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Prl AXIM 6 GAY CO.. THAT HAS MAOEB I RACING HISTORY -MUCH HAS BEEN SAID IN 1 I THE PUBLIC PRESS ABOUT OUR SUCCESS I OVER A PERIOD OF THIRTY YEARS IN I 1 DELIVERING Dinners TO THE RACING PUBLIC YESTERDAYS PARLAY: METAURUS, LOST SANTON, 6th Arlington NOT SO HOT as we cant have 0- WIN PARLAYS every day. IF WE DID THERE WOULDNT , BE ANY "BOOKIES" LEFT. Would there? WE CLEANED UP WITH MONDAYS PARLAY: MISS MARR, $ 9.58, WON IMPISH, 5.94, WON W Last Week 3 Out of 6 Parlays Won Week after week has been a big winning week for my large army of followers. GIVE US A TRIAL and we will CONVINCE YOU TOO. W WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION THAT TODAYS PARLAY WILL, W WIN 0- Never were we so sure of a PARLAY WINNING as we are today at Arlington at BIG ODDS. We urge you not to miss it. BT "FREE" LATONIA PAR-LAY TODAY We will also have a LATONIA parlay today that we will give FREE to all subscribers. B- Terms, a Day W W CHICAGO PLAYERS. "NOTICE" If you cant come to our office, phone RANDOLPH 8781-8701 and we will send you our parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, teleeraph and we will wire you. MAXIM and GAY 14 W. Randolph St- Suite 118 Chicago. III. LET US PICK YOUR WINNERS Red Hot Handicaps, 35c and Three. Horse Special, 75c On Sale at All Leading Newsstands or Call G. H. KOHOUT, 117 N. Francisco. Ph. Van Buren 8436 OUT-OF-TOWN ijB fiPandV SSPE PLAYERS- graph to iKBWIrSVVtfmH 7986 or 7987 rue dc-i i iPAIl IH flBH fl for messenger and we i ML dcLL H HBHWHUa will send todays two 180 W. Washington St, H IHflHLiBRlMlH H horses in plain sealed V2! ORIGINAL SINCE 1927 fi VJM YESTERDAYS TWO BELL HORSES: LIQUEUR, 5.38, Won INHERITOR, $ 8.04, Won THOSE NEW -BELL CONNECTIONS CONTINUE TO CLICK Since The Bell has formed its new connections, announced a few days aco in this paper, it has released four straight winners at Arlington Park. Nobody gave Gold Step a chance to win Monday, but THE BELL had the inside information on this horse. TODAYS TWO BELL HORSES REPUTATION RELEASES The Bell is staking its whole reputation on the two horses it is releasing toda y, and the many old clients know what these Reputation Releases do. They seldom lose. The Bell will release these two horses today with the assurance of the "Inside Info" that they are being sent to the post for the sole purpose of capturing these races. Dont pass up this opportunity to cash two nice wagers. The. Bell doesn t make Reputation Releases often, but when it does, they pop down in front. CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR WIRE YOUR REMITTANCE AT ONCE DETROIT PLAYERS. ATTENTION: We have arranged with the PARK NEWSSTAND, corner Woodward and Adams, Grand. Circus Park, to distribute our releases in your city. This will save you cost of telegrams and time. Go there today. THE BELL, Suite 801, 180 West Wachington St., Chicago, III. NEXT DOOR TO ELKS BUILDING, BETWEEN LA SALLE AND WELLS STREETS i The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents IMPISH, 5.94, WON Bassett Arlington Park Tip PEACE LADY, McCarty Arlington Park Tip, 0.94, WON ADSUM, Bassett Latonia Special, 13.46, WON WARREN JR., Bassett X-Special, 3.48, WON "THERE WERE OTHER good plays in Mondays "Pink Sheer."- The LONG SHOT SHOW PARLAY CASHED, paying six for one. . The Weekly Winner forecasts continue to show a high percentage. Mondays winners given in thes advance forecasts included MISS MARR, .58; PAIRBYPAIR, .78; LADY WORTHMORE, .05; ADSUM, 3.46. E NOTE: Mccartys Good Odds plays netted a good profit throughout the Washington Park meeting, and are holding a still larger profit on the Aqueduct meeting. WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: ARLINGTON PARK Jim-22-15-7. LATONIA Art-7-8-4. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. 4 per Blonth by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail amifllfl i3THE MAN WHO ROUTED THEl CHICAGO BOOKIES $ J Ifl 1 1 mmW IW m ACCl AIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE MTE . . ... m. COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESSFUL MANIPULATIONS 1 m m MR. SULLIVAN wow ready main s bookies oont like it m watch my smok YESTERDAYS PARLAY: CANRON, .06, .42, 3rd SANTON, 6th Arlington "LOOK" WHAT WE DID WITH MONDAYS LATONIA PARLAY: WINONA LADY, 3.82, WON ADSUM, 3.46, WON This parlay WON and paid S50-S1. and my advice was to PLUNGE. WIN ONLY, on this PARLAY. NOTICE: Remember. PARLAYS PAY SBIG MONEYS. You dont need a large capital to play my PARLAYS every day. TRY IT FOR A WEEK. "ME. PLAYER," IS IT WORTH TO YOU TO GET A 0- PARLAY? I urcc you not to pass up this PARLAY I have TODAY at ARLINGTON. TWO "LONG PRICED" horses that should WIN today DONT MISS THEM. JW "STOP-LOOK-RE AD" 00 SPECIAL "FREE" TODAY! This Will Be Given to Everyone FREE Today. So Dont Miss It JF TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO READERS, DONT GO TO ARLINGTON TODAY-! before you see ME and get my PARLAY. If you cant come, PHONE ME, RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my parlay in sealed envelop with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. Out-of-town players, telegraph to "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, IU- At All Newsstands, 35 Cents Weekly If your newsdealer cannot supply you with the Racing Blue Book WIRE OR MAIL 12 for seven issues and you will receive as a premium absolutely FREE, ONE BLUE STAR PARLAY. Break the Book With Blue Book Parlays YESTERDAYS BLUE STAR PARLAY: MR. JOE .46, WON SANS COIN LOST LIMIT PARLAY TODAY "LUCKY" DAN McCANN One Winner Daily Daily YESTERDAYS McCANN RELEASE: OZ1TI, 4.60, WON TODAYS EDITORS PARLAY: ARL. 0-59-7-18-4. LATONIA N-5-53-12-57. Todays Free Code: ARL. Renic k-15-52-23-52. RACING BLUE BOOK W. RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. sOLD OH ALL NEWSSTANDS 50 CENTS FOR TODAYS FISHER PARLAY YESTERDAYS SUPERIOR PARLAY: OZITI, 4.60, WON FIDDLER, $ 6J90, WON ALL CLIENTS BUYING TODAYS FISHER CODE CARD WILL RECEIVE FREE TELEPHONE SPECIAL FREE YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS SPECIAL: ELLEN D., 8.60, WON If your newsdealer cannot supply you with the Fisher envelope, WIRE OR MAIL FOR SIX ENVELOPES. Todays parlay will be wired to you free and six codes will be mailed via air mail. NO WIRES! NO WAITING! TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARL. Parlays-7-3-72-76. ARL. Fisher-76-91-91-72. JACK FISHER 155 N. Clark St. 12th Floor Chicago, HL Subscribe for Daily Racing Form "Americas Premier Turf Ace" t PARTINGTON JOCKEY 118 WEST 44th ST. SUITE 305 NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE, 97.69. Won; ROCK SUGAR. 40.40. Won; MANDY, 9.00. Won; DANDYBRUSH, 560.60. Won; SYMPATHY, 2.20, Won; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, S21.20. Won; MERULINA, 5.30. Won. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: ELLEN D., 8.60, WON LIQUEUR, 5.38, WON STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED YESTERDAY Two of the biggest things of the week go for Partington clients today, and I FEEL CERTAIN THAT BOTH WILL WIN EASILY AT FAT MUTUELS. One horse has been . training in private and jias shown several fast moves. The last workout was; six furlongs in 1:13 flat, with a heavy, boy up. Takes off considerable weight today and meets a cheap bunch of platers. The pay off . should, be a 0 mutuel. The other horse comes from a small stable that has prepped this racer for this particular event. Will surely reward at a 5 mutuel. MAKE A STRAIGHT PLAY ON EACH HORSE AND A STRAIGHT PARLAY ON BOTH. I play every- horse I send out I never made a promise that I didnt make good ask your racing associates about my riding record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitate. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate it. My office is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph to . . JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th St. Suite 305, New York, N. Y. faREATER THAN EV YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL CLIENTS: LIQUEUR, 5.38, WON OZITI, 4.60, WON I point to my record of consistent advertising as positive proof of my ability. The name S. R. KING is known and recognized throughout the turf world. THERE MUST BE A REASON. THE HORSES I RELEASE ARE THE HORSES I ADVERTISE IT 15 YEARS ADVERTISING SPEAKS FOR ITSELF -B TWO HORSES A DAY "NO MORE NO LESS" WF- DAILY CASH A BET WITH KING TODAY NO WAITING NO DELAY IMMEDIATE SERVICE Since todays two releases are both long shots. I advise a separate play on each horse as well as the parlay play. You will find this method very profitable today. NO BUNK NO FICTION NO DELAY NO RED TAPE Come in today and allow me to explain. If you cannot see me personally just TELEPHONE or TELEGRAPH my office. City clients unable to call in person telephone FRANKLIN 6725 for messenger service. Out-of-town clients, wire subscription fast service. S. R. KING, 10 No. Clark St Room 706, Chicago, III. "BETTING T9 C I FIR COMMISSIONER" WANTED: Reliable men to help me lay off commissions daily. I make each and every client of mine my personal commissioner to help me place my commissions daily that I get from a group of turf manipulators. YESTERDAYS ONLY COMMISSION HORSE RELEASED: ELLEN D., 8.60, WON Propositions accepted from small or large players. I make large players out of small ones. Telephone or wire for my proposition. All those who dont want to be bothered with playing for me, wire 0 for todays release. Those wishing personal contact TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 3459 E. C. FOSTER, 155 North Clark St., Chicago, III. FREE PHONE RESULTS CALL WABASH 7000