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NEW THISTLE DOWN DATES Meeting of Thirty-Four Days to Begin July 13 and Continue to August 20. Ed P. Strong, who controls the Thistle Down race track at Cleveland, is in the city for the Democratic Convention. In a conference yesterday between him and Joseph A. Murphy, general manager of the Chicago Business Mens Racing Association, a working agreement to take care of the overflow of horses in the Middle West was established. Judge Murphy will be unable on account of the conflict with Hawthorne to give any personal attention to the Thistle Down meeting but remains on the most friendly terms with those who control the plant. Mr. Strong asked for a correction in the announced dates of the meeting, which will run from July 13 to August 20, thirty-four days, instead of opening August 13 as published several days ago. Thistle Down will have the use of the stalls at North Randall as last year. This will help greatly to relieve the congestion of horses during July and August. Judge Murphy will also attempt to establish the same agreement with Dade Park and between the three tracks, all horsemen should be able to secure accommodations. Superintendent Ben Miller already has at Hawthorne applications for over 400 horses more than the track can take care of. The management has decided to use every possible effort to avoid the improper identification of horses, and no entries will be received from any horses which are not on the grounds at Hawthorne at least forty-eight hours before the race. Horsemen are being notified not to make arrangements for stalls outside of the grounds as entries will riot be received from horses stabled in them.