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TURF LIGHT ALL STANDS 15 CENTS ALL CITIES Next issue contains many live ones we have been waiting for. They will be juicy prices. Use the issue of June 3rd to decipher the code below: TODAYS CODE: BELMONT PARK: Content-Arab-Antique-Aspire-Alter. CARDS OUT TODAY 12 HORSES ONLY TURF LIGHT 140 West 42nd Street New York City, N. Y. RAY PAXON AMERICAS LEADING HANDICAPPER AND TURF INFORMANT TWELVE DAYS WINNING CODE CARD SERVICE FOR Pixoni Daily Code Releases are the last word in turf information and can be obtained for the small sum of 1. Two horses are released daily in code, compiled by track experts who cover every angle before they are released to Paxons many clients. During a long period of time these releases have shown a large percentage of winners. Paxons Code Cards are mailed everywhere. With the help of this Code Card, a nominal profit can be made off the races. Send in your subscription today and receive Two Code Cards by return mail. Two-Horse Special Saturday, June 3rd HERES YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A SMART PLAY Never in Paxons long connection with the turf has he had two horses that look to be as good as Saturdays Specials. They have been prepared for their particular races and the conditions of the races show them to- have excellent chances. See that your subscription reaches this office BEFORE SATURDAY the day of the release. Mail or wire and you will receive the names of the horses by fast collect telegram. PAXON NEVER GUESSES HE KNOWS When Paxon announces a special to be released he never guesses he knows. This is your BIG CHANCE. Get Saturdays Special and be another of the many winning Paxon clients. THURSDAYS TWO CODES: WASHINGTON PARK Shoe-24-18-19-22. WASHINGTON PA R K Bear-1 0-6-21 -7. Mail or wire your subscription to RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI. 0. CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY 35c SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON Lima-54-44. TODAYS PARLAY: THORN. Brown-19-9. WASH. Green-2-16. For Limit Parlays, see page 4, Carl Brady. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: LADY MENIFEE, .12, WON TUESDAYS FREE CODE: ONDOTT, .16, WON MONDAYS BOOK COMMISSION HORSE: BEA M., 7.42, WON j Saturdays Free Code: UNCLE DONALD, .80, WON MASTER CLOCKER OCCASIONAL CODE: WASHINGTON PARK: Tea-Fro-Fee-New-Fee. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. For Sale on All Stands 35 Cents Per Copy Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON Brown-1 1-10. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: WASHINGTON Belt-4-6. THORNCLIFFE Whip-7-13. SUPREME FLASH TURB WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES: WASHINGTON PARK Aug.-18-25-9-8. THORNCLIFFE J an .-19-7-3-8. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: WAS H I N GTO N Win n in g -77-33-26-88. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS THIS IS CALLING THE TURN ON THE BIG SHOTS BABEE, Regrens Best Bet, Paid 3.00 SW REGREN PREPARED HIS FOLLOWERS for a good return on his Best Bet Tuesday. In his forecast in the "Pink Sheet" he said: "My Best Bet goes in the third. Its BABEE and THIS BABY MAY PAY A RIGHT NICE PRICE. I know shes fit and, believe me, she can beat Billies Orphan, Voltina and Black Nose." Some Other Profit Picks in Tuesdays Telegraph Were: NEW DEAL, Regren Washington Park Tip, 3.18, WON TUFFY G., McCarty Bowie Tip, 13.80, WON PAT C, Bassett Bainbridge Tip, 12.00, WON BETTINA H., McCarty Riverside Tip, 8.40, WON LOUIS DOR, McCarty Belmont Park Tip, 4y2 to 1, WON . AND MANY OTHERS AT SMALLER ODDS THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: WASHINGTON PARK Rich-39-24-24. WASHINGTON PARK Lake-39-34-32. " TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail COMPASS f y THAT WONDERFUL TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS TUESDAYS WASHINGTON PARK WINNER: ESSENTIAL, 4.64, WON TUESDAYS EDITOR HORSE: UNENCUMBERED, 8.80, WON MONDAYS LATE FLASH: SIR BYRON, 0.30, WON OTHER LONG SHOT WINNERS: FAIR BILL, 9.40, WON FAIR ROCHESTER, 1.00, WON AMONG A LOT OF OTHERS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: HACKY H., $ 6.00, WON COMPASS PUBLISHING CO. 1G4 WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY Todays Free Code: BLUE Harry-22-16-18-16. TODAYS CODE PARLAY-WAS H.Oct.-44-82-60-36. TH 0 R N. Oct.-42-82-48-G0. TODAYS CLOCKERS CODE: WASHINGTON Cadill ac-47-31 -29-5 5. IIJ jY"7 v IV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR THURSDAY: WASHINGTON U-6-3-15-17. BAINBRIDGE S-18-3-15-13. Wednesdays Kelly Last-Minute Release: LADY MENIFEE, .12, WON Tuesdays Kelly Code Release at Washington Park: GAY BIRD, .48, WON PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BULLETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price. 85c On 8ap Everywhere Price S6o TODAYS THURSDAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON: May-Albany-Cleveland-Joliet. MANSWAR 25 TURF WEEKLY . 25 For Sale at All Newsstands NEW ISSUE OUT ADVISED MEANY, 0.50, ttON EBONY LADY, 7.34, WON LAST WEEKS LONG SHOT: SIR BYRON, 0.30, WON. And Many Others at Prices MAN O WAR PUB. CO. 152 WEST 42ND ST. NEW YORK CITY Todays Free Code: WASHGTON Jockey-28-17-37-23. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: WASH. Dick-37-61-63-51. THORN. Harry-49-35-39-57. " TODAYS JOCKEY CODE: HORSE Fator-40-30-23-29. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GOTDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio . Main 4200 New Orleans, La Main 3678 New York, N. Y Bogardus 5900 San Francisco, Calif .Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are tin. daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: WASHINGTON PARK Wood-38-4. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: WASHINGTON Now-34-40. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 27 WEDNESDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: BEDIGHT, .44, WON THURSDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL: ASIA Hare-51-7. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, III- f SYSTOLOGYl J j PICKED J I1 WHIRLING, 8.74, WON I S IMPEACH, 26.00, WON 3 BLUE DAMSEL, 11.15, WON :f I BABEE, 13.00, WON I L MAST LADY, 61.60, WON i T GAY BIRD, 45.70, WON S I MONEL, 15.20, WON I i GLEN BURNIE, 11.40, WON jl P AND A LIST TOO LONG TO MENTION I All at Prices Similar to the Ahove. You Can Have Winners Like the Above, I I Too, li You Use Systology in Your Play I Y A Book of Eight Tested Systems Progression Tables Book- 5 1 making Table Percentage of Favorite Winners I y In Fact, Everything You Need to Play the Races the Bight Way 1 Y SEND IN YOUR ORDER TODAY THE PRICE IS ONLY 0 FOR THIS I VALUABLE BOOK I It Is Easy to Understand If You Can Read English You Can Use Systology I I I PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., I i 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: I Enclosed is ? , Please send me .copyies of Systology. J NAME ADDRESS....; ; I Y CITY STATE.... 5 J3Wlr wU" waUt wU1 mV1 mflr nt" iifrB