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1 BAINBRIDGE TURF NOTES 1 H. L. Fischer was the recipient of a crank letter, threatening him with bodily harm unless he rode a winner Decoration Day. A police guard was furnished him when he failed. Frank Grand, who recently left for his home in New Orleans, is expected back soon with his family. Grand is the owner of Grand Flight, Charlie Bills, More Power and half a dozen more thoroughbreds on the Bainbridge grounds. J. J. Kelly arrived with Zombro and White Bud. He expects to add to his stable while at Bainbridge. I. S. Shafer is dickering for several horses to add to his stable. He recently sold several of his older platers and plans to inject new blood into the stable. Mrs. Max Viseur arrived from New Orleans, where she spent the winter. Her husband, Max Visneur, is the owner of Tom Ward. H. Campbell claimed Monkey Shine for 00 at Bainbridge Wednesday. For rough riding in the second race Tuesday jockey R. demons was set down for five days. Word was received here today of the death of William Shepard, track superintendent of Beulah Park, at Columbus, Ohio, and brother of general manager Harry D. Shepard.