untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-28


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T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictfy Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting mr DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY -PB The two horses are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same service. No exceptions. No partiality. DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY TWO BIG ARLINGTON WINNERS "TpE Subscribe for todays big parlay. Do not fail to get todays two big priced winners at Arlington. Direct connections at that track no guessing. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: IMPISH, 5.94, WON MISS MARR, $ 9.58, WON My two horses are advertised every day regardless of results. Legitimate turf information. Telegrams sent all out-of-town clients. mr TODAY 0 TO WIN PARLAY 0 TO TODAY W GET THAT BIG DOUBLE TODAY GO THE LIMIT WIN ONLY SUBSCRIBE - WfF Do Not Miss These Two Big-Priced Winners at Arlington "Tpffi W DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING A BIG BET TC We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive prompt attention. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Supreme Flash Turf Weekly For Sale on All Newsstands 35 Cents Get the Cash with Supreme Flash TODAYS FREE CODE: L AT0 N I A J an .-1 324-5-1 9. For cipher code, see page 2, SUPREME FLASH. YESTERDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: ROLLING SEA, 7th Arlington PARTIES, 7th Latonia SUPREME MOTTO HONESTY AT ALL, TIMES WIN OR LOSE, OUR RELEASES ARE ADVERTISED FRIDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: BIG BRAND, .22, WON LLANDAFF, .38, WON THURSDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: KNIGHTS CALL, .46, WON TOMBEREAU, .28, WON WE GIVE YOU THE BEST INFO OBTAINABLE ON THIS SERVICE TWO CERTAINTIES TODAY We have "TWO CINCH WINNERS" today and you can go the "EXTREME LIMIT" in a parlay across and bet each separately. HERE IT IS GO STRONG: TODAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: LATONIA Line-24-13-15-5. LATONIA Stone-15-19-13-7. This parlay can be deciphered with T-O-D-A-YS SUPREME FLASH, 50 cents, DAILY PARLAY CODE ENVELOPE. Sold at your nearest newsstand. NO TELEGRAMS NO EXPENSE You go to your nearest newsstand, get TODAYS SUPREME FLASH, 50 cents DAILY PARLAY CODE ENVELOPE, and decipher todays two specials, right out of this ad. NOTICE If jour newsdealer does not carry Supreme Flash Daily Parlay Envelope, wire .50 for six envelopes and we will wire todays parlay immediately. Make remittances to CODE PARLAY SERVICE. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: WINONA LADY, 3.82, WON Another SPECIAL goes today. Should pay a REAL GOOD PRICE and WIN EASILY. Wire ?3 immediately for this WINNER. City clients, call. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City IX IX IX IV IX DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR TUESDAY: ARLINGTON G-1 2-1 4-26-1 8. L ATO NI A W-1 5-24-9-1 8. MONDAYS KELLY SPECIAL: BAY ANGON, .98, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BULLETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price, 35c On Sale EVerywheroPrice 35o TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: ARLIN GTO N May-Troy-Omaha-Toledo. "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON JOCKEY 118 WEST 44th ST. SUITE 305 NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE JOIE. 97.60, Won; ROCK SUGAR, 40.40, Won; MANDY, 9.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60. Won; SYMPATHY, 2.20. Won; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, S21.20. Won; MERUUNA, 5.30. Won. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: IMPISH, 5.94, Won HOPE TO DO, 10.60; 4.74, 2nd STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY TWO BIG SPECIALS TODAY. The pay off will pleasantly surprise you. Im expectinK a 0 mutuel and a 5 mutuel, and Im sincerely confident of a double win. Play Each Horse to Win and Make a Straight and Place Parlay on Each I play every horse I send out I never made a promise that I didnt make good ask your racinj associates about my ridinsc record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to set in on th9 ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitata. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book-investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th St. Suite 305, New York, N. Y. eastern turf news j Established in 1902 Registered in County Clerks Office, j City of New York, State of New York j I OFFICERS: S I EDW.N M. major. ; , BUSINESS OFFICES I M. J. CURRAN. , ; I Vice-President, Montreal, Canada. 160 West 45th Mmm St. I I J JAMES R. DONOVAN, i i Second Vice-Pres., Louisville. Ky. ! ! ciiitc: co l ? CHARLES JENNINGS, OUI I Do i matST- Saaaf " Y" : h NEV Y0RK CITY, N. Y. i Treas., New York City, N. Y. j V I I 4 j. , j I YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED BY THE E. T. N.: ! WINONA LADY, 3.82, Won MARCELET, 7th Latonia j 1 The above two horses were the only two released by this organization yesterday. j J TWO LONG SHOTS TODAY 20 TO 1 AND 12 TO 1 . j I Best things of the meeting. You stand to win 00 if you play these two as follows: Make- a 0 1 j parlay across the board. The lowest your layer should pay is THIRTY-THIRTY-THIRTY. Heres I J the spot. TODAY IS THE DAY. PF DONT MISS IT "W j j PAYS FOR ONE DAYS SERVICE j EASTERN TURF NEWS J 160 WEST 45TH STREET, SUITE 53, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. I Fil THE MAN WHO ROUTED THE. 8 C Al A f I MYi LKlOU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ A If H m ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER N THE j .COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESSFUL MANIPULATIONS ua CHI I lWAk.1 1 I rK. SULLIVAN now ready again and bookies dont like it ? WATCH MV SMOK" - READ EM AND WEEP, BOYS" WE "SLAUGHTERED" BOOKIES YESTERDAY YESTERDAYS "FREE" LATONIA PARLAY: mi,. WINONA LADY, 3.82, WON I fcandffM JfeS? ADSUM, 3.46, WON JflSr mH And my advice to everyone was to PLUNGE, WIN RtruBF? 7i ONLY, on this LATONIA PARLAY, which we gave kW3w M. U. FREE to all subscribers yesterday. ofmy parlays won. tflTE THAT AFTERNOON ST" WIN WITH SULLIVAN TODAY 00- PARLAY GOES TODAY W I know two horses today at ARLINGTON that should WIN at big odds. IF YOU miss this PARLAY today at ARLINGTON YOU WILL BE THE LOSER. "LOOK, MR. PLAYER," ANOTHER "FREE" PARLAY TODAY AT LATONIA will be given to all SUBSCRIBERS to prove to you "I KNOW SOMETHING." S-TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO READERS, DONT GO TO ARLINGTON TODAY-! before you see ME and get . my PARLAY. If you cant come, PHONE ME, RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my parlay in sealed envelope in one-half hour with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. Out-of-town players, telegraph to "Mysterious" MB.-SULLIVAN1 137, N, Dearborn St.t Boom 1337! ChicaOi Til,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932062801/drf1932062801_24_1
Local Identifier: drf1932062801_24_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800