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HAMILTON HAMILTON, ONT., TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1932 Hamilton 1 1-16 Miles, 68 feet. Third day. Hamilton Jockey Club. First summer meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Steward Representing the Canadian Racing Associations, D. S. Gillies. Stewards of Meeting, Col. Gordon J. Henderson, J. P. Turner and D. S. Gillies. Judges, J. A. Thompson and D. Boyle. Starter, Marshall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, J. P. Turner. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. PTOCTOO FIRST RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Fair Jack, July 1, 19311:184112. Purse 00. I ooo 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, . June-28-32-Ham 0; f0urth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,250. Index Horses Eqt A Wt IPSt btr Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 719493WACKET wb 5 114 5 4 44 21 1J 14 LangC J J Burns 215-1C0 71949 CHILE GOLD w 3 108 2 5 1" 14 24 21 ArnoldG Geneseo Stable 1355-100 71899SHIVA wb 3 111 3 9 6"k 41 33 31 ClancyM Mrs R Pollard 1885 100 72275 ALTSHEB wb 4 116 16 51 6" 41 41 FishcrRJ H Gallagher 3930 100 70540 BURTON AGNES w 3 106 7 8 8l 81 54 53 FischerA Pasadena Stable 230-100 72275GOBI wb 4 111 11 7 34 31 6s 64 ArthurV Mrs J P Mayberry 5255-100 72327MINTMAGI wb 4 115 9 2 9" 9s 8 T PeakeH Power City Stable 930-100 72416 SOLL GILLS wb 4 117 10 1 74 74 74 8 LegereE Seagram Stable 410-100 72034 SOUTHLAND LAD v3 108 811 11 11 9l 94 QnbushG W A Whiteside 14075-100 70517 SINGLE C. wb 3 1091 4 10 106 105 103 10 SerioJ T Coffey 71990 KOPECK wb 6 112 6 3 2l 5" 11 11 MannF Harber Stable 1700-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:19. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , OIFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WACKET $ 6.30 $ 4.05 $ 3.25 215100 1021100 62 100 CHILE GOLD 9.20 6.05 360100 202100 SHIVA 6.90 245100 Winner B. g, by Baby Grand Gloire de Verdun, by LOiseau Lyre trained ty R. Brown; bred by Mr. C. D. CuIIen. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 2:31J. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. WACKET reached the leaders leaving the back stretch and, going to the outside, took command in the final eighth and won going away. CHILE GOLD raced KOPECK into defeat, but was not good enough for the winner. SHIVA worked his way up resolutely. ALTSHEB finished strongly after working his way out of close quarters. BURTON AGNES finished gamely. GOBI tired after five-eighths. Scratched 718562Precede, 106; 71417 Mexico, 111; 72274Grand Rox, 104; 71745 Stuart, 106; 72424 Patrick Callahan, 110; 72414 Jane Ellen, 102. Overweight Southland Lad, 2 pounds; Single C, 2and. rrOKOfT SECOND RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Fair Jack, July 1, 19311:184112. Purse 00. 4 JUiji 4 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Foaled in Canada. Maiden jockeys. Claiming. Net June-28-32-Ham value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,200, allowed 3 pounds; ,000, 5 pounds. Index llorees Rit A Wt IISt A h Str Fin Jockeys owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 71947TLARRY wb3 101 6 7 3" 31 l2 l6 ParkerW J C Fletcher : 7871-100 CANDY POT w 3 105 3 5 11 11 24 2 HicklingA Seagram Stable 265-100 71843 ROYAL GUEST w 4 108 8 2 5s 43 4 31 DeweyseM R II New 335-100 72232 FRIGID FROSTY . wb 3 104 4 4 21 21 3s 4 WhalenO Erindale Stable 2705-100 72366THUNDER LIGHT wb3 99 9 1 74 6 5s 54 SmythC H G Bcdwell 710-100 71951SERFMAN v 3109 5 9 93 7l 6 6l StevensonT Thorncliffe Stable 430-100 72325 DOROTHY HANOVER w 4 108 7 3 81 81 8 7 BurrillJ I Bates 6885-100 71989 ORTONA w 3 102 10 10 10 10 9s 84 ParisN G M Hendrie 900-100 ROYAL RANCHER wb 3 109 2 8 4" 5l 71 98 SageP W H Wright 2395-100 64780 SINGLE SEA w 4 110 1 6 6" 94 10 10 RndolphC C E Furry 4270-100 Time, :24, :49, 1:14, 1:21. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . C LARRY 7.75 $ 8.15 $ 4.15 787100 307 100 1071100 CANDY POT 4.80 3.70 140100 85100 ROYAL GUEST 3.15 57 100 Winner B. c, by Anmer Atlantida, by Knights Differ trained by J. Given; bred by Mr. J. C. Fletcher. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 3:05. AT POST 4J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. CLARRY came through entering the stretch and, shaking off CANDY POT, drew away in the closing eighth. CANDY POT met early interference, secured room midway of the back stretch and, taking command, . showed good speed, but was taken very wide and tired. ROYAL GUEST, allowed to race on his own courage in the early stages, finished gamely under urging. FRIGID FROSTY went well for five-eighths. THUNDER LIGHT lost much ground. ROYAL RANCHER quit. ORTONA lacked .speed. Corrected weight Candy Pot, 105. WKVQ THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Jouett, July 30, 19231:456104. Purse 00. 4-4 At9MlO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, June-28-32-Ham 550 ; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 Ptr Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72368FAIR ORB w5117 5 3 31 2 1" 14 T MozerR. Erindale Stable 14021-100 72414 POLITEN wb 5 115 1 6 2 41 4" 44 2 MattioliJ W C Dunford 595-100 71627PRINCESS ZELDA w 6 115 3 5 Is 1" 31 24 31 DupuyM E J Reed 240-100 71848HOMELIKE wb 6 114 7 7 6" 8" 94 6l 4h RallsC J C Kirkpatrick 415-100 72368TRAUMAGNE w 4 117 4 4 4s 51 61 5" 54 MannF Harber Stable 1015-100 72420ZEAL wb 5 110 9 2 7? 2l 31 6" MagnerW W L Brodie 1635-100 71627 SCOT FREE wb 5 118 6 8 9h 91 8" 82 71 DougrtyF Mrs T Sullivan 1010-100 72280 FAIR AVIS wb 4 110 11 11 81 7 7" T 8 AimersT HG Bedwcll 72326 GEORGE DE MAR w 10 117 8 10 10 10s 10s 91 94 MarshW Mayfair Stable 1720-100 71849 HERENDEEN w 7 113 2 9 11 11 11 11 101 WhalenO E L Snyder 905-100 72236 THE MARQUISE wb 4 116 10 1 51 6" 5" 10s 11 FisherRJ P Gatto 1800-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48. 1:13. 1:40, 1:46. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . FAIR ORB 0.05 3.20 $ 6.20 1402 100 560100 210100 POLITEN 8.75 5.20 337J 100 160100 PRINCESS ZELDA . 3.05 52-100 Winner Ch. m, by Royal Canopy Herd Girl, by Colin trained by A. E. Alexandra; bred by Audley Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:42. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FAIR ORB was sent up on the outside of PRINCESS ZELDA, took command leaving the back stretch and held POLITEN safe under urging. The latter came again after dropping back midway of the back stretch. PRINCESS ZELDA continued gamely when displaced. HOMELIKE, in close quarters for three-quarters, came through on the inside for the final drive. TRAUMAGNE raced evenly. ZEAL raced into the thick of contention, but tired in the stretch. SCOT FREE was never a factor. THE MARQUISE quit. . Scratched 71729 Berber, 113; 717293Hogans Dance. 115; 723592Virado, 110; 72472 Redivivus, 110. TtOEOmQ FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mile. Little Nephew, June 25, 1913 :59 3 108. Barton Plate. 4 andjdJ Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, June-23-32-Ham 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA Wl 11St .4 Str Kiu keys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 7213f.3DONALD LAD w 107 2 1 31 3s 11 1" TremneR Pasadena Stable 215-100 71029 SILLY SIS w 107 6 6 21 25 2" 24 RallsC H T Archibald 2505-100 724153ALEETA wb 107 7 5 41 42 31 34 ArnoldG Mrs C V Wingfield 545-100 72226PHOSPHORESCENCE w 115 10 10 92 9 61 41 MannF R S McLaughlin 310-100 72415 KELTWICK w 107 3 8 81 84 7" 53 DougrtyF H R Dulany Jr 2030-100 72136 PEEVED wb 107 5 4 6h 51 54 6l PhillipsC Wm Garth 72421DANGER ZONE w 112 1 2 73 7l 82 73 ArthurV J P Mayberry 3980-100 72417 PRINCE WESTEND w 113 8 7 54 62 91 8s LangC H Neustcter 1935-100 71180 FLOWER TIME w 107 9 3 14 l1 4nk 9 CanfieldL S W Lab rot 715-100 71725 TRIMMER wb 115 4 9 10 10 10 10 BattistaJ C V Whitney -575-100 1 Coupled as Mrs. C. V. Wingfield and Wm. Garth entry. Time, :23, :47. 1:00. Track fast. , S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DONALD LAD $ 6.30 $ 4.90 $ 3.30 215100 145100 65100 SILLY SIS 15.60 9.75 680100 387f-100 MRS. C. V. WINGFIELD AND WM. GARTH ENTRY 3.40 . - 70100 Winner Ch. g, by Donnacona Lnssair, by Ormondale trained by L. O. Lcjr; bred by Himyar Stud. Winner entered to Be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:16. AT POST minutes. 0 Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DONALD LAD went to the outside of SILLY SIS in the stretch, took a short lead and finished gamely. SILLY SIS raced FLOWER TIME into defeat, saved ground and fought it out gamely. ALEETA finished resolutely. PHOSPHORESCENCE, taken up at the start, closed fast. KELTWICK lacked early speed. PEEVED was shuffled back early. TRIMMER was crowded back and was never a factor. Scratched 72417 Stambul, 112; 72233 Baby Rox, 107; War General, 107; 72415 Natanis, 110; 72415 Saint Louis, 107. Overweight Prince Westcnd, 3 pounds. r7QKQA FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Athol, July 1, 1931 1:41 4 114. Oakville 4 A0f Handicap. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Net value to June-28-32-Ham winner 50; second, 00; third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 724193AYMOND : w 5 11G 3 2 ll l4 l1 P l4 -OMalleyJ RH New 1450 100 71846SHADY WELL w3 107 1 3 3? 3l 31. 21 PhillipsC Seagram Stable 310-100 72419 PAT GAIETY w 5 1071 5 5 4 43 44 21 34 AbelA T M Glassco 1515100 71900FROTH BLOWER w 4 124 2 1 21 2" 2nl 43 4l MannF R W R Cowie 80-100 71846GAY PARISIAN w8116 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 RallsC Erindale Stable 350-100 Time, :23. :48. 1:13. 1:39. 1:43. Track fast. ,- MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . AYMOND 1.00 $ 9.70 $ 4.70 1450100 385100 135100 SHADY WELL 4.95 3.80 147J 100 90100 PAT GAIETY... 4.70 135-100 Winner B. g, by Rosolyon Ablaze, by Tony Bonero trained by W. G. Wilson; bred by Mr. J. Heffer-ing- WENT TO POST 4:51i. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AYMOND, rushed into the lead on the first turn, was rated along and easily maintained his advantage to the. end. SHADY WELL, began fast, was taken back on the back stretch, then came again, but was not good enough. PAT GAIETY forced the early pace, but tired. FROTH BLOWER showed early speed. GAY PARISIAN closed a gap after beine; an early trailer. Scratched 72419JQucenswai, 115; 715235King OConnor, 109. Overweight Pat Gaiety, 1 pounds. TOKO-fl SIXTH RACE-1 1-16 Miles. Jouett, July 30, 1923-1:45-6-104. Purse W?0. 4-4 AlOol year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0, June-28-32-Ham fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000. 1 . . index Horses EqtA WtPP St Hl Mi Str Fin Jockeys Owners KqnlT. Odds Strt 72420 MARTEAU w6110 1 6 2l2l 24 21 1 OMalleyJ T L Evans 37JJH29 71764 PARSNIP wb 4 112 6 8 61 74 6" 3 21 ArnoldG Geneseo Stable .0X"JS2 71370TAZEWELL w 9 113 3 1 5" 4" 41 44 3 LangC W A Smithson 610 -100 72280 BRIGHT DAY wb 5 112 10 11 82 8 9" 6l 4 AbelA J S McDonald 2030-100 72414 CABAMA - wb 4 113 4 10 11410 10s 82 54 DupuyM H Neusteter t 72414 CONSWATER w5110 7 4 l3 1 1 l1 6h RileyG H C Hatch t 723682FAIR THORN wb 6 110 11 7 34 31 31 5l 7 DougrtyF H G Bedwell ,i29 71950 TOP HATTIE w 5 112 8 3 7l 6rt 54 7" 8 ClancyM Mrs R Pollard J29"f5 72475 MONOCLE wb 4 110 12 12 12 12 12 111 91 FischerA J Farrell Jr 72416 LION HEARTED w 6 117 2 2 4 5 7 9 10 PhillipsC J P Musgrave 1?Sr; 719523MAINSHEET wb 6 114 9 5 93 94 82 10l IV LegereE A Hullcoat ..?95"J59 71109 REJUVENATION wb9115 5 9104114lls12 12 SerioJ T Coffey 4400-100 Mutuel field. Time, :23, :48. 1:14. 1:40, 1:46. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING nAirTW1 ODDS MARTEAU 7.5 4.70 3.75 3777J-100 1M5-10Q B87-100 PARSNIP 7.25 5.45 262-100 172J-100 TAZEWELL Field 3.75 87100 Winner B. h, by Marten Meriel, by St. Amant trained by T. L. Evans; bred in England by Lord Dunraven. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:27. AT POST 41 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MARTEAU moved up fast near the stretch and, wearing down CONSWATER in the final eighth, held on eamely and outlasted PARSNIP. The latter, blocked when moving up leaving the back stretch, regained his ftride and finished fast. TAZEWELL finished resolutely. BRIGHT DAY, slow to start, closed a gap in the late stages. CABAMA started slowly CONSWATER held sway for seven-eighths. FAIR THORN had a rough race. LION HEARTED quit. MAINSHEET showed a poor performance. Scratched 72237 Dick Porter, 110; 72420 Bobby Powers, 112. Overweight Cabama, 1 pound. JTOKOO SEVENTH RACE-1 Mile turf course. Lunetta, June 27, 1 924-1 :38-7-1 12. Purse 1 DOI 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; June-28-32-Ham third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,250. . 1,i1kx Horses EqtA VVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 72326JFLYING ZENO wb 4 107 4 7 75 61 53 21 14 DougrtyF Power City Stable 3671100 72327 BYLONA wb 3 103 2 6 l1 l1 l1 11 21 PhillipsC G Sharpies 1190-100 723272SIR BYRON w 4 105 1 8 4 41 31 32 3s ArthurV J C Fletcher 1045-100 72235 PRINCETON vv 6 105 3 2 24 2" 2" 45 4h MattioliJ H Sherman 785-100 7214DBUD BROOM w 5 111 7 1 8 8 8 6h 51 FischerA Pasadena Stable 145-100 71370 LOCARA wb3 97 5 3 61 7s 74 7s 64 McLlinEM H C Hatch 1935-100 71952 DARKSINI wb 4 111 6 4 3" 31 41 5" 72 FisherRJ Mrs J Badame 685-100 72328 UPSET LAD w 6 109 8 5 5 5 63 8 8 PeakeH Mayfair Stable 1400-100 Time, :23, :48, 1:13, 1:39. Track fast. ,-i-S2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FLYING ZENO $ 9.35 $ 5.25 $ 4.25 367100 162-100 112100 BYLONA " 7.60 4.70 280100 135100 SIR BYRON 6.20 210-100 Winner Br. g, by Flying Ebony Zennotta, by Vulcain trained by E. Gleason; bred by Messrs. Dailey Bros.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 6:07. OFF AT ONCE. Start eood and fast. Won driving; second and third the same. FLYING ZENO gained resolutely in the final half mile, circled the others and, wearing down BYLONA, drew away at the end. BYLONA outran the others for three-quarters, saved ground and held on well under punishment. SIR BYRON came through on the inside and continued gamely in the drive. PRINCETON forced a fast pace for seven-eighths. BUD BROOM finished fast. DARKSINI quit. UPSET LAD had no excuses Scratched-72472 Spectacular, 103; 72278 Spanfair, 109; 72414 Itso. 107; 72324 Izetta, 103; 72324Tuffy G., 107; 72416 Silvery, 109; 71994DolIydee, 101; 72324 Sabina H., 97; 72475 Crescent City, 104. Overweight Upset Lad, 1 pound. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT HAMILTON Ont. Tuesday 3 Races, 43.90; 5 Races, 46.00; 7 Races, 25.80