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j PAST PERFORMANCES I HAMILTON, ONT. 1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 "" W Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 .36 Starts from Barrier Weather conditions as forecast bj United States Weather Bureaa and as at press time Indicated: WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. ENTRIES APPEAR ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE 1st Hamilton York Plate. Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Allowances. Mile Little Nephew, June 25, 1913 :59 3 108. Scratches are shown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Die. Time Tr. Odds Wt St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company SeemegO V 1 OR B f 2,1,y Cne Turk Combination, by Meridian. Work: June 4-3-8... :38ft JQ Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, Wm. Garth. Jua27-32lHara 1 1:00 ft 2 114 2 2 21 21 LangC3 2250 10 HpyAnnell5,Slapsti:kll5,Lacquer 106 JualO-322L.B 5ifl:07ft 12-5 1043 3 2 1 1 DghertyF4 1500 10 DarkWar llO.Skipsea 109,Keltvvick 103 Jua 6-322Thf 1 1:00 ft 6 107 3 5 32i 321 DghertyF5 AHw 10 BrodLhtsl07,J.D,venp,tll0,Meany 113 May31-322Thf 1 1:00 ft 7-5e 113 4 2 421 431 PetzJ Maid 11 NvSunll6,Br.Lightsll3,SngHeart 113 KKy27-32Wdb 4f :56 m 11 111 8 8 41 31 PetzJ1 Alhv 8 PrcsDorrll8,ChatwatrllO,Slapstkll5 May24-32VVdb 4i f :53 ft 33-10 113 5 3 3i 3s PetzJ1 AHw 7 BallyBayll2,PrcsDolrll4,NewSun 112 May21-328VVdb 4f :55 ft 60 104 5 5 42i 2i ArnoldG4 AHw 8 Slapstklll,PntBoxl09,Flamborgh 114 Mayl6-322Pim 4 f :54 ft 13 112 5 5 41 451 PetzJ4 Allw 10 Bertrano 110, Peturnal llO.Nemerc 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record. .9 1 2 3 $ 1,300 JVrchWOOd 1 1 B. c, 2, by Westy Hogan Candy May, by Wormleighton. Work June 14 3-8 38 ft J---- Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, H. T. Archibald. Jua25-32JHam 1 1:01 ft 24-5 115 3 3 31 1 LegereE9 Maid 10 SaintLouisll2,AIeeta 113,Keltwick 112 JuaM-SL.B 5 f 1:07 ft 19-5 115 3 2 Pk 2 RallsC Maid 9 RmeVniellKltwickllS.Blosm 112 Jun. 6-325Thf 1 1:00 ft 35 110 6 6 68 531 BattistaJ3 AHw 10 BdLightsHtf.J.DvenptUO.Smego 107 Jun. 2-32Thf 1 1:01 ft 22 115 9 12 121S 11" LegereE2 2000 12 DondLadl07,Stambul 110,BaldCrestl08 Hayll-32JPim 4 f :56 hy 51f 112 4 9 6s 6i SmithJ2 3500 12 M.Snobll9,TnSqurell2,SggHrtllO May 5-32Pim 4 f :54 ft 21f 112 11 10 9" 9" EistonH . AHw 11 Keggy 117,Indian Town 117,AIeeta 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 6 1 1 0 $ 735 Shiner 1 K Cn 2 tM The Turk Evil Mama, by Peter Quince. J-Vt Trainer, Wm. Garth. Owner, Win. Garth. Jual4-32L.B 5 f 1:07 ft le 112 9 5 Ti 71 PetzJ8 Maid 9 RmeVniellArchvvdllS.Keltvvick 112 Jua 2-32Thf 1 1:01 ft 11 10911 7 6 61 CraverL" 1700 12 DondLadl07,StambuI 110,BaIdCrestl08 May30-32:Thf 1 1:01 ft 18f 106 6 3 3Ji 3 CraverL 1750 12 ToyTown 112,Skipseal08,JoeMacaw 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 $ 65 New Sun 1 1 PC Ch 2 y Broomstick The Blonde, by Mad Hatter. Work: June 27 5-8. . .l:02ed -"-J- Trainer, J. A. Healey. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Jun. 9-32JL.B g 1:01 ft 3-2e 112 5 4 3s 22 BarnesE AHw 7 BrdLightsl09,LadyChasel05,Meany 115 Jun. 3-322Thf 1 1:03 hy 12-5 118 11 7 5s! 52 BarnesE Alhv 11 Flambhll8,L.Chasell3,J.Davport lib May31-322Thf g 1:00 ft 9-5 116 5 4 1" 11 BarnesE10 Maid 11 BdLightsll3,SngHeart 113,Smego 113 May24 32Wdb 4 f :53 ft 11-5 112 2 6 5s 4s! BarnesE3 AHw 7 BaIIyBayll2,PrcsDolrll4,Seemegoll3 Mayl2-326Bel 4wc :51 ft 7-10e 117 5 8 71 48i WkmanR Maid 14 T.Pelicanll7,Catrwaul 117,DeValrall7 May 5-324Pim 4 f :54 ft 7 1131 5 6 5s 431 WkmanR10 Alhv 11 Keggy 117,Indian Town 117,Aleeta 109 Apr30-32HdG 4 f 54 ft 19-5 112 9 6 341 331 EnsorL Alhv 12 Superchargel09,Liqueur 112,Vendacel09 Apr23-323HdG 4 f :54 ft 39-10e 111112 8 99 12 WallsP" Alhv 14 Cattail 110, StarFairy 107, Okapi 119 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 8 1 1 1 $ 985 Faint BOX 1 "I O B. g, 2, by Happy Time Tint, by Lonawand. Work June 27 1-2 -54ed Trainer, C. Sutphin, Owner, S. W. Labrot. May21-32iWdb 4f :55 ft 22-5 109 8 6 551 3i BurkeJH8 AHw 8 Slapstklll,Seemegol04,FIambugh 114 MaylO-32!Pim 4 f :55 si 15 122 13 12 1310 13n EistonH Stks 14 GnMsage 122,CattaiI 122,GnFate 122 May 4-323Pim 4 f :54 ft 5 114 8 5 53 531 HanfordB5 Alhv 12 MissPurayll4,BalIygrnll7,S.Portr 113 Api27 324HdG 4 f :55 ft 27e 117 9 4 43i 21 McAuliffeD8 Stks 16 Cattail 117, Cruising 117, Cantoria 117 Apr 2 322Bow :49 gd 3 11512 8 6 34 BurkeJH8 Alhv 12 HellDiver 112,Filter 112,Doramelia 109 Marl9-32-F.G :35 ft 5 120 Lost rider. BurkeJH Alhv 11 M.Bril,tll4,BnWtersll7,M.B,nting 117 Marl7-325F.G g :34 ft 11 12113 8 7" 81 FmnertyR1 Stks 13 Jus.Loganl26,Nitumal20,M.Careful 123 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record. .10 1 2 3 $ 2,775 Blaebee 108 B. f, 2 M, by The Porter Lady Pike, by Sir Barton. Work June 17 3-8 37m O Trainer, H. Giddings. Owner, B. S. Mclaughlin. Jua20-325Aqu 1:00 "ft 7 111 4 6 6S1 461 WallsP9 Alhv 10 ShipAblazelllV.Appia 115,S.Fabric 111 Jun. 4-326Bel 4vc :52 ft 12 109 6 7 75i 651 WallsP5 Alhv 9 K,ryPatchll2,BzeSaintll2,Puchero 112 May21-325Bel 4vc :52 ft 6 115 5 2 3J1 341 SandeE Maid 8 RapscIionll7,KryPatchll7,Idealistll7 Mayl3 325Bel 4iwc :53 gd 7 115 7 5 61 641 SandeE3 Maid 11 WiteLiesllS.DyCutterllS.Madadi 115 May 5-32Jam 1.01 ft 21 117 7 5 451 48 SteffenE3 Maid 10 Wary 117,LadyDiver 117,GoodGuessll7 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 0.0 2 450 SisS 10 Ch f 2 M ty Coronacl1 Tattling, by Marathon. Work: June 173-8 :41ft Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Jun.25-325Ham 1:01 ft 24 112 10 5 55i 6i RileyG8 Maid 10 Arcliwoodll5,SaintLouis 112,Aleeta 113 t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 BillOWV "Wave 1 fi K Br. f, 2 M, by Black Servant Golden Billows, by Golden -LvU Maxim. Trainer, B. V. Boyle. Owner, Geneso Stable. , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 2nd Hamilton Purse 00. 2-Year-OIds. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Mile Little Nephew, June 25, 1913 .59 3 108. NOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Weight, 116 pounds. Non-winners twice since May 20 allowed 3 pounds. No apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St ?iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Bald Crest 1 1 Q Cl1, y Bockville Lady Vixen, by Stanley Fay, Work June 23 1-2 55ft Trainer, A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Erindale Stable. JurL27-32,Ham 1 1:00 Yt 15 108 7 Lost rider. MozerR5 2500 10 HpyAnnell5,Seemegoll4,Slapstick 115 Jual8-32-Duf a 1 1:02 ft 23-10 107 2J RallsC 2800 8 DarkWarl07,DonldLad 105,Peeved 105 Jun. 9-32L.B 1 1:03 ft 13-5 112 2 1 14 14 RallsC Alhv 8 HpGoodl02,Holdaisel05,Rompridgell2 Jun. 2-32Thf 1 1:01 ft 6 108 1 1 14 34 RallsC1 1500 12 DondLadl07,Stambul HO.JoeMcw 110 May25 324Wdb 4 f -55 ft 4 101 2 1 l8 11 HebertS8 3500 10 KsBntyl01,HpGoodl07,HyHop,s 107 May21-32JWdb :48 ft 26 115 4 2 2s 24 WellsL8 Maid 12 Rockromall5,SpgVioletll5,Crofter 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 6 2 2 1 ,740 Rompridge X 110 B. g, 2, by The Bomp II Gold Coin II., by Golden Sun. 1" Trainer, H. Giddings. Owner, B. S. McLaughlin. Jun. 9-32L.B f 1:03 ft 4-5 112 3 3 34 4 MannF8 Alhv o BaldCrestll2,HpGoodl02,Holdaise 105 Jun. 3-32Thf 4 f :57 hyll-lOe 115 4 1 14 34 McDaldC" AHw 12 PenswpllS.HyHopesllS.TysSon 113 Jun. 1-32-Thf i :48 ft 1-2 113 1111 ll MannF2 Maid 6 LErable 116,PharCrest 116,Baunboyll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 3 1 0 1 $ 840 Hidden City 110 Cl1" f 2 137 0il ManKockady "to TraP Rock. J. J. J Trainer, J. F. Hunes. Owner, Thornclif fe Stable. Jun. 3-32Thf 4 f :57 hy 115 SCRATCHED. Post P. 9 Alhv 12 Penswpll8,HyHopes 115,Rpridge 115 May30-32Thf i :49 ft 7-5e 115 2 2 21 1- BattistaJ Maid 8 Acajoull5,01dFashdll5,Holndaise 115 , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 1 1 0 0 $ 700 Fairbroom 102 C" 2 M Sweepster or 3room -?ar I,ovei y -Fair Trainer, F. Gilpin. Owner, Harber Stable. JurL20-32,Duf a 1 1:03 ft 19-5 112 3s ConveyJ Maid 8 TkysSonllS.AH Rosesll2,01dFashdll2 Jun.l3-32L.B 1 1:01 ft 46 110 1 5 34 34 ConveyJ2 Maid 9 HeapGdllO.L.Wmorelll.Mtallup 110 Jun. 9-32L.B f 1:03 ft 43 102 6 6 5 54 CanfieldL1 AHw 8 BaldCrcstll2,H,pGoodl02,Hol,daise 105 Jun. 3-32Thf 4 f :57 hy 62 112 1 7 5" 5sl ConveyJ2 Alhv 12 PenswpllS.HyHopes HS.Rpridge 115 May30-32Thf i :49 ft 24 115 7 8 8 8S1 ConveyJ1 Maid 8 HidnCityll5,Acajoull5,01dFashVdll5 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. r-, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 0 0 2 $ 125 Spot. Crest 1 OS Ch. f, 2 M, by Ajom Summer Moon, by Bock View, Work:-June 73-8 -39ft -0 Trainer, H. Z. White. Owner, J. P. White. Jua27.32IHam 44 f :54Yt 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 12 Maid 10 LyWmorcll2,O.Fashdlll,Juniam 111 Jual3-32L.B 1 1:01 ft 63 110 5 7 7 73 LcnnieJ4 Maid 9 H.Good HO.L.Wmorelll.FairbromllO Jun. 9-32L.B 1 1:03 ft 37 102 5 4 6 7" BattistaJ8 Alhv 8 BaldCrcstll2,HpGoodl02,Holdaise 105 Jun. 3-32Thf 4 f :57 hy 17e 111 2 5 9" II9 I.onnieJ1 Alhv 12 Pensvpll8,HyHopes 115,11pridge 115 May30-32Thf i :49 ft 6 115 8 7 7 7:i WellsL2 Maid 8 HidnCityll5,Acajoull5,01dFashndll5 i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- ly32 record.. 4 i Old Fashioned 1 Q B. f , 2 O, hy Old. Koenig Atlantida, by Snlghts Differ. Work: June 7-5-8. .1:02 ft J-UO Trainer, J. Given. Owner, J. C. Letcher. Jua27-32JHam 4 f :54 ft 30 111 4 1 11 21 MadeleyF Maid 10 LyWmorell2,Juniam lll.Romarie 112 JurL24-32Duf a 1 1:02 ft 9 105 622 MadeleyF 2000 7 DkWarll2,L.Menifee 110,DrZone 104 Jun20-32"Duf a 1 1-03 ft 17-5 112 41S PeakeH Maid 8 TrickysSonll5,All Rosesll2,Frbrmll2 Jun. 6-32Thf 1 1:00 ft 35 103 7 10 10s0 1028 MadeleyF4 AHw 10 BdLightslOJ.DvenptllO.Smego 107 May30-32Thf :49 ft 15 115 3 1 li 34 MadeleyF4 Maid 8 HidnCityll5,Acaioull5,Holndaise 115 May26-32Wdb l:03 m 24e 112 2 1 5s 7" MadeleyF AHw 8 Pswcep 115,Rockromall7,By t.Sea 112 May21-322Wdb i :48 ft 53 115 9 .4 9i ll20 MadeleyF10 Maid 12 RockmallS.BldCrestllS.SpgViolt 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 7 0 1 1 $ 265 Babe Gaiety 110 " B. f, 2 M, by Chink Marion Gaiety, by Martimas. 7 Work: June 113-8 :37ft Trainer, C. McKee.- Owner, T. M. Glassco. Juo27-322Ham 4 f :54 ft 120 111 1 9 914 81S LongoJ1 Maid 10 LyW,morell2,O.Fashdlll,Juniam 111 Jun. 9-32L.B 1 1:03 ft 105 103 8 8 8 86 BurrillJ Alhv 8 BaldCrestll2,HpGoodl02,Holdaise 105 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 Kings Bounty 1 1 Q B. c, 2 M, by Spey Pearl Samoa, by Cylfrad. HO Trainer, W. J. Dono, Owner, W. H. Wright. MayWdb 1:03 si 17 113 5 5 4 44 SchaeferL1 AHw 7 HpyHopesll0,Penswpll8,HeapGd 110 May25-324Wdb 4 f :55 ft 23 101 1 4 2 21 OsborneH1 3500 10 BaldCstlOl.HpGoodlOHyHopes 10? Ma21-322Wdb i :48 ft 13 118101111" 914 SchaeferL" Maid 12 RockmallBldCrestllS.SpgViolt 115 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 1 0 $ 225 Sugar Jar 1 O? Ch e 2 l3y Candy Kid Gallipot, by Galatine. Work June 25 1-2 50ed Trainer, "W. H. Bringloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Jua27-322Ham 4i f :54ft 16 111 5 4 7i 7i LegereE10 Maid 10 LyWmorell2,O.Fashdlll,Juniam 111 May21-322Wdb i :48 ft 27-10 115 5 5 71 6s LegereE Maid 12 RockmallS.BldCrestllS.SpgViolt 115 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 2 Jeanville 1 Ofi Ch. f, 2 M, by Bockville Miss Jean, by Dick Welles. Work: June 63-8.. :38ft -LWO Trainer, L. Gentry. Owrer, H. C. Hatch. JurL27-322Ham 4 f :54 ft 25 111 7 7 8" 10" RileyG8 Maid 10 LyWmorell2,O.Fashdlll,Juniam 111 May25-324Wdb 4 f :55 ft 20 101 6 8 8"1 810 McLlinEM4 3500 10 BaldCrstlOl.KsBntylOl.HpGood 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record. . 2 3rd Hamilton purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Fail4. 6V2 Furlongs Jack Ju,Y L 1931 1 :18y5 4 112. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. 3-year-olds, 115 pounds; older, 122 pounds. Winners, 2 pounds extra for each race won since May 1. No apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Die. Time Tr. Odds Wt St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Toki X "I AQ B. m, 6, by Donnacona Tamarisk, by TJtimus. Work June 283-8 38ft Trainer, G. Alexandra. Owner, J. E. Smallman. Jun-SHan f 1:19 ft 33-10 113 5 3 2 4i LangC2 1750 12 Baboo 109, FullDress 117, Allanah 112 Jua21-324Duf 6i f 125 ft 11-10 109 2i MozerR 1500 8 Mintmagill0,Hieawayl05,Princeton 115 Juol5-324L.B 3 1:12 ft 22 99 2 3 54 5i ClancyM 2000 7 ThePointUS.RollinlnllS.BkDiamd 110 Jun. 9-323L.B g 1:14 ft 8 110 2 1 U 2i MoserR5 1750 11 Bushman 115, Allanah HO.Paddock 112 Oct 2-313Wdb 2 1:14 ft 4 109 3 2 4i Tl FodenN 1500 12 SnyPal 109,LitNunl07,Backvsmnl08 SeP26-311Wdb 1 1:15 m 51 114 7 8 9" 1014 FodenN1 2500 12 SunCraig 117,Castavvay HO.Voltear 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st Vnd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .21 6 5 2 $ 4,355 1932 record. . 4 0 2 0 $ 250 Bubbling Out X 111 B. c, 4, by Bubbling Over Dugout, by Under Tire. Work June 23 3-8 39ft ----- Trainer, W. Bussell. Owner, Four L. Stable. Jua25-325Duf Il:30hy 20 108 310 FodenN 3000 6 BwayLightsl09,BokieB.104,Omarn 109 Jua23-323Duf 1 1:32 ft 3-2 113 21! LangC 1250 8 TuffyG. 107,Suneur 103,Sabina H. 103 Jua21-323Duf 6 f 1:24 ft 51 113 819 LaneC 1300 8 Caryldon 106i,AtIas HO.FairSpeed 100 JualO-323L.B 1 1:12 ft 45 103 6 7 710 812 DghertyF 1400 8 T.Point 112,Boscobel 104,Common 107 Jua 8-322L.B 1:15 ft 24 112 8 11 1215 12" MannF2 1500 12 GerardllO,TimeEnoughl05,PoisonIvyl08 May28-328Wdb 1 1:14 si 241 116 2 10 9" 9i DouertyF5 2100 10 Deduce lll.Pennate 117,GayParty 119 . Starts. 1st 2nd. flrd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record. .19 2 4 0 $ 1,900 1932 record.. 6 0 1 1 $ 200 LaiTT Pamm 1 OA Ch. c, 3 M, by Aga Khan Khata, by Wrack. Work: June 151-2 :49ft J-" Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. W. Garth. JurL27-324Ham 6 f 1:20 ft 12 1131 4 5 3!1 3s LangC8 2000 12 Sp.Crestl02Sworthyll2,Ml Image 115 JualO-32L.B 1:14 ft 11 104112 11 65 89 DghertyF11 1000 12 Gobi 111, Blighter 115, Caryldon 107 Jun. 2-322Thf 1:14 ft 10 107 7 7 5C1 531 DghertyF4 1200 12 TetraKhan 110, Donya 105, Clarry 102 APE30 32HdG 1 1:44 ft 23 110 1 10 108 ll33. Smith J1 2500 12 L.Mrymnl05,Brnsidel05,HurawayllO Atig.22 316Sar 5 f 1:06 ft 100 117 13 12 ll10 10" MaibenJ8 Maid 15 PrPriddU7.D.Secretll7.L. Attempt 117 Aug.17 31"Sar 1:12 ft 100 110 11 11 ll6 10"! LeischnR9 Alhv 11 TheBull 115,T.Cranell5,Semphore 111 May30 313Bel wc 1:00 ft 60 112 4 4 510 5" FieldsG AHw 5 Defier 112, Cambal 112, Americana 120 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.;. 6 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 50 Playing X 1 OP Br. f, 3, by Messenger Devils Garden, by Colin. .LUZi Trainer, B. McDonald. Owner, Sunnyside Stable. Junl3-322L.B 1 1:13 ft 13f 100 4 10 11" 10to MadeleyF4 1000 12 Marvina 103,Burlap 113,MyBetty 111 May27-325Wdb 1 1:49 m 160 109 5 7 7" 730 MadeleyF4 2500 7 W.-in-Chceryll4,Bnsidel07,Spanfrl09 Mar23 32St.J 1 1:47 sy 9 103 2 6 610 6" McLarenJ 1000 10 OnLeavel07,FlyingAtoml09,Parties 106 Mac 2-324Hav l50 1:46 ft 10 104 2 4 81 881 PriorW3 900 9 Abstain 104,SnnyBob 115,Chummy 111 Feb24-32Hav l50 1:50 hy 4 105 2 5 34 3" PriorW5 1000 6 RghRiderllO,UglyMugl09,RealSilk 105 Feh21 323Hav 3 113 ft 6 106 7 6 64 6 McLarenJ4 1000 7 CtryTom 110,StesLassl06,AIitzn. Ill Feb.l6-32sHav 2 1:14 ft 6 106 1 3 34 42 McLarenJ4 800 8 I.HghnelOS.StfsLsslll.PryChce 111 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .20 2 5 2 $ 3.025 1932 record. .14 1 0 1 $ 700 Irish Fusilier 1 OA B. c, 3 M, by Twelve Pointer Mulgoba, by Orhy. Work: June 201-2.. :54ft Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Jua27-324Ham 6 f 1:20 ft llf 112 7 8 10" 11" RileyG9 2000 12 Sp.Crestl02,Sworthyll2,L.Damm 113 Jun24-32Duf 1A 1:53 ft 13 100 518 HicksS 1000 7 Caryldonl07,DoctorT.106,Abduction 110 Jua22-321Duf 6fl:26 ft 40 101 710 HicksS 1500 8LenSweep 112,Dais 109,GrandRox 102 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 3 Stnart X 1 CA. Br 3 ty Kint? Janes Wrack Past, by Wrack. Work: June 16 3-4. .l:18sl Trainer, J. J. Conway. Owner, J. P. Musgrave. Jua 9-322Was 1 1:26 ft 15 103 8 2 451 5" MartinTP1 2000 12 W.Advotel08,D.Romiro 110,S.Satinl08 Mayl4-323C.D 2 1:12 ft 32 113 10 10 11" ll14 RoseM 2500 11 Gr.Princel22,Predictll3,EastrTime 113 Nov20-312Bow 3 1:13 si 43-10 114 4 1 1 2" HooperC 2500 12 NtVintel09,WiseSelrll4,PmRock 109 OctSg-Sl-Lrl 5i f 1:08 ra 17-5 115 5 4 21 11 NertneyW4 Maid 12 HappyWrriorllS.Thtrical 115,Pennll5 Oct22-3rLrl g 1:13 ft 8-5 105 2 3 2"1 31 SmithE10 200012 Dustemfl05,JstaPeakllO,B.Sohm 105 Oct 5-31Lrl 5i f 1:06 ft 6e 105 4 2 21 21 SmithE 2500 12 Porgie 115,Excavation 115,FairBoy 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 4 12 1 $ 1,500 1932 record. . 2 Normalial X 1 OQ Ch. f, 4, by Omar Hhayyazn Atala, by Star Shoot. Work: June 67-8 l:32sl Trainer, C. Beid. Owner. O. Beid. Junl5-326Was li 2:01 hy 79 105 5 4 7" 8" MoranW9 1500 10 RiffRaffl05,Un.HenryllO,SsBalIot 106 JunlO-326Was l" 1:43 ft 100 112 1 6 5!1 41 PdgrassA" 1500 12 Eliz.Foxl07,PeceLadyll2,Lonell 106 Jun. 2-32Was 1 1:55 gd 52 112 2 2 89 9J0 PendgsA1 1500 11 WeeDrplODnaDearlOS.MnTims 110 May20-32Aur 1:14 ft 10 108 2 4 4 22 RenoT4 1000 12 BayRosel05,Amour 108,KittyOWayl02 Ma17-322Aur g 1:13 ft 34 1101 4 10 10" 73i LeylandJ1 1000 12 AndmdalOS.NoclsDrslOO.ThsSethllg Mayl2-324Aur 2 1:13 ft 71 110 3 6 6i 61 LeylandJ4 1000 11 GsieChief 115,Polyp 109,HalfDay 115 , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 9 1 0 0 $ 425 1932 record. .12 0 1 0 $ 125 Westward 1 1 Fv B. h, 5, by "Westwick Alice C, by Assagai. J. J. O Trainer,. B."V. Boyle. Owner, Geneseo Stable. Jun. 8-32L.B 2 1:15 ft 69 104 7 8 95i 91 ArnoldG 1100 12 Princetonl05,BudBroomll0iMyKittyl05 Novl9-312Bow 2112sy 82 11710 9 91 9" WallsP9 2500 11 T.Heatnl20,Pcodinell3,Tsenelda 109 Oct22-313Emp 5f 1:11 ft 40 119 6 6 6" 5!1 BethelJ4 2000 7 Oncora 116, Wacket 116, Morheart 109 Oct 9-313Jam 2 1:15 m 3 116 6 6 7" 7" MalleyT 1500 11 SwpPic lll,KaIeidoscopell2,Archy 116 JuL 7-31-F.E 3 1:18 hy 12-5 110 5 1 31 41 PollardJ 1500 7 GenlToyll2,N.Brceksll8,NyNghtyl04 SepgHdG 2 1:13 ft 8 112 8 7 12" 1230 WkmanR2 4000 12 Chianti 116,BettyBeau 114,AlGreen 115 Aug. 7-30Sar 1 127 ft 8 113 4 2 31 951 LeischnR" 5000 15 Protrctorll5,DrawgBrdl20,MySis 109 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 4 0 0 0 $ 30 1932 record. . 1 Bobby Powers X 11-? Ch- Si hy Midway Mana Grass, by Short Grass. Work June 18 lm l-48sv J--- Trainer, W. A. Whiteside. Owner, W. A. Whiteside. JuiL25-32Ham 1 1:40 ft 12f 111 2 2 22 431 HalbertF" 1000 12 F.Brigade 106,OnLeave 106,DkCelt 103 Juo20-32Was 1and 2KX ft 16f 115 3 8 1022 ll20 HalbertF 1500 12 Traf.Judgel09,Ladrone HO.HalfDay 110 Jun. 7-32Was 1 2:00 hy 20 110 1 3 44 4" CritchfldC 1800 8 Culloden 114, Runar 103, Chehalis 105 Jua 4-32Was U 1:55 sd 52 110 6 7 8" 8" CrchfieldC9 1500 10 Cr.Stone HO.Tack 108,UncleHenry 108 May26-324Was 12:14 hy 12 110 2 2 51 5" CritchfdC 1500 7 Cullodenll3,Di.xieLadllO,T.Flowers 110 Mayl7-32Aur 1and 1:47 ft 12 111 7 8 9" 8" Lane J 1000 11 Happy Lad 108,Tantalizinglll, Dunes 103 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. am. V..n 1931 record. .26 2 9 0 $ 2,675 1932 record. .12 1 2 2 $ 975 CriniSOn Order 111 Ch. g, 6 M, by Essexford or Bed Bhetoric Dictate, by Wild . JL JL X fowler. Trainer, H. E. White. Owner, D. B. Toomath. Juall-325L.B 2 1:15 ft 112 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 1250 11 Altsheb 115, Hieaway 107, Baboo 109 Sep.26-314Wdb 31:13m 35 110 5 6 6" 6" MadeleyF1 Hdcp 6 FrchLassll6,Ftmarkll0,FairJack 101 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 1 Hobnob X 1 07 Br. c, 3, by Kai-Sang Barbary, by Trap Bock. Work: June 25 lm l46ed Trainer, W. H. Bringloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Jua27-323Ham lr 1:47 ft 51 110 3 1 2 51 LegereE2 1500 12 OnLcave HO.Arundel 113,Diodoro 109 Jual5-32L.B 1" 1:44 ft 14f 103 5 9 10" 1021 PhillipsC1 2500 11 Partisanl08,Wrackell 112,Cuchulain 113 Jua 9-32L.B a 1:14 ft 22-5 107 711 94i 9s PhillipsC" 1750 11 Bushman 115, Toki 110, Allanah 110 No-17-312Bow 21:12 ft 38 116 1 6 5" 41 LegereE 4000 12 Fredrickll8,Br.a.BoIdli3,B.Damsel 115 Oa28-314Lrl 2 1:12 ft 45f 115 9 10 10" 8" Smith V9 5000 12 H.Devincn5.Fredrickll5,WrPlane 115 Oct23-314Lrl , 2 1:12 ft 23 112 61010" 84J LegereE 5000 12 BonaPetoll2,H.Dvinell2,Thsday 112 OctlO-31-L.B 2 1:14 gd 7-10e 118 3 1 2 2 LegereE Alhv 7 Rubridge 110,DkCeltl00,Wtworth 103 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. " Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .16 5 14 $ 4,615 1932 record. . 3 4th Hamilton Purs 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. Foaled in 1 1-16 Miles Camada Claiming. Jouett, July 30, 1923 1S45y5 NOTE Claiming- price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Non-winners this year. 3-year-oldsj 110 pounds; older. 116 pounds. No apprentice allowance. , The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dig. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Gilded Casino X 10 Ch. m, 6, by Golden Sphere Casino Girl, by Simon Square, -JO Trainer. G. Hogarth. Jr. Owner. G. Hogarth. Jr. Juil20-325Dui 1 1:30 ft 11 108 7,sPeakeH 1400 8 CupbVdll7,MyBottvll2.Traumagno 117 Junl4-32"L.B 1 1:46 ft 5 111 7 5 5Ji 4 LegoreE 2000 8 Lindsyl.LrdCardignlOg.Serfmn 105 JualThf 11:28 ft 10 1131 6 2 2 3i LegereE11 1200 12 Anoka 107,MadMulIah 112,ToutFeu 112 Sep30-314Wdb 1:47 ft 40 120 8 9 9U 9" FodenN Stks 9 StepOfnOB.SkygazerlOb.KirkdPost 104 Scp.l5 31JThf 11:40 ft 10 108 7 5 10" 10 Fisr-erAM 1500 11 M.Bobbiel07,Kitlingl09i,MeGaiety 107 Aug25 31N.F 3 1:13 ft 12 109 24 NashE 1000 7 CanrmnadelOS.Moden 108,Pand.rus 109 Au520 31eDev 11:41 ft 18 110 6 12 2 FischerA 1300 7 OilRitel.LdCardnm.P.Exrnce 103 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record. .21 2 3 1 $ 1,830 1932 record. . 3 0 0 1 $ 105 Single Sea 1 0 B e 4 M iy Seaway Singlet, by Knights Differ. J- y U Trainer. C. E. Furry. Owner. C. E. Furry. See chart of yesterdays second race. Sep.l8-31Beu l:22hy 15 107 4 MooreET 1000 10 D.Rumorl02.MrOgdenl07,BldltcIl 102 Sep.l6-3l Beu 3 1:16 gd 31 106 8" MooreET 700 8 SugarIandl01,Forefatherl07,Danilo 107 Scp.lO-31Beu 1" 1:49 ft 51 103 6" CleffA 700 8 Chrysler 111, Jack Up 106, Norias 107 oI1lN-F 1 1:01 m 15 111 6" BarrW 500 8 Rcighburn 115,CareFree 115,Uplay 113 Au526-31N.F 3 i;i4 ft 5j 107 3 QnbushG Ajlvv 6 zion m Bokhara 112, BlackFriar 114 Marts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .14 0 0 2 $ 135 Granite Rock X 10 B. h, 5. by Quartz Bock Mover of Hen, by Lovetie. Work: June 28 5-8. .l:04ft -LV" Trainer, W. Russell. Owner. Four L. Stable. Jun27-32:Ham 1and 1:47 ft 107 SCRATCHED. Post P. 4 1200 7 D.ofYorkll3,MieGetyllO,Kirk.Postl05 Jun.l4-326L.B 1 1:46 ft 27 109 2 6 6CI 6T FatorE 1500 8 Lindsyl06,LrdCardignl09,Serfmn 105 Jun.l3-32L.B 1" 1:45 ft 41 105 5 5 64 5 FatorE4 1200 9 D.ofYorkllS.M.LorelOOi.P.Excnce 109 Jun.lO-324L.B lj 1:48 ft 53 106 9 6 6 67i FatorE5 2000 9 MrieGaiety99,Lindsayl04,D.ofYork 104 Jun. 6 32Thf 1,1:49 ft 13 111 3 4 5i 66i MannF 1000 10 Dss ofYrkllO.L.CdiganllO.PelrusllO Jua 1-3? 1:28 ft 131 112 810 9 T FatorE 1200 12 Anokal07,M.Mullah 112,Gil.Casino 1134 May27-325Wdb 1 1:17 m 47 120 11 10 8" 7 FatorE10 1100 12 Circulet 122,Kingswayl23,Logwood 112 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. 22 114 $ 1,040 1932 record. . 7 Bronze X 1 "1 Q Ch. c. 4 M, by Oil Man Push Pin, by First Sight. Work: June 131-2.. :48ft J--L- Trainer. F. H. Schelke. Owner, Thornc!iffe Stable. Jual3-324L.B 3 1:13 ft 33 109 6 6 6" 6T FischerA1 Allw 6 YgKittylll.EasrHterlOS.F.Blowerlie May21-32Wdb U 1:55 ft 10c 127 7 9 9 719 RallsC Stks 11 Qswayll2,KgOCnorll2.Sp.Crest 112 May2731Wdb lrf, 1:47 ft 16-5e 112 1 1 2 2" RobtsonA8 Stks 8 FrothBrowerl27.0ilRitell2.SkygazerllO M-23-314Wdb in:59m 18-5e 112 7 3 31 2i CanfieldL" Stks 12 FrothBrrll7,Skygazrll2.P.Excelcel27 Oct 6 30L.B g 1:15 ft 16 106 8 4 A1 4s AimersT10 Maid 11 MrchMysticl09.Hayrft 102,RkyDayl09 Sep. 8-30Thf 5 f 1:08 ft 5e 10b 5 6 6S1 88 AimersT10 Alhv 12 PpcredPet 108,Skygazerll3,GoIaderl07 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Vmi.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 2 0 2 0 ,500 1932 record... 2 Lord Cardigan X 1 07 Ch 6 by Fitzwilliain Collinga. by Light Brigade. Work: June 283-8 :37ft V T.ainer. J. S. McDonald. Owner. C. Frosch. Jun.20-325Duf 11:53 ft 41-10 107J 51S AbelA 1500 5 Lindsayl08,Pelorus 108,Mar!eGaiety 113 Jun.l4-32CL.B 1T0 1:46 ft 23-5 109 1" 1 2 21 AbelA1 1500 8 Lindsyi06,Serfmanl05,GilddCsino 111 JualO-324L.B 1; 1:48 ft 13 1071 7 4 41 41 AbelA9 2000 9 MVieGaiety99,Lindsayl04,D.ofYork 104 Jun. 6-32cThf 1,1:49 ft 12 110 4 11 2i AbelA 1000 10 Dss ofYorkllO.PclorusllO.M.MHahllO Jun.l-32sThf 1 1:28 ft 27-10 112 9 7 5 5Ji AbelA 1200 12 Anokal07,M.MulIahll2,Gil.Casino 113i May23 32TWdb 1:14 ft 15 120 9 9 81 5H AbelA 1100 12 SeaKalel21Chivalrousll8,ToeDance 118 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. UN... , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. YVon.- 1931 record. 20 2 3 2 $ 1 935 1932 record . 6 0 2 0 $ 315 Pampered Pet 10 B 4 by Anmer ?ampinea, by Marta Santa. Work: June 20 3-8... . :41ft J Tra.ner. J. Given. Owner. J. C. Fletcher. Jua25-32Duf 11:55 hy 37 1041 5" ObertW 1000 7 MyBtyll3,DoctorT.109,Wand.Gold 110 Jun.22-323Duf lrV 1:55 ft 16 103 21 MadeleyF 1000 6 MalLorel07,Crvictorial06i,Rysol 103 JUn.20-32Duf g 1:30 ft 77 1031 6" ArthurV 1000 8 Cupbrdll7,MyBettyll2,Traumagne 117 Jun.l4-323L.B a1:i3ft 127 100 910 9 8" MadeleyF9 1500 11 QutraBrasllO.ToeDance 102,Sabana 97 Jun. 2-325Thf 1 1:27 ft 32 10b 10 9 9" 91 MadeleyF 1200 12 KndPost.T.DncelOS.CIieWtier 108 May31-32Thf 5 f 1:08 ft 45 10911 6 81 8T MadeleyF 1000 12 MissGrmleyl03,Kebbie 104,Hayloft 113 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wo-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Von. 1931 rocord.. 6 0 0 1 $ 70 1932 record. . 6 0 1 0 $ 125 Frigid Frosty QQ Ch. c, 3 M, by Fitzwilliam Finery Foolery, by lovetie. Work: June 201-2. . :51ft U Trainer, A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Erindale Stable. Spp rliart ol vostonlays second rare. Jun.27-32sHam 1 1:47 ft 96 SCRATCHED. Post P. 10 1000 12 OnLeave 110,Arundel 113,Diodoro 109 Jun.21-32Duf 6i f 17 ft - 7 107 4" RallsC Maid 8 D.McCrnl07,ThdrLitl07,Raysol 109 Jun. 4-32:Thf 3 1:13 ft 54f 101 9 10 Un u.s MattiolijS 500 12 StefanJr.l08,Boscobel 108,JnBane 111 Octl3-31L.B 1 1:14 ft 24f 94 10 12 12" 12" McLalinE 1250 12 L.Turkeyl06.P.Mnkeyl03.B.oGold 10b Sep28 31Wdb 5fl:09 ft 70 112 2 7 6s 5ei FodenN1 2500 12 CsteMornlOg.FlriaZel HS.Rsemn 116 Aug. 4-31Ham 1 11 gd 420 111 8 7 9 9" TonrowR Maid 10 Wentwthlll,Rosemanll4,E.Dandy 111 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record.. 4 1932 record .. 2 0 0 0 $ 30 5th Hamilton Price of Wales Purse. Purse ,000. 3-Year-OIds and 1 1 hiM Upward. Claiming. Jouett, July 30, 1923 1:4514 1 1-16 Miles 6 104. NOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for ,500, allowed 3 pounds. 3-year-olds, 112 pounds; older, 120 pounds. Non-winners of one race other than maiden or claiming in 1932 allowed 3 pounds; in 1931, 5 pounds. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Uis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. SU Str. Fin. Jorkey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. ItPkt Company Partisan X 119 Br. g, 8, by Wildair Ballotade, by Ballot. Work: June 4 lm 1:49ft -" Trainer, Z. Gentry. Owner. H. C. Hatch. JunjaS-SHatn 1:46 ft 2 112 4 3 11 l1 RileyG 2500 8 MargetMcl04,Schoonerl08,B.aWee 111 Jual5-32CL.B 1" 1:44 ft 19-5 108 9 5 4i 1 RileyG5 2500 11 Wrackell 112,Cuchuln 113,Spanfair 104 May31-32sThf 1 1:47 ft 8-5 111 6 4 43i 341 RileyG 3000 7 GayParisnl07,Deedie 117,MarpIot 110 May25-327Wdb 1" 1:44 ft 27-10 120 9 6 3 21 RileyG9 3000 9 Deediell8,BvayLights 110,Bnside 102 MajSlWdb ltul:45ft -5 12210 5 51 5 RileyG4 3000 12 BryLightsl06,Burnsidel06,Marplot 121 FebL23-32Hia 1U54 sy 3-2 1113 2 1 Is MillsH 2000 5 WarSaintlll.Griffin lll.TopHattie 108 Feb.l7-32Hia 1 1:52 t 19-10 1083 1 1 1 MillsH 2000 9 StardLhtlll.FairBill 108,S.Presto 106 FeblO-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 71 110 8 1 1 l4 DeCamsE1 2000 11 Brushl04.LinHeartedll4,PiinceToy 105 Feb. 8-325Hia 1 1:52 ft 27-10 108 7 4 1 21 ElstonH5 2000 9 StVdLitllO.NIonKaylll.TigrPcelOS Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, .. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 14 0 2 1 $ 525 1932 record. .12 5 3 2 ,225 JiOSCObel I AO B. t. 3, by Sir Greysteel Shireoaks, by Volta. Work: June 35-8 l:06hv . rainer, X. Haymaker. Owner, W. C. Dunford. Juia3-32L.B l70 1:44 ft 11-5 107 3 2 1"! 1" MozerR 2000 12 OnLeave 103,Shiva 105,Plain Ben 1074 Jun.l0-323L.B 3 1:12 ft 27-10 104 3 3 :3 2H MozerR1 2000 8 T.Pointll2,Commonl07GdcRight 110 Jun. 4-322Tlif 1:13 ft 7-5 108 6 4 2J 21 PhillipsC7 250012 Stefan Jr.l08,JnBanelll,ChiIeGold 108 Ma-30 323Thf g 1:13 ft 7 103 7 2 31 4 PhillipsC 3000 11 FairJack 117, Pennate 108. Mexico 112 Maj-26-326Wdb g 1:14 m 18-5 103 4 1 11 21 PhillipsC1 Allw 8 SisterZooll4,Lit.Gypll2,GarntLass 100 APr29-32HdG 5 f 1:07 ft 19-20 113 5 2 14 1" EnsorL5 3300 12 StePpingSisterl05,BbyBirdllO,Viba 110 Apr26 32JHdG 2 1:13 gd 3 105 6 3 2l 31 LeischnR1 2500 10 Hagtown HO.FairJack 112,Lilijbet 107 ApHdG 5 flK7ft 14-5 115 5 11? BurkeJH1 Alhv 12 Autumnal 110.Lin.NeII 115,BrtLunall0 Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-, 1931 record.. 11 1 7 2 $ 3,200 1932 record. .11 2 4 1 ,335 Beedie X 110 Br. f, 4, by Chatterton Chapala, by Sir Dixon. Work: June 27 5-8. ..l.-03ed Lyj Trainer. G. Alexandra. Owner. J. E. Smallman. Jun.9-32L.B lft 1:46 ft 23-10 107 2 4 41 41 PhillipsC 3500 6 Uluniu 103,sisterZoe 107,Bandcrloe 104 Jun. 6 32 lft 1:46 ft "9-5 115 6 2 14 14 PhillipsC 3000 7 Happenl03,Gen.tejne 105,G.Right 108 Maj-31-325Thf 1ft 1:47 ft 39-10 117 7 1 21 21 PhillipsC 3000 7 GayParisnl07,Partisanlll,MarpIot 110 May25-32nVdb 1" 1:44 ft 33-10 118 7 4 1 11 KsingerC4 3000 9 Ptisanl20,BdwayLightsllO.Bside 102 Ma-23-324Wdb lft 1:46 ft 49-10 100 6 6 3 3 CanfieldL4 Hdcp 7 Khorasn.FrumprllO.Traumgne 100 Apr26-32HdG 14 1:55 gd 13 -5 1041 3 14 14 RoderickT1 2500 9 B.aWeel03,HogansDance 108,Chip 113 APr22-32HdG 1 1:53 ft 8-5 103 1 3 2 1 GilbertJ 2500 7 Garlic 113,WarSaint 108,FthWard 108 Aprl9-32Hdv lft 1:46 ft 11-10 103 1 1 2l 21 SmithJ1 250011Durva 103,Garlic 113,Fourth Ward 108 Stnrts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd Hrd - 19al rernrd 17 5 1 3 $ 4,000 1932 recQrd...ll 4 3 1 $ 3,915 Happen X 1 09 Ch f 3 by American Flag Possible, by TJltimus. XKJLa Trainer. G. Fox. Owner. Mrs. G. Fox. Jun27-325Ham 6 f 1:18 ft 7 107 .5 6 , 44 21 DghertyF5 3000 9 Monel 107.D. Johnny 113,GuideRiehtl07 Jual0-325L.B l:o 1:45 ft 21-10 106 1 1 J4 1J ArnoldG1 2700 6 Spanfair lll.Suneur 102,FairJudge 100 Jun. 6-325Thf lft 1:46 ft 49-10 103 4 3 34 24 ArnoldG 2750 7 Deediell5,Geji,Leieune 105 G Right 108 Jua2-32?Thf lft 1:47 ft 5 102 4 1 4 44 Clancy M4 Allw 6 Bderlogl05,L.Mrymanl07,ChnPal 107 Ma-30-325Thf lft 1:47 ft 18 100 .5 4 44 42 WallN 3500 6.Frumperll5,BwayLightsl05.Rutio 110 May24-324Vdb 1 1:45 ft 13-10 111 1 2 2 2J BarnesE1 3000 6Wd in Chancryril.Mexicol26,Beretl06 Mayl3-32Pim l" 1:48 si 3 110,3 2 AH A HanfordB8 4000 7 Fervidll5,WirmT.120,Maj.GeneraI 110 . Stnrts. IsL 2nd. 3rd.- Won.-. . Stnrts. lt 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record,. 9 0 1 0 f 200 1932 record. .13 3 5 0 ,375 Louis aierryinail 119 Ch- c- 3- by Chilhowee Sash, by Hourless. Work: June 131-2 :50ft 1 1 u Trainer. W. L. Brodia. Owrer. Mrs. W. L. Brodie. Jun25-325Ham lft 1:46 ft 31 104 7 5 64 610 MagncrW5 Allw 7 Storm 108, Uluniu 107, Scuttle 113 Jun.l3-325L.B 1" 1:43 ft 10 1021 5 6 6 .6" MagncrW4 5000 6 Uluniu 110. SisterZoe 110, Rubio 106 Jun. 9-325L,B lft 1:46 ft 61 107 3 6 5 4 54 MagnerW1 5000 6 Uluniu 103,SisterZoe 107,BanderIoS 104 Jim. 2-32JThf lft 1:47 ft 14-5 107 5 2. 1 2" MagnerW" Allw 6 Bderlogl05,C.oseaPal 107,Happen 102 Jby30-32 Thf 1tV.1:47 ft 10 109 6 6 6 6 MagnerW4 5000 6 FrumPerll5,BvayUshtsl05.RUbio ilC May25 32VVdb 1" 1:44 ft 7 108 7 3 V V MagnerW Allw 7 Marplot 112,Scuttle 113,BigBlovv 106J Maj-2132Wdb 1" 1:45 ft 11 109 8 8 84 44 MagnerW1 3000 12 BrVLigntsl06,BUrnsidel06.MarPIot 121 T8rU n"1 I orL . XV S,arU- Ut- 3rd. Wnn.-. 1931rccird..l6 0 3 2 $ 900 1932 record. .20 2 2, 4 $ 2,350 Continued on fourteenth vagej HAMILTON, ONT., PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from eleventh page. j Black Diamond X 1 HQ B. 6, by Black Toney Fair Priscilla, by Fair Play. Work June 25 5-8 l:02ed Trainer, X. O. lea. Owner, Pasadena Stable. Juol5-324L.B 2 1:12 "ft 33-10 110 6 4 34 31 TremayncR1 3500 7 ThePomt 113,RolhnIn 113,Pennate 110 Jun. 9-324L.B J 1:13 ft 5 106 7 4 44 14TreyneR 3500 9 RollinInl09,Marplotl05,DyJohnny 104 Jun. l-32Thf 1 1:13 ft 40 106 9 8 5 J FischerA" 2800 12 D.Johnnyll3,Du,sLadn6.HeyThcre 113 kpandlandrtan i 1:13 ft 107 7 8 8 84 FischerA1 3000 8 FlagTimelll.A.Bellumll4,Sh.Bullet 107 Apr22-32Tan sc 1:11 ft 111 8 6 74 7" FischerA4 2000 8 D.AIvaroll2.SunB.107,T.MuchTaIk 106 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd.; Won.-. . StnrtB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 1931 record. .24 6 5 7 $ 5,175 1932 record.. 7 2 0 1 ,460 Dark Mission X 1 f B. c, 3, by Traumer Missinaibi, by Bochester. Work June 153-4 1-15 ft Trainer. W. H. Brihgloe. Owner, Seagram Stable. Jun25-323Ham 1A 1:46 ft 8 103 4 3 55i 54 PhillipsC Allw 7 Storm 108, Uluniu 107, Scuttle 113 Nov21-31Bow l70 1:44 ft 21-5 108 1 5 4s 410 FieldsG Allw 6 WarPlancl03,AirPilotl05,FalIApple 114 Novl3 31!Pim 1A 1:45 ft 14 112 5 9 9" 9 LegereE Stks 10 OnPost 100,AlIenfern HO.OverTime 106 Nov 9-314Pim 1 1:43 ft 13 115 3 1 2 ? LegereE1 Allw 9 BaronaPetel06.Shivall2,MyFergus 107 Nos 7-31Pim g 1:11 ft 22 110 5 7 61 7s PhillipsC1 Hdcp 8 SnapBackllO.Stagecraftlll.F.AppIe 109 Nmc 3 31Pim 1" 1:44 ft 91 117 2 3 II 24 PhillipsC1 Allw 9 Pencaderll2,BigBeau llO.M.Frump 109 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . . St.-irts. 1st. Zud. 3rd. Won : 1931 record. .17 7 5 0 $ 7,765 1932 record.. 1 6th Hamilton Humberside Plate. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Up-1V . . ward. Claiming. Fair Jack, July 1, 1931 1:18 672 rurlongs a 112. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. 3-year-olds, 115 pounds; older, 122 pounds. Winners, 2 pounds extra for each race won since May 1. No apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str Fin. Jockey I.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Wachet X 1 1 Q B. ff, 6, by Baby Grand Gloire do Verdnn, by IOiseau Lyra. Work: June 25 5-8.... l:07ed Trainer, B. Brown. Owner. J. J. Burns. See chart ol yesterdays first race. Junl4-324L.B 31:13 ft 19 102 3 2 34 24 OsbornoH 2000 8 H.Therel08,DlinsLadll4,ImaQun 106 Tun. 9-32L.B 3 1:14 ft 29-10 112 5 7 6l 85 DghertyF 1750 11 Bushman 115, Toki 110, All nah 110 May25-32Wdb 3 1:14 ft 31 114 6 5 55i 64 LegereE 3500 12 ImaQun 105,Common 105,Guilder 108 May 6 325Pinv 2 1:12 ft 81 113 1 5 8 8" LongoJ1 400011 Sgt.Donsonll6,Anubis lOO.Mexico 108 Novl7-31Bow 3 1:12 ft 81 112 2 3 44 41 PrainA- 5000 7 Pennate 116, Solace 117, Vacillate 109 No 3 31Pim 3 1:12 ft 91 113 7 7 51 5 HornF 3000 10 Vaci!tel05,M.ofHonorl05,GdPrincell6 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.- 1931 record. .30 11 8 2 $ 9,010 1932 record.. 4 0 1 0 $ 175 Fall DreSS X -1 - O Blk. b, 6, by Man o War Shady, by Broomstick. Work- June 63-8 -41ft " Trainer, T. Sullivan. Owner. T. Sullivan. SwZS ZVUzmbi 1 1:19 ft 5 11711 6 51 24 SerioJ10 1750 12 Baboo 109. Allanah 112, Toki 113 Jun. l-324Thf 3 1:13 ft 19 109 7 7 6" 5i DghertyF 2800 12 B.Dimondl06,D.Johnnyll3,DsLad 116 il2yl4-32sPim f 1:13 ft 23 120 6 6 5 541 DouertyF 3000 9 J.PilotllO.Blimp 115,MineSweeper 121 Apc25-325HdG 11:47 ft 11 105 3 2 31 4 SmithE4 300010 Durval03,St.Martinl05,MargartMc 105 Apd.l-32"Bow 1A 1:51 m 7 108 1 4 6s T MgomyR 3500 8 Chicsu 110. Deedie 108, Aldershot 110 Apr. 1-32Bow 1A 1:50 si 9 110 3 4 54 54 StevensF 3500 7 Morsnuff 108, Impish 105, Bubola 107J Mad2-324Trp 1 1:38 ft 8 100 4 5 5" 5"! MgomyR Hdcp 5 JasRiverl02,P.TokalonllO,MyDdy 108 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. t. "2nd trd. ttnn.-, 1931 record. .11 0 2 2 $ 1,000 1932 record. .10 0 1 2 $ 350 Bed Ronald X 11 Ch e 4 y Traumer Sunbranji, by Sun Briar. Work- June 28 1-2 -49ft ----- Traine:, J. I. Smith. Owner. H. T. Archibald. 3m25-Z2Hamb f 1:19 ft 8 1141011 810 64 SchaeferL 1750 12 Baboo 109, FullDress 117, Allanah 112 Jun.l8-32Duf 6fl:25 ft 17-10 111 1 RallsC 1800 8 PhilR. 105,DeweyFIyl08,Mag.Image 109 Jun. 9-324L.B 3 1:13 ft 21 107 9 7 84 8T RileyG 2600 9,BldDiamdl06,RolIinInl09,Marplot 105 May28-32Vdb 3 1:15 si 19 116 7 3 34 34 LegereE 2100 12 FairJack 125,BigBlow 108,EnAvant 103 Nov24 31Bow 1 1:54 ft 12 109 8 9 91 9" RobtsonA 1500 12 Baritonelll.NlonKay 113,Meander 108 Nod4-31Pim 1" 1:44 ft 10 104 7 1 4 54 StudleyW10 1500 11 SirByron lll.JticiarylOl.BkPata 110 Nov:ll-3rPim V 1:44 ft 28f 118 6 5 94 9,B MalleyT Hdcp 12 LiveOne 126,Westko 115,SunThorn 122 No 5-31Pim 1A 1:59 ft 22f 107 8 4 11" 11" StudleyW" 200012 Tarnish 108, Glenno 111, 1heBreak 107 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Wen.-. 1931 record. . 24 3 1 1 $ 2,950 1932 record. . 4 1 0 1 $ 600 Common X 1 1 B" B 3 by St Janies Comsora, by The Commoner. Work: June 243-8.. :38ft Trainer, G. May. Owner. Mayfair Stable. Juo24-324Duf 1 1:30 ft 4-5 109 1" PeakcH 2000 6 BigBlow 107,Blighter 109,Medway 115 Jun22-323Duf 1 1:31 ft 11-5 112 1 LangC 2500 8.BigBlow 103,BokieB. 103i.Spanfair 113 JunlO-32L.B 3 1:12 ft 24-5 1071 2 2 24 341 AbelA5 2000 8 T.Pointll2,Boscobl 104,GdeRight 110 Jun. 2-324Thf 3 1:12 ft 22 107 9 10 7 64 AbelA 3000 12 Cuchulain 112,Pennate 113,Guilder 116 May28-32Wdb 3 1:14 si 29-10 109 3 3 84 84 KsingerC 2400 10 Deduce lll.Pennate 117,GayParty 119 May25 32Vdb 31:14 ft 49-10 105 2 2 14 21 MozcrR 3500 12 ImaQun 105,Guilder 108,GayParty 112 Ape 5 32Bow 31:13 ft 41-10 115 1 2 2 34 GilbertJ10 3250 12 DonRomiro 115, Vishnu 117,Predict 117 Mar22 32"St.J 1 1:42 si 1 108 10 1 64 910 BarnesE9 2000 10 Dr.Syntaxlll,ClareBeel00,IronCrar 105 , Starts.-1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-N 1931 record. .18 3 3 1 $ 2,800 1932 record. .21 5 3 3 ,510 Deduce X 11? B. c, 3, by Lucullite Decree, by "Wrack. Work- June 25 3-4 l-16"d ---- Trainer, H. Giddings. Owner, R. S. Mclaughlin. Jun22-32B.B 5 1:30 si" 7-10 111 6 5 2 11 MannF1 2000 8 FairSunll3,Stretcher 115,Prompter 115 Jual7-32JB.B 1 1:40 ft 3-5 110 2 2 2 24 MannF 2500 5 GenlToyll4,Finalistl09,Rubrneck 106 Junll-326C.P 3 1:14 ft 4 101 4 2 3s! 3 TownrowR8 3000 9 LittleGyp 107, McKell 103, Bubola 116 Jun.8-32C.P 11:43 si 9-5 103 2 1 1 2k RidgewayA Allw 7 Entrap 110,F3nalist 113,PrincePeter 113 May28-32cWdb 3 1:14 si 33-10 111 4 5 2 lk MannF6 3000 10 Pennatell7,GayPartyll9,D.Johny 120 JuL27-31,Emp 5 f 1:07 ft 15 111 6 5 34 6s GoldyR" 4000 12 SongHitll3,Dexterity. 115, Whisking 118 Jul21-31Emp 1 1:01 m 6-5 118 1 5 54 64 WkmanR" 5000 10 Commonl06,Whiskinglll,LaceShwl 115 Jull5-316Emp 1 1:01 ft 21 108 1 4 4i 2h BarnesE Allw 6 SdngHitllO,Dunrodel09,L.Mrymanl05i . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-, 1931 record. .21 2 4 1 $ 2,300 1932 record, i 5 2 2 1 ,285 Dunlins Lad X 1 1 Q c y Bunlin Suppress, by Superman. Work- June 11 1-2 -49ft Trainer, G. Alexandra. Owner, J.. E. Smallman. Jual8-325Duf 1 1:29 ft 33-10 106 6" MoserR Hdcp. 6 Brd.Lightsl05,F.Jackll3,D. Johnny 104 Jual4-324L.B 3 1:13 ft 31 114 7 3 2" 34 PhillipsC 2750 8 HeyTherel08,Wacket 102,ImaQueen 106 Jun. 8-325L.B 3 1:14 ft 22 104 9 7 34 34 PhillipsC1 Hdcp 9 JoeFloresl02,Magnificol20,CuchuIainl03 Jual-324Thf 31:13 ft 3 116 5 4 1 31 OMalleyJ 2800 12 B.Dimndl06,D.Johnyll3,H.There 113 May26-325Wdb 3 1:15 m 11-10 122 5 3 1" 1 ButtenR4 2500 12 JaneElienlOO,FcesD.100,TraKhan 107 Aprl4-324Bow 3 U2 ft 10 115 2 2 31 5 NertneyW8 3500 8 S.Memoryll5,B.Tyronell7,Cal.Kay 115 Apr 8-324Bow 3 1:12 ft 23-10 117 6 2 3 34 WkmanR 3000 11 Cal.Kayll2,SunMemy 117,B.Looneyll2 Apr 4-32Bow 3 1:12 ft 7-5 118 2 1 2 1" WkmanR 2500 12 Promethcusll8.Paddock 118,Ancodall3 Nov27-31Bow 3 1:12 si 33-10 115 5 3 3 34 RobtsonA8 2500 9 GnRoyal 117,B,ishWayll7,Chatoverll7 Oct28 31Lrl 3 W2 ft 91 111 1 6 84 74 EIIisG" 3250 12 FIagTimell5.0tBoundlll,Vacillate 105 HtnrtB. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .10 12 5 $ 1,925 1932 record, . 8 2 0 4 ,085 Cactus . 110 Gr. f, 3 M, by Sir Greysteel Prairie Hower, by Peter Quince. , Trainer, C. Suthpin. Owner, S. W. labrot. - , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , : -Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won. Marplot 11 Oh. g, 4, by Whisk Broom IX. Mrs. Trubbel, by Hamburg. Work: June 283-8 :41ft -1 Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Jual5-32CL.B 1T 1:44 ft 5 103 3 6 6 74 BattistaJ 2500 11 Partisanl08,Wrackell 112,Cuchulain 113 Jun. 9-32L.B 3 1:13 ft 15 105 6 5 52i 3 BattistaJ1 3500 9 BlkDiamdl06,RollinInl09,D.Jnny 104 M-31-325Thf 1A 1:47 ft 8 110 2 5 54 44 BattistaJ 3000 7 GayParisnl07,Deedie 117,Partisan 111 May27-328Wdb 1 1:52 m 23-10 105 3 1 21 2 BattistaJ19 2000 12 GenerlToyl06,Entraplll,St.Tuscan 112 May25-32Wdb l" 1:44 ft 13-10 112 5 2 2 2 BarnesE Allw 7 L.Merymanl08,Scuttlell3,B.BIow Wa May21-32Wdb l10 1:45 ft 24 121 9 6 6s 31 BarnesE11 3000 12 BryLightslO6,BnsidelO6,L.Mymanl09 Mvl4-32Bel 1A 1:46 ft 6 114 2 3 34 34 WkmanR1 300Q 8 Crim.Rsel02,Swcraftlll,ByBlake 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. ::rd. . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. . 1 0 1 0 $ 600 1932 record. .11 1 2 3 ,340 Ima Queen 11 Ch- 6 by ueen,,t Guild Ima Frank, by Abe Frank. Work: June 271-2. I9cd J--L Trainer. L. E. Phillips. Owner, a. Pending. Jun.l4-324L.B 3 1:13 ft 10 106 6 6 41 44 DghertyF 2250 8 HeyTherel08acketl02,DlinsLad 114 Jun. 9-324L.B 3 1:13 ft 11 104 3 6 641 7 DghertyF 2900 9 BrdDiamdl06,RollinInl09,Marplot 105 May30-32Thf 3 1:13 ft 7 111 5 8 6 74i DghertyF 3000 11 FairJack 117, Pennate 108, Mexico 112 May25-32"Wdb 31:14 ft 10 105 5 4 24 1 DouertyF11 3500 12 Common 105,Guilder 108,GayParty 112 Oct l-31HdG l" 1:45 ft 91 104 10 11 11" 11" CallahanH 2000 12 SpySnubl08,AyPlumel03,Tseneldal07 SeplO-31Syr 3 ld2 ft 1 105 5 PrainA 800 7 Hieawayl09,Awnightl05,CgDance 113 Sep. 8-31Syr 3 1:12 ft 7-5 105 2 PrainA 2500 5 Prompterl08.H.Sonatalll,DnelIen 108 Sep-l-314Alar 6 f 16 ft 13-5 109 - 64 PrainA 200Q 7 Mdroml09,FrthWardl08,SshMack 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd: Wnn.-, , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 7 1 1 0 $ 975 1932 record.. 4 1 0 0 $ 890 7th Hamilton Turf Course. Purse 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. lYs Miles Claiming. Account, Aug. 18, 19281 :52 4 107. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, 3 pounds extra. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Non-winners twice since May 20 allowed. 4 pounds. The past performances of the hoises entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Yt. St. ftStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.ClPce.Sts. Best Company MontanarO X II4? B Bf 7 by Ormont Neddle, by Hilarious. Work: June 73-8., -38ft Trainer. L. Gentry., Owuer. H. C. Hatch. JunML.B ligl:46 ft 21-10 113 2 2 21 2l RileyG1 1800 8 Bide aWcel03,Mainsheetl05,Bylona 102 Junll-32TL.B U 1:53 ft 17-10 113 4 2 21 2 RileyG5 1750 8 Fetishll7,AngryLass 115,Sptacular 105 Jun. 8-32L.B 1A 1:47 ft 14,5 109 4 1 24 l" RileyG4 1600 12 A,gryLassll2,HsD,ncell4,Monocle 105 Mar29-32St.J 1" 1:47 ft 4310 113 4 1 1 11 FronkW 2000 8 CuIIoden 112. Tack 116. Muff 106 Mar23 32St.J 1 1:42, sy 6 113 3 4 5 44 RileyG 2000 7 Red Face 112. Coots 117, John Mill 110 Mar21-32St.J 3 1:13 ft .12 111 6 6 64 54 RileyG 2000 8 DnyJohnnyl03,OutBoundll2,Ellice 112 Marl5-32BTrp 14 153 ft 23-10 111 2 1 14 14 RileyG1 150013 BngDeep lll.Braggcio lll.Putter 106 - StMta. UL 2nd. 3rd. Won. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .25 7 5 6 $ 8,025 1932 record. .13 3 2 2 ,150 j DIodoro X formerly ra1 HQ s by 0oldea QaBa n Xaxe Annie, by Ofde. H8 J. Spencer XVt Trainer, A. E, Brown, Owner, A. E. Brown. Work: June 22 5-8.... 1:07ft Jun27-32Ham 1 1:47 ft 18 109 2 3 3 31 DupuyM 1000 12 OnLeavellO.Arundc! 113,Strheart lit Jua20-323Duf 1A 14 ft 9 111 6U PeakeH 1000 8 FrAvisl04,FngZenoll4,WringGold 106 Jun.l5-32L.B 1 A 1:47 ft 9 109 8 1 44 44 BattistaJ" 100012 FirDawnl07,Ind.Dancel07,DolIydee 104 Jual0 32liL.B V 1:46 ft 71 111 11 12 12" l?8 OMalleyJ 1250 12 SirByronl06,WatgapU4,B.Lightg 109 Jun. 8-32L.B 3 1:15 ft 16 10610 7 84 8 OMalleyJ9 110012 Princetonl05.BudBroomllO,MyKittyl05 Jun. 1 32Thf ll 1:54 ft 21 113 8 3 4 3 WcllsL 1200 8 Mainshtlll.HsDancellS.G.qeMar 109 May20 32Aur 1A 1:48 ft 26 111 5 4 44 5 CoxD 1000 10 Rejuvenatnl06,EdLark HO.Shonna 106 Mayl7 32Aur 1A 1:47 ft 39 113 4 3 6 74 McCoyJ 1000 8 SlandBoylll,Vanquishll6,Halliard 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.T 1931 record.. 16 16 I $ 1,900 1932 record. .25 0 3 2 $ 555 Dark Celt "J AO Br. e, 3, by Traumer Sunwina, by Sun Briar. Work- June 14 3-8 -37ft " J-" Trainer, W. H. Bringloe. Owner. Seagram Stable. Juo25-32Ham 1 1:40 ft 7 103 1 3 44 3s PhillipsC 1500 12 F.Brigadel06,OnLeavel06,B.Povers 111 Juni5-323L.B 31:13 ft 14 10010 7 7" 54 PhillipsC 125012 Paddock 109,P.Calhan 103,DeyFly 110 Jun. 2-324Thf 3 1:12 ft 22 9912 12 12" 12 ArnoldW 3000 12 Cuchulain 112,Pennate 113,Guilder 116 VIay21-32Wdb 1" 1:45 ft 11 106 4 9 94 9" WallN10 3000 12 BrvLi!;htsl06.Burnsidel06,Marplot 121 Novl3-31Pim 3 1:13 ft 11-20 117 1 3 2" 24 LegereE1 Maid 12 GlCourtU7,WysRosell4.Facchina 114 fPIaced first through disqualification. Novl0 314Pim 1 1:45 ft 13 10 117 8 7 3" 34 LegereE Maid 9 Byzantinell7.Habanero 117,Lanson U7 Oct31 31Lrl 1 12 si 29-10 112 12 2 2 44 RobtsonA Maid 12 MyFgusll2,GntSir 112,Byzantine 113J Oct24-31Lrl 1 1:41 ft 11 112 3 1 V ritLcgeroE1 Maid 12 Prepare 112,L.Mmanll2,BwayLts 112 fDisqualificd. . Starts. 1st, 2nd. Srd. Won.- St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wrn 1931 record.. 17 14 2 $ 1,825 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 50 Arnndel 1 HQ B. g, 4 M, by Pennant Rima, by Ben Brush. : Work- Juno 23 3-8 -40ft Trainer, I.. Haymaker. Owner, L. Haymaker. Jun.27-325Ham 1A 1:47 ft 16 113 4 5 44 2 MattioliJ 1500 12 OnLeavellO,Diodorol09,Strgheart 111 Jua23-325Duf lA13 ft 19-5 101 44ArthurV 1000 6 FlgZenol08,CrBIackl06,St.Tscari 115 JunJ21-325Duf 1A 12 ft 94 102 24 ArthurV 1250 7 AllanahU2,SiIver H3,Dss ofYork 112 Jua 8-32cL.B 1A 1:49 ft 31f 103 6 6 6n 64 ArthurV 1200 11 Glee Club 108, Hold 103, Star Play 107 May25-32Wdb I70 1:44 ft 131 113 2 7 74 7U McGinnisP1 Allw 7 L.Merymanl08.Marplotll2.ScuttIe 11? Oct30-31Lrl a 2 4:05 m 85 138 5 10 1050 105 BallJ Allw 12 Outlaw 143,Tequila 145,KingsOwn 14S Oct23-31Lrl a 2 3:53 ft 168 K5 10 Fell. BallJ Alhv 14 Crcekl38,PokeyJoe 148,IarkMaene 141 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd, Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record., fa 1932 record .. 5 0 2 0 $ 290 Tnf f y G. 107 B. g, 3, by Messenger Declasse, by Hapsburg. Work- June 28 1-2 -52 ft Trainer. S. Hesseltine. Owner. J. Bishop. Jua23-32Duf 1 1:32 ft "91107 14 HicksS 1250 8 Bbline;Outll3,Suneurl03.SbinaH. 10Zk JunI4-323L.B 1 A 1:46 ft 43 100 8 5 54 5 MattioliJ 1800 8 Sol!Giilslll,FairThornl01,Bushman 113 Juol3-32L.B I0 1:44 ft 83 109 12 9 94 9" PeakeH10 1500 12 Boscobel 107,On Leave 103, Shiva 105 Jun.3-32Thf 1A 1:51 hy 15 10910 7 6s 84 PeakeH" 1500 12 Spanfair 101.Popcornl07.PlainBcn 107 Jun. 1-32Thf U 1:54 ft 32 109 2 3 34 1 PeakeH 1500 8 TraumagT.ell2,Entrapll2.Homelike 112 May26 32Wdb li 156 m 17 107 9 9 10" 10" RallsC1 1500 11 Silvery 113,Homelike UO.FrDavvn 108 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1931 record.. 8 1932 record. .10 2 10 ,425 Qnatra Bras 107 B h" S 1,7 -uartz Eock Brass Tacks, by Helmet. Work- June 13 1-2 " -50 ft Traner. W. H. Shanard. Owner. T. S. Cochenour. Jua25-32Ham 6 f 1:19 ft "l2 110 4 5 44 47 RileyG Allw 5 YngKittylQunswayllO.Aymnd 117 Jual4-323L.B 3 1:13 ft 81 11010 6 3 1 MannF 2250 11 ToeDancel02,Sabana97,KirkldPost 102 Jun. 9-326L.B l10 1:47 ft 41 112 6 4 31 2l MannF8 2000 8 Mr.Gaietyll6,Pelorus 109,D.ofYork 112 May28-324Wdb 1A 1:49 si 18 108 5 7 6" 54 MannFs Hdcp 8 ShadyWell 107.P.Gaietvl03.Y.Kittyll3 May24-327Wdb 1A 1:49 ft 8 124 2 2 21 2 MannF 2500 7 Mr.Gty.ParExcncelffi.Refiner 124 Octl4 31BL.B 1T 1:48 m 12 103 6 4 54 5 SeaboG Hdcp 8 PatGtyl04.Mr Gty 120,GyParisian 110 OctlO-31L.B 1" 1:46 gd 21 107 4 3 lu 21 SeaboG 1750 8 G,yP,risianl091Rerinrll2.D,ss ofYkl02 Oct 3-31"Wdb 13 33 ft 10 101 5 5 44 3 SeaboG Stks 6 PatGtylOl.Lindsay 114,Mr.Gaiety 126 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .16 12 3 $ 1,485 1932 record. . 5 12 0 ,050 Crescent City X 1 0and B c 3 by pUlory Bettie Porter, by Planudes. Work- June 19 3-4 l-16sl -1 Trainer. W. A. Whiteside. Owner. W. A. Whiteside. Jua27-32cHam 1A 1:47 ft 101 110 9 4 84 84 HalbertF9 1500 12 Pr.Attentinll3,MySis 109,TheTout 113 Jun. 3-326Was 1 2:14 hy 18 103 6 4 64 7" SalazarT 1500 8 Gabbo 110. HighStorm 110, Howtiz 115 May28-32Was 1 1:54 ft 55 105 8 9 64 64 ArcaroE1 1500 11 Pet.Peterll2,T.Floworsll2,Differnt 105 Mayl9 328Aur 1 A 1:48 ft 16 106 12 10 9" 9" CoxD" 1000 12 Runarlll.Underdun 10and,PerftPIay 116 May 9-32Aur 1T0 1:47 ft 7 107 8 7 74 64 SalazarT 1200 8 R.Diamondl03.BavLeafl03.DaPear 98 May 2-32Aur 1A 1:48 ft 16 105 6 2 2 24 CooperRS 1500 7 Starchll6,Auricalb2,Erin GoBragh 107 Febl7-32F.G 1A 1:49 sy 5 107 7 7 6" 5" ColvinCM 1500 8 N.KImanlOO.Hasola l03,PssNancy 100 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.- SfnrB. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W-n - 1931 record. .20 3 2 3 $ 2,075 1932 record.. 11 0 2 0 $ 250