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BAINBRIDGE PARK r The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races ! at Bainbridge Wednesday Paid 45.00 for t.--. GEAUGA LAKE. OHIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1932. Bainbridge Park 1 mile. First day. Bain-bridge Breeders and Racing Association. Summer meeting of 16 days. . Waite Stall. Gate used. Weather clear. Stewards, J. T. Ireland and J. King. Judges, C. Abbo, R. A. Leigh and C. Campeau. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, R. A. Leigh. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. rj A rr-t A FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Al Green, June 20, 19321:105110. Purse 00. 2-year- Aj-7 olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Aug.-24-32-Bbg . . i Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt H Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt 7441 9ODD STAR w 113 5 2 " T Is 1 14 MooreV J Bronnenberg 30-100 74468DIMOCK wb 109 3 3 32 3 4 3 2l MayT J Whittingham 1480-100 74574 ARTISTRY wb108 2 1 2 21 24 34 RenoT . T McClements 1870-100 74574DONNA LINDA w 107 6 6 5" 5k 5 41 FageL Miss L Davis 1140-100 74468!DOUBTLESS wb105 7 7 61 6 6 5k BogskiW C F Clarke 1320-100 74419 COLORED ARTIST w 105 4 4 4 ,44 4l 6 WestH J Cattarinich il40-100 74194 PRINCE CANBAR wb 105 1 5 7 7 Pul. up.CheatmR Mrs A Luzader 6680-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:13. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODD STAR .60 .60 $ 2.40 30100 30100 20100 DIMOCK 5.40 4.60 170100 130100 ARTISTRY ..- 4.80 140100 Winner Ch. c, by Better Still Glimmering, by Trompe la Mort trained by J. Bronnenberg; bred by Mr. J. Bronnenberg. WENT TO POST 2:24. AT POST 1 minute. Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third the same. ODD STAR, much the best, was never threatened seriously. DIMOCK gained steadily in the final eighth and outlasted ARTISTRY. The latter had no excuses and finished tiring. DONNA LINDA finished resolutely. DOUBTLESS failed to improve her position in the stretch. COLORED ARTIST tired. PRINCE CANBAR was badly . crowded back and forced to pull up. Scratched 74321 Sweepmore, 105. Overweight Dimock, 1 pound. fj AfT-t C; SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Al Green, June 20, 19321:105110. Purse 00. 3- --tf year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second ,5; third, 5. Aug.-24-32-Bbg Claiming price, .000. Index Horses BqtA WtPPSt Yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 74519SHIFT w 7 109 2 2 11 l1 l1 11 ClemonsR G K Craig 300-100 74517 RED VEST w 3 110 9 6 5"k 3" 21 21 SylviaE E K Bryson 745195DONDAY wb 3 116 10 8 81 71 51 31 FageL C A Marone 140-100 74420TEMPS DAMOUR w 5 115 7 3 2s- 21 3 4l DicksonD Mrs H Daly 870-100 739023MOSELLE S. w 5 109 6 5 6k 61 61 51 MartinJ Mrs P Sturm 1320-100 74232MUDAS wb 8 109 "11 10 9 9- ,8l 61 DupuyJ Miss G Leduc 74268 ANNETE B. w 3 109 12. 4 3 4 4" 71 ReevesR R Newman 1760-100 74146 DEJA w3108 3 1 4l 51 71 8 MarinelUJ A M Chichester 6470-100 74053 MARMITINA w3106 512 10. 104 91 9l CheatmR Braddon and Reether 3240-100 74120LUXURIATE w 3 106 4 9 ll8 ll3 11s 101 DovettW Mrs E Warner 1560-100 74264OLD KICKAPOO w 8 115 8 7 71 84101 11 TerlezskiS J D Mikel 4 780-100 JAMES T. w 3110 111 12 12 12 12 BuckE J E Lewis 4620-100 Field. Time, :23, :47, 1:13. Track fast. , CERTIFICATES PAID, , -OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDand SHIFT Field .00 .00 $ 3.00 300100 200100 v 50 100 RED VEST Field 6.00 3.00 200100 50100 DON DAY 3.00 50100 Winner Br. g, by Sweepr-Subterfuge by Trap Rock trained by G. K. Craig; bred by Himyar Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:53. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. SHIFT showed the most speed throughout, but was doing his best at the end to retain his slight advantage. RED VEST saved much ground entering the stretch and closed resolutely next to the rail. DONDAY worked his way up in close quarters and finished strongly. TEMPS DAMOUR showed good speed until midway of the stretch and tired. MARMITINA and LUXURIATE finished well. The others tired. Scratched 74573 Algol, 120; 74517:!Bad Axe, 110; 73991 Top Cloud, 117; 73807 Baked Alaska, 114; 74469IAnthony Wayne, 111; 74322 Runmaid, 109. Overweight Annete B., 4 pounds; Deja, 3; Marmitina, 1. rTArr-t C THIRD RACE tMile and 70 Yards. Lucky Dan, June 20, 19311:424113. Purse AO S400. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Aug.-24-32-Bfag Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 2 pourds. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Yk Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 74579sDONUP w 108 10 11 ll1 101 9l 5" 1 MooreV J Bronnenberg 590-100 74424SOCIETY TALK w 103 5 3 l" 21 1 Is 21. DicksonD J F Patterson 320-100 74435UPRISE w 106 11 5 5 3l 2l 21 311 AtkinsonJ L W Kidd 1020-100 74577 GRAPHITE w 110 12 4 7l 71 51 40k 44 WestH Mrs B Hernandez 430-100 74234 HASOLA w 103 7 7 64 50k 31 3 5" BogskiW O Viau 1870-100 74472 DUPLICITY w 103 3 9 10s 811 8,k 64 6" KleinR W A Yunkman 74120GOLDEN SANDALS wb 96 9 12 12 12 11 8 71 DovettW W F Taylor 74523VAGARIES w 106 8 6 4" 6V 61 71 81 SylviaE E K Bryson 1140-100 74521DUNES - w 103 1 1 3 41 7l 9 . 9 ClemonsR E Drillon 420-1CO 74373OLGA wb 101 4 10 94 91 101 10 103 DupuyJ J D Mikel 1350-100 74324 MY DESIRE wb 103 6 2 2l 1 4" 11 11 FageL O A Simmons 2340-100 74268 MILDRED H. w 101 2 8 8" ll1 Fell. SteinmrE N C Hansen 4580-100 Field. Time, :23, :47, 1:12. 1:39. 1:44. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DONUP r. ... 3.80 .80 $ 3.80 590100 190100 90100 SOCIETY TALK 4.20 3.00 110100 50100 UPRISE Field 4.20 110100 Winner B. c, by Donnacona Anna Gallup, by Ogden trained by J. Bronnenberg; bred by Messrs. A. E. Hundley and. Son. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:19. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. DONUP closed with a rush on the outside through the stretch and was up to win right at the end. SOCIETY TALK raced close up and held on well. UPRISE moved up fast on the back stretch. GRAPHITE finished resolutely on the outside. HASOLA tired near the end. DUPLICITY and GOLDEN SANDALS closed a big gap. The others tired. Scratched 74520 St. Mica, 96; 74231 Justa Hug, 101; 73761Patangon, 103; 74472 Dorothy Hicks, 100; 7442PSilent Vote, 101; 74517 Bag o Gold, 100. Corrected weight1 Vagaries, 106. 17A.r7i 7 FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Al Green, June 20, 19321:105110. Purse 00. 3-year- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Aug.-24-32-Bbg Claiming price, ,750; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,250. Index Horses Dqti. WtPPSt ya Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 74470CHIANTI wb 6 113 6 5 2l P Is 14 AtkinsonJ Mrs M F Keller 200-100 74470 ANNE L. wb 4 111 2 6 5" 41 21 21 WestH F Seremba 720-1C0 74577BRIGHT KNOT wb 3 109 3 9 71 71 41 3 ClemonsR E Drillon - 670-100 73555 ELLEN D. wb3106 1 3 31 31 31 4 BogskiW O Viau 1030-100 74470SALAMAE wb 5 104 8 4 44 5h 5l 54 DicksonD W M Cain 710-100 74197 HIPPIAS wb 7 107 9 8 6l 61 71 6i BuckE E Warner 3170-100 73527:LITTLE TOOTS w 4 105 7 7 8 8 84 71 MooreV Nugent Bros 1140-100 74575 TOLTEC wb 5 114 5 1 11 21 6l 81 CavensJ J R Carlock 800-100 74420MISS PEGGY w 5 104 4 2 9 9 9 9 DupuyJ Jones and Keating 960-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:12. Track fast. r- CESTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CHIANTI .00 .20 $ 2.80 200100 110100 - 40100 ANNE L 6.40 4.40 220100 120100 BRIGHT KNOT 4.20 110100 Winner Ch. g, by High Time Tuscan Red, by William Rufus trained by B. C. Keller; bred by Mr. C. T. Grayson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 3:50. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third the same. CHIANTI was hustled into the lead after rounding the far turn and held the race safe thereafter. ANNE L. saved ground, on the stretch turn and closed resolutely. BRIGHT KNOT closed a big gap in the final quarter and finished resolutely. ELLEN D. held on gamely. ALAMAE raced wide most of the way. TOLTEC quit. Scratched 74230 Budget, 110; 74472 Balzar, ,109; 74470 Dacite, 111. r7Ar7i S FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Lucky Dan, June 20, 1931 1:42 4113. Fair- o oiP mount Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and -upward. Claiming. Net value to winner Aug.-24-2-Bbg 5375; second, 5; third, 0. Claiming price, ,250; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,750. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt i Yi ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 74197INFERNO LAD wb4111 2 2 25 4 3 1" la McTagueC J Salinski 570-100 74341sHOGANS DANCE w 5111 4 5 5s 5 5 3" 2" AtkinsonJ L W Kidd 300-100 74577FIRST MISSION wb 7 105 6 3 l1 2l lk 2 3" ClemonsR Miss B Watson 820-100 74577ZPAN w 7 108 1 1 3" lk 24 44. 44 DovettW L Clous 260-100 74374CLARET w 4 105 5 4 4 3 41 5 5 BogskiW Mrs A Luzader 280-100 73811 PURLIE w 5 105 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 . DicksonD E Ryburn 1350-100 Time, :23, :46. 1:12. 1:38, 1:42. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS INFERNO LAD 3.40 $ 5.80 $ 4.20 570100 190100 110100 HOGANS DANCE i 4.20 3.40 110100 70100 FIRST MISSION 4.00 , 100100 j Continued on thirteenth page BAINBRIDGE PARK Continued from third page. Winner Ch. g, by Dunlin Inferno Queen, by Star Shoot trained by W. C. Daly; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. Winner entered to be claimed for 2,000. WENT TO POST 4:20. AT POST H minutes. Start good cut of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. .-.. INFERNO LAD was eased back of the pace, came fast on the outside when straightened out in the itretch and won going away. HOGANS DANCE worked his way up next to the rail. FIRST MISSION displayed sudden improvement. PAN was used up racing with FIRST MISSION. CLARET had no mishaps. Corrected weight Hogans Dance, 111. 74-71 Q SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Golden Auburn, Aug. 30, 19301:445117.. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Aug.-Z4-3Z-Bbg Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 pounds. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt H JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy. Odds Strt 74580PAULINE H. w 6 99 10 12 12 105 91 61 I1 ClemonsR R P Gillette 680-100 74327ALICE AMINE w 5 106 11 6 5" VI 51 41 2" MartinJ J? Sturm 1280-100 74521 MENDELL wb 3 10411 1 P 11 2 Zl 3" WestH E M May 3240-100 74094MASTER DURBAR wn 4 104 8 3 31 21 31 1" 41 DicksonD C Phelps t 74473 PACHECO wb 6 109 410 91 80k 8" 81 51 BogskiW Jones and Keating 4560-100 74376!PRINCESS .NANCY w 3 991 3 5 61 31 1" 2" 61 AtkinsonJ C OMalley 1130-100 745793BROTHER JOHNSON w 5 109 5 2 2h 41 4 T 71 MayT W A Amberger 870-100 74521 OBERON wb 5 109 2 4 41 61 61 5h 81 CheatmR Aberdeen Stable 2380-100 74424 SAM COLE wb 5109 7 9 81 5s 71 91! 91 MooreV F Eastley 1120-100 74376 HORNSBY w 8 111 6 11 10l lllll1 101 101! HerdezF J J Keith 4860-100 74234VANITY CASE . w3 92 12 8 ll1 12 12 11s 11" DovettW Googe and Jamisoh t 74472JFAIR FOLLY wb 5 104 9 7 71 91 103 12 12 FageL Mrs C A Marone 80-100 tField. Time, :23, :47, 1:13, 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. ,- CERTIFICATES PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . PAULINE H 5.60 $ 6.60 $ 4.40 680100 230100 120100 ALICE AMINE Field 10.00 4.80 400100 140100 MENDELL .. 14.00 600100 Winner Ch. m, by Ormont Baby Bonds, by Dick Welles trained by R. P. Gillette; bred by Mr. V. B. Campbell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 4:46. AT POST 1 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won ridden out; second and third driving. PAULINE H. worked her way up entering the stretch and drew clear in the final strides. ALICE AMINE saved ground in the stretch and finished gamely. MENDELL, a factor all the way, held on courageously. MASTER DURBAR moved up resolutely entering the stretch and held on gamely. PACHECO finished resolutely. The others tired. FAIR POLLY tired badly. Scratched 74576 Parncll Boy, 104; 74521JIriterior, 104; 74473Little Coventry, 109; 74473 Woody Long, 104; 74523 Philomath, 109; 74523 Mad A., 99, Overweight Alice Amine, 2 pounds; Mendcll, 2; Princess Nancy, 2; Hornsby, 2. Corrected weight Pacheco, 109. 74725fl SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Economic, June 4, 1932 1:51 3 118. Purse 00. 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Aug.-24-32-Bbg Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EitA WtPPSt yh Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiy. Odds Strt - 745213NUCKQLS BOY w6109 6 7 61 41 VI 2" 1" DupuyJ F Bohannon Jr 230-100, 74338NECKPIECE wb4106 3 5 31 11 l1 l1 2 AtkinsonJ J Goedecke Jr 4640-100 74521 HEHUKAI wb 6 106 9 9 9 9s 81! 31 34 SylviaW L A Devaull 420-100 74060TERFECT PLAY wb 5 109 - 2 1 " l 2 21 41 4" ClemonsR C R Aldrich 320-100 73904WILLIAM J. wb 4 109 1 6 52 61 51 5h 51 DicksonD S F Gibson 4740-100 74579 CHANCELLOR wn7 108 5 2 ?? 71 71 6 FageL O A Simmons 4270-1C0 74580SWEET ONE wb 4 112 10 8 81 81 93 8 71! KleinR E H Langlois 550-100 74T201MAVRO wb 4 104 7 4 21 31! 3h 61 82 MooreV W H Brown 780-100 74422SYDKA w 4 108 4 3. 41! 51 61 93 9s HladJ Sari Stable 1960-100 74425LA FEMME wb 8 107 81010 10 10 10 10 DovettW Miss M Echart 4130-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:39, 1:53. Track fast. ,-?2 CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . NUCKOLS BOY .60 .40 $ 3.40 230100 120100 70-400 NECKPIECE 26.60 6.40 1230100 220100 HEHUKAI 3.60 80100. Winner Ch. h, by Baigneur Cheridah, by Bannockburn trained by F. S. Rust; bred by Mr. C. Nuckols. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:13. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. NUCKOLS BOY closed resolutely on the outside after the far turn and finished gamely between the leaders, getting up in the final strides. NECKPIECE took the lead with a rush midway of the back stretch and held on gamely. HEHUKAI came resolutely on the outside in the stretch. PERFECT PLAY tired in the last eighth. WILLIAM J. saved ground entering the stretch. SWEET ONE could not get up. MAVRO quit. Scratched 74576White Knee, 117; 74520 Skibo, 114; 74579 Lincoln Plaut, 117; 74578 Zella K. 103; 74580 Clownish, 103; 74576 Nonenker, 107; 74578 Reform, 117. I Overweight Mavro, 1 pound; Sydka, 1. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT BAINBRIDGE PARK Wednesday 3 Races, 6.20; 5 Races, 49.20; 7 Races, 55.60