dimockll7.HidnGoldll4.LovelyHillsll4 Mar31-32ITan 4- :49 ft 112 4 2 3 3 MaibenJ4 Md-Cl 12 Galagoldll2.Lov,yHillsll2.PrtyFr,chll4 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 5 2 0 1 $ 975 Prince Macaw TOQ Br c 2 Mt by Macaw Mary An by Omar Khayyam. Work: Juno 17 5-8. .1:02 ft J Trainer. P. Reuter. Owner. J. Marsch. Juo20-323Was 54 f 1:07 ft 43f 110 11 12 11" 1014 CchfieldC 2500 12 LiIlianZ.110,Stimowayll0,Hopulikit 113 Mayl7-323C.D 1 1:02 ft 17f 113 8 12 12" 12" BurleyF" 2000 12 Arousell8,Palatinell3,DroamyBelIe 110 Feb24-323F.G g :35 gd 35 116 10 8 810 831 RobleH" 2500 12 GI6ritonell3,LaContsall3,C.Squarell3 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 3 .VerilZZa X 1 O Ch. f, 2, by Dunlin Lady Fern, by Hippodrome. Work: June 17 3-8.. :37ft Trainer, A. L. Jones. Owner. J. Emery. Juo21-323Was 5 f 1:06 ft . 107 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 2000 12 Gloritonell3,MissMelodyl05,AtTops 105 Jun.l4-323Was 1:03 sy 33-10 110 4 5 2 21 JonesR4 2000 12 Bag.MissllO.TivertonllO.IndnMist 112 Jun.l-323Was 1 1:01 ft 10 109 5 1 2 431 JonesR 2000 12 RedRmerllO.Mr.Joe HO.Hopulikit 112 May25-323Vas 1 1:01 ft 28f 110 10 9 10" 741 JonesR" Allw 12 Nituma 112.HiIena 108.Absolution 110 Feb.ll-32A.C g 36 m 3 111 8 9 8" 8,B JonesR 2000 10 PnaFkal07.S.McKerlll.JoeMcaw 99 Jan.l5-32A.C g -35 sy 15 115 4 2 1 H JonesR1 Maid 9 SisMcKeeverllS.Sntr.ettellS.Rizla 117 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record. . 5 1 1 0 $ 600 Lerack 117 B. g, 2, by Title Bella Wrack, by Wrack. Work: Juno 195-8. .l:03sl Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner. Mrs. A. H. Smith. Jun.ll-32Was 5 f 1:06 ft 18f 119 6 9 10" 13" WoolfG Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBill 114,InHigh 122 Jun. 4-32-Was 1 1:01 si 25 115 7 3 3 44 AHenCE" Allw 12 RedWhkUS.LeByerellS.Meturus 108 May21-32 Aur g 1:00 ft 4 118 4 6 5s 51 CoxD Allw 11 SySid,upl04.M,sBcIal02i,P.Frnka 112 MaylO-32Aur 4 f :54 ft 4 118 5 1 14 Is CoxD" 2000 12 SySideuplOLyWesty 106,GoEasy 104 Sur 4if :58 sI3310 111 3 3 3s 3 CoxD1 2000 8 Figuristel08.SirMichael 108,StmbuI 111 1 U k :28sl 26e110 71111" Sl CoxD10 Allw 12 Modesto 108.Meanyll0.StraitJacket 103 14" k hy 2 118 3 3 ? 7,2 AHenCE4 Allw 8 VictoouslOg.AdeldeA.lOg.Hopikit 115 Mac 6 a25Hav i 1 hy 2e 121 1 4 44i 31 PerniaO Stks 4 LucilIeK.121.01iveSabathU8.SPero 115 i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record. .13 3 2 2 $ 2;250 Free Adrice 104- Br 2 Ml 1,7 as:a,, Pan Zamora, by Order. Wor" June 19 5-R. .l:04sl Trainer, E. Johnson. Owner, Mrs. E. Johnson. Jua25-32Was 5 f 1:07 ft 103 SCRATCHED. Post P. 20 2000 12 Meloy Ul.OldJudge 108,RexRegent 108 JunlO-324Was 1 1:00 ft 32f 109 2 12 11!J 11" GloriosoV3 2000 12 Mintogeel06,Merovech 109,Fly.FIeet 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 1 JimailCe 117 B" c 2 by Wrack lady lovely, by McGee. Work: June 25 5-8. .l:01ft Trainer, E. 1. Fitzgerald. Owner, Northway Stable. May 4-325C.D 4 f :54 ft 35f 115 4 8 8" 84 SmithD1 Allw 12 Othwisell5,LeByerell5,DryRidgo 115 Aprl6-32Tan 4, :48 ft 115 6 8 75J 5"1 MoranW1 20000 8 Snorkyll8,PanaFranka 115,SilkRag 115 Apnl-32lTan i :48 ft 115 711 7i l1 MoranW4 Md-CI 12 RolChof 115,DuckSoupl5,HighShot 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-x 1932 record.. 3 10 0 $ 350 .Tom Tack Jr. 1 OQ Ch" c 2-M by Sun Pal Hermoso, by Alvescot. Work: June 233-8. . :35ft U V Trainer, C. E. Gross. Owner, C. H. Knebelkamp. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Prince DlUiroyal 1 OQ Ch. c, 2 M, by Dunlin Royal Fern, by Royal Canopy. Work: Juno 27 1-2 :50slJ-,Jy Trainer, W. X. Hoag. Owner, P. I. Krick. , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Mr. Swift 111 c 2 M by Swft and Sure Cherry Court, by Black Jester. X Trainer. R. E. Potts. Owner, P. A. Markey. Jual7-32Was 1:00 ft 17f 110112 10 10,J ll10 AndsonA" 4000 12 BsOrphn.St.ChrisrllS.DaudetlllA JunlO-324Was 1 1:00 ft 15 110 3 8 8,s 7" McAufeD 2000 12 Mintogeel06,Merovech 109,Fly .Fleet 110 Jun.3-323Was g 1:03 hy 76 111 12 11 ll11 9,s MacffeD 3000 12 Liqueurll5.LukeCnell 109,Hnandolll . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 3 Stately lady X 1 f Br. f, 2 M, by Ambassador IV Grandess, by Cesarion. Work: June 193-8.. :37sl xyjxJ Trainer, J. M. Milburn. Owner, J. E. Hughes. Junl6-32,Was g 1:01 gd 13 112 9 8 65i 63i BurleyF 2500 12 Glamorous 112,FairImagel07,AtTop 112 Jun. 6-323Was g 1:04 m 49-10 115 2 4 3 4 4 CunhamL Maid 6 DleShufflollS.TyLassllS.DyLass 115 May26-32Was g 1:04 m 7if 117 8 4 ? 24 CunhamL" 2000 12 LovlyHillsllO.MomsPlylia.L.GrtiellS May20-32Aur g 1K0 ft 63 108 3 5 54 64 BogskiW 1200 12 Ind.MistlO7.LdyWestyl09,A.Adelia 110 Mayl7-32Aur g 1K30 ft 21f 114 11 10 9" 8 GroosP Maid 12 SySideupllMksBelal.FndJhn 115 MaylO-32Aur 4i f 4 ft 24 11011 8 8i 64 GroosP9 1500 12 Lerackll8,SnySideupl02,LyWesty 106 May 6-32Aur 4J f 5 gd 8 111 1 2 2 44 GroosP1 1600 12 AIIFlornlOS.Cl.DrmllO.LdyWesty 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .11 0 1 1 $ 250 Black SambO 1 HQ B B 2 M by Black Servant Bernice Harrar, by Superman. Work: June 20 5-8.. lKlft X U Trainer. N. K. Eeal. Owner, K. K. Gilpin. Jua25-32!Was 5 f 1:07 ft 5 110 4 6 4 44 AndsonA 2500 12 Meloy Ul.OldJudge 108,RexRegent 108 May 4-324 4i f :54 ft 13f 110 7 5 6" 54 ElstonH3 4000 12 StrollAlong 115,Vendace lll,Jestingll2 Apr21-321HdG 4J f 4 ft 15f 116 10 11 7i 6J ElstonH3 250012 Ballygran 116,Br.Patternll6,Nomin 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 C 0 0 $ 25 ConcisnS 113 Ch- B- 2 M by Wigstone Probity, by Broomstick. Work: June 245-8 1:02ft L-Lt Trainer, V. Crane. Owner, Mrs. V. Crane. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Hour ZeT 11- Blk e 2 M by Zev Vesper Hour, by Star Shoot. Work: June 273-8.. :38sl -L-Lt- Tiainer, F. Swam. Owner, F. M. Grabner. Jua23-323Was 5 f 1:06 ft 29 108 1 7 710 6C1 SmithJ2 5000 12 O.Hillsidelll,Polygenyl08,BxPark 116 JurL20-32Was 5i f 1:06 ft 16 115 7 6 6 1" MeyerC" Maid 12 RlBlunderll5,BrdBill HS.CapnJoyllS Juol3-32Was g 1:00 ft 44 115 3 3 33 3 AHenCE Maid 12 Daudet 115, Mr. Joe 115, Glynson 115 Jun. 4-32Was g 11 si 28f 108 1 10 11" 109 LewisM1 Allw 12 RedWhkllS.LeBierellS.Moturus 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 5 0 0 1 $ 75 Bianoz 1 1 O Br. g, 2 M. by Jim Gaffney Hester R., by Plaudit. Work: June 23 5-8. .l:03ft Lt Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner. Albert Sabath. Jua24-32,Was 51, f 1:06 ft 8 116 2 2 2 3l AHenCE Maid 12 Llandaff 116,ChIey0.116,HighDiverll6 Jun.9-32Was g 1KX ft 2 112 1 1 34 34 AHenCE 2500 12Alpers 112, Volwood 112, Sid Lea 112 My31-32Was g 1:00 ft 7 115 4 2 25 34 PoolE3 2000 12 Asia 115, Flying Fleet 115, Alpors 115 Mayl8-32C.D g 1:01 ft 21f 115 2 6 6" 64-PoolE Maidl2 NthMill 115,VennieH.115.P,sCstianll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .4 0 0 3 $ 225 Double Deck 1 OQ Br. c, 2 M, by Double Entendre Miss Meddler, by Flot- J-Vt7 sam II. Trainer, Ji M. Hizar. Owner, Chappel Bros, fcnv 9-32Was g 1:00 ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 250012Alpers 112, Volwood 112, Bianoz 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 3rd Arlington dengowrie Purse. Purse ,200. 3-Year-Olds. Allow- Mile ances. Epithet, July 25, 1931 1:1 0y531 12. Index Post r-Best at Distance . Wt. Claim Index Post --Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeTod ay Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 72117 8 Sunmolus ..Bel 112 1:13 112X 66152 1 Chesney M.. :72345 10 Big Brand Was 110 1:13 112.. . Haw 115 1:18 110.. 71405 7 Dornoch ...Bel 112 1:13 112X . 71977 2 Lady TeddyWas 103 1:20U 107.. 72259 6 Sir Satin... A.C 95 1:11 112X 66383 . 3 Dattner M . 71015 4 Watch Him . ....... Haw 115 1:19 110.. M Jaml07 1;14 110X , 71308 9 Mocker. M... 107.. 70657 5 Southtour Pirn 105 1:16 107X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931.. Falr mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Bracketa A on Ist itart; fijfures or 2nd or 3rd last start: auDrentice allowanca. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing" record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Ols. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey 1. P CI. Pee Sts. Best Company SunmeluS X 119 B. c, 3, by Sun Briar Polyxena, by Polymelian. JL JL Li Trainer. T. Woodcock. Owner. W. S. Kilmer. Jual8-325Was 1 2:10 si 18 118113 5 6SmithJ9 Stks 11 GustollS.OsculatorllS.PreHotspur 118 Jun.16 32!Was 1 1:37 ft 7-5 105 7 2 2" 24 ElliottW Allw 8 LteDatelOS.PortmteaullSJrincra 108 Jun.13 325Was 1 1:41 ft 28 110 6 1 2 3l ElliottW Allw 9 AdobePost 112,Yonkel HO.BigBoau 110 Jun. 4 325Bel 1 2:32 ft 20 126 7 3 45i 8" ElliotW Stks 11 Faireno 126.0sculator 126,FlagPoIe 126 Maj-28 324Bel 1 1:39 sy 12 118 7 7 51 4 PascumaA Stks 7 Boatswnll8,Osculatorll8.Pbypair 118 May20 32BeI J mc 1:12 ft 15 11212 8 8 54 ElliottW5 Allw 14 MdKightl.JiniRobinllli.Dornh 112 Octl6 31Lrl 11:40 si 1 108 5 1 2 2 PhillipsC1 Allw 7 OverTimel08.MdKnightl08,Ellay 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 7 113 $ 2,950 1932 record. . 6 0 11 $ 650 Bif? Brand 119 Br c 3 t7 BIff Blaze Miss lady, by Pataud. Work Juno 27 3-8 -39sl Trainer. F. F. Brant. Owner. T. H. McCaffrey. Jua24-325Was 11:37 ft 8-5 110 4 5 3 l4 AHenCE Maid 11 Renewedll0,Subtletyl05,PluckyGirl 105 Juo20-324Was f 1:12 ft 56f 110 9 10 10,B 8 SmithJ Allw 12 Sundot 112, Ervast 110, Back Log 110 JuL18 31Lat 51, f 1:08 gd 62 115 6 6 3 2 Russellli Maid 12 MonksFirst 115,Votan 115.B :usterll5 JuL 8-31Lat 5i f 1:06 ft 60f 108 .11 11 11" 11" RussellK Allw 12 OurFancyll5,OhDavoll5.MyPrince 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 4 1931 record.. 2 0 1 0 5 200 1932 record. . 2 1 0 0 $ 750 DomOCll X 119 Ch. g, 3, by Donnacona Dearie, by Sweep. Work- June 24 3-4 l-15ft " Trainer, J. W. Hsaly. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Whitney. Jun. 2-32Was l:l3gd 37 109 8 6 8n 919 GuerraJ5 Allw 11 PsCamelialOg.Pr.HspurlOgj.field 109 May28-32:,Was 1:12 ft 21 106 6 5 64 6" GuerraJ Allw 6 Trinchera 108,BigBeau 106,Ladficld 111 May20 32BoI 2 mc 1:12 ft 20 112 3 5 24 3 EnsorL1 Allw 14 MdKntl.JimRobinlll i.O.Master 112 May 7 325Jam J 1:14 gd 7 114 6 5 5i 54 LeischnR Allw 10 SpngFeverllO,Beguilel20.RedCoat 110 May 3 32Mam i 1:12 ft 12 110 3 3 3s 2 MalleyT4 Allw 6 Condescendll9,Sp Feverl05.W.Him 107 Apr29-32sJam 1:13 ft 10 118 5 4 44 4 McAteeL Allw 11 BrdKnightll2,RcdCoat 112.Gnette 107 Aprl6 32Jam 5i f 1:06 ft 12 113 10 7 11" ll14 EllisG Allw 12 HaHall3.Waylayerll3.Renaissance 119 Ape 9 32Bow 3 1:13 sy 8-5 116 111 1 RobtsnA" Maid 12 Burnsidell6.Hurawayll6,SingleKay 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. -10 12 1 $ 1,300 Sir Satin X 119 Br. gr, 3, by White Satin Miss Oertel, by Handsel. Work: June 19 7-8. . . .l:38ad --J- Trainer. A. L. Jones. Owner. A. L. Jones. Jua22-32Was 1 1:52 ft 4i 110 1 2 64 510 JonesR 1500 10 Chicon 108, Prefer 100, Flying 105 Jun. 9 32JWas 1 1:26 ft 11 108 10 4 34 34 JonesR5 2000 12 W.AdvotolOS.D.RmirollO.WthtonllO Jun. 2-324Was 1 1:39 gd 14 108 5 2 7n 9" JonesR1 2000 12 Zida 105. Blast 115, Jane Packard 98 Mayll 32Tan l19 1:46 ft 110 4 3 l" 14 JonesR 2000 7 B.oPeacellO,LasPaImasl05,Nugent 110 May 4 323Tan sc 1:12 ft 112 4 1 U 1 JonesR 2000 9 NoFun 112,Peterkin 112.Call toArmsll2 Apr29 32Tan l 1:45 ft 110 1 1 4 4if JonesR1 2000 7 Prince Volta 105, Ono 110. Atcines 105 fPIaccd third through disqualification. pr26 325Tan sc 1:10 ft 113 1 1 2 2J JonesR 1800 11 GoldStkll. 105,Peterkinll0,Nugont 120 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1931 record.. 11 2 3 2 $ 2,400 1932 record. .24 4 5 5 ,620 Watch Him X 110 Ch. c, 3 M, by Fair Wind Watch Me, by Luke McLuke. Work: June 253-8.. :35ft Trainer. W. Knapp. Owner. Mrs. J. Hertz. Ma-23-32IBel 1 1:24 ft 13-5 112 5 12 2 SteffenE" Allw 17 Tug o Warll2,PoloBarll2,WellPed 112 May 3-32sJam i 1:12 ft 15 107 4 5 4 4 SteffenE Allw 6 Condescendll9,DornochllO,S.Fever 105 Sep.l6 31Bel 5 ".wc 1:04 ft 4 117 6 7 54 2 SteffenE 5000 9 Jambalayalll,Whiskglll,Common 107 Sepll 31Bel 50 1K6 ft 10 110 3 3 31 3 SteffenE 5000 12 Whisking 109, Villon 116,StimuIator 116 Aug.28-3rSar 5if l07m 8 11011 7 41 4 SteffenE4 5000 16 FeatherwtlOO.CommnlOS.Uncanny 121 Aug21-313Sar 5 f 1:06 ft 20 107 7 9 8 84 SteffenE 6000 14 ToweellO,PcessCameliall6,Faireno 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . 1931 record. . 8 0 2 4 $ 825 1932 record. . 2 0 1 0 200 SoutlltOUr X 1 07 Gr. f, 3, by Tournament II. Southern Star, by Marathon. Work- June 24 3-4 l-17ft " Trainer. D. T. Morris. Owner. Mrs. W. W. Vaughan. Mayl2-32Pim 3 1:17 hy "23 105 1 7 10" ll19 HebertS" 2500 12 Hagerstnl08,Ptabitl09.Wthingtn 110 May 7-323Pim 3 1:12 ft 45 105 2 4 7" 7" HebertS 3500 7 WiseCntll6,Mexico H4,Voltagreen 118 Augl8-31JD.P 1:00 ft 14 110 113 4 KornW 2500 12 AbeFstlOS.CtonTimelOS.RVwDce 102 JuL6 31Lat 5i f 1:08- gd 56 112 1 3 9" 918 SmithV Allw 10 A.Ormontll2.C.Foxll2,ShakerLady 112 Jua27-31,Lat 5i f 1:06 ft 52 105 1 4 6" 7" RileyG Allw 8 PrsDreaml05.BandTimell3,C.Fox 105 Junl3 314Bb- I 9 ft 18 108 1 1 3 33 HornF1 Allw 10 AtasPal Hl.Fr.AImylW.O.ChycotellS May27-31Bbg g 1.-00 ft 16 106 3 3 4 8i HardyL" Allw 12 Tempusll5.FdAImyl08,NoahsPride 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 10 111 $ 1,125 1932 record. . 2 Cliesney 110 B. c, 3 M, by Prince Pal Aphie Dear, by Ivan the Terrible. Work: June 25 3-8.. :38ft J-J- Trainer, W. Pinch. Owner, O. W. Lehmann. Octl9-3rHaw 1:16 ft 139 115 3 7 84 8" WatsoriR Maid 12 L.Gmblell5,B.Bbonll5,F.Grbner 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 1 Lady Teddy 107 B 3 by Slr Gal,ahaa in. Embassy, by Ambassador IV. Work- June 27 3-8 -36sl Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner. Three Ds Stock Farm Stable. Jual5-324Was 3 1:16 hy 69 103 6 6 629 6" PichonL AUw 6 Smear 112, Manta 108, CampBoss 112 JuL22 31A.P 5i f 1:11 hy49 10 113 6 5 714 7M DyerP Allw 7 GalaFlightU3,AHRowesl09,Sti.r.dla li2 JuL17-31A.P 5i f 1:06 ft 71 114 1 1 6I 7U DyerP1 Allw 7 CI3ellpn4.0s illation 114.G.Flicht 114 JuL 6-314A.P :59 ft 81 115 8 9 8" 74 DyerP Allw 12 CollBellollO.S. Veils HO.WhiteFlier 110 Juo30-31JA.P i -59 ft 24-5 108 7 6 74 719 DyerP Allw 9 P.Camoi;all7,B.Beansl20,D.Soekor 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 5 1 0 0 $ 900 1932 record. . 1 Dattnei 110 B. c, 3 M, by Vulcain Marie Blanche, by Watervab. Work- June 19 5-8 l-04sl Trainer, A. G. Woodman. Owner, Mrs. A. G. Woodman. Oct27-3i,Haw 31d7.hy "23f 114 5 4 5 71S Cunl.amL4 Maid 10 W.Advoell4,F.Grabr 114,Pr.Ascot 114 Octl9-31lHaw 31:16 ft 32f 115 12 10 10" 121 BogskiW Maid 12 L.Gmblell5,B.Bbonll5,F.Grbner 115 Oct 7-31Haw 3 1:15 gd 104 115 8 4 711 9" FageL" Maid 12 WlyLadllS.F.GbnerllS.BedBbon 115 Sep28-31Haw fl:16gd 55 114 10 10 ll50 11J JamesE Maid 11 Adsum 114.FoxChase 114,Chilhoma 114 . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 4 . Jlocker 1 07 Br. f, 3 M, by ladkin Ridicule II., by Black Jester. Work- June 21 lm l-44ft Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner, Le Mar Stock Farm Stable. May31-32sBel g 1:26 ft 30 107 7 4 6i lO3 WimmerR11 350018 AllRowesl07,S.Burdonl09,GaltLass 102 Apt22-323HdG 5 f 1K7 ft 48f 110 9 10 10,B 94 SchutteH8 Allw 12 Autumnal HO.Boscobcl 115,LnNeli 115 , -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 2 4th Arlington Frst R"nn"g Gold Coast Claiming Stakes. ,500 , Added. 2-Year-Olds. Colts and Geldings. Bar Hun- 52 r UrlongS ter, July 1 8, 1 9301 :05 2 1 1 2. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,000. Weight, 122 pounds. Index Post r-Bestat Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -BestatDistance-N Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeTodav Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 72114 lLiqueur ...Was 119 1:07 103X 5000 72302 6 Strideaway ... 108.. 5000 72169 4 Parting Shot 71209 7 Opinion 114.. 6500 M ...Was 115 1:08 108.. 5000 71832 10 Metaurus M. 72343 11 Llandaff ..Was 116 1:06 108.. 5000 .........Was 114 1:06 108.. 5000 705992 8 Pompoleon M 108.. 5000 71662 12 Luke Conncll .. 108X 5000 72302 5 Old HillsidcWas 111 1:06 108.. 5003 71885 13 Le Bruyere Was 119 1:08 118X 7500 71832 9 Lerack ....Was 119 1:08 108.. 5000 H. P. Headley entry Liqueur, Parting Shot. W. R. 71822 2 Bobbing 110X 5500 Coe entry Pompoleon, Llandaff. 71400 3 Ogee M...... 108.. 5000 Best tlme3 shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or , 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dts. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. FJn. Jockey IM CI.Pce.Sts. Best Company Liqueur X 10 B. g, 2, by Supremus Triple See, by Zeltinger. Work- June 16 5-8 l-04sl J-"- Trainer, D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. Jun.l8-32JWas 1 1:03" si 24-5 113 1 5 5 5" LandoltC1 Allw 7 WiscAnnel07,C,sinNoral03,L.Cnollyl04 Jun.ll-32Was 5 f 1:06 ft 15 119 112" 94 LandoltC Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBill 114,InHigh 122 Jun. 7-32Was 1 1:04 hy 16-5 118 5 2 3 5" LandoltC10 500012 MissBrirtll2,Br.Parkll5,St.Chrisr 116 Jun. 3-322Was 1 1:03 hy 2 115 1 1 1 l1 LandoltC1 4000 12 L.Conll 109,Hnandolll,ChfDauntl05 May26-32Was f 1:05 hy 17-10 115 4 11 31 CorbettC Allw 11 LeBrercllS.NthMill 115,01dHillsidell5 Mayl9 324C.D 1:00 ft 2 118 3 1 1 11 CorbettC 5000 10 GIoritonellS.CbuckB.llS.B.Waters 113 Mayl4-325C.D 1 1:00 ft 22-5 122 5 3 631 51 MeyerC Stks 11 InHigh 117,RedWhisk 122,LevaaI 122 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .11 3 12 ,500 Parting SllOt 108 B. c, 2 M, by Supremus Helen Barbee. by Peep o" Day. -LUO Trainer, D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. JunOWas 5 f 1:06 ft 63 f 115 911 8 41 CorbettC8 Maid 12 RIBIunderll5,- -dBill 115,CapnJoyll5 Jun. 4-32Was 1 1K1 si 159 109 2 9 914 94 McAuffeD4 Allw 12 RcdWhkllS.LeByerollS.Meturus 108 Ape 9-32Bow i :49 sy 42 114 11 12 12" 11" MorsonR1 Allw 12 FouITipll4.Cattail U4,MissBrilliant 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1932 record.. 3 0 0 0 $ 25 Llandaff 1 OR B- c, 2, by Polymelian Welsh Maid, by Llangwm. Work: June 231-2 :53ft Trainer, B. Creech. Owner. W. R. Coe. Juo24-32Was 5 f 1:06 ft 6-5 116 111 ll JonesR Maid 12 CharIey0.116,Bianoz 116,HigliDiver 116 Jurd.l-325Was 5 f 1:06 ft 18f 114 12 13 11" Tl KnappL10 Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBill 114,InHigh 122 May31-3?Bol 4 ".fwc :52 ft 8 106 5 4 2 3 KnappL" 4500 17 Tincma 103i, Algeria 112. WavcOn 111 May25 325Bel4iwc 2 ft 10 117 1 8 9J1 41 KnappL Maid 14 LoughPortll7,Psychell4,StTgaway 117 Ma-21-325Bel 4iwc -.52 ft 4 117 2 6 51 5 KnappL4 Maid 8 Rapsclionll7,KryPatch 117,Maebcell5 Mayl4-32JBel 4iwc :53 ft 11-20 117 7 2 31 3 McAteeL" Maid 11 ThreoDgersll7,MhKingll7,Joviousll7 May 7 325Jam 1:00 gd 20e 112 2 3 34 2" KnappL1 Stks 9 Disdnful 114,Holiosll7,Pomponius 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record . . 9 1 1 3 $ 2,050 FompoleOIl 1 OS B Ci 2 ty ron,Pey Polygon, by Polymelus. Work: June 25 5-8 1:01ft iV Trainer. B. Creech. Owner, W. R. Coe. Mayll-325Jam 1 1:00 gd 4-5 112 3 2 21 2" RobtsonA4 Maid 11 Fly.Dragonll2,YrsFlash 112,LastBidll0 Apc30-325Jam 1:00 ft 8 116 4 4 31 3 KnappL" lAllw 12 Screech 113, Maradadi 113, Denbn :.llrj-Apd6-32Jam glKl ft 6 118 12 12 121 12" 5hpshireE Maid 15 SandyBill 118,Revonah llS.Hc-lpMe lla i Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd, .-Won.-, 1QX2 r,.J. 2 0 112 joa Old Hillside TOR B. r, 2, hy In Mcmoriam Grace Hinartf, by Fronteaae. Work: Mav 311-2.. :48ft 1 WO Trainer. W. Xewis. Owner, W. F. Axton. Juo23-323Was 5 f 1:06 ft 30 111 6 1 l1 Is MeadeD 5000 12 FrygcnylOS.BronxPklie.Hernndo 111 i Jual7-32Was 1 1:00 ft 24 110 1 3 44 7i FisherH1 4000 12 Mr. Joe 108,GIoritone 109,Sun Gros 110 Juall-325Vas 5i f 1:06 ft 18f 116 10 10 14 14" MeadeD8 Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBi!I 114,lnHigh 122 Jun. 6 323Was 1:02 sy 16 109 2 5 9" 11 TildenR3 Allw 11 Projectile 110,Lovaal llO.HdPIay 110 May26 323Was J 1:05 hy 30 115 7 7 64 44 FisherH8 Allvv 11 LcBruycre 115.NthMilI 115, Liqueurll5 May21-32CD g 1:00 ft 13 5 115 5 1 1 14FishcrH13 Maid 12 Mt.Wastonll5,TVniquell2,N.Quit 115 MayM 320.0 1:00 ft 35 117 4 8 81 9i LandoItC1 Stks 11 InHigh 117.RedWhisk 122,Levaal 122 Mayll XT.D 1 1.-01 ft 49 1091 1 3 2 2 GarncrW Allw 7 Othnvisoll8,CrrckB.115, Venetian 110$ , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 9 2 10 5 1,600 Lerack 108 aS Perormances see second race. Bobbing X 110 B. c, 2, by North Star III. Doreid. hy Galloping Simon. Work; June 3 5-8. .1:02 ft J-lJ Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner. E. B. Bradley. Jun.ll-32Aqu 1:00 ft 9-5 109 5 5 4i 31 FatorL5 5200 6 Illusive 104, Clarify 107, Manya 104 May30-323Bel4ifwc 1 ft 5 113 3 4 4i 49 FalorL5 Allw 9 Cantoriam.WhiteLieslM.SunArchrllO May26 323Bel g wc 37 ft 15 122 10 10 10" 10" FatorL Stks 10 HpyGal 114,Catcrwl 122.RapscaHnl22 Apr27-323Lex 4 f :56 si 29-10 115 7 2 1 1 JamesE10 Maid 12 Sunlow 115, Mi Cara 112, Spill 112 Api23-32Lex 4 f :54 ft 22 112 6 6 6 61 FatorL Allw 6 AdIaideA.109,HyPeterll5.GaLily 109 4 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st; 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record. .5 1 0 1 $ 500 Ogee "I AO Elk. c, 2 M, by Uncle Wisgley Sand Witch, by lord Bock Work: June 273-8.. :37sl JO Sand. Trainer. J. Butler. Owner. Bainbow Stock Farm Stable. Jun. 2-32 Was 1 1:02 . frd 20f 115 6 6 9,B HP BurleyF0 Maid 12 HdPlayllS.Mt.WashtonllS.Daudet 115 May 6-32Aur 4 f :55 gd 2if 116 3 8 8" 9" McCoyJ5 1600 12 AllFlornl03,a.Drmll0,LdyWesty 110 May 3-32 4J f ;5S si 17 113 6 4 510 44 McCoyJ 1500 12 DuskyDamell3,Toxeyl05,Upheaval 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 0 0 $ 25 Strideaivay TOR Br" c 2 by rlularos Sandrine, by Fair Play. Work: June 273-8.. -35sl " Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner. Three Ds Stock Farm Stable. Jun23-323Was 5 f 1:06 ft 71 111 12 12 P. U. AmbroseE10 5000 12 O.Hillsidelll,Polygenvl08,BxPark 116 Juall.32:Was 1 1:00 ft 31f 111 7 5 45 44i AmbroseE11 5000 11 BrxParkll3,LIyHilIsl03,Hernando 111 MaylandC.D 1:01 ft 24 112 8 9 9" 10" AmbroseE10 Allw 11 LecGold 109, Iredell 112, RedBoot 112 May 4-32sC.D 4. f :54 ft 15 115 10 11 11", 11" AmbroseE Allw 12 Othwisell5,LeBycrell5,DryRidge 115 Apr30-32C.D 4 f :57 hy 41 112 1 8 8" 7" AmbroseE Allw 10 Otherwise llO.Levaal 112,01dJudge 110 FebJ5-323F.Cr 36 ft 12 118 2 2 P 1" BurkcJHc Maid 12 ModnAcell8.SymJkll8.SirMichael 118 , Starts. 1st. 2rd. 3rd. Won-., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 1 0 0 $ 450 Opinion 111 y Wise Counsellor Asia, by Sain. Work- June 235-8 l-01ft J- Trainer. S. W. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. May28-32Was f 1:00 ft 20 112111 11 9 6 FronkW Allw 11 R.Whiskll3,RolBlunderl09,Levaal 111 Mayl6-323C.D 1:01 ft 1 11210 8 8 7 FronkW Allw 11 LecGold 109, Iredell 112, RedBoot 112 May 4-32C.D 4 f :54 ft 1 116 5 2 11 l5 FronkW Maid 12 SunGrosll6,HdurRockll6,Anxious 116 Marl5-32"rrp i :48 ft 68 116 2 2 24 FronkW3 Maid 12 Capsheafll6,S.Jacketll6,M.Myson 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1932 record.. 4 1 1 0 $ 825 MetanillS 1 flO Ch. g, 2 M, by Sir Barton Princess TJmbria, by Vulcain. Work: June 23 3-8 . :37ft -"O Trainer, K. .Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. JuiL24-32lWas 5 f 1:06 ft 116 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 Maid 12 Llandaff 116,CharleyO. 116,Bianoz 116 Junll-325Was 5 f 1:06 ft 8iell4 4 6 64 4s SchutteH4 Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBill 114,InHigh 122 Jun. 4-323Was 1:01 si 17 108 9 5 441 34 SchutteH8 Allw 12 RedWhk 115,LeBruyerell5,Lorack 115 May25-32Was 1:01 ft 32 115 8 4 21 34 CallahanC9 Maid 12 SunGros 115,Telamon 115, Daudet 115 , Stmts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , St.-rts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. . 3 0 0 2 $ 400 Ltlke Connell X 1 OR Ch. c, 2, by Baffles Marie Connell, by Olambala. Work June 21 1-2 51ft " Trainer, N. W. EurUhart. Owner, C. Morris. JuanWas 1:00 ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 4000 12 Mr.Joe 108,GIoritone 109,Sun Gros 110 Jun. 7-323Was 1:04 hy 21-5 1101112 8" 7al NeelJ 350012 MissBril,tll2,Br.Parkll5,St.Chrisr 116 Jun. 3 323Was 1:03 hy43-10 109 3 6 4" 21 NeelJ 3000 12 Liqueurll5,Hnandolll,ChfDaunt 108 May24-323Was 1:02 ft 18 106 12 9 84 l" NeelJ1 300012 Campdrell6,StroIAlongll6,Slappcd 103 Mayl9 323Aur 1:01 ft 27 104 2 10 9" 5 NeelJ 2000 12 LilIianZ.110,BnnieCapl04,J.Macaw 104 May 7-32Aur 4J f :57 si 11-10 111 4 5 5" 3 TildenR5 Allw 7 Tivtonlll.EponallQi.LcyMeifee 110 May 4-32Aur 4J f :58 hy 14 114 1118 1" TildenR Maid 12 Mieoshlll,StatelyLadylll,LeAppIe 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1932 record.. 7 2 1 1 $ 1,475 Le Brnjere X 1 1 R Ch. c, 2, by lee O. Cotner Briar Sweet, by Marathon. Work- June 22 5-8 101ft " Trainer. R. W. Collins. Owner. R. W. Collins. Jun.l8-325Vas 1:03 si 113 SCRATCHED. Post P. 13 Allw 7 WiseAnnel07,C,sinNoral03,L.Cnellyl04 Jual3-323Was :59 ft 4?f 115 1 5 591 41 MoranW1 Allw 12 Esseff 109, Levaal 110, Polyphote 107 Juall-325Was 5i f 1:06 ft 20 119 9 8 910 12s! PollardJ" Stks 14 Projectile 116,BroadBill 114,InHigh 122 Jun. 4-32Was 1:01 si 9 115 6 1 l" 24 PollardJ" Allw 12 RedWhkll5,Metaurus 108,Leiack 115 May26-323Vas 1.-05 hy 14 115 6 6 3s 11 PollardJ10 Allw 11 NrthMill 115,Liqueurll5.01dHiIIsidell5 May23-32sWas i59 ft 13 110 2 4 45 43 TollardJ5 Allw 9 BlvgranllO.MissBriltllO.R.Whisk 112 Mayl4-32!C.D 1:00 ft 7iel22 2 6 7!1,1083 FischerR1 Stks 11 InHigh 117,RedWhisk 122,Levaal 122 May 4-32C.D 4 f 4 ft 61 115 2 3 21 2" LandoItC Allw 12 OthwisellS.DryRigellS.HtyPeter 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 12 3 2 0 ,425 5th Arlington Hertz Course, Out of Chute. Bouquet Purse. Purse , ,500. 3-Year-Olds. Fillies. Allowances. Lady 1 Mile Broadcast, July 18, 1930 1 :35 4 112. Index Post -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 72034 2 LATE DATE. . 71565 4 Suntica 117X Was 103 1:37 108X 71259 7 Canron 110.. 71259 1 Boiling Water. 71741 3 Flag Trick. Bel 108 1:37 105X Bel 114 1:41 108.. 71741 6 Polonaise .Bel 110 1:40 112X 72460 5 Kakapo ...Lat 119 1:41 117 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud lunner. Superlor mud runner. Brackets , won last start: figures or V 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Ors. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts Best Company Late Date X 1 OR Br. f, 3, by Honrless Herd Girl, by Colin. Work- June 22 1 1-8 l-54ft Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Jun.l6-325Was 1 1:37" ft 81 103 4 4 31 11 SchuttcH5 Allw 8 SnmeluslOS.PrtmtullS.Trinchera 108 Jun. 4-323Was 1 1:53 SJ 13 116 2 2 21 2 SchutteH1 Stks 4 Suntica 121,1 Say 116,Deprcssion 116 May26 325Was 1 1:47 hy 17-5 109 4 4 7" 7" MartinR5 Allw 7 ISayl09,PrcessCamelia 112,Parfait 109 May 5-32lPim lj 1:47 ft 15 113 3 3 31 31 SchutteH" Stks 6 Canron 114, Delicacy 113, Argosie 113 Apr27-32sHdG lu 1:44 ft 56 105 7 7 5" 5" SchutteH8 Allw 8 Springstl 112,TickOn 119,M.Frump 112 Apr21-32HdG 1" 1:44 ft 9-5 103 4 1 2 43i Schut.eH3 Allw 5 SisterZoe 108, Delicacy lOO.Chicsu 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-. 1931 record. .16 3 10 $ 2.950 1932 record. . 8 112 ,650 Boiling Water 1 OR Ch" f 3 by Bubbling Over Breakfast Bell, by Black Toney. -LUO Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, E. B. Bradley. May30-32Bel gl:25 ft 11-5 108 3 1 l1 2J1 JamesE10 Allw 11 Canron 114,Unique 114,FlagTrick 108 Msy25-323BeI g 1:25 ft 8-5 110 1 2 21 2 FatorL" Allw 8 BirdNest 107,Argosie 107,LauraGal 103 Mayl4 323Bel 11:39 ft 4 114 2 4 41 4" FatorL7 Stks 7 TopFlight 121, Parry 114. Unique 114 May 4-324C.D g 1:26 ft 4 107 1 3 31 H ElstonG Allw 9 PsCamiall2,P.Lehnl08,Mod.Qn 115 lun. 5 315Bel 42.WC :53 ft 3 112 3 1 1 1 FatorL5 Allw 6 Marianall2,FchHoneyll2,Stratlacell5 May29-318BeI 4lwc 3 ft 15 114 7 1 3 951 FatorL" Maid 13 Errant 114,Stagecraft 114,Delicacy 114 Apr21-31Lex i :49 sy 6 116 9 8 10" 9si FatorL1 Maid 12 EllenD.116,L.Superiorll6JPssNancyll6 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. vVnn . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record.. 3 1 0 0 $ 700 1932 record. . 4 12 0 ,375 Kakapo 117 B. f , 3, by Macaw Whisk By, by Whisk Broom II. Work: June 25 lm 1:41ft Trainer, M. lowenstein. Owner, K. S. Clark. See chart of yesterdays fifth race. May31-324Thf 1:12 ft 3!e110 3 3 341 3J BurkeJH8 Hdcp 8 Mnificoll5,RolRuffinl08, Vacillate 109 Oct24-314Lrl 1 1:41 . ft 17-10 119 3 1 21 41! PoolE4 Stks 9 L,hgQueenll4,Saricttall4,Delicacy 114 Octl7-315Lat 1 1:43 hy 4e 119 1 1 1"1 ll PoolE Stks 10 Pompeius 122,AirPilot 122,BigBeau 122 OctlO-314Lat 3-1:14 si 13-5e 112 3 1 l1 1 LandoItC10 Stks 10 Scream 105, Cathop 110, Sir Melton 114 Oct 3-314Lat fc 1:09 ft 21-5e 119 5 2 3i 31 PoolE" Stks 12 TheBull 122,AirPilotl22,CoIdCheck 127 Sep 1-314L.F a 1:15 si 3-5 115 4 1 le l5 PoolE1 Allw 6 DepressnllS.ShrLadyllS.AtasPal 115 Au526-3rL.F 5 f 1:06 ft 4-5 115 4 11 l8 PoolE Maid 11 BrtBeautyll5,Susuil5,CousinJudy 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 7 4 11 3,810 1932 record .. 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Suntica X 117 B. f, 3, by Sun Briar Simpatica, by Friar Rock. Work: June 24 lm. .l;40ft Trainer, J. Whyte. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Jun. 4-325Was 1 1:53 Bdl7-20 121 1 1 11 1" MaibenJ3 Stks 4 LateDate 116,1 Say 116,Deprcssion 116 May21-325C.D 1 1:52 ft 21-10 116 3 3 2" ll PascumaA5 Stks 9 I Sayll6,Depressionll6,PssCamelia 116 May 5-32sPim 1 1:47 ft 18-5 121 4 2 21 51 McGinnisP4 Stks 6 Canron 114,Delicacy 113,Late Date 113 OctlO-315Haw 6if 1:21 sy27-10 112 5 4 2" 1" MaibenJ1 Stks 9 Pr,sCamIiall6,ClPcel08,P.Fhing 106 Oct 3 314Haw g 1-14 ft 3.2 m 3 3 p l MaibenJ5 Allw 6 NcwgrollO.OnSir 114.CrystalPrince 114 Sep21-31HdG 5f 1:06 si 7e 111 8 4 2" 11 MaibenJ8 Allw 8 LghingQueenl08,Parry lll.StcpSis 104 Sep 3-31Sar 5$ f 17 sy 5 119 4 4 531 24 PhillipsC2 Allw 8 D,kS,kerll6,Gal.Lassll6,PcessA.O. 113 JuL 4-314F.E g 1:00 ft 12-5 115 3 4 21! Is PhillipsC3 Allw 7 Chili Gold 109. Hobnob 115, Howee 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .15 8 2 2 0,290 1932 record. . 3 2 0 0 3,070 Canron 110 Br f 3 by Catalan Rona y Sky-rocket. Work: June 253-4 l-rpft " V Trainer, D. T. Morris. Owner, W. W. Vaughn. Jual3-32JAqu Q f 1:20 sy 119 SCRATCHED. Allw t Step.Sisterll3,Upturnll5,Sheltered 115 MaySOSBel g 1:25 ft 5 114 7 6 5 1J1 WkmanR Allw 11 BoilingWaterl08,Uniquell4,FIagTrkl08 May 5-325Pim 11:47 ft 7-5 114 2 1 l1 1" WorkmanR1 Stks 6 Delicacy 113,Lato Date 113, Argosie 113 Api27-32HdG 3 1:13 ft 21 105 1 1 11 l1 HebertS4 Hdcp 5 ConAmreMarleneKM.Mod.Qun 107 APr20-324HdG 3 1:12y5 ft 39 100 4 1 31 31 HebertS1 Allw 7 HyScotllO.TdAvonl08.B.Medows 110 Ape 6-325Bow 5i f 1:06 ft 39 103 4 3 3" 3S1 HebertS1 Allw 6 OnTap 110, Vacillate 115,Marcasite 106 r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 8 2 10 $ 1,450 1932 record. . 5 3 0 2 ,025 Flag Trick X - I AP Ch. f , 3, by Pennant Triquc, by Cudgel. Work- June 251-2 -48 ft Trainer. M. Hirseb. Owner. A. C. Schwartz. Jun. 9 324Bel 1 2:20 ft "20 114 5 4 5" 51S WallsP Stks 10 TopFlight 121,Argosie 114, Unique 114 Jun. 3-324Bel 1 1:37 ft 133 108 2 2 21! 2 FieldsG Hdcp -4 Risque 126,DarkCharmer98,DcIicacyl07 Maj30321BeI g 125 ft 12 108 5 5 6s 451 FieldsG Alhv 11 Canron 114,BoilingWater 108,Uniquell4 Nov25 31sBow g 1-J2 ft 2 108 3 1 11 li FieldsG Alhv 6 Boscobel 107,LyBhiel04, Ptrs 104 Novl8 314Bow 3 1:12 ft 13-5 108 9 Pulled up. FieldsG1 Alhv 9 D.Seekerl08,Bcobel 108,D.dePiers 108 Ncxl2-31JPim 3 1:12 ft 24-5 105" 5 3 31! 1J NcrtncyW4 Allw 10 Boscobel 110,D.dePoitrsl05,Pryiolel05 JuL18 31Emp 5 f 18 ft 12 5 111 2 3 51! 41! WallsP4 Stks 7 Straightlacel09,Morden 109.Morush 109 , Ktnrts. 1st. 2nd 3rd Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. 1931 record.. 6 2 10 ,200 1932 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 200 Polonaise X IIP B. f, 8, by Pompey Sweet Music, by Harraonlcon. Work: June 25 5-fl. .lK2ft J- Trainer. B. Creech. Owner. W. R. Coc. Jun. 9-324Bcl 1 2:20 ft 15e ll8 7 9 9M 9" GarnerM8 Stks 10 TopFlight 121,Argosie 114, Unique 114 May-SBcl 1 1:37 ft 15 110 5 4 510 5" KnappL8 Allw 6 Economic 117,Faireno 115,Larnara 108 Oct24 314LrI 1 1:41 ft 14-5e 115 1 4 6 641 SteffenE8 Stks 9 LVgQuettll-,,Sariettall4,Dchcacy 114 OcUO 314Lrl 3 1:12 ft 12e 116 12 14 113 81 KnappL1 Stks 15 BngBlazel30.TickOnl27.Pairbypair 125 Sep26-31aHdG 31:12 sy 9ie 119 13 11 1018 81 LeischnR4 Stks 13 Burn.Blazel20,Hygro 125,Sunmelus 108 Sep 5-31Sar 6s f 1-0 si 5e 122 8 6 7"! 3 LeischnR19 Stks 19 TickOnll7.SwpingLightll7,Makalu 122; Starts. Int. 2nd. 3rd. Vnn . Starts. lBt. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 193L record. .14 3 3 1 1,725 1932 record. . 2 6th Arlinfirton purse ,200. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming-I Vs Miles Sun Beau. Ju,y 18 19311:49256125. NOTE Claiming price, ,000. Non-winners since May 21, 1932. 3-year-olds, 106 pounds; older, 113 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Po-i. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AseToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 72349s 18Inhcritor .Was 110 1:52 4 108X 2000 72348 10Sand Fiddler... 72349 12 Searington .A.P 110 1:52 6 113.. 2000 Aur 111 1:53 5 108X 2000 72257 3Tack Hia 110 1:52 4 108X 2000 71894 llVVho Win..Bbg 116 l:56s 5 108.. 2000 72036 7 Winnie Jo.L.F 112 1:52 5 108X 2000 71109 3 13 Ed Lark... A.P 109 1:53 5 113X 2000 69617 6 Bird of Prey.. 719793 14 Seths Ballot.. Hia 118 1:53 7 113X 2000 L.F 109 l:56h 6 113X 2000 72119 801d Bill... Tdn 107 1:53 8 108X 2000 71888 15 Glen Burnie 72345 lPrudy Basil M . . . .Was 107 1:59 3 101X 2000 M 4 103.. 2000 72349 16 Zahn F.G 105 1:56 5 113X 2000 72391 2 Sad Knight 72346 17Santon 4 108:i: 2000 M.... Was 108 1:53 3 103X 2000 69435 19 Catalans Idol.. 72119s 4 Blue Law.. Haw 105 153 4 113X 2000 F.G 1052:04sy 3 101.. 2000 72303 5Lazy Mary.... 3 96X 2000 72303 20War Thne.Haw 103156 6 108X 2000 71617s 9 Dixie Lad. Haw 114 1:53 5 113X 2000 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. rin. Jockey P.P-Cl.Pce.St. Best Company Inheritor X 1 B. c, 4, by Sidereal Chesnay Lass, by Olambala. Work- June 19 lm l-50"d -lO Trainer. L. X. Whitehill. Owner. L. T. Whitehill. Jun.24-32Was 1 1:51 "ft" 2i 1104 2 2" 31! SndersV8 1500 12 Harzadall5,RollingSoal09,TeaGrn 110 Jual4-323Was 1" 1:46 sy 5 113 2 7 5 45i WoolfG0 2000 8 MtieFlynnll3,GdPrincel21,EIPma 108 Jun. 2-324Was 1 l:39-gd 13 110 311 9" 59 SaundersW6 2000 12Zida 105, Blast 115, Jane Packard 98 AprM-Tan 1 1:45 ft 1102 2 1" 1" SndcrsW 1500 6 M.Quccn 105.W.Dangerl02,S.Broom 110 Marl3 328A.C 3 ldl ft 22 110 7 7 7n 7" SaundersW3 1700 7 DarkAyrll2,R.Diamd 107,B.Hocan i03 Jan20-324A.C lj 17 gd 9-10 107 1111 1 TremyneR 1600 7 Graydalel05.Voltear llO.Jeu deBar 106 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W.m.-, 1931 recurd. .16 2 4 3 $ 3,200 1932 record. . 9 4 0 1 ,675 SearlllgtOD 1 1 Q E 6 y Purchase Tonala, by Broomstick. XJLO Trainer. J. Coffey. Owner. J. Coffey. Jua24-32:Was 1 1:51 ft 38 110 11 S 91 818 CorbcttC" 150012 Harzadall5,RoirSSeal09,Inhcritor 110 Jun. 8-32Was li 2:07 ft 71 11010 9 95i Ti PrgrassA6 1500 12 PgCoatesl05,Cesarel05,Pnishment 105 Jun. 1 32Was if 1:56 ft 27f 110 7 10 8 8 MoranW 1800 11 Ruane 110,MasterAccl05,Underdun 100 Myl4 328Tan 1 1:53 ft 109 12 12 123B 1243 WarrenR 1400 12 Richu 105,Hehukai 99.PingCoatcs 100 May 7-32Tan 1 1:53 ft 112 4 6 613 638 WarrenR4 1500 6 FtClerklll.FsFavoritellO.Hehukai 110 Apr30 323Tan 1 153 ft 113 7 7 Tl 738 WarrenR1 1600 7 Gabbolll.FrtClerklll.MadamQun 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- . St.irta. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .51 1 8 10 $ 3,950 1932 record.. 9 Tack X 1 08 s ky ennan Bridlewtse, by Tracery. Work June 2 12 56"d Trainer, J. J. McNamara. Owner, J. J. McNamara. Jua22-323Was 1 15i "ft 11 10512 11 1013 814 NeelJ1 2200 12 Zidal02,Maj.Lnphiorll2,Foolhardy 105 Juol8-32Was II 1-59 si 27-10 112 5 8 T8 5T1 MaibenJ4 1800 8 Chehalis 112, Blue Law 112, Chum 107 Jun. 4-32Was 1 1-55 8J29-10 10810 6 31 21 WrightW5 1800 10 Cr.Stone 110,Unc.Henryl08,Typhn 110 Iay27 32Was 1 1:59 hy39-10 110 8 4 31 21 MontgyR9 1500 12 Runar 110,Comstockeryl05,SthSeasllO May23 32Was 1 1:54 ft 23-5 112 4 3 l" 2" MontgyR 1500 10 Jodhpurll2,Costockeryll2,Gunnre 112 Mayl8 32Aur 1and 1:47 ft 22-5 111 3 4 Is 2 MontgyR 1700 7 BatngOnl03,SirDeanl06,Waterport 101 Mayl3 32aAur ls 1:48 ft 51 118 2 2 Is 1 MontgyR3 1600 7 WhoWinll5,S,hlandBoyl06,EdLark 106 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn . . Stnrts. 1L -2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 28 6 7 2 $ 5,225 1932 record. .26 4 10 4 S 4.125 Winnie JO X 1 OR B. m, 6, by Johren Winnie McGee, by McGeo. Work- June 20 5-R l04f " --" Trainer, O. . Poster. Owner, Mrs. A. B. Smith. Jua21-32TWas 11:59" ft 107 SCRATCHED. Post P, 16 1500 11 Gabbol09,PgCoatsl09,Punishment 112 Junl6-32Was 1 1:54 ft 19 109 5 8 5S1 49 AllenCE8 1500 12 JimOrmontllO.Haramzada HO.Chip 110 Jua 8-327Was li 2:07 ft 71 105 9 6 65 51 SchutteH1 1500 12 PgCoatesl05,Cesarcl05,Pnishment 105 Jun. 3-325Was li 2-11 hy 13-5 110 4 3 3s! 391 AllenCE3 1500 7 Zevarl08,Respond 115,PingCoates 110 May27.324Vas U 1:59 hy 12 108 5 7 910 94 CoxD 1500 12 Runar 100. T-zk -"10, Comstockery 105 May 4 32Aur rl7 hy 3 112 7 4 24 l3 CoxD 1100 9 ByBridegS.RkyWayin.FJy. Wings 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .34 6 6 6 $ 5,840 1932 record. .21 2 6 3 ,100 Bird Of Prey X 1 1, 7, by Star Hawk War Goddess, by Star Shoot. Work- June 24 11-8 l-57ft ---1-- Trainer, H. C. Boisen. Owner, Mrs. A. Trulis. Mat29-32cSt.J lj 1:50 ft"l6-5 106 7 2 21! 5H ClancyM5 1500 7 SrMashl09, Bagiel 103,CshedStone 110 Mar28-32-St.J 1 1:49 ft 29-10 11611 4 31! 55lLeylandJ10 100014 Swp-Nctl06,GenlHostlll,MisnomcrlU Mar22-32St.J ljj 1:50 si 11 108 7 5 41 33 FieldsG3 1500 7 Bagiel 111, Silvery 112, Diodoro 103 MarSlSt.J 1and 150 sy 31 109 11 5 651 10 FieldsG13 1000 13 Red Face 116, Rave 106, Playbill 113 Mad7-326Trp 1 1 :47 ft 17-10 116 7 3 31 41 FeldsG 1500 7 Playbill lll.PutterlOl.CrshodStone ill Mad6 325Trp 11:39 ft 8 117 Left at post. FieldsG 1500 10 RodFacell3.PrinsZcldal09,Lawyer 106 . Starts. 1st. 2rd. 3rd. AVon.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.. 1931 record. .39 2 4 7 $ 2,790 1932 record . .17 2 11 ,750 Old BUI X 1 HR Br" B 8 b? 8wiftfoot n- Meddling Miss, by Tony Bonero. Work- June 17 3-8 -38ft Trainer. L. M. Holmes. Owner, H. Holmes. JunlS-SWas U l:59"sl 6 107 4 3 41 6" NeelJ0 1800 8 Chehalis 112, Blue Law 112, Chum 107 JualO-323Was V 1:43 ft 38 105 8 8 71 61 NeelJ6 1500 12 Panchioll0,PrDixonll0,Unc.Henry 110 Jun. 2-324Wai. 1 1:39 gd 22 115 10 8 6" 712 RichardA3 2000 12Zida 105, Blast 115, Jane Packard 98 May 7-32Aur 1 1:50 si 13-5 111 4 3 3" 361 NeelJ 1800 7 DrkAyr 109,HoldHard lll.SirDean 109 May 4-32Aur 2 1:21 hy 7-5 108 1 3 2s l4 NeelJ 1500 3 O.Kickapool08,Bogan lll.GnLight 103 Marl6-32SF.G 11:49 ft 18 115 1 3 5s! 710 RichardA 1500 12 Traumel 110,SquzcPIayll5,FeuFlotll5 .. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 27 11 7 2 $ 8,333 1932 record. .14 5 11 ,375 Prndj liasil 10 Ch. f, 4 M, by Basil Prude, by Von Tromp. Work- June 13 1-2 49ft Trainer, W. P. Poison. Owner, E. H. Voskoetter. Juo24-323Was 1 1:37 ft 187 110 11 11 10s5 IV AndsonA6 Maid 11 BigBrandllO,Renewed HO.Subtlety 105 Mai 8-321F.G 3 1J4 ft 221112 110 11" 9" AndersonA Maid 11 KBoyllO.PceRockllO.KgCnder 113 Feb24-32F.G 1G 1:48 ft 39f 113 10 11 1018 10" McCoyJ5 1000 12 Primeval HS.M.OninellS.LvSweet 113 Feb. 8-32F.G 1 1:50 ft 20f 109 11 12 1218 1250 OMalleyJ 2000 12 PcessCrusdrlOO.BelenlOO.LySwt 109 Jaa21-323J.P 1 1:46 ft 63 106 5 8 T T BattistaJ 1000 12 WarTidel07,DskyBoyll4.B oRoscs 99 Jard8-32M.P 1:14 ft 257 10412 12 ll18 9,s HerndezJ 1000 12Orloff 102, Anne L. 109, Suffer 106 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 3 1932 record.. 6 Sad Knight X 1 CK B e 3 M ty Sweep 0n Lady McGee y McGee. Work- June 23 1-2 -48ft Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, Shandon Parm Stable. JuiL25-32Was 1 1:52 ft 41-10 108 6 5 5 4s JonesR2 1500 8 PrincclIal03,Punishmntll4,B.West 108 Jual8-328Was 12:00 si 50 109 2 3 3 31 JonesR8 2500 10 WdlyLadlOO.CaptnEd.B.Down 104 Jual6-32"Was 1 1:53 ft 7 110 7 7 6" 651 JonesR 1500 12 Maj.LanprllS.LuchonllS.DwnMist 105 .Apr25-323Lex l70 1:50 sj 31-10 113 1 2 3s 2s GarnerW5 1000 6 QkSalel05,Ledford 115,JeanGafy 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 4 0 1 1 S 200 Blue Law X 11- Br. c, 4, by St. Germans Prudish, by Peter Pan. Work: June 27 5-8. .l:07sl Trainer, J. Sands. Owner, J. Sands. Jua25-327Was 1-1:52 ft 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 4 1500 8 Princellal03,Punishmntll4,B.West 108 Junl8-327Was 14 1:59 si 6 112 8 1 34 2" CritchfldC8 1800 8 Chehalis 112, Chum 107, Ruane 109 Jurd3-32cWas 14 1:52 ft 31-10 11511 5 34 4s! LeylandJ7 1500 12 Gunfire 115, Typhoon 115, Draha 105 May27-327Was 14 1:58 hy39-10 111 7 3 41 23 LeylandJ3 1500 7 EvelineF. 108,Gabbo 105, Chehalis 105 May23 324Vas 141:54 ft 41-10 11210 7714 61 MeadeD3 1500 10 JgeLueders 112,EvelineF.107,Banjo 107 May 9-32!Aur 1 1:47 ft 9 114 9 7 44i 48 RichardA3 2000 9 LkyCarterl05,BillOrngelll,Starch 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. ,37 5 5 7 $ 5,250 1932 iccord .17 4 3 2 $ 2,950 Lazy Mary X formerly Qf B. f, 3, by Donnacona Dulcinea II., by Xankee. Trainer, J. B. Theall. Owner, Lone Star Stable. ran as Dixiana Work: June 273-8.. :39sl Jua23-325Was i 1:12 ft 54f 9812 11 10,s 8,: NeelJ4 2500 12 SisAgncsllO,SarazonII.110,FrgTimo 115 Mayl2-327Aur 11:49 ft 19f 99 6 8 6!1 V NeelJ7 1000 11 Pieceml 103,Undrdunl09,Ultramnel09 May 9 32sAur l70 1:47 ft 19 102 4 8 8" 8" NeelJ3 1200 8 R.DiamondlOS.BayLeaflOS.Danear 98 May 6-32!Aur 1 1:48 gd 71 103 5 5 51 4 NeelJ8 1000 8 RhR,derll6,D,naDearl06lS,yChlie 108 Mad4 328F.G lg 1:48 ft 51 106 7 5 5!1 61 LauchH 1500 12 DnaDearl03,Tywoodl04,FnaMia 103 Mar 8-32F.G 21:14 ft 15 1101210 67! 451 NeelJ4 150012 EllenD.105,GonLightll5,PssNancy 105 Feb, 6-32F.G 1 1:48 ft 12 10410 7 7!3 651 NeelJ 2000 12 N.Khlm,nl04,Adsuml02,VtyBallot 109 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 37 2 4 6 $ 2,825 1932 record. .12 1 1 1 $ 775 Dixie Lad X 11 B. gr, 5, by Sporting Blood Miss Mint, by Mint. Work- June 15 lm 147ft ----- Trainer, James McNamara. Owner, A. B. Xetellier. Jua24-32"Was 14 1:53 ft 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 16 1500 12 SrMash HO.Luchon 112,SanPresto 115 Jun. 6 327Was 14 1:58 m 17-10 115 7 8 610 3 MeadeD3 1500 8 Niato 98,HalfDay 108,WackerDrive 108 May26 32Was li 2:14 hy 14-5 110 6 4 24 21 LandoItC8 1500 7 Cullodenll3,T.FlowersllO,Hi.Storm 105 May21 328C.D 141:54 ft 21-5 113 7 7 41! lrt CorbettC3 1500 7 Mr. Dickll3,LaFcrial08,Hcrendecn 113 Mayll 327C.D 14 1:53 ft 11 115 8 6 3" 3 LandoItC" 1500 8 Cstockeryll7,JysEnd 112,01dTuck 115 Slnrts. 1st. 2nd. ?l. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--, 1931 record. .11 1 2 0 $ 1,350 1932 record. .5 1 1 2 950 Saild Fiddler X 1 OR B- by Dunlin Etowali. by Alvescot. Work: June 13 3-4.. l:19ft LUO Trainer, D. Jones. Owner. I. B. Bradficld. Va.!!ru Ul:53 ft 27 115 7 9 7i 6 MeadeD" 1500 12 SrMash llO.Luchoa U2,SanPresto 115 5 1"1:54 !t 9H0 6 3 41 9MaifaenJu 150U 12 JimOrmontllO.Haramzada HO.Chip 110 May23 ,,o,,n, 327Was 1, 154 ft 11 112 6 8 7 8" MeadeD 1500 10 Jodhpur 112.Tack 112.Cmstackery 112 Mayl8 32TAur 1 153 ft 41-10 1113 2? 1 KingC4 1000 8 Popcornl02,ButyBride95.T.ShowOfilll Mayl3-32Aur Itfi 1:48 ft 21-5 1111 3 4s 6 ArcaroE1 1400 7 Tackll8.WhoWinll5.SouthlandBoy 10b May 9 327Aur l70 1:46 ft 16-5 1103 3 1 1 ArcaroE 1000 S Parnell Boy UO.PlayBird 105,Shift 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wi.n- - 1931 record. .13 13 5 $ 1,115 1932 record.. 12 3 11 2,100 WllO Win 1 fjO B. h. 6. by Ladkin Knraa. by Out of Beach. Work: June 83-4 1:21ft 1 VO Trainer. J. Oros. Owner. J. Oros. Jun.l3-325Bbg lj 1:46 ft 39-10 113 3 2 ? 94 ChthamR 1750 9 UltramarinellO.KingPin 112,OrIoff 108 Jun.l0 324Bbg l70 1:42 ft 5 112 2 5 44 44 FowIerG 2000 8-Rverbiel07,Rketoerll5.P.Farthg 102 Jun. 3-325Bbs U 1 55 sf 39-10 116 5 3 24 24 FowlerG1 20C0 8 Orloffl02.AIIegretto 109,LiltIeToots 110 Ma-28 32 Bbs 11:40 ft 71 113 9 6 5 5 RoussollV4 2000 9 Pr.Farlhgl04,Dunes lOO.WtysFox 103 May2132Aur 1" 1:44 ft 47-10 111 8 4 31 3 McCoyJ 2000 8 HisLastlll.Mrsnufi 106,Gen.Court 107 Mayl8 32Aur 12:00 ft 51 111 3 2 21 2 DePrcmaR 1600 9 Starch lll.TigerFlowers 115,Chip 109 Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Vnn Stnrts. 1st. and. 3rd. Wn 1931 record.. 21 12 2 $ 2.250 1932 record. .25 1 3 2 $ 950 Ed Lark X 11-? ". by Vulcain Marie Blanche, by Watervaie. Work: June 27 1-2.. 52sl ----- Trainer, A. G. Woodman. Owner. Mrs. A. G. Woodman. Jun.24-327Was 1. 1:51. ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 1500 12 Harzadall5,RoIlgSeal09,Iiiheritor 110 Maj-25 32Was 1 1:54 ft 6! 105 7 7 54 3 ArcaroE11 1500 9 LionHearted 110,Brinsl05,Rejuvn 107 May20 32Aur 1T, 1:48 ft 13-10 110 6 7 34 24 SalazarT10 1400 0 Rojuvenationl06,ShonnalOG,Sudden 108 Mayl8 32Aur lft 2:00 ft 13 106 4 4 44 5 RenoT 1600 3 Starcl.lll.WhoWin lll.TiaFlowers 115 Mayl3 32Aur 1 1:48 ft 18 106 3 5 64 44 LaneJ 1400 1 Tackll8,WhoWinll5.SouthIandBoy 106 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won 1931 record. .24 3 2 O J 3.125 1932 record. . f 0 2 1 00 Sfitlls Ballot X 1 1 3 B. g. 6, by Seth Ballot Bose, by Ballot. Work: June 13 lm 1:53ft -L-L- Trainer. G. H. Meal. Owner, J. J. Butler. JuiiJ4.32Was li 1:53 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 1500 12 SrMash HO.Luchon 112,SanPresto 115 Jun.15 325Was 1 2:01 hy49-10 106 9 7 54 3 CantrcllL 1500 10 RiffRaffl05,Unc.HenryllO,T.Green 115 May 4 32Aur V 1:55 hy 6-5 112 2 2 2 2s NeeU4 1100 7 BbyPw,rsll2.Drahall2,Er.GoBgh 112 Feb.l3 327FG lg 2:23 ft 11 110 6 3 25 2 GarnerW 2000 9 Wrackell 112,DelmonicollK.Klingl05 Jaa27-32"F.G 1152 hy 17-10 107 6 5 34 3i LewisM 2000 10 Stronghlll2,Interiorl03,SpeBlues 112 Jan.l3 324J.P 1" 152 hy39-10 112 6 7 5" 3 ElstonG 1750 8 OldBill HO.Spanflow li2,Stupdous 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts, let, 2nd. 3rd. ffnn. 1931 record.. 6 2 2 0 5 1.875 1932 record. . 6 0 3 3 $ 500 Slea B 11 llllc X 101 Ch f 3 M by Sir Greysteel Toyshelf, by Fair Play. Work: June 11 lm 1:46ft 1 Trainer, R. Jackson. OwDer. Mrs. E. Jackson. Jun.24-325Was 1 1:37 ft 105 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 Maid 11 BigBrandllO.Renewed 110,SubtIety 105 Jual3 32Was 1 1:52 ft 93f 107 510 11 12 GloriosoV 1500 12 Gunfire 115, Typhoon 115. Draha 105 Nov30 3PBow l:14hy 18 101 3 8 8S1 8" GilberlJ 2000 8 LiIIybetllO.K.FrancsllO,GrdAcre 113 No20-31Bow 5i f 1:08 si 61 111 7 6 6 74 RenickJ" 2000 12 Brpatchlll.MveAIonglll.JeEHen 106 No2 31Pim 2 1:13 ft 66 114 12 11 10MO" NertneyW1 Maid 12 H.Warriorll7.Chatmoss 117.CsIdol 116 Oct26 31Lrl 2 1:14 ft 38 105 3 9 8,B 891 PhillipsC 2000 10 Jaffa I09,LilIybet Hl.TuIachArd 115 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. .15 0 0 2 $ 200 1932 record. . 1 Zallll X 1 1 Q Br. g, 5, by Zev Whim; by Broomstick. Work: June 22 lm. .l:51ft -L Trainer. J. D. Mooney. Owner. Mrs. A. T. Bray. Juo24-32lVas 111:51 ft lOf 110 6 12 12,B 12s MoranW5 1500 12 Harzadall5,RolIgSeal09,Inheritor 110 Jim. 8 32Was li 2:07 ft 40f 10512 10 11" 11" DennisE9 1500 12 PgCoatesl05,Cesarcl05,Pnishment 105 Jun. 3 325Was li 2:11 hy 40 115 7 7 7" 7" AmbroscE5 1500 7 Zevai 103, Respond 115, WinnieJo 110 Maj18 32Spt ltl:49ft 30 115 Left at post. DeporiniR 1000 10 Cakona 110. VoltMeter U5,Sorry 105 Jfayl3 32Spt l 150 ft 40 108 9OT GleasonM 800 9 DrkAbbot 113, Yarrow 108, Skibo 113 Feb.l7 32F.G 1 1:55 ft 7f 113$ 9 6 5" 5" TrenchardS4 100011 FeuFoIIet 112,LuckyPai 102,7 .Duke 107 Feh 5 32F.G 1 1:54 ft 31 10511 10 81 8" MartinTP" 200012 B.aWeel03.Flo.Dolanl05.Herendeen 110 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 28 1 1 2 I 350 1932 record. . 9 0 1 0 $ 100 Saillon ii 108 Ch. b, 4. by Sand Mole Avocado, by The Scribe or Oddfellow. Work: June 21 lm 1:41ft Trainer, J. H. Ebelhardt. Owner, Keeneland Stud Stable. Jua24-324Was l70 1:42 ft 15 115 3 7 5si 6G LewisM9 2500 10 UprightllO,Mar.Flynnll7,Tr.Judge 111 Sep. 7 31SL.F 1 1:44 ft 11 110 3 5 5SJ 6,B McAffeD4 4000 7 Wil!al04,Islamll2,Prose and.Poetry 112 Aug26 315L.F 1,V1:46 ft 7 110 1 5 2" 1 McAffeD1 3000 7 Dc-Delishtlll.Vmiculitelll.Elysm 110 Au5 6 314Tdn l40 1:41 ft 47-10 104 6 3 2 2 ArnofdG AHw 6 BlkImondl09.LgRijnl09.Dormna 104 JuL29 31Tdn 11:44 ft 51 106 2 2 34 44 FrogtcDE4 3250 5 ComeOn 105.Masterly 103.Lkynan 115 JuL18 31Tdn 1:48 gd 7-5 111 2 1 1 I4 FrogtcDE" 2000 12 Brains 111. BubsyC. 109,KenKIing 110 Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. .21 5 3 1 $ 3,800 1932 record. . 1 Catalans Idol 101 Ch f 3 by Catalan My "oL iy superman. Work: June 17 lm 1:43ft Trainer, C. Morris. Owner, Morris and Valenti. JualOWas l70 1:43 ft 105 SCRATCHED. Post P. 19 1500 12 Eliz.Foxl07l?,PeceLadyll2,LonelI 106V Mad7 527F.G 1and 1:49 ft 9i 111110 6 6U . 7l CavensJ 150012 DonnelIal06,Tennjavdl02,PceReno 110 Mat 9 32F.G 1 1:49 ft 9J 108 12 9 7i 7ci WilsonL1 1500 12 Analyst HO.Penn 113,Prince Reno 102 Mar.8 327F.G 1 150 ft 17 110 6 5 7" 7,ITildenR1 150011 M.N.CIanlOPssCsaderlOW.Tidel Mar 5 328F.G 1 158 sy 9i 1051 8 8 8J4 8" CooperRG 1500 3 Orloff 105,PssDarel07,PrinceReno 106 Feh25 32F.G lff 1:48 ft 6$ 10413 1 1 1 CavensJ4 1000 12 Q.SalelOS.WlBehavedlOMrMcGeelOS , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 5 0 0 1 $ 150 1932 record. .11 1 0 1 $ 500 War Time X 1 08 B b 6 by Man War Pen Eose y sweep. Work: June 27 3-4. .l:19sl J WO Trainer, 3. E. Patton. Owner, J. H. Manheimcr. Juru23-323Was i 1:12 ft 36 110 8 7 6" 6J MartinTP 2500 12 SisAgnesllO.Sarazenll.llO.FlgTime 115 Oct28 31Haw 1and 1:50 gd 7 115 4 3 3 2 HanfordB 1500 12 J.AIexerllS.G.HandlcllO.J.A.Weil 110 Oct21 31Haw 6i f 1:20 ft 17 118 7 7 9i 54 HanfordB" 150012 StkArdllS.LawyrllS.Dr.Bidncpe 113 OcLl6 31sHaw 1:59 hy 4 108 1 3 610 7" CorbettC1 1500 12 Th.Jane 105,TmyTickIe 103 FernF 100 pca4 313Haw 6ifl:25m 7 114 5 6 6 4s SmithJ2 1500 8 BillOrange 107,St.Jim 124,Griffw 109 Oct 5 31Haw 1 1:49 ft 24-5 113 7 9 69i 6" JonesR" 1500 12 TopHattie 113,HoIdOn 110, OldBill 111 -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .16 0 2 2 575 1932 record. . 1 7th Arlington Purse 200. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. LYs Miles Slm Beati, July 18, 19311 :49?5 6 125. NOTE Claiming price, ,000. Non-winners since May 21, 1932. 3-year-olds, 106 pounds; older, 113 pounds. Index Post Best at Distance-N Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim ! No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AsreToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 72259s 4Prefer ...Was 100 1:52 3 96.. 2000 72388 9 Typhoon .D.P 110 1:52 7 113X 2000 66823 14Calome 5 108X 2000 72391s 10Punishment . . 72347 15Starch ....F.G 110 1:54 5 108X 2000 Was 114 1:52 6 108.. 2000 72258 20 Princess A. A.. 72348 llMothers Choice ! Was 103 1:55 3 101X 2000 .F.G 103 1:53 5 103X 2000 72175s 13Ladrone ..A.P 110 1:53 5 108.. 2000 72307 12 Harum Scarum 72031 5 Prince Ascot... 3 106X 2000 Was 112 1:53 4 108X 2000 ,72258 1 Just Ormont.. 71617 16 Wacker Drive. Was 110 1:55 3 106. . 2000 F.G 112 1:58 7 113X-2000 72175 2 Plutarch . .Hia 112 1:53 4 113X 2000 72216 17 The Widower.. 72345s 3 Subtlety M.. 3 101.. 2000 M 4 113.. 2000 71834 6 Lucky Carter.. 71903 18 Enro HdG 117 1:54 4 113.. 2000 D.P 111 1:51 4 113X 2000 65129 19 Orange Plume. 66045, 7Cryout 4 108X 2000 Was 108 2:03 4 113X 2000 70712 8 Tail Wind. .... 3 103. . 2000 The past performances of the horses entered in this race; together with latest work- jout and racing record for this and previous year: ! Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey I.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company "Prefer X Qi B. f, 3, by Snpremus Selective, by Brown Prince IT. tvJ Trainer. D. A. Headley. Owner. H. P. Headley. Jun.22-32:Was 1 1:52 ft 3 100 5 3 14 21 MartinTP4 1500 10 Chicon 108, Flying 105,CharlieBills 105 SuaW-SWas 1 1:57 sy 13 100 1 2 2a 2s MartinTP1 1500 10 Capt.EdKB.BalderdhlOS.DnaDcar 105 May27-32nVas 1 1:44 hy 8 109 7 4 9" 81 CorbettC 2000 10 BtySecrtlO.A.OrmtNM.DnaDear 102 Mv21-325C.D 1U2 ft 13 116 6 6 67i 6s RoseM1 Stks 9 Suntica 116",1 Say 116, Depression 116 Mayl7 327C.D 1.1:47 ft 17-5 110 1 1 1J 21 CorbettC 1500 12 EHzabethFoxlOftBonnet 108,OIama109 filaylO 32CC.D 1 1:48 ft 27-10 108 2 1 21 11 LandoItC 1500 8 Bonnet 108, Majel 115, Sis Esther 110 . Starts. 1st, Jnd. Xrd. Won . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 11 12 1 $ 1,350 1932 record.. 9 13 0 ,025 iCaloilie X 1 OQ Ch h 5 ty Gnome Calistoga, by Frair Rock. Work: June 20 lm l-43ft --" Trainer, A. A. Baioni. Owner, A. A. Baront. Jua25-32Was g 1:25" "ft" 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 2500 11 G.ofRoseslOO.TdtonclOS.D.Rmiro 102 Nov26 314Tan 1 151 m 111 3 5 541 51 WestR1 3000 5 Seth,sPridel07,FyNinerl07,HdsUp 111 Kov2131Tan sc 1:10 si 114 6 6 6a 6s8 WestR5 3000 6 L,pBlackll4,LaBelottcl06,BaraLee 103 Dct25 305Haw 1 1:44 ft 71 1011 1 3 34 3s CorbettC1 Hdcp 6 T,toRockl06,Cog-Airll0,SethsHope 102 Pctl8 304Haw l70 1:46 si 8 1021 6 4 3 3s CorbettC2 Hdcp 7 Cog-AirlOS.MyDandyO.MtieFlynn 106 Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-; J 1931 record. . 2 Starch X 1 OR B. g, 5, by Stefan the Great Sans Tache, by Ethelbert. Work: June 5 lm. .l:45ed --vo Trainer, W. J. Curran. Owner, W. J. Curran. Jua24-325Was l70 1:42 ft 9 110 1 6 84 8" SalazarT4 2500 10 Hatteras 109,An.Ormt 106,Panchio 117 Jun.l4-324Was l70 1:47 sy 81 114 7 6 6ts 4" CrMifieldC 2500 8 PtcodinellS.LadyDnllO.Modtion 113 Hayl8-32Aur lj 2:00 ft 7 111 2 1 11 1 SalazarT9 1600 9 WhoWin lll,Tig.FIowers 115,Chip 109 MaylSAur 11:48 ft 17-10 118 6 7 Tl T McCoyJ4 1600 7 Tackll8,WhoWinll5,Sc.uthlandBoy 106 May 9-32Aur 1A 1:47 ft 17-5 114 2 4 3s 3 McCoyJ 2000 9 LkyCarterlOS.B.Orangclll.BI.Law 114 May 2-32Aur 1 1:48 ft 11-10 116 1 1 Is 141 McCoyJ1 1600 7,Cres.Cityl05,Aurica 102,E.GoBraghl07 MaEl7-32"F.G 1 1:48 ft 13 113 10 10 108 11" RobleHs 175012 LaForial08;Albazanolll.Ormontime 111 r Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd, Won Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won ? 1931 record. .13 6 0 1 $ 3,950 1932 record. .12 4 0 1 ,625 FrillCeSS A. A. X 101 Ch" f 3 by John P Grier Superanna, by Superman. Work: June 20 3-4. .1:15 ft J--1- Trainer, N. K. Bcal. Owner, C. H. Beal. JunWas U 1:53 ft 76 10310 11 10 1014 LaurinR1 1500 11 BayLcaf 100, Ono 105, WarTide 110 Jual7-327Was 1 1:52 ft 36f 103 11 11 105 9 LaurinR8 150012 A.OrmtlOS.H.Scarml.M.Perfecn 110 Au526 31,Sar 3 1:13 ft 15e 111 17 15 154 164 WattersE 3000 18 T.ThreadslHWcIIHiedlHMMene 102A l-SlCD gl:01 gd 7 102 7 8 5 4 44 JamosE 5000 10 110.D Romiro 110 Mayl4-3rC.D g 1:03 hy 20 116 8 7 62 1" JamesE9 Maid 11 Sh,krLyll6.SuprmeL,vll6.L.Battsll6 r.Iayl2-31,C.D i l.-03 si 14 116 6 10 10l$ 993 JamesE Maid 12 ChuChull6,Span.Flirtll6,PIayarnd 116 1 Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record. . 7 10 1 1,000 1932 record. . 2 Ladrone 1 OS2 Ch. g, 6, by Craigangower OEoka Mundl, by Plaudit. Work- June 141 1-8 l-58ft Trainer. H. Boberts. Owner. T. Roberts. Jua20-327Was lf 2K ft 21-10 11012 5 3 24NeelJ 1500 12 Traf.Judgcl09,HalfDayll0,PIutrch 115 May21 327Aur li 2.07 ft 11-5 106 4 1 Is 14 ArcaroE 1600 8 Tig.FIovvrsllS.So.Boy 105,P.Peter 107 Mayl8 326Aur 1 2:00 ft 39-10 106 8 7 7 6 ArcaroE 1600 9 Starchlll.WhoWin lll,Tig.Flowers 115 Mayl4 327Aur 1 1:53 ft 3 108 3 3 31 2 ArcaroE1 1500 6 Chip 108,BattlingOn lll.Vanuuish 113 Mayll 32"Aur U 1:47 ft 51 112 7 6 74 54 ArcaroE 1800 7 Druggistll2,SirDean 112,BattrgOn 108 Ape 9 32Tan 1A 1:46 ft 108 7 7 719 7,B ArcaroE5 2750 7 Dacite 109,SirDean 104,TontoRock 102 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Stnrts. 1st. Vnd ird. Won 1931 record.. 25 3 7 1 $ 4,585 1932 record. . 8 2 2 0 ,245 Prince Ascot X I A? Br. g, 3. by Sunference Simmy, by Neil Gow. Work- June 20 lm l47ft Trainer. P. O. Anderson. Owner. X. F. Anderson. Jm22-327Was 1.1:52 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 15 1500 10 Chicon 108, Prefer 100, Flying 105 Jual6 32Was 1:14 gd 48 109 11 11 10" 11" MtgeryR 2500 12 RungWaterll6,Benefit lOFireflash 99 Mar.l0 323F G g 1J4 ft 11 110 7 8 54 5s LaurinR1 1500 12 Trincherall5,BhtKnotll5,Paldomarll5 Mac 2 32F.G 31:14 ft 61 115 9 5 31 41 AndersonA" 1500 11 LadyCvinlOS.GraphitellO.GnLight 110 Fcb.l6-32F.G 11:47 ft 29 109 10 12 1010 816 JamesE8 150012 Dextro 102,Adsum 109,BrightKnot 111 Feb.l3-32,F.G 1and 1:47 ft 12 102 6 7 6,s 5" LaurinR 2000 12 Beaver 102,LadGmvin 105, Array 110 . stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Stnrls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 13 14 2 $ 1,650 1932 record. . 8 0 1 0 S 175 JllSt Ormoilt 101 s 3 by Ormont Just in Time, by Hessian. Work: June 5-3-4. .. 1:24ft IU0 Trainer. W. IMwis. Owner. W. F. Alton. Jun22-32cWas 1 1:53 ft 16 1101110 7s 71S MeadeD 1500 11 BayLcaf 100, Ono 105, WarTide 110 May21 327C.D llV. 1:48 ft 14 109 7 7 64 44 FisherH 1500 8 Olamay 108,PYeMoganll4,BlowFIy 105 Maj-18 32C.D Its 1:43 ft 12 1131010 8,s 6" NealE 1500 10 P.MeganllS.Sophist 113.Capt.Ed 108 Mayl2 325C.D 1,V. 1:47 ft 24 108 10 12 121 12u McCrosnC 2000 12 B.MI:eyll9.B.Bnessll5,F.Drborn 116 May 9 32C.D l l.-49 ft 40 113 10 6 4s 21 NealE2 150011 FlyinglOS.EpidemicllS.ButySecrct 110 Apr29 32TC.D l 1:48 ft 38 108 9 9 9 9" NealE 1500 9 G.WebrelW.DisturhllS.GysChnice 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 18 0 0 0 $ 25 1932 record. .19 2 3 0 ,650 Plutarch X 1 1 3 B. c. 4. by Durbai II. Minnow, by Minora. Work: June 18 1-2 :55sv -1---- Trainer. W. E. J .nes. Owner. 3. Hcelan. Jun20-327Was If,.. 2:00 ft 22 115 4 2 2 4 MaibenJ4 1500 12 Traf.Judgel09,Ladrone HO.HalfDay 110 Jun.ll-327Was 1 1.53 ft 16f 110 5 8 10IT 12" MaibenJ1 1500 12 Andora 108,LnH,rte1110.EveIineF.113 Ma-30327Was 1 1:53 ft 9 110 4 6 54 61 ArcaroE 1500 12 SouthSoasll5,PunishmiitllO,Chum 115 May23 324Was 1 1:54 ft 75 107 4 2 2s 43 ArcaroE4 1500 10 JgeL"oders 112.Evclin 7.107,Banjo 107 Mayl4 32Aur 1 1:48 ft 30 111 11 7 84 64 HerndezJ 1000 12 LittlaToolslOl.DuneslOl.MnPl.ase 106 May 6 32Aur 1and 1:50 cd 8 111 4 4 71 711 SalazarT7 1400 7 Druggist 112,LittleToots 103,Chip 115 Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 15 12 0 $ 1,300 1932 record.. 21 3 0 1 ,000 Subtlety 101 Ch" f 3 M by Fflir Wind Cnesney Lady, by Sir Martin. Work- June 21 5-R l-03ft Trainer, W. Pinch. Owner. O. W. Lehmann. Juo24-323Was ll:37ft 11 105 5 6 58 3s RenickJ8 Maid 11 BigBrandllO.Renewed 110,PlkyGirl 105 Jual4-32Was 1 1:28 sy 30o 105 7 7 7" 31 RenickJ9 Maid 12 RowdyBoy 110,FIygHomel09,Zonell3 May30-32Was 2 1:12 ft 36 108 3 6 5" 3 SmithJ Maid 12 Evergold HO.Tweeny 106i,Danvin 112 Sep30-31Haw 11:15 ft 16 10811011 916 10" SmithJ7 250011 DndHeadll4,Duiios 110.B. Bourbon 105 Sep22-31L.F 2 1:15 ft 7 115 5 11 11 94 LandoItC Maid 12 Mayetta 115, Zina 115, Melodcon 113 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . 1931 record. . 2 1932 record .. 3 0 0 3 $ 225 Lnckj Carter X 1 1 Q . B. g, 4, by lucky Hour Daisy Carter, by Irish Gentleman. Work- June 9 1-2 51ft Trainer. K. B. Allen. Owner. II. B. Allen. Jua20-32Was 1and 2:00 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 6 1500 12 Trek 110,Bch ofLilies 105,BenBlair 115 Juall-327Was 1 1:53 ft 18-5 108 2 11 9,: 84 SndersW 1800 12 WrPortl07i,B.BIairllO,CrdStc ne 110 May25 32Was 1U:54 ft 24-5 107 3 1 1 2" KingC1 1500 10 Jodhpur 112,Tack 112,Cmstockery 112 May23 327Was 1 1:54 ft 51 110 2 6 61 64 KingC 1800 7 ComeOnll4,B.Orangel06.M,ieFIynn 107 Mayl4 32Aur 170 1:45 ft 8 107 2 5 5s 44 SalazarT 2200 9 BillOrange lll.Starch 114,BlueLaw 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 25 4 5 2 $ 3,708 1932 record. . 8 1 1 1 $ 850 CryOUt X 1 OR B" Bf y wstone Bireme, by Cylsad. Work- June 24 3-4 l-15ft Trainer, V. Crane. Owner. Wild Eose Farm Stable. Octl5-3iHaw lr 1:55 hy" 61 105 5 3 3s 34 NeeU 2500 6 JackCoIlinsllO.Dr.PishllO.S.Presto 110 Oct 9-31Havv 1A 1:48 ft 41 105 7 6 6" 7" ArnoldL 3250 7 Sh.Brml07,Burnam lOl.Dr.Parrish 109 Oct l-316Haw 1A 1:48 ft 51 102 6 2 31 44 NeeU1 3500 7 Suitorll5,WhoWinll4,StoneMartin 109 Sepl4-314Thf 1 18 ft 4 98 6 3 2 2s FischerA4 Allw 6 Salisbury 101,SnCraigl09,Montaro 104 Aug.22-31sDev l 1:43 ft 8 100 3 6 64 54 CraverL1 Hdcp 6 Solace 117,MdianQueen lll.AHHail 108 Au5l8-31sDev 1 1:39 ft 12-5 96 6 2 1" 1 FischerA1 Allw 6 LivcOno 104,Wrackell lll.Ancoda 100 . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1S31 record.. 20 8 3 3 ,045 Tail Wind 1 OQ B B 3 by Paragon II. Conine, by lemberg. Work: June 17 lm. .l:43ft J-VO Trainer, G. E. Allen. Owner. G. E. Allen. Jun-SWas l 1:53 ft 110 SCRATCHED. Post P. 2 1500 11 BayLcaf 100, Ono 105, WarTide 110 Mayl3-32sAur 1A 1:48 ft 21f 104 6 7 8" 8" LauchH" 1000 12 DnaDearlOO.Lapidary 103,Popcorn 106 Jaa22-328J.P l 1:49 ft 59f 112111 12 12" 12u GevincL 1000 12 DaDearl06.Sp.Maudie98,PrisNancy 98 Jan. 8-32M.P 1 1:47 hy 133 10710 12 12" 12" WeberC" 1000 12 VtyB,lotl07.BrtKnotllO,Sc.Sheet 106 Jan. 6-32M.P l79 1:51 m 27 108 6 6 6,a T38 PrcrassAT 1000 8 BtKnotllO.ScdISheetlOS.Ch.Bills 109J Dec30-3rj.P 31:15 gd 228 114 3 9 7 94 MoyerC1 1750 10 W.Slcrlll.Tul.Lss 107.NVsPride 109 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won, 1931 record. .15 1 1 1 $ 530 1932 record.. 4 TypllOOn X 1 1 3 B. h. 7, by Thunderstorm Brynwood, by Bryn Mawr. Work- June 24 3-4 l-18ft Trainer. A. Harned. Owner. Harned Bros. JunSSWas ll:52"""ft 13 114 2 8 810 64 LewisM1 1500 11 W.Tidel08,Ultramnel08,PeaceLdy 106 Jua20-32Was 1T35 2:00 ft 41 110 3 6 111S 1018 MartinTP4 1500 12 Trek 110,Bch ofLilies 105,BenBlair 115 Jual3 326Was 1 1:52 ft 16 115 1 3 2 24 ClellandO1 1500 12 Gunfire 115, Draha 105, BlueLaw 115 Jun. 7-327Was 1 2:00 hy 10 110 2 5 5 5" LewisM 1800 8 Culloden 114, Runar 103, Chehalis 105 Jun. 4-327Was 1 155 sd 14 110 4 5 44 47 LewisM 1500 10 Cr.Stone HO.Tack 108,UncleHenry 108 May27-32"Was li 159 hy 21 110 7 3 68 74 ClellandO" 1500 12 Runar 100, Tack 110, Comstockcry 105 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record.. 29 10 2 4 $ 7,617 1932 record. .18 13 1 ,375 Punishment 1 OS Ch Bi 61 ty pillory wimPl0 by PcteT Quince. Work- lune 201-2 .501 ft lvO Trainer. D. P. Veneziano. Owner, B. P. Veneziano. Jua25-327War 1 1:52 ft" "9-5 114 1 4 3 24 MeadeD1 1500 8 Pncellal03,B.West 108,SadKnight 108 Jua21-327Was 1tb 1:59 ft 7 112 6 1 2" 34 MeadeD7 1500 11 Gabbo 109, Ping Coates 109, Spud 112 Jual5-32cWas 1 2:01 hy 51 110 8 6 814, T9! MeadeD1 1500 10 RiffRaffl05,Un.HenryllO,SsBallot 106 Jun. 8 327Was 14 2:07 ft 8 105 6 3 3s 37 TrborioN11 1500 12 PingCoateslOS.CesarelOS.FrtCIerk 112 May30-327Was 1 1:53 ft 34 110 3 1 21 24 MeadeD 1500 12 SthSeasll5,CIium 115,FrghtCIerk 110 Nov25-3rBow 1155 ft 14 114 10 10 11" 11" BejshakJ 2000 11 Svvatterl09,Stronghrt 109,T.Doctor 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 31 3 3 8 $ 4,175 1932 record. . 5 0 2 2 $ 450 Mothers Choice X 1 03 Br. m, 5, by Paul Weidel Flavia, by Under Fire. Work- June 18 lm " 150sv Trainer. J. H. McCooIe. Owner. Mrs. J. H. McOoole. Jua24-32sWas 1J-153 "ft 24 100 2 12 12" U SndersW 1500 12 SrMash HO.Luchon 112,SanPresto 115 Jun. 1-31Was 14 158 si 17-10 107 311 7 8" CunhamJ 2000 12 T.Southerner 112,T.Lad 112,N.Seth 107 andIayl4-31sAur 1 1:55 hyl9-20 10r 111 Is CunhamJ 1200 5 H.Denson lOl.Bayamo 99,RareCharm 96 May 8-317Aur 1151 m 17-10 106 5 3 21 14 CunhamJ 1200 8 KingKelIyl09,Harpoonl06.Bumpkinl06 Feb26-31SJ.P 11:48 ft 6-5 103 4 9 910 9" JamesE4 1700 9 LaugLauralOS.JiiniorClOS. Villager 107 Febl5-31TF.G 1153 ft 39-10 103 2 5 34 2 JamesE4 1700 8 Boskyl08,MyDanlll,LughingLaura 100 Starts. 1st. -2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 7 3 1 0 $ 2,200 1932 record... 1 Harum Scarum X 1 OS f" Ty aer Yashmak, by Broomstick. Work- June 17 1-2 -49ft Trainer, E. Johnson. Owner, E. Johnson. Jun23-325Was 1 1:52 f 1 4W0 1111110 6 SiSchuttoH9 1500 12 Peace Lady 106, Draha 111, Niato 109 Junl7-327Was ljj 152 ft 7 112 8 5 3 2 SchutteH 1500 12 A.OrmtlOS.M.PerfcnllO.PceLdy 112 JunlOWas V 1:43 ft 15 1121111 8" 54 SmithJ 1500 12 EHz.Foxl07;.PeceLadyll2,Lonell 106i Mayl2-327Spt 17B 1:49 gd 16-5 108 21 McLarenJ 1000 7 Semesterl06,ByProdtl03,Stlanova 113 May 7-325Spt l70 157 si 31 113 Fell. GrossE 2000 7 P.oPIayl07.Ber.Van 107,S.Spinner 107 May 5-32Spt 6 f 1:21 ft 4 109 44 GrossE Allw 7 H.Workl06,Diaquri lll,K.Cherokeell4 . Starts. 1st- -nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 1 1932 record. .19 2 7 2 ,735 Wacker Drive X 1 1 Q, 7, by Bunting Bonnie Carrie, by Ogden. Work- June 22 1 1-4 2-15ft --- Trainer, E. E. Heffcran. Owner, J. J. Coughlin. Jun. 6-327Was 1 1:58 m 31 108 8 5 5 4" DepremaR 1500 8 Niato- 98, Half Day 108,Dixie Lad 115 May21-32Spt 6fl3ft 16 110 44TayIorW 1000 9 NoonPlay 110,Nardo lll.WildChild 105 Maj-18 32Spt a 59 ft -10 113 64TaylorW 800 10 HotTimell3.D.Wthtnll3.Van.Casel05 JuL 2-31Bbg 3 1:12 ft 48 11310 7 8s 74 KellumJ" 800 11 B.Orange 109,Top Cloud 116,Joan G.104 Jua30-31Bbg g 1:13 t 48f 115 7 9 8 74 KellumJ10 100011 T. dAmourll5,Oberonll2,FteMann 110 Jun.lO-31Bbg 2 1:13 ft 47 114 10 9 94 94 KellumJ 1250 12 PrVgStep 109,TopCloud lOS.Lassa 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won, . Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 8 0 0 1 $ 50 1932 record. . 3 0 0 0 $ 45 The "Widower J- 1 1 Q Blk- S, 4 M, by Hildur The Widow Cutting, by Smoks Work: June 19 lm. . . .l:45sl House. Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, J. B. Rcspess. JunlWas 1 1:37 ft 54f 114 1 9 104 11" FmnortyR1 2500 12 Totemll8,Upright HO.GrandPrince 118 Ma-19-323C.D 6i f 1:20 ft 20 115 6 7 5 41 HauptJ 150010 B.Bsinessll5,Un.Henryll5,T.Limit 110 Mayl6-32!C.D 6 f 1:21 ft 8e 112 5 5 4 44 GoolorW Maid 12 Delvenl08,BlowFlyl04.Maj.Lanphr 112 May 9-32C.D 6 f 1:20 ft 41 10810 9 74 6" HauptJ 1500 12 Valdostall3,MyHobby 108,Gunfire 113 JuLlS-SOLat 51:08 ft 43-10 115 3 2 2 3 GooIerW1 Maid 12 Joey Bibbll5,BobsPyll5, Rip t Rip 115 JuL-SOLat 5i f 1:08 ft 5 116 2 4 3 3s GoolerW1 Maid 12 LaWild 113,JoyBibbll6,GailIardia 116 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.--, 1932 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 50 Euro 11? B. g, 4, by Dodge Pompano Girl, by Sweep. Work: June 27 3-8.. :35sl J--1-- Trainer, M. lowenstein. Owner. M. Lowenstein. Jun.l3-327L.B 1T 1:48 ft i6-5f 112 3 8 54 54 BarnesS 1500 11 St.Tuscanll3,CpParolcllO,FgZeno 110 JunJ0-32L.B 1 1:12 ft 26 106 8 8 810 7" ObertW8 1600 8 T.Point 112,Boscobel 104,Common 107 May 2 32Pim 1 1:48 gd 6 120 3 3 2" 2" HanfordB8 1500 10 TheDoctorll5,SirByron 117,Reform 112 Apr20-325HdG 1 1:54 ft 41-10 117 5 3 11 l1 HanfordB 2000 11 BokieB. 103,RedcIiffe 117,ScotFree 112 Aprl3-326Bow lU:56ft 10 110 4 7 54 54 LewisM1 1500 12 ThcDoctor HO.Tazewell HO.Ruane 110 Marl4 323Trp 1 1:26 ft 81f 116 912 74 74 RobtsonA 1500 13 Common 109,ChicagoGirl lll.Coots 116 Starts, lit. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Stnrts. Is.. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 9 10 1 $ 1,000 1932 record. 12 2 1 0 ,700 Orange PIuillO X 1 1 3 B. g, 4, by Prince Pal Floating On, by Flotsam II. Work: June 20 3-4.. 1:20 ft -L-Lf- Trainer, D. L. Ogle. Owner. G. W. Ogle. Seri24-315R.P 51:12 m 21 111 9 5 3 ll DycrJ 600 9 Nicaragual07,Apronettell2,Wcbster 112 Sep22-315R.P fc 1:13 m 61 105 8 7 5s 34 CoxD4 600 8 Martinasl05,MacPricel09Kalakaua 106 Scpl7-314R.P 5 f im ft 61 103 6 5 6s 64 GayG 600 8 Bruno lll.ThclmaL. 115,Webster 1U Sep. 7-31R.P l79 1:47 ft 22-5 113 4 5 84 74 HarlC 900 8 Florian 108,TheMissl04,Thos.Pick 111 Sep 3-315R.P 1 1:32 m 7-5 111 3 2 2 11 HartC 700 7 BuddyM.103.NoExcusoll4,LdyKay 103 Aug31-31R.P 5i f 1:10 ft 1-2 118 3 11 14 HartC1 Maid 10 Transmnl05,RlyPoIy 116,EvalynR.116 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1 1931 record. .12 3 0 2 $ 980 "

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