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D A I LY K racing! form! : 1 Always the Best i I 1 NOW GREATER THAN EVER I I WITH I NEW TYPE, EASIER TO READ 1 AND I MANY OTHER INNOVATIONS EACH AND ALL. I I Tending to Make This Publication as Near I Perfect as Human Brains and I Ingenuity Can Devise In Addition to the New and Larger Type from Which DAILY RACING FORM Is Now Printed, Several Striking Innovations Have Been Introduced. I I THEY INCLUDE i p 1 I Claiming Prices I In Both1 Entries and Past Performances I P p I Apprentice Allowances Shown in Both Entries and Past I Performances I " I I The insertion of CLAIMING PRICES and APPREN- I i TICE ALLOWANCES in both ENTRIES and PAST PER- 0 FORMANCES adds two more EXCLUSIVE FEATURES $ -4 to Daily Racing Form found in no other racing publica- j tion. Some show the claiming prices In the past per- p formances, but not in the entries. In order to secure full f g value from such information it is absolutely necessary i p to furnish these .CLAIMING PRICES in the races to be I run, as well as in the races which already have been p decided. A comparison of these PRICES furnishes the $ reader with a reliable guide as to whether or not a horse J is racing in company of his class or being dropped into $ P a "soft spot" p The knowledge of whether or not a trainer is taking g advantage of the five pounds allowed apprentice riders p is additional valuable information which is now indicated i p in both ENTRIES and PAST PERFORMANCES by the p . asterisk preceding the name of the horse in the p 1 entries and by the same mark following the weight in i p the past performances. j I I FOR OVER THIRTY-SIX YEARS DAILY RACING FORM HAS BEEN AMERICAS TURF. I AUTHORITY I 4 Leadership in any line of endeavor carries with it j p responsibility. In the highly specialized business of pub- i i lishing racing news responsibihty is measured by the. i 4 accuracy, integrity and reliability with which the news $ g is gathered, compiled and disseminated. DAILY RACING $ FORM was founded upon and always has strictly adhered $ to these cardinal principles. Never a change has been made without deep thought and study, not only as to the value of the contemplated j f change, but as to the feasibility of presenting the infor- p mation in keeping with these basic principles. p- g The same procedure was followed before the p announcement of the above-mentioned New Features i g and, with the Incorporation of this additional informa- $ i tion, DAILY RACING FORM Past Performances will be I g more than ever just what they are intended to be, "Form i I at a Glance." D A ILY U4 RACING 3 form mm Greatest of Racing Publications H ;