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I TH0RWCLIFFE TURF NOTES ; Zekiel, member of the P. Seremba Stable which has been ailing since arriving at Thorncliffe has been turned out on the H. Stuart farm at Agincourt, Ontario. Jack Yerian, starter at Mount Royal was a visitor at Thorncliffe on Wednesday. Leo Eckles has arrived from Baltimore to join the auditing staff in the mutuel department at Thorncliffe Park. Big Blow has been taken down with the coughing epidemic. P. Seremba shipped his extensive string to Blue Bonnets Wednesday morning. Your Flag has been added to the H. Neville shipment for Blue Bonnets. Howard Deimler is sending Hayloft, Little Scout, Spot Crest and Valiance to Blue Bonnets. It is expected that the Deimler string will remain on the Quebec circuit until the close of the Canadian racing season. Fred Schelke received a juvenile addition to his string which was sent here from Kentucky. Willie Russel acquired Pepper Prince from R. S. McLaughlin for the account of the Four Ls Stable. Apprentice J. Cassard and jockey F. Sargent made their first appearance of the Canadian season in the saddle astride Free and Lampoon, respectively. W. C. Weant is shipping from Baltimore for the meeting at Long Branch. B. Stuart claimed Miss Monoa, winner of the third race Wednesday, from the Tran- , quility Farm for ,200.