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RANCOCAS STUD A MEMORY Final Chapter of Famous Establishment Written in Two Nights Sale. 4 Total of Seventy-Six Head Realize 9,235 for Average of ,043 Mare Nedana Brings Top Price of ,700. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., Aug. 24 When John Bain dropped his hammer and said "sold" to O. F. Woodward and the groom led Sarazana out of the sales ring, one of Americas most famous breeding establishments passed into history. The final chapter was written and the green and white silks of the Rancocas Stable and Stud became a memory. The rise of the racing stable and later the breeding establishment under the careful eye of the late Samuel C. Hildreth was one of theoutstanding features of the American turf. The final disposition of the 1,200 acres of the farm at Jobstown, the private training, track, racing stables, brood mares and stallions, and the barns will be arrived at later, for it is understood that the place is for sale. The stakes and purses won by the establishment amounted to nearly two millions in the ten years that the , stable raced. The stable in 1923 topped the winning list of money won with 38,849 and in the history of the stable the total winnings were ,405,-461, accrued from winning 698 races, 525 times second, and 418 thirds. The amount won by the produce of the foals bred at the Jobstown nursery was ,025,105. Zev and Grey Lag were retained by Mr. Sinclair, and it is his intention to keep them for the remainder of their natural lives. He was attached to the two champions. At present they are at the Jobstown farm. The Rancocas Stables reputation with horsemen was of getting whatever they wanted and no expense was spared. The stable equipment, hwlp and other needs around the barn were the very best obtainable. A crowd of-large proportions was on hand for the final nights vendue, and the total released for the offerings was 1,125 exceeding that of Monday evening. Tuesday nights sale consisted of thirty-five head, for an average of ,175. Bidding was brisk and spirited during the evening. The top price of the evening was paid by W. S. Kilmer for the great race mare Super-lette, which had a bay colt at Foot, by Lucullite. The bidding on this mare was spir-irited, and the Binghamton breeder paid ,500 for her. The Greentree Stable paid the next highest price when a black colt by Bud Lerner Siren was secured for ,000. This fellow was one of the stars of the yearling lot and a half brother to the winner Charmer. O. F. Woodward, who was a frequent buyer during the evening, paid ,100 for the Continued on eleventh page. RANCOCAS STUD A MEMORY Continued from first page. brood mare Sardoynx with a bay colt at foot, by Bud Lerner. W. S. Kilmer purchased Capture for ,800 with a bay colt by Lucullite at foot. This filly was winner, of the first running of the Lassie Stakes at Arlington Park. D. Westmoreland, who also was a frequent buyer during the evening, paid 00 for the stallion Lucullite. Bidding on this fellow was slow and listless. In addition to the Rancocas produce, several brood mares consigned by the Sanford Stud were also disposed of for small prices. The top price of the entire sale was the ,700 paid for the mare Nedana on the first night. Thirty-three yearlings were disposed of, and they brought a total of 2,525, an average of 86. In all seventy-six head were sold for 9,235, an average of ,043. A complete summary of the sale follows: RANCOCAS STUD: H. F. Sinclair. Stallions. Name, Color, Sex. Sire. Dam. Buyer. Price. Lucullite, brown horse, 1915, by Trap Rock Lucky Lass; D. Westmoreland ....i..$ 500 Brood Marcs: Barbary, chestnut mare, 1922, by Trap Rock Daytoria; Llangollen Farms. $ 200 Bacquaise, bay mare, 1923, by Samou-rai Herodia, and weanling by Bud Lerner; Greentree Stable 1,000 Capture, bay mare, 1927, by Bud Ler- -. ner Jura, and weanling by Lucullite ; W. S. Kilmer . . .......... . 2,800 Chant, chestnut mare, 1923, by Purchase Vesper Hour, and weanling by Bud Lerner; D. Westmoreland. . 400 Chicmint, bay mare, 1921, by Chicle Loyal; E. A. Gonzales 300 Dame, chestnut mare, 1917, by Star Shoot Kate D., and weanling by .Zev; W. M. Elder. . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 Daunt, chestnut mare, 1925, by Lucul-lite Dauntless, and weanling by Zev; J. P. Smith: v2,20Q Dauntless, chestnut mare, 1921, by Pennant Ruth Law; O. F. Woodward ..." 1,750 Decree, bay mare, 1922, by Wrack Royal Message, and weanling by Bud Lernerr Llangollen Stable. 1,350 Delia, chestnut mare, 1921, by Sir Martin Dame, and weanling by Bud Lerner; Holly Beach Farm 1,100 Delphine, chestnut mare, 1922, by Vul-cain Di, and weanling by Zev; X Fox 400 Design, chestnut mare, 1926, by Lucullite Outline ; Tranquility Farm 550 Dijon, bay mare, 1921, by Jusqu au Bout Clarice Ruth; J. Fox 250 Drina, bay mare, 1923, by Chicle Pan-talette, and weanling by Lucullite; O. F. Woodward. 1,100- Durbar, brown mare, 1921, by Chicle Pageant, and weanling by Bud Lerner; M. Lowenstein 800 Granny, brown mare, 1924, by Sweep Old Woman; Brann Castle Farm.. 700 Humbug, bay mare, 1922, by Marathon Vesper Hour; D. Westmoreland. . 350 Jura, bay mare, 1921, by Broomstick Waif; O. F. Woodward , . . 700 Khara, chestnut mare, 1927, by Kai-Sang Decree, and weanling by Lucullite; Brann Castle Farms 1,100 Leila, chestnut mare, 1922, by Lucullite Iridescence, and weanling by Zev; E. Gonzales. 500 Madame, chestnut mare, 1928, by Lu-cullite-Dame, and weanling by Bud Lerner; D. N. Rust. , 500 Madura, bay mare, 1921, by Trap Rock Lady Grey; E. A. Gonzales 250 Middlemarch, bay or brown mare, 1921, by Nassovian Laelia, and weanling by Bud Lerner; Llangollen Farm. . . 600 Nedana, brown mare, 1922, by Negofol Adana; Greentree Stable ..... 6,700 Nida, chestnut mare, 1923, by Whisk Broom IX Beauteous; F. Johnson. 1,350 Orissa, bay mare, 1926, by Purchase-Durbar, and weanling by Zev; W. M. Elder ..- 1,100 Peerless, chestnut mare, 1926, by Lu-cullite Tolima, and weanling by Zev; E. A. Gonzales. . 500 Phantom, chestnut mare, 1914, by Star Shoot Unseen, and weanling by Zev; "b. C. Sands 150 Pinta, chestnut mare, 1923, by Johren Yashmak; D. N. Rust 100 Rayena, bay mare, 1924, by Paragon- H. Cola; D. Westmoreland .... 350 Royalite, chestnut mare, 1922, by Lu- cullite Royal Ensign, and weanling by Bud Lerner; H. Giddings. 1,750 Sabine, bay mare, 1923, by Purchase Madcap; X P. Smith. 700 Sardonyx, bay mare, 1924, by Lucullite Epinglette, and weanling by Bud Lerner; O. F. Woodward 3,100 Sarzana, bay or brown mare, 1922, by Hollister Liquette; O.F.Woodward 700 Stardrift, bay mare, 1921, by North Star m. Folklore, and weanling by Lucullite; Llangollen Farms 1,000 Superlette, bay mare, 1922, by Superman Epinglette, and weanling by Lucullite; W. S. Kilmer 4,500 The Colonels Lady, chestnut mare, 1919, by Star Shoot Elmaha; Llangollen Stable 500 Tolima, chestnut mare, 1921, by Peter Pan Adroit, and weanling by Bud Lerner; Holly Beach Farm 700 Triple Crown, br. m, 1914, by Star Shoot Miss Kearney, and weanling by Bud Lerner. 600 Triple Lite, brown filly, 1930, by Lucul- lite Triple Crown; T. M. Cassidy. . 400 Twinkle, chestnut mare, 1923, by Broomstick Capella; W. M. Elder. . 1,600 Zevaria, bay mare, 1926, by Zev Adana; Sanford Stud Farm 800 Tearllrigs. Color and Sex. Sire. Dam. Buyer. Price. Chestnut colt, by Lucullite Basquaise; J. R. Buchanan $ 1,000 Brpwn filly, by Lucullite rBedelia; Mrs. S. Burch. 300 Bay colt, by Zev Chant; D. T. Pierce 800 Chestnut filly, by Bud Lerner Chicmint; Linton Farms -350, Chestnut colt, by Lucullite Dame; Pinetree Stable..................... 525 Chestnut colt, by Bud Lerner Daunt; X P. Smith .......... ... , 2,000 Chestnut filly, by Bud Lerner Dauntless; W. S. Kilmer 1,000 Light bay filly, by Kai-Sang-De-cree; H. Giddings 1,300 Bay colt, by Kai-Sang Delphine; E. A. Gonzales . . 300 Chestnut filly, by Bud Lerner Design; A. J. Joyner 1,100 Bay colt, by Bud Lerner Dijon; H. Jacobs- ..... ...... 200 Brown filly, by Lucullite Durbar; Llangollen Stable .- , 350 Black filly, by Zev Granny; H. Giddings 550 Light bay filly, by Bud Lerner Jura; M. Lowenstein. . 800 Light bay filly, by Bud Lerner Katrina; H. Giddings 4,000 Bay or brown filly, by Kai-Sang Leila; E. Gonzales 200 Bay colt, by Bud Lerner Middle-march"; Pinetree Farm 250 Black colt, by Zev Nedana; Belair Stud 2,800 Chestnut colt, by Bud Lerner Nida; M. Lowenstein , . 600 Chestnut colt, by Lucullite Orissa; P. M. Walker 1,600 Chestnut filly, by Kai-Sang Peerless ; . M. Hirsch. 550 Brown colt, by Zev Phantom; J. Goldsborough 1,100 Dark bay filly, by Lucullite Rayena; E. A. Gonzales 150 Chestnut colt, by Bud Lerner Royalite; M. Lowenstein 1,200 Brown filly, by Lucullite Sabine; W. S. Kilmer 900 Black colt, by Bud Lerner Siren; Greentree Stable 4,000 Dark bay or brown filly, by Zev Stardrift; Mrs. S.H. Fairbanks 350 Bay filly, by Lucullite Superlette; W. S. Kilmer 800 Brown filly, by Zev Tolima; E. A. Gonzales 400 Brown colt, by Kai-Sang Triple Crown; Pinetree Stable 150 Chestnut colt, by Bud Lerner Twinkle; Newtondale Stable 1,500 Bay or brown colt, by Purchase Zebala; D. T. Pierce 700 Dark bay filly, by Purchase Zevanna; Tranquility Farms , 700 Total 76 9,235 Average . $ 1,043 In addition to the Rancocas horses, the following also were sold Tuesday evening: PROPERTY OF SANFORD STUD FARMS, INC.: Name, Color, Sex. Sire. Dam. Buyer. Price. Thisbe, bay mare, 1919, by Rabelais Theresa TL, by Ajax; Llangollen Farm .-.....$ 225 Hecuba, chestnut mare, 1923, by Ar- chaic Thisbe, by Rabelais; E. A. Gonzales 200 School Days, bay mare, 1924, by Ar-. chaic Juvenescence, by Junior; E. A. Gonzales 150 Misty Past, chestnut mare, 1926, by ArchaicMabel Strauss, by Uncle; E. A. Gonzales ; . 350 Filly,1 2 by Blue Pete Thisby, by . .Rabelais; H. Giddings... 500 Total 5..,., ........ ........ 1,425 Average t 285.