Riverside Park, Daily Racing Form, 1933-06-01

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RIVERSIDE PARK KANSAS CITY, MO., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1933. Riverside Park 1 mile. Fourth day. Riverside Park Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 33 or more days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, E. K. Thornton. Presiding Judges, P. Clark. Associate Judges, M. H. Morrison and H. S. Bengston. Starter, A. McKnight. Racing Secretary, W. P. Kyne. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figure in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds: 7 pounds: 10 pounds. . QlJ ChiQ FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to win-OJLSO ner 280; second, 0; third, 40. Claiming price, 00. May-31-33-R.P Index Horses BiitA WtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 81175 MARY ELLEN S. w 109 7 8 9l 8J 5 lrt Tildcnlt S G Miller 2620-100 81796 CURSOR will 5 4 4" 33 2i 2ak JoncsL C N Finch 180-100 COYA w 104 9 6 31 41 4 31 BrennanT H Oots 140-100 COTLOROSE w 109 11 7 5l l" 1" 4" BrackcnH Jones Stock Farm Stable 850-100 HART PRINCE w 109 2 9 81 7" 71 5 HerndezJ Ellis and Hagar . 3140-100 ROCKHURST w 109 3 5 61 5 61! 63 AndersonA Summit View Stable 1210-100 82177 ROMAN BEAUTY w 110 8 11 11 94 8" 7" Morganll J C Ellis 1920-100 81455 HIP BOOTS w 112 1 2 21 61 9l 81 DellowW Old Gold Stable t 78545 LOSING MARY w 109 12 1" l2 21 3 9s KellyJR R E Angle t CORIDA w 104 10 3 71 102 103 103 PerrvE J Carr 2640-100 BOB WILLIS w 109 4 10 10" 11 ll3 ll9 AllenR B W Stivers 3240-100 RONNOCO v.-109 6 12 12 .12 12 12 ShindleC C H Walrath 3460-100 iField. Time, :24g. :48; 1:03. Track fast. , 52 DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MARY ELLEN S 4.40 2.00 0.40 2620100 1000100 420100 CURSOR 3.43 2.80 70100 40100 COYA 3.00 50100 Winner Ch. f, by Boon Companion Auntie May, by Uncle trained by K. S. Cleveland; bred by Messrs. J. A. and R. T. Judy. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:1C. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. MARY ELLEN S., far back early, closed with a rush in the stretch and was up to win in the final strides. CURSOR, well placed early, took a short lead a sixteenth out, but could not hold the winner. COYA was close up all the way. COTLOROSE tired after showing early speed. LOSING MARY quit. Overweight Cursor, 2 pounds; Roman Beauty, 1; Hip Boots, 3. - GH Clflfl SECOND RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Olal Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming May-31-33-R.P pricei 00. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Vx Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 71537BELLE DELIGHT w 104 10 1 1 1" 1 ,1T PratherA C N Finch 480-100 80145 DRASTIC LASS will 4 4 2l 22 22 23 JoncsL J Kern 760-100 MOSQUERO w 109 7 10 8i 5" 6 31 LakeL Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 710-100 80034MAD FLIGHT wb 104 3 3 43 43 41 4" CalvertM Rockledge Farm Stable 820-100 79842LADY WESTY w 104 11 7 3" 32 31 51 MolthropR C Holt 200-100 80307DURB w 104 8 2 9J 92 93 6" PerryE J Carr 920-100 80307 PURZANA wb 111 6 6 5 6i 8" 7 NealD H Sneed 1920-100 762503SWOOPING w 104 5 9 111 7" 51 80k HendrksL P L Fuller 3140-100 72543OLD PRIDE w 109 1 8 7" 103 7k 93 JulianG C Howell 72682BELLO SONO w 104 912 10" 115 10" 10" BrennanT M J Barrons 640-100 CLOIBETH w 104 12 11 12 8" 11s ll3 McCuneD R Barnctt 2610-100 75561FORT SILL w 109 2 5 6 12 12 12 TcrryM C B Dunphy fField. Ttme, :23, :48, 1:11. Track fast. DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS N BELLE DELIGHT 1.60 $ 5.20 $ 4.20 480100 160100 110100 DRASTIC LASS Field 7.00 4.20 250100 110100 MOSQUERO 4.C0 140100 Winner B. f, by Noah Griselda. by Wrack trained by L. G. Wilson; bred by Mr. H. M. Woolf. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:53f. AT POST 5J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BELLE DELIGHT outbroke the ethers and, drawing away into a long lead, won handily. DRASTIC LASS was closest to the winner all the way. MOSQUERO, away slowly, gained gradually on the outside. MAD FLIGHT raced well. LADY WESTY tired. ... Overweight Drastic Lass, 2 pounds. Corrected weight Drastic Lass, 109. Q1Qf THIRD RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OAtfbO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming May-31-33-R.P prjce 0Q. . . Index Horses EVjt A WtPPSt li Str Fin Joekeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78800 ST. MICA wb 4 106 2 2 1" l2 l3 l6 HerndezJ S and J Molay 430-100 78361COUNTRY TOM w 4 109 4 3 21 24 23 23 NealD P. L Fuller 1320-100 81497 MUELLER wb 4 111 10 6 51 33 33 3" BrackenH W A Jones 560-100 71963 LAMISTAR wb 5 108 6 7 3" 4" 41 41 Madduxll H A Lloyd 3410-100 81799BRIG O PEACE wb 4 106 1 1 4" 62 6s 5" PerryE J Carr 300-100 79911 JUDGE DIXON wb 6 109 7 11 92 51 5s 6" GarnerW Blue Star Stable 250-100 80258 SUNNY WORLD w 4 108 9 8 6h 7 72 74 WallisV H Herdcl 1120-100 77582 MINT TODDY w 9 108 11 12 12 ll1 9" 8" ScurlockH Mrs C Fisher 3810-100 80229 PIUTE w 8 108 5 5 7l 92 8 9" DyerJ F Schultz 760723PANGOLIN wb 5 103 8 9 8 81 10 101 BrennanT McClain and Bush 1340-100 EDNAS PRIDE w 5 107 12 10 101 10 ll2 ll2 RecvesL J F Henderson 8640-100 78698 STORM MAIDEN w 8 106 3 4 ll4 12 12 12 JulianG C W Larkin Field. Time, :23, :48, 1:10. Track fast. . DONATIONS PAID , r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS x ST MICA .0.60 .20 $ 3.40 430100 160100 70100 COUNTRY TOM ; 11-20 7.00 460100 250100 MUELLER 4.20 110-100 Winner B. f, by St. James Mica, by Fair Play trained by V. Gallo; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:24$. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good for all but Mint Toddy out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. ST. MICA took the early lead and won handily. COUNTRY TOM showed good speed all the way and held on well. MUELLER raced well. LAMISTAR tired near the end. JUDGE DIXON started slowly. Overweight Country Tom, 1 pound; Lamistar, 2; Judge Dixon, 1; Ednas Pride, 3. Ql Qf FOURTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OltTtO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming May,31-33-R.P price, 03. Index Horses FJqtA WtPPSt li Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 81798 THELMA L. w 6 109 4 2 l2 121 121 l2 LasswcllW Mrs E D Slavin 500-100 80308:CASSADA w 4 109 2 6 6" 41! 3b 21 HartC Mrs J L Oglcsby 480-100 76520 NORTHERN SPY w 6 111 1 8 8 82 5" 3" RobinsonN J W Robinson 3010 100 78486 ESCOBA LAND wb 4 109 7 3 4h 31 2h 4 GarnerW C Stocwcll 80450 JUDGE URBAN wb 3 101 6 10 104 9" 64 53 FowlerG Mrs J C Gillem 400-100 725413WESTYS LADY w 4 106 5 5 2" 21 41 61 DverJ D Sodders 4140-100 817973SUE TERRY w 3 105 10 9 92 101 72 73 AllenR R L Stivers 170-100 64772TRANSMISSION wb 4 108 8 7 71 71 82 82 CoxD C Burke 940-100 76193 PURPLE LIGHT wb 8 108 3 4 51 6""1 91 S2 TildonR Mrs G Osborne 1420-100 81799 PETER RUFF w 7 108 11 1 . 32 5" 10s 10 MooreV A J Williams 3820-100 81848 LITTLE DOC w 5 108 9 11 11 11 11 11 BornardJ E E Porterfield Jr 3110100 Field. Time, :234, :49, 1:10. Track fast. , ?2 DONATIONS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS THELMA L. 2.00 S 5.20 $ 3.60 500100 160100 80100 CASSADA 5.20 4.20 160100 110100 NORTHERN SPY Field 6.40 220100 Winner Ch. m, by High Noon-heapside, by The Finn trained by E. D. Slavin; bred by Mr. S. B. Mason. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:51 AT POST 4 minutes. Start poor out of machine. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. THELMA L. drew into the early lead and held the others safe. CASSADA, in close quarters early, finished gamelv. NORTHERN SPY, slow to start, closed fast. ESCOBA LAND and WESTYS LADY tired. JUDGE URBAN and LITTLE DOC besan slowly. - Scratched 818492Silver Cloud, 108. Ovei weight Escoba Land, 3 pounds; Judge Urban, 1; Sue Terry, 4. Corrected weight Sue Terry, 101. O-g CkAJ7 FIFTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds fp and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming May-31-33-R.P pr;ce 00. Index Horses Btjt A WtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 80020 GOOD SCOUT wb 3 105 9 3 21 24 l3 l4 LakcL Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 170100 81405WINDY ROSS w 6 111 7 5 5" 32 21 23 BrackcnH F F Burrell 260 100 77686KING HALMA w 8 112 8 8 71 51 43 33 DellowW Old Gold Stable 1240-100 80309 TECOLOTE wb 6 108 210 12 12 8" 42 DyerJ G Tiller 1320-100 81799MARCELINE B. wb 3 96 1 4 l3 1A 31 51 SpringcrF Miss A Pendcrgast 1410-100 81501 GALLOPETTE wb 5 110 6 7 6l 6" 61 6l MorganH L Margraves 1810-100 818522STRATHCONA w 4 103 11 6 82 82 5" 72 TcrryM C B Dunphy 740-100 79188 JIM B. w 5 111 3 9 ll3 111 101 8" NealD W H Askev 81359 BINDING TIME wb 3 101 10 2 3l 4 71 91 FowlerG Mrs G E Lewis 1620-100 76255GOLDIE BELLE w 5 101 5 12 10 91 91 10: JulianG L Cox 69271 TRAVELAIR w 5 108 4 11 9 101 ll1 ll4 BroadfootG J E Miller 2410-100 73329 BLACK MAN wb 8 111 12 1 4" 73 12 12 HartC Mrs J A Presbury 2410-100 Field. Time, :24, :48, :W5. Track fast. , DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GOOD SCOUT $ 5.40 $ 3.20 $ 3.00 170100 60100 50100 WINDY ROSS 3.60 2.80 E0 100 40100 KING HALMA 6.00 200100 Winner Br. f, by Phalaros Girl Scout, by Hand Grenade trained by J. Hayes; bred by Three Ds Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:20. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. GOOD SCOUT raced lARCELINE B. into defeat entering the stretch and drew away to win easily. WINDY ROSS, on the outside early, finished gamely, but was not good enough. KING HALMA gained steadily on the outside. MARCELINE B. showed early speed. TECOLOTE came from far back in the last quarter. Overweight Good Scout, 4 pounds; King Halma, 1; Gallopette, 1; Binding Time, 3. SIXTH RACE RIVERSIDE PARK 3-4 Mile Number Win Place Show Winner 1 .0H SBH-HH SBEI BQ Second ....... 2 HEIMD HSMil Third 3 03 Final Time: IMSS-El Off Time: Q:3D The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered to the race indicate the order in which they finished. EI Chipola El Abe Furst EI Probationer EI Princess A. A. H The Break El The Choctaw EiPorternesia SEVENTH RACE RIVERSIDE PARK 1 Mile Number Win Place Show Winner 1 SHO-EH EIQ HE Second 2 03 EEI DLO Third 3 Final Time: I BS Off Time: EMIED1- The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. I Zone IS Lew Black gl Dixie Dan E Marble Illusion El Chatwink El Hal Dwyer B Caravan Bel Dusky Boy EIGHTH RACE RIVERSIDE PARK 1 Mile Win Place Show Winner 1 SEIEH 00 Second ....... 2 HOMil BBBa Third 3 Final Time: ll:BD.E!3 Off Time: The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. El Oblige El Kenton Boy El Desert Girl EI Athens EI Major W. El The Miss EJSanterno EIDomina fl Jane Packard

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933060101/drf1933060101_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1933060101_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800