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"SUM" MACKAY Known for Thirty Years Wherever Horses Run And Doing Business With the Most Powerful Connections in Existence Today. Real Inside Information YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: DIXIE LAD See 6th Arlington PREFER See 7th Arlington We Dont Change Our Connections THEY HAVE PROVEN THE BEST In Mr. Mackays thirty years association with the turf he has done business with practically every one of importance. He has eliminated all questionable connections and now docs business with only the best. His operations are strictly limited to Arlington Park. He does business direct. LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY TODAYS TWO HORSES are fit, fast and ready, and everything is all set for" a GIGANTIC CLEANUP. Mutuels should be 0 or 5 each. TFPtVIQ STRICTLY TWO ll IIViVlO, pO HORSES DAILY IF UNABLE TO CALL PERSONALLY PHONE DEARBORN 8697 FOR MESSENGER SERVICE NO CHARGE Out-of-Town Clients, Wire S. MACKAY 155 N. CLARK ST. ROOM 414 CHICAGO, ILL T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting BT DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY The two horses are positively the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same service. No exceptions. No partiality. Dr DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG WIN PARLAY TWO BIG ARLINGTON WINNERS Subscribe for todays big parlay. Do not fail to get todays two big priced winners at Arlington. Direct conr.ections at that trach no guessing. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: CANRON, .06, .42, 3RD PREFER, See 7 th Arlington My two horses are advertised every day regardless of results. Legitimate turf information. Telegrams sent all out-of-town clients. EWT TODAY 0 TO WIN PARLAY 0 TO TODAY -PE GET THAT BIG DOUBLE TODAY GO THE LIMIT WIN ONLY SUBSCRIBE "WB Do Not Miss These TWo Big-Priced Winners at Arlington "TRi 9F- DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING A BIG BET "9 We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive prompt attention. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. Out-of-town subscribers wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. New York office open every day from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York, N. Y. W. D. BAKER Sold on All Newsstands 50c Daily Parlay 50c FREE TELEPHONE SPECIAL TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARL. Sid-12-34-21-33. LAT. J ack-30-21 -27-26. YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY: MR. JOE, .46, Won SANS COIN, Lost YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS SPECIAL: OZITI, 4.60, WON foUtaALL BOXING Everything in Sports for the Sport FREE CODE WINNERS Two in a Row GET ON THE BAND WAGON YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: SUNMELUS, .06, WON MONDAYS FREE CODE: PAIRBYPAIR, .78, WON Br ANNOUNCING -"W A NEW SERVICE BEGINNING IT TOMORROW CRITIC CODE PARLAYS 5n r F TVT T Ci a two-horse daily V - A 1 PARLAY SERVICE DAILY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Go to your newsstand now and reserve your Critic Parlay Code Card or better still, get a weeks supply from our office before These Envelopes Are Sold Out Dont wait for results. Start from the beginning and play Thursdays two long shots. Pay no more than 50 cents. W SENSATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER H Wire or mail for fifteen issues of Sports Critic and you will receive as a premium F-R-E-E ! ! TODAYS DE LUXE PARLAY IT join YOUR LAYERS PAYROLL DE LUXE PARLAYS DAILY YESTERDAYS DE LUXE PARLAY: OSWEGO PRINCESS, .22, WON LAST ATTEMPT, 7th Latonia WIN 00 FOR TODAY If its smart money you want, get along on our parlay service. The most profit for the least investment. Our connections are always hitting right from the shoulder with "SMART THINGS." W NO TELEGRAMS "8 Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON The-1 4-20-7-2. Todays Super Code: HAMILTON Joe-29-30-26-26. TODAYS SUPER CODE PARLAY: LATONIA D-28-14-19-11. LATONIA R-4-2-1 8-2. SPORTS CRITIC PUB. CO. 10 N. CLARK ST. Room 804 CHICAGO. ILL. Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Fret Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: LATONIA Five-34-26. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: ARLINGTON PARK Three-1 4-52. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JUNE 25 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL ARL. 6th-Lead-Stall-Clock. J9 M LAT. 5th-Tail-Bit-Stall. 4r WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON: Cape-Yank-Mode-Jewel-Ring. LATONIA: Erie-Coral-Show-Hand-Brace. Bolt-from-the-Blue Manipulator, An amazing new angle that clicks. One horse, every race, straight only. Low capital. Positive and unfaltering under all conditions, this method is complete certainty plus complete safety. James H. Wollen, 250 Kearny St., San Francisco, Calif. NOTICE Chance of a Lifetimel I will put you next to a little racing secret that should place you above want as long as you live. AVrite T, SECOB, Aurorat Illinois Supreme Flash Turf Weekly For Sale on All Newsstands 35 Cents Get the Cash with Supreme Flash TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON PAR K J u ne-24-1 0-19-2. For cipher code, see page 2, SUPREME FLASH. MONDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: ROLLING SEA, .18, .72, 3RD PARTIES, .12, WON SUPREME MOTTO HONESTY AT ALL, TIMES WIN OR LOSE, OUR RELEASES ARE ADVERTISED FRIDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: BIG BRAND, .22, WON LLANDAFF, .38, WON THURSDAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: KNIGHTS CALL., .46, WON TOMBEREAU, .28, WON WE GIVE YOU THE BEST INFO OBTAINABLE ON THIS SERVICE TWO WINNERS TODAY And I advise all followers to send it in STRONG oS this PARLAY TODAY. TODAYS SUPREME CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON PARK Dough-18-12-14-16. LATONIA Leaf-6-22-21-15. This parlay can be deciphered with T-O-D-A-YS SUPREME FLASH, 60 cents, DAILY PARLAY CODE ENVELOPE. Sold at your nearest newsstand. NO TELEGRAMS NO EXPENSE You go to your nearest newsstand, get TODAYS SUPREME FLASH, 50 cents DAILY PARLAY CODE ENVELOPE, and decipher todays two specials, right out of this ad. NOTICE If jour newsdealer does not carry Supreme Flash Daily Parlay Envelope, wire .50 for six en velopes and we will wire todays parlay immediately Make remittances to CODE PARLAY SERVICE. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: FAIR ORB, 0.05, WON Another SPECIAL goes today. Should pay a REAL GOOD PRICE and WIN EASILY. Wire 13 immediately for this WINNER. City clients, call. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City CLOCRERS REVIEW 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands For 21 Years the Players Friend TODAYS FREE CODE: LATONIA Pink-17-28. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: OZITI, 4.60, WON Follow the Colonel for $ BIG WINNINGS $. Other are doing it, so why not you? TODAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: LATONIA Feed-16-13. Tap out on this one for a BANNER DAY. For Col. Matt Bradys Specials, see page 11, CLOCKERS REi VIEW. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: ELLEN D., 8.60, WON CLARRY, 7.75, WON BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY Make Sure and Get It TERMS, Never have we had two horses as strong as thest "two" today, and you can go the "extreme limit." Play both STRAIGHT and parlay across the board for a banner day. Wire immediately. City clients, call. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City Five Out of Six Codes Won GABBO, 0.24; BAR HUNTER, .12; BANDER LOG, 6.05; EVELINE F., .50; PLAYBIRD, .50, were code winners. ALL STANDS, 15 CENTS, ALL CITIES GOLD STEP, 6.00, WON BACK LOG, 8.80, WON BROAD MEADOWS, 4.40, WON WERE TOP LINERS IN LAST ISSUE Go to your newsdealer, get issue of July 2nd and decipher code below: TODAYS CODE: Canada-Condole-Amber-Adieu-Abroad-Abroad. TURF LIGHT 140 WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY. X IX IX V IV IV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR WEDNESDAY: ARLINGTON PARK S-1 3-21 -12-1 4. LATONIA T-8-18-17-21. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court Chlcagot U