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WORKOUTSl aMNfofr -andt4andft Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type U WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Chf Bunting :38. b 5-29 Monks Star. :35h 5-21 Cuirassier . . :35h 5-27 Masked Pce :37 b 5-29 Donna Beta :35d 5-29 Mr. Sponge.. :40b 5-29 Essie Wessie :37 h 5-27 Mucia :36 h 5-29Elcidio :37 h 5-27 Madwind ... :37h 5-28 Full Tilt :36 h 5-29 Merovech . . :35 d 519 Farmer Bob. :37h 5-26 Our Admiral :35h Far Star :36h 5-28 Our Sailor.. :36 h 54 Full Fling. . . :37 h 5-29 Pretty Monk :35h 5-23Glvnson .... :37b 5-1 Rung Water :36 h 5-28 Gge Maypole :35d 5-29 Social Serce :36 h 5-16Honorine ... :37 h Sassaby :36h 5-27Hvdsar ..... :37 b 5-28 Singg River :38b 5-29 Joe Gary :37 h 5-25 Sandwrack . :39b 5-1 Lilln Tobin :36h 5-17 Spartan Lad. :35h 5-9 Leadg Artle :35h 5-29 Unkie Tom. . :35h 5-23Lvdia Ann.. :39b 3-28 Volo :35h 5-8 Lofty Heights :39 b One-Half Mile. 5-15Beoff :51b 5-28 Mata Hari.. :48y5b 5 26 Br way Belle :53 b 5-26 Old Judge. .. :52 b Dark Devil. . :49 h 5-29 Olamay .... :49 5-29 Fairystone .. :51b 5-29 Pot au Bms :47 d 5-29 righting Bob :51b 5-29 Ridge Lady. :49h 5-27 Indian Red. . :49h 5-28 Watch Tower :50h 5-6 Jens Son.... :50h 5-28 Whiskora ... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Algeria 1:07 b 5-19 Home Rule. .l:05b 5-28 Broad Step. . l:04b 5-19 Impel l:00d 5-25 Byphar . . . .l:02h 5-28 Ladykin . . . .1:03 h 5-21 Boy Crazy. .l:05b 5-28 Mry Chatterl:03h 5-29 Briar Sixty. .1:07 b 5-25 Rego l:00d 5-28 Borr Patrol.l:05b 5-25 Signal Light. l:05b 5-28Constt Wifel:04b 5-30 Volta Maid. .1:03 h 5-28 Colonel Sam.l:07 h 5-27 Wind Song. .l:03h 5-29 Flaghorn . . .l:03b 5-28 Weaver Bird.l:05b 5-29 Gold Pot. . . .l:04b 5-28 Warren Jr. .l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 512 Battling Ktl:15d 5-29 Islam l:18b 5-27 Broad Bill. .l:15h 5-29 Monks Firstl:19b 5-21 Bobbing l:19b 5-30 Mad Caroer.l:19b 5-27 Bd Meadowsl:18b 5-22 Nth Shadowl:144,6d 5-27 Bubbler ....1:15 h 5-26 Plumage ...l:14d 5-27 Blesd Eventl:14b 5-25 Pse and Pyl:15h 5-27 Bddy Apollisl:16h 5-29 Rendrag ...l:16h 5-27 Bolinty . . . .l:15h 5-29 Sidney Grantl:14d 5-23 Centennial .l:16h 5-29 Sky Haven. ,l:15h 5-29 Double Hrt.l:15h 5-29 Try King... 1:16 h 516 Elizabeth Foxl:18b 5-24 Yonkel l:15d 5-29 Hernando ..l:16h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Beaver 1:37 b 5-28 Tar Water. .1:30 h 4- 9 Golden Sprayl:32h One Mile. 5-20 Busted l:46b 5-28 Royal Blunrl:43 h 5-28 Bary Sextonl:49 b 5-26 Sweeprush .l:43h 5-23 Colonist ....1:43 h 5-23 Slash 1:42 h 5-30 Different ...l:42d One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-23 Head Play..l:51h One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-28 Charley O..2:08h Head Play and Charley O. worked impressively for the American Derby. Pot au Brooms was driving. Impel and Rego worked well together. B AINBRID GE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-29Dtor Happy. :40 b 5-29 Old Farmer. :37andb 5-15 Fair Judge.. :37h 5-28 Precocious .. :43 b 5-2 Goldn Storm :37h 5-27 Sweet Sigma. zZSVsh 5-22 Gold Rose... :35d 5-29 Vera C :37b 5-15 Jacyn Coogle :40b Water Rose.. :38h 5-26 Morcsoris .. :38h One-Half Mile. 5-25 Amcn Molly :53 h 5-26 Marie Dee... :55 b Auto Cautery :51h 5-29 Morris R. .. . :52y5b 4- 29 Bob Custer.. :54b 5-6 Old Kickapoo :51 h 5- 24 Chantesuta .. :49 d 5-28 Publication . :49b 5-29 Chalk Eve... :50h 5-26 Patcia Clare :49h 5-28 Delivered . . . :49b 5-15 Ragabald ... :51 h 2-7 Dothy Hicks :48Jd 5-20 Storm Angel. :49h 519 Dont Touch. :50 h 5-27 Vera D :51d 5-1 Hsier Prince :49h 5-29 Whngdoodle. :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 529 Ch. Paschen.l:05d 5-28 Mr. Vestris..l:03d 5-25 Candle Fly... lsh 5-9 Nancy CIoi..l:05d 5-26 El Recreo...l:04d 5-28 Polycron ....H4h 5-29 Fnatc Mann.l:05h 5-29 Score 1:01d Three-Quarters Mile. " 5-24 Backstop ...l:17h 5-30 John Mill. . .l:16h 5-19 Excitation ..l:16h 5-28 Principio ...1:14 d 5-14 Ed Reese. . ..l:18h 5-23 Sweopingly ..l:14d 2-24 Harlem . . . ..1:22 b 5-19 Show Case. ..l:16d One Mile. 5-24Lonell . ....1:40d 5-16 Lio Schusterl:44b Show Case and Excitation worked together. Sweepingly was under a hard drive. Golden Rose and Vera D. worked from 1 the gate. Lonell was under pressure throughout. BELMONT PARK. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-18 Bushkill . . . :38 h 5-30 Gay Monarch :42 b Crazy Jane.. :39 h 5-24 Humorous .. :42 b 5-25 Crt au Pot. :38h 5-1 Ipse Dixit... :38 h 5-27 Equipoise ... :41b 5-25 Roustabout . :41e Fair Sickle.. :38h 5-20 Persickle ... :38h 5-25 Fogbound :43 b 5-23 Pass ....... :38h 5-11 Fast Chance. :40 h One-Half Mile. l-17BIondish ... :55 b 5-27 Sickle Pear. -A9d 5-25 Bans Flying :52h 5-29 Syenite .... :52 h 5-29 Front :52h 5-16 Scotch Gold. :52h 5-5 Gritford .... :50 h 5-22 Snapback ... :51h 5-28 Morfair :56 b 5-25 Tickory Tock :53e 5-25 Neverfade .. :49h 5-22 Wary :50h 5-29 Old Baldy.. :49d 5-27 White Bird.. :52e 5-25Pompeius .. :49d 5-29 Xandra .... :50h Five-Eighth? Mile. 5-29 Appellant ..1:05 h 5-28 Law Suit. . .l:04h 5-26 American Airl:03d 5-22 Mcrrie Mariel:05 h 5-28Ayston .....1:05 h 5-26 Sun Rouge.l:03d Cape Cod ..1:05 h 5-24 Stvle Corncrl:05 h 5-26 Dunbar ....l:03d Three-Quarters Mile. 5-21 Bonnie Cain. 1:21 h 5-29 Irish Wake. .1:22 e 5-29 Bracer ...... l:20h 5-29 Miss Show. .1:20 h 5-29 Canynge 1:22 e 5-28 Md t. Timesl:20h 5-28 Crowg GIoryl:18h 5-29 Oh Baby... 1:20 h 5-28 Dark Hero. .1:23 e 5-27 Royal Ruffinl:18h 1 5-27 Sang Froid.l:21 h 5-27 Sugar Cake.l:18h 5-29 Stepfetchit l:23b 5-28 St. Stephen. l:18h 5-28 St. Hubert. .l:20h 5-28 Wishing Starl:18h : One Mile. Bkgammon l:48h 5-25 Pompolcon .l:48h 5-27 Blenheim ..1:46 b 5-26 Sun Apollo.. 1:44 h 5-27 Bantu 1:54 b 5-26 Sun Archer.l:44 h 5-29 Dark Roma.l:45 h 5-28Teralice ....l:48h 5-18 Pomponius .1:39 d 5-29 War l:43d One and Three-Eighths Miles. 5-27 Dynastic ...2:28h 5-27 Welcme Gift2:28h Dynastic and Welcome Gift worked together. Pomponius worked well. Wary worked evenly. War did his work impressively. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Blarney Ctle :36h 5-21 Trua John... :41 k One-Half Mile. 3- 25 Seymour .... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Happy Sue..l:06 b 5-29 Social ......1:06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-23Footsure ...l:17h 5-23 Leroline ....l:17h One Mile. 5-30 As Fair l:57b 5-14 Easy 1:46 h 5-30 Bob F. l:57b 5-29 Scout Master1:44 h 5-29 Barn Dance.l:47 h JAMAICA. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-16 Broad Lights :36b 5-17 Old Honesty :37h 5-25 Eva B :Z5i 5-27 Phan. Legion :38b One-Half Mile. 5-29 Crack Flyer. :55 b 5-27 John Bull... :58 b 5-30 Daily News. :51jb 5-29 Luggage ... :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Macadam ..l:05b 5-30 Sir Thomas. 1:01 d Three-Quarters Mile. 5-24 Houssain ...1:22 b 5-28 Sweet Scent. l:18b 5-29 Jubilation ..1-25 b 5-27 St. Christr.l:27 b 5-29 Moralist ...1:17Jandh 5-28 Tryswoep ..120 h 5 27Peack Allcyl:24b 5-30 The Crane. ,l:24b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Jamison . . .l:334sb One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-29Negopoli ...2K5b Sir Thomas worked handily. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Beckoned ... :36b 5-18 Notify :39 b 5-27 Bay Leaf.... :37 b 5-15 Principality . :38b 5-22 Bond Holder :37 b 5-24 Starference . :38 b 5-6 Cerveza :"38 b 5-24 Sophist :36h 5-24Nahunta ... :36b 5-29 Seths Pride. :38b One-Half Mile. 5-6 Bob Blackbn :52b 5-27 Luvor :53 b 5-27 Bonhonest . :48h 5-28 Morcharm . . :51 b 4- 17 Campillo .... :52b 3-18 Molanchia .. :51 b 5- 14 Chictoney . . :53h 5-29 Nevada Qun :49b 3- 24 Hilo :52 b 3-12 Salinas :52b 5-29 Lady Riaf... :50 h 5-25 Wee Chap... :53andb Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 13 Betfandot ..l:05b 5-27 Libbie Jcan.l:07 b 5- 26 Cold Wave.. 1:06 b 5-17 Mucker ....l:06b 5-28 Christie Flnl:05 b 5-9 Patricia C...l:03b 5-28 Hazel Hills. .1:05 b 5-25 Volquary ...1:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-30 Animator ...1:21 b 5-29 Shann Rosel:17b 5-28 Dutch Boy..l:18b Sunny Fraccl:19 b 5-25 Golden Statel:17b 5-28 Vowed Vene1:16 b 5-28. Plum Shot..l:18b One Mile. 5-25 Boardwalker 1:40h Mittens 1:46 b THORNCLIFFE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Andiron . . . :39 h 5-18 Indian Dance :38 h Befriend ... :37 h 5-29 London Fog. :39 h 5-24 Celcritas . . . :36d 5-26 Lady McNeill :37 b Cherish .... :37 h 5-18 Money Man. :36d Don Vern... :38?b 5-29 Natanis ... :37 d 5-30 Foresight .. :37 h Roseland ... :38b 5-22 Golden Fate. :38 b 5-29 Santa Crest. :37b 4- 27 Glee Club... :39 h Tliermal ... :37 h One-Half Mile. Almond :50 h Gift Rose... :49 d 5- 29 Dark Colleen :50 h 3-29 Lady Hbger :52 b 2- 22 Feudal Lord. :53 b 5-19 Sun Circle.. :49 d Five-Eighths Mile. 5-14 Gold Dollar.1.07 h Past Shot... 1:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-30Circulet ....l:17h 5-26 Milestone ...l:17h Kalolo l:17h 5-29 Turkey Trotl:18 d One Mile. 5-29 Darkling ..l:48b 5-19 Khaki John.l:44d 5-30Euryalus ...1:42d 5-25 Shady Well. 1:44 h 5-26 King 0Conrl:44 h - LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast Tnree-Eighths Mile. 5-28Arcturus ... :35 d 5-8 Our Hobby.. :38b 5-29 Aeton :36h 5-6 Play Hooky. :37b 4- 29 Bob Weidcl. :38 b 5-29 Pancho Lcz. :36h 5- 6 Cold Steel.. :38 b 4-30 Petite Julie. :38b 4- 30 Creole Bird. :36h 5-6 Prince Chlo :37sb 5- 30 Decibel .... :39 b 5-28 Playtime ... :39 b Elation .... :37h 5-28 Spoiled Boy. :35d 3- 4 Fair Image.. :36h 5-12 Sweet Peach. :38 b 5-23 Gay Joe.... :36h 5-29 Supe Sweet. :36h 5-5 Hidden Lore :41 b 5-6 Takeadip ... :38 b 5-28 King Today. :35d 5-28 Urchin :37 h Lady Htage :37h 5-28 Vinoir :35d 5-28 My Hobby.. :39h 5-28 Wild Kitty.. :37h 4- 30Morsun .... :36h One-Half Mile. 5- 28 Lamp Port.. :47d 5-17 Pce Dunyal :55b 5-28 Mobile :50h 5-23 Reconnoiter. :47d 5-28 Money Gter :47d 5-15 Red Fellow. . :48 d 5-28 Open Range :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Bridgeport .l.-06b Plucky PIaylK5 b 5-29 Commuter .l:02h Royal Lassiel:02 h 4- 1 Gallant Sir.. l:01h 5-23 Searington .1:08 b 5- 29 Good a. HotlK6b 5-30 Sand Boot..l:02d 5-30Ltle Patriotl:02 d 4-28 Sister Mary.l:04 h 5-28 Morning CrylK2 h 5-29 Tony Joe... 1:10 b 5-15 Monks Bela.1:01 d 5-30 Whizz Jamesl:02d 5-30 Northgalis .l:03h 5-25 War Plane. .l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-29 Blameless ..l:16h 5-27 Skirl l:15h 5-28 Cney Sweepl:15h 5-28 Simon l:15h 5-28 Hillsborough 1:19 k 5-24 Vox Pop...,.123M : One Mile. 4- 7 Jeff ONoil.. 1:50 b Gumtree ...1:46h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5- 30 The Spaniad2:00 h Hillsborough sulked in his trial. Gallant Sir and Whizz James were in company. BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Bar Queen.. :42h 5-28 Mn Ormont :41 h Dusky :43h 5-23 Mad Mullah. :39 h 3-24 Everthere . . :43 h Louise Adair :41 h 5-16 Flying Thor. :41h 5-19 Noel Boy... :41h 5-15 Hey There.. :39 h Pottery .... :40 h 5-22Handley .v.. :43 h Rideau ..... :43 h Land Girl.. :41 h 5-23 Step Off...1. :41b 5-6 Luck In..... :38b 5-26 Tetradite . . . :43 h One-Half Mile. 5-8 Boston Wrs :52 h 5-29 Blk Prinss :57 b Chaste Morn :55 h Kitling :52h 516 Dr. Potter.. :54 h 5-23"Pcock Girl. :54 h 5-24 Dny Jny.. :52h 5-26Wrackell ... 2 h 5-16 Deserve . . . . :55 h Five-Eighths Mile. Irish" Pearl. 1:07 h 5-28 Star Diademl:07 , h 5-23 Joe Teddy. .1:09 h 5-28 Shady Girl.. 1:10 h 5-19 Mint Drift.. 1:07 h Visa 1:06 h 5-19Roselys ....1:10 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-15Brilnt Bud. 1:24 h 5-28 Jgle Queen.l:19h 5-15 Chief Almn.l:23 h 5-30 Nonvalk ...1:23 h Cmn Right. 1:24 h S. a. D. Mnl:25 h Count Brunol:19h 5-28 Shady Rest.l:25 h 5-28 Doer ......1:28 h 5-24 Visionary ..l:28h 5-12 Gold Ridge.. 1:25 h 5-20 Wrack Royall:25 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Irish Mden.l:35h One Mile. 5-29Kaffa 1:57 h